No One Has a Right to Health Care

Jesus taught that people should give of themselves...

And you don't. You think you can get away with "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior" and do squat the rest of the time.

Get back to us when y'all actually follow Jesus' teaching instead of making excuses.

I would suggest you do the same.

And I never said anything about Jesus being my personal savior, but when you are raised in a Catholic school, you kind of understand things like the Bible and Jesus. And how do you know what I give of myself; because I reject the government making that decision for me?
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves...

And you don't. You think you can get away with "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior" and do squat the rest of the time.

Get back to us when y'all actually follow Jesus' teaching instead of making excuses.

I would suggest you do the same.

And I never said anything about Jesus being my personal savior, but when you are raised in a Catholic school, you kind of understand things like the Bible and Jesus. And how do you know what I give of myself; because I reject the government making that decision for me?

Went to Catholic schools myself. And I don't need to point a pistol at my fellow man in order to feel safe. While it's true I don't know what you do or don't give, your attitude here is not conducive to believing you're a generous person offline.
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in have created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because it is failing ?
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
There are those who forget what the word United means in this nation.

There are certainly those who have forgotten what the concept of rights means.
you do understand that you thinking its a human right does not actually makes it a human right

You do understand that humans can make it a human right if they want to?

You do understand that the US in the only country in the "civilized" world that doesn't have universal healthcare?

You do understand that a majority of the population is actually in favour of it?


They favor it because they think they will get it for free. Or if liberals are in charge, make some wealthy people pay for it.
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves...

And you don't. You think you can get away with "I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior" and do squat the rest of the time.

Get back to us when y'all actually follow Jesus' teaching instead of making excuses.

I would suggest you do the same.

And I never said anything about Jesus being my personal savior, but when you are raised in a Catholic school, you kind of understand things like the Bible and Jesus. And how do you know what I give of myself; because I reject the government making that decision for me?

Went to Catholic schools myself. And I don't need to point a pistol at my fellow man in order to feel safe. While it's true I don't know what you do or don't give, your attitude here is not conducive to believing you're a generous person offline.

Just because I don't believe that the government should be sitting at my dinner table doesn't mean I'm not charitable or caring. I'm so anti-government it's almost scary. I also see a pattern in this country of growing dependency and irresponsibility.

Now you might think that's a great thing for this country, but I don't. It's what we conservatives call the cart theory: if you have an entire village pull an empty cart down the road, the cart flies down effortlessly. As people become tired of pulling the cart and decide to ride in the cart instead, the cart moves slower and slower. When more than half of the people jump into the cart, the cart stops, and that's where we are at in this country.

19 trillion dollars in debt and growing, and the only thing liberals can think about is how can we spend more? We are broke. Do you know what broke means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. For the life of me, I can't see why anybody would support more failure.
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves, not have government forcibly take from people in order to give.
Jesus took care of the sick

He would be appalled at what passes for Christians

You said a mouthful right there: Jesus took care of the sick. He didn't insist government take money from people to take care of the sick. That was my point all along.
Jesus did not scream at the sick that they should GET A JOB if they want treatment
you really need to read the Bible before you start telling others what it says.
Show me where in the bible Jesus tells people they should get a job if they want healthcare

During the time of Jesus, most were poor because there was no access to money. That's not what America is today. In America, anybody can be just about anything they want with some hard work and sacrifice. Foreigners do it all the time. They come here with not a dime in their pocket, learn the language, eventually go to college, open up their own business, or buy into a franchise and do better than many native born Americans. How can that be? They were raised in a country where they had to dig a hole in the ground to shit and no fresh water nearby.

In America? Oh, the job doesn't pay enough, I don't like that kind of work, I don't want to work those hours, I was born the wrong color or not from the right family........

We in the US have more excuses for failure than any other country in the world.
Just like I told righwinger: If you think it's a right to provide others with healthcare, volunteer at your nearest hospital and provide such care. I'm sure they will let you work as many hours as you desire.

How are others supposed to get healthcare? I thought DumBama and the Democrats solved that problem. I though they said Commie Care was the solution to our healthcare problems. Now you mean to tell me that it's not? We were lied to? The shame of it all.......

You just don't get it, I think healthcare is a human right and should not be dependent on charity.

And I also don't give a $hit about Obamacare and democrats in general. Obama is part of the problem, Hillary too and even Bernie is a fake socialist allthough he has at least some good ideas.


Correct, Bernie has some great ideas, like doubling the debt and giving everything away for free. Of course, when he chases all the wealthy people out of the country, we will all have to pay for free.
What does this have to do with whether health care is a right?

