No need to lie about Obama's record

Unless you are all in and want the influence of Russia, China or Iran spread amongst smaller less powerful countries, and their form of government spread, then we must be the influence to the world.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
You're a fucking idiot. What you spend the money on doesn't seem to matter to you. Just how much.
Throwing money at the military doesn't improve readiness.
Obama gutted the military in more ways than one. He removed their best leaders, he shoved much of the experience out the door.
He didn't replace old equipment with better equipment.

He did give each soldier their own Air-conditioned apartment, but because of that he removed the chain of command from the inspection process.
Obama shoved new regulations down their throats to make them more diverse but not better and much more expensive.

Problem is, gipper, is how much control he had over how they spent it.

An example-


The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources.” To help prepare for the growing threat of climate change, the DOD adopted a “climate change adaptation and resilience” directive earlier this year...

...In addition to climate planning, the DOD has been leading clean energy research and deployment, in order to reduce the need to go to war for fossil fuels, to save lives lost while transporting fuel for battlefield operations, and to help prevent climate chaos.

Take Action -- Save the Military's Climate Change and Clean Energy Programs!

This is a problem, in my opinion.

And then their horrific mistakes in acquisition, paying for mistakes made by contractors (I still am trying to figure out who profited off the littoral class junk ships we acquired)

And then you have this-

Other expenses slammed by the report include $12.3 million for defective spare aviation parts, $150 million for shipbuilders to fix defects that were their own mistakes, $352 million on graduate degrees for people with no further obligation to the Pentagon and $48 million on satellite communications that the report says could be purchased for cheaper if the Pentagon planned better.

Finally, the report slams the Pentagon for spending $1.3 million to study the mating habits of African giant pouched rats, which some research has indicated may be good at detecting mines.
McCain slams $13B in Pentagon spending in latest waste report

There needs to be oversight as to how money is actually spent. But not by anyone with an agenda.

No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
damn you cant even admit to reality, about being lied to for years about obama "gutting the military" without 3 paragraphs of insane babbling nonsense conspiracy theories attached too it

Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
Unless you are all in and want the influence of Russia, China or Iran spread amongst smaller less powerful countries, and their form of government spread, then we must be the influence to the world.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
You're a fucking idiot. What you spend the money on doesn't seem to matter to you. Just how much.
Throwing money at the military doesn't improve readiness.
Obama gutted the military in more ways than one. He removed their best leaders, he shoved much of the experience out the door.
He didn't replace old equipment with better equipment.

He did give each soldier their own Air-conditioned apartment, but because of that he removed the chain of command from the inspection process.
Obama shoved new regulations down their throats to make them more diverse but not better and much more expensive.

Problem is, gipper, is how much control he had over how they spent it.

An example-


The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources.” To help prepare for the growing threat of climate change, the DOD adopted a “climate change adaptation and resilience” directive earlier this year...

...In addition to climate planning, the DOD has been leading clean energy research and deployment, in order to reduce the need to go to war for fossil fuels, to save lives lost while transporting fuel for battlefield operations, and to help prevent climate chaos.

Take Action -- Save the Military's Climate Change and Clean Energy Programs!

This is a problem, in my opinion.

And then their horrific mistakes in acquisition, paying for mistakes made by contractors (I still am trying to figure out who profited off the littoral class junk ships we acquired)

And then you have this-

Other expenses slammed by the report include $12.3 million for defective spare aviation parts, $150 million for shipbuilders to fix defects that were their own mistakes, $352 million on graduate degrees for people with no further obligation to the Pentagon and $48 million on satellite communications that the report says could be purchased for cheaper if the Pentagon planned better.

Finally, the report slams the Pentagon for spending $1.3 million to study the mating habits of African giant pouched rats, which some research has indicated may be good at detecting mines.
McCain slams $13B in Pentagon spending in latest waste report

There needs to be oversight as to how money is actually spent. But not by anyone with an agenda.

