No One Has a Right to Health Care

Jesus taught that people should give of themselves...

And you don't. You think you can get away with "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior" and do squat the rest of the time.

Get back to us when y'all actually follow Jesus' teaching instead of making excuses.
"Accept" is the wrong term, I "receive" Jesus Christ as my personal savior - is a much better word in relation of scripture...

That's bullshit.
The False and Misleading Gospel of Accepting Jesus Christ
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
You go ahead and let someone else take on your responsibilities, I just soon keep my problems and responsibilities to myself.

So you would prefer to shovel your way to town after a snowstorm because you hate the idea of having a highway department in your town?

lol, you're an idiot.
No one but me plows the road to my house, where I live the road is not maintained it being gravel and all. Lol

You're an anonymous liar on the internet.
Funny, I live in north western South Dakota... Mostly gravel roads. Bed wetter
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves...

And you don't. You think you can get away with "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior" and do squat the rest of the time.

Get back to us when y'all actually follow Jesus' teaching instead of making excuses.
"Accept" is the wrong term, I "receive" Jesus Christ as my personal savior - is a much better word in relation of scripture...

That's bullshit.
The False and Misleading Gospel of Accepting Jesus Christ

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

No receiving, no accepting.

Belief is all that is required.

Justification by faith alone.

....get lost.
It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
You go ahead and let someone else take on your responsibilities, I just soon keep my problems and responsibilities to myself.

So you would prefer to shovel your way to town after a snowstorm because you hate the idea of having a highway department in your town?

lol, you're an idiot.
No one but me plows the road to my house, where I live the road is not maintained it being gravel and all. Lol

You're an anonymous liar on the internet.
Funny, I live in north western South Dakota... Mostly gravel roads. Bed wetter

And they don't plow the dirt roads in South Dakota?

lol, in NY our crews plow all the roads. That's why we get to call it civilization.
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves...

And you don't. You think you can get away with "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior" and do squat the rest of the time.

Get back to us when y'all actually follow Jesus' teaching instead of making excuses.
"Accept" is the wrong term, I "receive" Jesus Christ as my personal savior - is a much better word in relation of scripture...

That's bullshit.
The False and Misleading Gospel of Accepting Jesus Christ

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

No receiving, no accepting.

Belief is all that is required.

Justification by faith alone.

....get lost.
No, just believing is no where near enough.
Trust and obey is the only way.
Anyone can believe anything, some people believe Al Gore knows his ass from a hole in the ground, but we all know that's not true...

The Screwtape Letters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And you don't. You think you can get away with "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior" and do squat the rest of the time.

Get back to us when y'all actually follow Jesus' teaching instead of making excuses.
"Accept" is the wrong term, I "receive" Jesus Christ as my personal savior - is a much better word in relation of scripture...

That's bullshit.
The False and Misleading Gospel of Accepting Jesus Christ

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

No receiving, no accepting.

Belief is all that is required.

Justification by faith alone.

....get lost.
No, just believing is no where near enough.
Trust and obey is the only way.
Anyone can believe anything, some people believe Al Gore knows his ass from a hole in the ground, but we all know that's not true...

The Screwtape Letters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Martin Luther insisted that faith alone justified you in the eyes of God and good works were neither necessary nor could they save you.,
You go ahead and let someone else take on your responsibilities, I just soon keep my problems and responsibilities to myself.

So you would prefer to shovel your way to town after a snowstorm because you hate the idea of having a highway department in your town?

lol, you're an idiot.
No one but me plows the road to my house, where I live the road is not maintained it being gravel and all. Lol

You're an anonymous liar on the internet.
Funny, I live in north western South Dakota... Mostly gravel roads. Bed wetter

And they don't plow the dirt roads in South Dakota?

lol, in NY our crews plow all the roads. That's why we get to call it civilization.
Well, we don't get much snow up here most winters. When we do its the responsibility of the land owners to make their way out to the highways. I have a real nice loader for that...
How about that "No one has the right to deny another healthcare services or the same quality of healthcare services in which any other person and/or human being has access to in these United States, and especially if they are an American or a temporary visitor that is in need of emergency care or life sustaining services. Their access should not be based upon their income levels or their temporary lack there of, their color, their gender, their status, their pre-existing conditions or their afflictions in life". All citizens of these United States are entitled to the same care as any other citizen in this nation. Class warfare is not and never should be an acceptable practice in the dealing with a person's heath and wellness in this nation.
I agree.
however they are not entitled to my income. So they might want to figure out how to pay their bill
. Trust me, you can't pay your bill all depending on what happens to you either, so beware of what you wish for, because you just might get it, then what ?
then I make payments. Because Im responsible. you do understand that hospitals will take payments based on what you can afford even if it will never pay off the bill.
"Accept" is the wrong term, I "receive" Jesus Christ as my personal savior - is a much better word in relation of scripture...

