No One Has a Right to Health Care

So what should we do, empty out our jails, put criminals back out into the street, all so we could have healthcare?

I have a better idea: make jails jail again and maybe more people will be afraid to go there.
Sounds like a plan

If we were not so obsessed with preventing people from using illegal drugs we could afford to give them legal drugs that can save their lives

Well we are obsessed with preventing people from using recreational narcotics because many times it leads to criminal activities such as robbery and violence. I don't want these clowns anywhere near my home, my neighborhood or my children. I certainly don't want to be working with them when they are loaded driving around on a tow motor. My tax dollars are supporting enough lowlifes without making drugs legal which would create more drug users and they would eventually end up on welfare, Medicaid and a number of other expensive social programs.
One of the many trade offs we make in our society

Our inordinate fear of drugs has led us to building the largest prison system in the world to "keep us safe"

Money that would be better spent to "keep us healthy"

I guess that would depend on what experience one has with drugs.

I lost rent on two tenants who started to use drugs that were otherwise good tenants. Had to kick them both out. Another one got involved with a dirty drug deal and my house ended up catching fire mysteriously; $80,000 in damages and I was out of a home for five months.

I lost two friends in my life to pot. They both became delusional and started to imagine all sorts of things like their friends were conspiring against them.

One guy I knew was a friend of a friend. He used to steal all the time from people he knew. Finally his circle started to get alarms for their homes and kept him away, so he got desperate and started to rob churches; three of them in one night. He got busted and the judge sent the guy to prison for five years. A few months into his sentence, he couldn't take living without drugs anymore, went into a toilet stall, shoved toilet paper down his throat and up his nose and committed suicide.

This past summer, my cousin lost her son at the age of 28. He had problems with drugs since he got hooked on them at the age of 15. It was a heroin overdose. I seen my cousin just a few weeks ago at the grocery store. It looks like she never stopped crying.

Maybe your experiences with drugs are different, but I don't know anybody that was on the hard stuff that ever escaped. There is nothing in society that we need that badly to multiply situations that I've experienced.
So jail is the answer to a social problem?

Other countries treat it non criminally, we can too

What can we do? All these people go to rehabilitation but in most cases, it only works for a few weeks or even a few months. I know a guy that spent four years in prison on a non-related drug charge. When he got out, he was back on the stuff within two months.

Imprisonment doesn't solve the drug problem no more than the laws against murder, rape, armed robbery or whatever crime you may think of. What it does do is keep it to a minimum whatever that minimum may be. Once you decriminalize something, you will have more people participate because it's no longer against the law.
No One Has a Right to Health Care
by Jacob G. Hornberger February 3, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to health care. Unfortunately, none of his presidential opponents, Democrat or Republican, is going to challenge him on the point. They’re too scared that they’d lose votes by challenging a standard socialist shibboleth in America.

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.

The correct concept of rights was enunciated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, the document that Americans ironically celebrate every Fourth of July. Jefferson observed that people have been endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
you are disgusting. Do you think the right to bear arms is more important than access to healthcare. You need access to mental healthcare
No One Has a Right to Health Care
by Jacob G. Hornberger February 3, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to health care. Unfortunately, none of his presidential opponents, Democrat or Republican, is going to challenge him on the point. They’re too scared that they’d lose votes by challenging a standard socialist shibboleth in America.

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.

The correct concept of rights was enunciated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, the document that Americans ironically celebrate every Fourth of July. Jefferson observed that people have been endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
you are disgusting. Do you think the right to bear arms is more important than access to healthcare. You need access to mental healthcare





You know when you see someone start cursing and acting all crazy in a thread, that is when people have said things in the thread in which the person undoubtedly begins fearing, and this is because it makes to much sense what is being said I guess... It is an attempt to de-rail a thread, even if the OP or thread poster is the one doing so... That's my opinion of the latest rants in this thread. Also the attempt at changing the subject by some during the thread is another tactic used.
You know when you see someone start cursing and acting all crazy in a thread, that is when people have said things in the thread in which the person undoubtedly begins fearing, and this is because it makes to much sense what is being said I guess... It is an attempt to de-rail a thread, even if the OP or thread poster is the one doing so... That's my opinion of the latest rants in this thread. Also the attempt at changing the subject by some during the thread is another tactic used.

Oh, yeah, it's a classic technique. I just find it fascinating that it's a complete violation of the rules but no one on staff seems interested in either slapping him down or moving this thread to another forum.
The healthcare insurance industry should be taken over by the feds... Period.The clinics, doctors, hospitals should remain in the free market system. There is all kinds of great ideas here, and they should be explored in a rational common sense way.
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You know when you see someone start cursing and acting all crazy in a thread, that is when people have said things in the thread in which the person undoubtedly begins fearing, and this is because it makes to much sense what is being said I guess... It is an attempt to de-rail a thread, even if the OP or thread poster is the one doing so... That's my opinion of the latest rants in this thread. Also the attempt at changing the subject by some during the thread is another tactic used.