No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
damn you cant even admit to reality, about being lied to for years about obama "gutting the military" without 3 paragraphs of insane babbling nonsense conspiracy theories attached too it

Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
So it is either non-stop war or some other nation will control the world.

I think not.
War is a part of life upon this world we live in. Always has been, always will be. There is always a fight amongst those wishing to influence others to their way of life. We can't stop that, other than to let others know we won't let them encroach upon ours and others more weak, thus weakening our own ideals. Because their aim and goal is to spread whatever their beliefs are as far and wide as they can get away with. It's a sickening reality, but a reality non the less. Power corrupts, but corrupts less within the right hands.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
You're a fucking idiot. What you spend the money on doesn't seem to matter to you. Just how much.
Throwing money at the military doesn't improve readiness.
Obama gutted the military in more ways than one. He removed their best leaders, he shoved much of the experience out the door.
He didn't replace old equipment with better equipment.

He did give each soldier their own Air-conditioned apartment, but because of that he removed the chain of command from the inspection process.
Obama shoved new regulations down their throats to make them more diverse but not better and much more expensive.

Problem is, gipper, is how much control he had over how they spent it.

An example-


The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources.” To help prepare for the growing threat of climate change, the DOD adopted a “climate change adaptation and resilience” directive earlier this year...

...In addition to climate planning, the DOD has been leading clean energy research and deployment, in order to reduce the need to go to war for fossil fuels, to save lives lost while transporting fuel for battlefield operations, and to help prevent climate chaos.

Take Action -- Save the Military's Climate Change and Clean Energy Programs!

This is a problem, in my opinion.

And then their horrific mistakes in acquisition, paying for mistakes made by contractors (I still am trying to figure out who profited off the littoral class junk ships we acquired)

And then you have this-

Other expenses slammed by the report include $12.3 million for defective spare aviation parts, $150 million for shipbuilders to fix defects that were their own mistakes, $352 million on graduate degrees for people with no further obligation to the Pentagon and $48 million on satellite communications that the report says could be purchased for cheaper if the Pentagon planned better.

Finally, the report slams the Pentagon for spending $1.3 million to study the mating habits of African giant pouched rats, which some research has indicated may be good at detecting mines.
McCain slams $13B in Pentagon spending in latest waste report

There needs to be oversight as to how money is actually spent. But not by anyone with an agenda.

No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
damn you cant even admit to reality, about being lied to for years about obama "gutting the military" without 3 paragraphs of insane babbling nonsense conspiracy theories attached too it

Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
You're a fucking idiot. What you spend the money on doesn't seem to matter to you. Just how much.
Throwing money at the military doesn't improve readiness.
Obama gutted the military in more ways than one. He removed their best leaders, he shoved much of the experience out the door.
He didn't replace old equipment with better equipment.

He did give each soldier their own Air-conditioned apartment, but because of that he removed the chain of command from the inspection process.
Obama shoved new regulations down their throats to make them more diverse but not better and much more expensive.

Problem is, gipper, is how much control he had over how they spent it.

An example-


The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources.” To help prepare for the growing threat of climate change, the DOD adopted a “climate change adaptation and resilience” directive earlier this year...

...In addition to climate planning, the DOD has been leading clean energy research and deployment, in order to reduce the need to go to war for fossil fuels, to save lives lost while transporting fuel for battlefield operations, and to help prevent climate chaos.

Take Action -- Save the Military's Climate Change and Clean Energy Programs!

This is a problem, in my opinion.

And then their horrific mistakes in acquisition, paying for mistakes made by contractors (I still am trying to figure out who profited off the littoral class junk ships we acquired)

And then you have this-

Other expenses slammed by the report include $12.3 million for defective spare aviation parts, $150 million for shipbuilders to fix defects that were their own mistakes, $352 million on graduate degrees for people with no further obligation to the Pentagon and $48 million on satellite communications that the report says could be purchased for cheaper if the Pentagon planned better.