That's bullshit.
The False and Misleading Gospel of Accepting Jesus Christ

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

No receiving, no accepting.

Belief is all that is required.

Justification by faith alone.

....get lost.
No, just believing is no where near enough.
Trust and obey is the only way.
Anyone can believe anything, some people believe Al Gore knows his ass from a hole in the ground, but we all know that's not true...

The Screwtape Letters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Martin Luther insisted that faith alone justified you in the eyes of God and good works were neither necessary nor could they save you.,
I never said anything about works, trust and obey has nothing to do with works...
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
You go ahead and let someone else take on your responsibilities, I just soon keep my problems and responsibilities to myself.

So you would prefer to shovel your way to town after a snowstorm because you hate the idea of having a highway department in your town?

lol, you're an idiot.
some of us actually drive real vehicles instead of the prius, we dont need plowed roads in the snow. we just drive
"Accept" is the wrong term, I "receive" Jesus Christ as my personal savior - is a much better word in relation of scripture...

That's bullshit.
The False and Misleading Gospel of Accepting Jesus Christ

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

No receiving, no accepting.

Belief is all that is required.

Justification by faith alone.

....get lost.
No, just believing is no where near enough.
Trust and obey is the only way.
Anyone can believe anything, some people believe Al Gore knows his ass from a hole in the ground, but we all know that's not true...

The Screwtape Letters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Martin Luther insisted that faith alone justified you in the eyes of God and good works were neither necessary nor could they save you.,
...hence "receive' instead of "accept" receiving puts on Gods terms as it is, accepting puts it on our terms, of course being wrong.
Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
You go ahead and let someone else take on your responsibilities, I just soon keep my problems and responsibilities to myself.

So you would prefer to shovel your way to town after a snowstorm because you hate the idea of having a highway department in your town?

lol, you're an idiot.
some of us actually drive real vehicles instead of the prius, we dont need plowed roads in the snow. we just drive
Ya, if ever caught myself driving a Prius I would punch myself in the face twenty five times...
People are denied access to health care all the time. Hospitals that receive federal funding have to provide emergency services. That's all. You won't get those services from a private hospital. You certainly won't get a Kaiser hospital to give you an aspirin unless you're a member.
People are denied access to health care all the time. Hospitals that receive federal funding have to provide emergency services. That's all. You won't get those services from a private hospital. You certainly won't get a Kaiser hospital to give you an aspirin unless you're a member.
guess what, If I dont have 5 bucks in my pocket Im not getting a big mac from McDonalds either. Is eating a right?
I guess I will never understand, socialists want everyone else to pay for their shit.
A suck ass, kiss ass way to live...
How about that "No one has the right to deny another healthcare services or the same quality of healthcare services in which any other person and/or human being has access to in these United States, and especially if they are an American or a temporary visitor that is in need of emergency care or life sustaining services. Their access should not be based upon their income levels or their temporary lack there of, their color, their gender, their status, their pre-existing conditions or their afflictions in life". All citizens of these United States are entitled to the same care as any other citizen in this nation. Class warfare is not and never should be an acceptable practice in the dealing with a person's heath and wellness in this nation.
I agree.
however they are not entitled to my income. So they might want to figure out how to pay their bill
. Trust me, you can't pay your bill all depending on what happens to you either, so beware of what you wish for, because you just might get it, then what ?
then I make payments. Because Im responsible. you do understand that hospitals will take payments based on what you can afford even if it will never pay off the bill.
. So your one of those as long as I'm paying $5.00 dollars a week patients, then they can't do anything to me kind of Americans eh ? Well someone pays your bill even if you decide to pay that way, now I wonder who that someone is ?
I guess I will never understand, socialists want everyone else to pay for their shit.
A suck ass, kiss ass way to live...
So it's the socialists that draft young men into the military and put their lives at risk.
But if you accept being an American, you accept the decisions of We the People

The Constitution in no way requires unlimited obedience to majority rule. Indeed, it flat out denies it. I can't imagine what kind of authoritarian zealot would claim otherwise.
I have never seen a worse interpretation of our Constitution

How so? Do you believe it does require unlimited obedience to majority rule?

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People are denied access to health care all the time. Hospitals that receive federal funding have to provide emergency services. That's all. You won't get those services from a private hospital. You certainly won't get a Kaiser hospital to give you an aspirin unless you're a member.
. Do you think it right that any (especially a child) be denied healthcare or quality of healthcare in this nation if American? If you are a Christian, then you think long and hard before you answer this question.
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We are dealing with human beings in this topic, and not a commodity or property in which is traded or sold in the market place for a profit. Any Christian or caring citizen understands that human life is sacred and special, and will not be treated as something that determins profits or losses to a corporation or whether that human being lives or dies based upon those profits or losses in a corporation and or market place. The same rights aforded a slave in this nation, should also be the same for human beings pertaing to their health and well being as human beings.

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