Oh, yeah, it's a classic technique. I just find it fascinating that it's a complete violation of the rules but no one on staff seems interested in either slapping him down or moving this thread to another forum.
. Well in the spirit of being as free and open as possible, I guess they figure it has to become an actual threat before intervention is needed. I can take the craziness and cursing, but it really does reveal when and how the poster has been rattled.
How about that "No one has the right to deny another healthcare services or the same quality of healthcare services in which any other person and/or human being has access to in these United States, and especially if they are an American or a temporary visitor that is in need of emergency care or life sustaining services. Their access should not be based upon their income levels or their temporary lack there of, their color, their gender, their status, their pre-existing conditions or their afflictions in life". All citizens of these United States are entitled to the same care as any other citizen in this nation. Class warfare is not and never should be an acceptable practice in the dealing with a person's heath and wellness in this nation.
How about that "No one has the right to deny another healthcare services or the same quality of healthcare services in which any other person and/or human being has access to in these United States, and especially if they are an American or a temporary visitor that is in need of emergency care or life sustaining services. Their access should not be based upon their income levels or their temporary lack there of, their color, their gender, their status, their pre-existing conditions or their afflictions in life". All citizens of these United States are entitled to the same care as any other citizen in this nation. Class warfare is not and never should be an acceptable practice in the dealing with a person's heath and wellness in this nation.
I agree.
however they are not entitled to my income. So they might want to figure out how to pay their bill
How about that "No one has the right to deny another healthcare services or the same quality of healthcare services in which any other person and/or human being has access to in these United States, and especially if they are an American or a temporary visitor that is in need of emergency care or life sustaining services. Their access should not be based upon their income levels or their temporary lack there of, their color, their gender, their status, their pre-existing conditions or their afflictions in life". All citizens of these United States are entitled to the same care as any other citizen in this nation. Class warfare is not and never should be an acceptable practice in the dealing with a person's heath and wellness in this nation.
I agree.
however they are not entitled to my income. So they might want to figure out how to pay their bill
. If you weren't subsidized by the government who has been spending money into research for disease, food safety, food security, preventive safety measures, the helping of people in the huge cost of cancer treatments or surgery's as they are needed, then you wouldn't be able to afford healthcare services in this nation either.
How about that "No one has the right to deny another healthcare services or the same quality of healthcare services in which any other person and/or human being has access to in these United States, and especially if they are an American or a temporary visitor that is in need of emergency care or life sustaining services. Their access should not be based upon their income levels or their temporary lack there of, their color, their gender, their status, their pre-existing conditions or their afflictions in life". All citizens of these United States are entitled to the same care as any other citizen in this nation. Class warfare is not and never should be an acceptable practice in the dealing with a person's heath and wellness in this nation.
I agree.
however they are not entitled to my income. So they might want to figure out how to pay their bill
. Trust me, you can't pay your bill all depending on what happens to you either, so beware of what you wish for, because you just might get it, then what ?
The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life, socialism only complicates life.
Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in have created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because it is failing ?
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
You go ahead and let someone else take on your responsibilities, I just soon keep my problems and responsibilities to myself.
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves...

And you don't. You think you can get away with "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior" and do squat the rest of the time.

Get back to us when y'all actually follow Jesus' teaching instead of making excuses.
"Accept" is the wrong term, I "receive" Jesus Christ as my personal savior - is a much better word in relation of scripture...
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in have created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because it is failing ?
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
You go ahead and let someone else take on your responsibilities, I just soon keep my problems and responsibilities to myself.

So you would prefer to shovel your way to town after a snowstorm because you hate the idea of having a highway department in your town?

lol, you're an idiot.
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves...

And you don't. You think you can get away with "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior" and do squat the rest of the time.

Get back to us when y'all actually follow Jesus' teaching instead of making excuses.
"Accept" is the wrong term, I "receive" Jesus Christ as my personal savior - is a much better word in relation of scripture...

That's bullshit.
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
You go ahead and let someone else take on your responsibilities, I just soon keep my problems and responsibilities to myself.

So you would prefer to shovel your way to town after a snowstorm because you hate the idea of having a highway department in your town?

lol, you're an idiot.
No one but me plows the road to my house, where I live the road is not maintained it being gravel and all. Lol
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves...

And you don't. You think you can get away with "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior" and do squat the rest of the time.

Get back to us when y'all actually follow Jesus' teaching instead of making excuses.
"Accept" is the wrong term, I "receive" Jesus Christ as my personal savior - is a much better word in relation of scripture...

That's bullshit.
Accept makes no sense at all...
Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
You go ahead and let someone else take on your responsibilities, I just soon keep my problems and responsibilities to myself.

So you would prefer to shovel your way to town after a snowstorm because you hate the idea of having a highway department in your town?

lol, you're an idiot.
No one but me plows the road to my house, where I live the road is not maintained it being gravel and all. Lol

You're an anonymous liar on the internet.

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