Finally, the report slams the Pentagon for spending $1.3 million to study the mating habits of African giant pouched rats, which some research has indicated may be good at detecting mines.
McCain slams $13B in Pentagon spending in latest waste report

There needs to be oversight as to how money is actually spent. But not by anyone with an agenda.

No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
damn you cant even admit to reality, about being lied to for years about obama "gutting the military" without 3 paragraphs of insane babbling nonsense conspiracy theories attached too it

Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
So you must support Trump, because he's against war. Bush, Obama, and Hillary are into starting wars.
HILLARY’S WARS (Pt. 2): Wikileaks Proves Syria about Iran & Israel | Zero Hedge
I once was an idealist, such as you, but then suddenly reality set in. History is there to help us learn, and learn we must. Can we, hopefully help to quiet the wars of the world? Yes, if the others know there is a stick waiting to wack them when they push the boundaries. That has been the goal and role of the US since its founding, in my opinion. And needs to continue to be, if any stability is to be found. Is it tiresome? Yes, but just as a parent they cannot tire of their duty.
Unless you are all in and want the influence of Russia, China or Iran spread amongst smaller less powerful countries, and their form of government spread, then we must be the influence to the world.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
You're a fucking idiot. What you spend the money on doesn't seem to matter to you. Just how much.
Throwing money at the military doesn't improve readiness.
Obama gutted the military in more ways than one. He removed their best leaders, he shoved much of the experience out the door.
He didn't replace old equipment with better equipment.

He did give each soldier their own Air-conditioned apartment, but because of that he removed the chain of command from the inspection process.
Obama shoved new regulations down their throats to make them more diverse but not better and much more expensive.

Problem is, gipper, is how much control he had over how they spent it.

An example-


The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources.” To help prepare for the growing threat of climate change, the DOD adopted a “climate change adaptation and resilience” directive earlier this year...

...In addition to climate planning, the DOD has been leading clean energy research and deployment, in order to reduce the need to go to war for fossil fuels, to save lives lost while transporting fuel for battlefield operations, and to help prevent climate chaos.

Take Action -- Save the Military's Climate Change and Clean Energy Programs!

This is a problem, in my opinion.

And then their horrific mistakes in acquisition, paying for mistakes made by contractors (I still am trying to figure out who profited off the littoral class junk ships we acquired)

And then you have this-

Other expenses slammed by the report include $12.3 million for defective spare aviation parts, $150 million for shipbuilders to fix defects that were their own mistakes, $352 million on graduate degrees for people with no further obligation to the Pentagon and $48 million on satellite communications that the report says could be purchased for cheaper if the Pentagon planned better.

Finally, the report slams the Pentagon for spending $1.3 million to study the mating habits of African giant pouched rats, which some research has indicated may be good at detecting mines.
McCain slams $13B in Pentagon spending in latest waste report

There needs to be oversight as to how money is actually spent. But not by anyone with an agenda.

damn you cant even admit to reality, about being lied to for years about obama "gutting the military" without 3 paragraphs of insane babbling nonsense conspiracy theories attached too it

Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
So it is either non-stop war or some other nation will control the world.

I think not.
Bush knew stability within the Middle East was a must. We're mistakes made? Yes, but those were furthered by Obama turning his head. Everyone knew, whether they will ever admit it today, that Iraq was a threat to the western world. Believing otherwise is just foolish fodder, turning of ones heads to the stark realities they wish not to face. Well, as we can see, not facing them under Obama, has created a monster spreading its influence throughout the world. His goal and his administrations seemed to be the belief that removing those in power the US helped to install, and suddenly they would all be thrilled, they had total control over their own destinies. Well, you can see where that got the Middle East. The spreading and influence of the most corrupt amongst them, wishing to instill their version of governance- much worse than that of their former, which they felt would not have been possible. Well, reality shows it to be much worse.
Obama's administration was full of ideologues, just convinced the rest of the world wanted peace as much as us, if we only gave them a chance, to achieve just that. They don't, they won't ever stop their own idealistic goals of a world of their own making, whether through Shia, communism, or whatever else it may be. They can just be tampered down with a big stick, such as we have in the past represented, and once again must do.
For any semblance of peace within this world, we must keep it. Because if we don't someone else will do it, without the same belief of freedoms we have and have made others,in the past, yearned for and would do anything to have, known as achieving the American dream.

So many today have no real notion of what actually living within other countries, not just visiting, amongst those people for years have had to experience, their lack of freedoms, lack of educations, etc. It is taken for granted today, as kids here are fed over and over how warped we are, yet history shows compared to others, we have traditionally been much more free than all others. Have we made past mistakes? Yes. Have we attempted to correct those? Yes. Much more than most other countries would ever do.
That's my belief and I'm sticking to it.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
You're a fucking idiot. What you spend the money on doesn't seem to matter to you. Just how much.
Throwing money at the military doesn't improve readiness.
Obama gutted the military in more ways than one. He removed their best leaders, he shoved much of the experience out the door.
He didn't replace old equipment with better equipment.

He did give each soldier their own Air-conditioned apartment, but because of that he removed the chain of command from the inspection process.
Obama shoved new regulations down their throats to make them more diverse but not better and much more expensive.

Problem is, gipper, is how much control he had over how they spent it.

An example-


The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources.” To help prepare for the growing threat of climate change, the DOD adopted a “climate change adaptation and resilience” directive earlier this year...

...In addition to climate planning, the DOD has been leading clean energy research and deployment, in order to reduce the need to go to war for fossil fuels, to save lives lost while transporting fuel for battlefield operations, and to help prevent climate chaos.

Take Action -- Save the Military's Climate Change and Clean Energy Programs!

This is a problem, in my opinion.

And then their horrific mistakes in acquisition, paying for mistakes made by contractors (I still am trying to figure out who profited off the littoral class junk ships we acquired)

And then you have this-

Other expenses slammed by the report include $12.3 million for defective spare aviation parts, $150 million for shipbuilders to fix defects that were their own mistakes, $352 million on graduate degrees for people with no further obligation to the Pentagon and $48 million on satellite communications that the report says could be purchased for cheaper if the Pentagon planned better.

Finally, the report slams the Pentagon for spending $1.3 million to study the mating habits of African giant pouched rats, which some research has indicated may be good at detecting mines.
McCain slams $13B in Pentagon spending in latest waste report

There needs to be oversight as to how money is actually spent. But not by anyone with an agenda.

No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
damn you cant even admit to reality, about being lied to for years about obama "gutting the military" without 3 paragraphs of insane babbling nonsense conspiracy theories attached too it

Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
So you must support Trump, because he's against war. Bush, Obama, and Hillary are into starting wars.
HILLARY’S WARS (Pt. 2): Wikileaks Proves Syria about Iran & Israel | Zero Hedge
War is a part of life upon this world we live in. Always has been, always will be. There is always a fight amongst those wishing to influence others to their way of life. We can't stop that, other than to let others know we won't let them encroach upon ours and others more weak, thus weakening our own ideals. Because their aim and goal is to spread whatever their beliefs are as far and wide as they can get away with. It's a sickening reality, but a reality non the less. Power corrupts, but corrupts less within the right hands.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
You're a fucking idiot. What you spend the money on doesn't seem to matter to you. Just how much.
Throwing money at the military doesn't improve readiness.
Obama gutted the military in more ways than one. He removed their best leaders, he shoved much of the experience out the door.
He didn't replace old equipment with better equipment.

He did give each soldier their own Air-conditioned apartment, but because of that he removed the chain of command from the inspection process.
Obama shoved new regulations down their throats to make them more diverse but not better and much more expensive.

Problem is, gipper, is how much control he had over how they spent it.

An example-


The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources.” To help prepare for the growing threat of climate change, the DOD adopted a “climate change adaptation and resilience” directive earlier this year...

...In addition to climate planning, the DOD has been leading clean energy research and deployment, in order to reduce the need to go to war for fossil fuels, to save lives lost while transporting fuel for battlefield operations, and to help prevent climate chaos.

Take Action -- Save the Military's Climate Change and Clean Energy Programs!

This is a problem, in my opinion.

And then their horrific mistakes in acquisition, paying for mistakes made by contractors (I still am trying to figure out who profited off the littoral class junk ships we acquired)

And then you have this-

Other expenses slammed by the report include $12.3 million for defective spare aviation parts, $150 million for shipbuilders to fix defects that were their own mistakes, $352 million on graduate degrees for people with no further obligation to the Pentagon and $48 million on satellite communications that the report says could be purchased for cheaper if the Pentagon planned better.

Finally, the report slams the Pentagon for spending $1.3 million to study the mating habits of African giant pouched rats, which some research has indicated may be good at detecting mines.
McCain slams $13B in Pentagon spending in latest waste report

There needs to be oversight as to how money is actually spent. But not by anyone with an agenda.

No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
damn you cant even admit to reality, about being lied to for years about obama "gutting the military" without 3 paragraphs of insane babbling nonsense conspiracy theories attached too it

Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
It does not have to be this way. If all people knew that war is what politicians desire to garner power and wealth, things might change.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
You're a fucking idiot. What you spend the money on doesn't seem to matter to you. Just how much.
Throwing money at the military doesn't improve readiness.
Obama gutted the military in more ways than one. He removed their best leaders, he shoved much of the experience out the door.
He didn't replace old equipment with better equipment.

He did give each soldier their own Air-conditioned apartment, but because of that he removed the chain of command from the inspection process.
Obama shoved new regulations down their throats to make them more diverse but not better and much more expensive.

Problem is, gipper, is how much control he had over how they spent it.

An example-


The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources.” To help prepare for the growing threat of climate change, the DOD adopted a “climate change adaptation and resilience” directive earlier this year...

...In addition to climate planning, the DOD has been leading clean energy research and deployment, in order to reduce the need to go to war for fossil fuels, to save lives lost while transporting fuel for battlefield operations, and to help prevent climate chaos.

Take Action -- Save the Military's Climate Change and Clean Energy Programs!

This is a problem, in my opinion.

And then their horrific mistakes in acquisition, paying for mistakes made by contractors (I still am trying to figure out who profited off the littoral class junk ships we acquired)

And then you have this-

Other expenses slammed by the report include $12.3 million for defective spare aviation parts, $150 million for shipbuilders to fix defects that were their own mistakes, $352 million on graduate degrees for people with no further obligation to the Pentagon and $48 million on satellite communications that the report says could be purchased for cheaper if the Pentagon planned better.

Finally, the report slams the Pentagon for spending $1.3 million to study the mating habits of African giant pouched rats, which some research has indicated may be good at detecting mines.
McCain slams $13B in Pentagon spending in latest waste report

There needs to be oversight as to how money is actually spent. But not by anyone with an agenda.

No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
damn you cant even admit to reality, about being lied to for years about obama "gutting the military" without 3 paragraphs of insane babbling nonsense conspiracy theories attached too it

Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
So you must support Trump, because he's against war. Bush, Obama, and Hillary are into starting wars.
HILLARY’S WARS (Pt. 2): Wikileaks Proves Syria about Iran & Israel | Zero Hedge
Of course. Where have you been?
I once was an idealist, such as you, but then suddenly reality set in. History is there to help us learn, and learn we must. Can we, hopefully help to quiet the wars of the world? Yes, if the others know there is a stick waiting to wack them when they push the boundaries. That has been the goal and role of the US since its founding, in my opinion. And needs to continue to be, if any stability is to be found. Is it tiresome? Yes, but just as a parent they cannot tire of their duty.
Unless you are all in and want the influence of Russia, China or Iran spread amongst smaller less powerful countries, and their form of government spread, then we must be the influence to the world.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
So it is either non-stop war or some other nation will control the world.

I think not.
The US is warmongering nation. You can't deny this if you learned from history. We need to greatly limit the power of politicians, if we want peace.
I once was an idealist, such as you, but then suddenly reality set in. History is there to help us learn, and learn we must. Can we, hopefully help to quiet the wars of the world? Yes, if the others know there is a stick waiting to wack them when they push the boundaries. That has been the goal and role of the US since its founding, in my opinion. And needs to continue to be, if any stability is to be found. Is it tiresome? Yes, but just as a parent they cannot tire of their duty.
Unless you are all in and want the influence of Russia, China or Iran spread amongst smaller less powerful countries, and their form of government spread, then we must be the influence to the world.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
So it is either non-stop war or some other nation will control the world.

I think not.
The US is warmongering nation. You can't deny this if you learned from history. We need to greatly limit the power of politicians, if we want peace.
Yeah....Democrats are the biggest warmongers in our history.

The difference between the US and everyone else is we try to rebuild everyone we beat. Nobody else does that.
It will never happen, unless you wipe out all personality traits, unless you feel like clones are the answer. And even then someone would still need to be in charge.
War is a part of life upon this world we live in. Always has been, always will be. There is always a fight amongst those wishing to influence others to their way of life. We can't stop that, other than to let others know we won't let them encroach upon ours and others more weak, thus weakening our own ideals. Because their aim and goal is to spread whatever their beliefs are as far and wide as they can get away with. It's a sickening reality, but a reality non the less. Power corrupts, but corrupts less within the right hands.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
You're a fucking idiot. What you spend the money on doesn't seem to matter to you. Just how much.
Throwing money at the military doesn't improve readiness.
Obama gutted the military in more ways than one. He removed their best leaders, he shoved much of the experience out the door.
He didn't replace old equipment with better equipment.

He did give each soldier their own Air-conditioned apartment, but because of that he removed the chain of command from the inspection process.
Obama shoved new regulations down their throats to make them more diverse but not better and much more expensive.

Problem is, gipper, is how much control he had over how they spent it.

An example-


The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources.” To help prepare for the growing threat of climate change, the DOD adopted a “climate change adaptation and resilience” directive earlier this year...

...In addition to climate planning, the DOD has been leading clean energy research and deployment, in order to reduce the need to go to war for fossil fuels, to save lives lost while transporting fuel for battlefield operations, and to help prevent climate chaos.

Take Action -- Save the Military's Climate Change and Clean Energy Programs!

This is a problem, in my opinion.

And then their horrific mistakes in acquisition, paying for mistakes made by contractors (I still am trying to figure out who profited off the littoral class junk ships we acquired)

And then you have this-

Other expenses slammed by the report include $12.3 million for defective spare aviation parts, $150 million for shipbuilders to fix defects that were their own mistakes, $352 million on graduate degrees for people with no further obligation to the Pentagon and $48 million on satellite communications that the report says could be purchased for cheaper if the Pentagon planned better.

Finally, the report slams the Pentagon for spending $1.3 million to study the mating habits of African giant pouched rats, which some research has indicated may be good at detecting mines.
McCain slams $13B in Pentagon spending in latest waste report

There needs to be oversight as to how money is actually spent. But not by anyone with an agenda.

damn you cant even admit to reality, about being lied to for years about obama "gutting the military" without 3 paragraphs of insane babbling nonsense conspiracy theories attached too it

Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
It does not have to be this way. If all people knew that war is what politicians desire to garner power and wealth, things might change.
Complete peace is a fiction. History tells the story. I wish it were possible, but it's not. Stability within the world is the most you can hope for, and even then that apple cart will always eventually be upset.
I once was an idealist, such as you, but then suddenly reality set in. History is there to help us learn, and learn we must. Can we, hopefully help to quiet the wars of the world? Yes, if the others know there is a stick waiting to wack them when they push the boundaries. That has been the goal and role of the US since its founding, in my opinion. And needs to continue to be, if any stability is to be found. Is it tiresome? Yes, but just as a parent they cannot tire of their duty.
Unless you are all in and want the influence of Russia, China or Iran spread amongst smaller less powerful countries, and their form of government spread, then we must be the influence to the world.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
So it is either non-stop war or some other nation will control the world.

I think not.
The US is warmongering nation. You can't deny this if you learned from history. We need to greatly limit the power of politicians, if we want peace.
No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.
When you break it, you own it. I think Obama did about the best that could be done in the Middle East with what he was handed.

Two things about Obama Republicans can never overcome.

He was born here.

He took down Bin Laden after the Republicans not only led Bin Laden go, but stopped looking for him so he could continue to plot against the United States. The GOP's lame attempt to take credit for taking down Bin Laden was the most pathetic thing I ever saw them do in decades.

You have to be kidding! Either that or you are intent on lying?

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama was advised to NOT withdraw all our troops from Iraq or the vacuum would be filled by bad guys. President Obama withdrew all the troops and in came ISIS and later Russia. We now have 6,000 troops BACK in Iraq.

President Obama laid down a red line threatening action against Syria if President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons. President al-Assad used chemical weapons and President Obama sat on his thumb. Due to President Obama's malfeasance, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed and and millions are now refugees creating chaos all across Europe.
No need to lie to prove his presidency was a big disaster. But...another problem is Trump's plan to 'rebuild' the military...the truth is it needs no rebuilding. In fact, it needs to cut by at least 50% and maybe more.


That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of his radical associations, his life spent in the service of racial preference, his aberrant Christianity, his cultural Marxism, his dictatorial ambitions, his warmongering and militarism, his “signature health care law,” and his desire to further redistribute Americans’ wealth.

It would be hard for Obama’s record to be any worse than it is. Yet, some people still feel the need to lie about Obama’s record. Obama’s actions were so bad and so bad so often that it is incredible that anyone would have to resort to lies about Obama in order to impugn him.

Especially when the liars are conservative Christians.

I get a lot of e-mails from conservative organizations, many of them Christian ones. In a recent e-mail I received mention was made about welcome changes that President Trump has made, including “an order to rebuild the U.S. military, which has been devastated by eight years of the Obama administration.”

If the author had said that the military was devastated by Obama because of women in combat, the observance of LGBT Pride Month, homosexuals allowed to serve openly, or the military paying for gender-confused soldiers to take hormones, then I would agree with him. But the author has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie—peddled by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative lovers of the military—that the military must be rebuilt because Obama has gutted it.

This is something that must be addressed because it is an opinion shared by many conservative Christian lovers of, defenders of, and apologists for, the U.S. military.

Back in 2009, I pointed out that Obama’s first defense budget (for fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct. 1, 2009) was $20 billion higher than Bush’s last defense budget. Obama’s first defense budget was said by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to provide “the balance necessary to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead, while at the same time providing a hedge against other risks and contingencies.”

From the Historical Tables of the official Budget of the United States, here are the outlays for defense for the eight budgets of George W. Bush and the eight budgets of Barack Obama:

Fiscal year Defense Spending in millions

  • 2002 $348,456
  • 2003 $404,733
  • 2004 $455,813
  • 2005 $495,294
  • 2006 $521,820
  • 2007 $551,258
  • 2008 $616,066
  • 2009 $661,012
  • 2010 $693,485
  • 2011 $705,554
  • 2012 $677,852
  • 2013 $633,446
  • 2014 $603,457
  • 2015 $589,564
  • 2016 $604,452
  • 2017 $616,981
The DOD is currently spending over $600 billion a year. I wish I were that devastated!

If Obama has devastated the military in any way it is because he continued and escalated the senseless wars began by George W. Bush.

Are all these figures adjusted to today's dollar? If not, the top figure in 2011 would be $756,000,000.00 If that figure is true, the reduction to $616,981 is a 25% reduction. Cut your income by 25% and my guess is you'd have to make some serious adjustments.
I agree with "gipper". The trouble with our military budget has been caused by 15+ years of war when it was decided to use the money to nation-build Islamic Republics.

War has been declared on us by radical Muslims. Our option is what?

Petulant former president Barack Hussein Obama withdrew all our forces from Iraq against the advice of the military. The vacuum created was filled by ISIS and now by ISIS and Russia. After President Obama declared success, he had to return 6,000 of our troops.

President Obama laid down his famous red line threatening Syria that if President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons, we would take action. President Obama sat on his thumb as we now have hundreds of thousands of DEAD CIVILIANS along with MILLIONS of refugees creating chaos in all of Western Europe. Along with numerous Democrats and Progressives who wish to have the chaos extend to our country. Why?
Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?

You seem proud of your gullibility. Why so?

Are all those figures adjusted to the same dollar?

More importantly, do you really believe any of those other countries are truthful?

Are you aware that all of China's missile programs are considered "research" and are not included in their defense budget? They also run the largest container shipping fleet in the world. All those ships are under the direction of their military but are not in that budget as they are a profit making branch.

Both nations use slave labor. How much does it cost for slave labor to build weapons etc., etc., etc?
Unless you are all in and want the influence of Russia, China or Iran spread amongst smaller less powerful countries, and their form of government spread, then we must be the influence to the world.
Well, unless you want those other countries to take the lead in world affairs....
Whether you like it or not, even with the chaos the world is in, it would be much worse without US influence. This past administration s habit of stepping back in some areas and secretly involving themselves in others, helped create much of the recent chaos and threats we all now see.

Should we have better oversight? Yes, but not by partisan hacks.
Could we possibly reduce our spending? Yes, but they need to quit currying favors, and have much tighter controls, and better negotiating skills.
You're a fucking idiot. What you spend the money on doesn't seem to matter to you. Just how much.
Throwing money at the military doesn't improve readiness.
Obama gutted the military in more ways than one. He removed their best leaders, he shoved much of the experience out the door.
He didn't replace old equipment with better equipment.

He did give each soldier their own Air-conditioned apartment, but because of that he removed the chain of command from the inspection process.
Obama shoved new regulations down their throats to make them more diverse but not better and much more expensive.

Problem is, gipper, is how much control he had over how they spent it.

An example-


The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources.” To help prepare for the growing threat of climate change, the DOD adopted a “climate change adaptation and resilience” directive earlier this year...

...In addition to climate planning, the DOD has been leading clean energy research and deployment, in order to reduce the need to go to war for fossil fuels, to save lives lost while transporting fuel for battlefield operations, and to help prevent climate chaos.

Take Action -- Save the Military's Climate Change and Clean Energy Programs!

This is a problem, in my opinion.

And then their horrific mistakes in acquisition, paying for mistakes made by contractors (I still am trying to figure out who profited off the littoral class junk ships we acquired)

And then you have this-

Other expenses slammed by the report include $12.3 million for defective spare aviation parts, $150 million for shipbuilders to fix defects that were their own mistakes, $352 million on graduate degrees for people with no further obligation to the Pentagon and $48 million on satellite communications that the report says could be purchased for cheaper if the Pentagon planned better.

Finally, the report slams the Pentagon for spending $1.3 million to study the mating habits of African giant pouched rats, which some research has indicated may be good at detecting mines.
McCain slams $13B in Pentagon spending in latest waste report

There needs to be oversight as to how money is actually spent. But not by anyone with an agenda.

damn you cant even admit to reality, about being lied to for years about obama "gutting the military" without 3 paragraphs of insane babbling nonsense conspiracy theories attached too it

Just because they're getting money doesn't mean it's being spent wisely or appropriately.

How many useless administrative appointees did Obama jam in there?

Does this mean anything?
I can't agree.

I am not an isolationist. I am for a very strong military, but one designed only to defend the USA and not for empire building and continuing a policy of non-stop interventions and wars around the world.

War is the health of the state. This is why the state loves war. War also causes harm at home...we lose our liberty and freedom thanks to non-stop war.
So it is either non-stop war or some other nation will control the world.

I think not.

No, you do NOT think. That's the problem.

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