It answers those who claim we can't afford to take care of the sick

We always seem to find the money for senseless wars and more prisons

Helping those who can't afford healthcare and our pockets seem empty
those things are in the constitution as requirements.
healthcare is not a right.
Nowhere does the constitution say anything about spending unlimited amounts on defense and prisons

Beyond that it amounts to priorities

The Constitution does charge our representatives with the protection of the citizens. That's why we have military and prisons although all of our prisons (except federal prisons) are run by the state.

For a country that hasn't had a foreign country invade in 200 years, we have flexibility in what we need for defense

We have more citizens in jail than any nation on earth

Yet, we complain we can't afford is a matter of national priorities

So what should we do, empty out our jails, put criminals back out into the street, all so we could have healthcare?

I have a better idea: make jails jail again and maybe more people will be afraid to go there.
Jesus took care of the sick

He would be appalled at what passes for Christians

You said a mouthful right there: Jesus took care of the sick. He didn't insist government take money from people to take care of the sick. That was my point all along.
Jesus did not scream at the sick that they should GET A JOB if they want treatment
you really need to read the Bible before you start telling others what it says.
Show me where in the bible Jesus tells people they should get a job if they want healthcare

During the time of Jesus, most were poor because there was no access to money. That's not what America is today. In America, anybody can be just about anything they want with some hard work and sacrifice. Foreigners do it all the time. They come here with not a dime in their pocket, learn the language, eventually go to college, open up their own business, or buy into a franchise and do better than many native born Americans. How can that be? They were raised in a country where they had to dig a hole in the ground to shit and no fresh water nearby.

In America? Oh, the job doesn't pay enough, I don't like that kind of work, I don't want to work those hours, I was born the wrong color or not from the right family........

We in the US have more excuses for failure than any other country in the world.
Dag burn it!

If them poor folks would just buckle down and work harder they could afford them $100,000 medical bills
It answers those who claim we can't afford to take care of the sick

We always seem to find the money for senseless wars and more prisons

Helping those who can't afford healthcare and our pockets seem empty
those things are in the constitution as requirements.
healthcare is not a right.
Nowhere does the constitution say anything about spending unlimited amounts on defense and prisons

Beyond that it amounts to priorities

The Constitution does charge our representatives with the protection of the citizens. That's why we have military and prisons although all of our prisons (except federal prisons) are run by the state.

For a country that hasn't had a foreign country invade in 200 years, we have flexibility in what we need for defense

We have more citizens in jail than any nation on earth

Yet, we complain we can't afford is a matter of national priorities

So what should we do, empty out our jails, put criminals back out into the street, all so we could have healthcare?

I have a better idea: make jails jail again and maybe more people will be afraid to go there.
Sounds like a plan

If we were not so obsessed with preventing people from using illegal drugs we could afford to give them legal drugs that can save their lives
those things are in the constitution as requirements.
healthcare is not a right.
Nowhere does the constitution say anything about spending unlimited amounts on defense and prisons

Beyond that it amounts to priorities

The Constitution does charge our representatives with the protection of the citizens. That's why we have military and prisons although all of our prisons (except federal prisons) are run by the state.

For a country that hasn't had a foreign country invade in 200 years, we have flexibility in what we need for defense

We have more citizens in jail than any nation on earth

Yet, we complain we can't afford is a matter of national priorities

So what should we do, empty out our jails, put criminals back out into the street, all so we could have healthcare?

I have a better idea: make jails jail again and maybe more people will be afraid to go there.
Sounds like a plan

If we were not so obsessed with preventing people from using illegal drugs we could afford to give them legal drugs that can save their lives

What is your obsession with getting things for free? You sound very selfish.
So who should decide if this nation should have a government health care plan?
Nowhere does the constitution say anything about spending unlimited amounts on defense and prisons

Beyond that it amounts to priorities

The Constitution does charge our representatives with the protection of the citizens. That's why we have military and prisons although all of our prisons (except federal prisons) are run by the state.

For a country that hasn't had a foreign country invade in 200 years, we have flexibility in what we need for defense

We have more citizens in jail than any nation on earth

Yet, we complain we can't afford is a matter of national priorities

So what should we do, empty out our jails, put criminals back out into the street, all so we could have healthcare?

I have a better idea: make jails jail again and maybe more people will be afraid to go there.
Sounds like a plan

If we were not so obsessed with preventing people from using illegal drugs we could afford to give them legal drugs that can save their lives

What is your obsession with getting things for free? You sound very selfish.
Some things in society work out better if you buy them yourself, others work out better if you chip in with others to get better service
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
There are those who forget what the word United means in this nation.

There are certainly those who have forgotten what the concept of rights means.
If single payer universal healthcare is made law, healthcare will become a right. As it should be.

No, it still will not be a right. You need to learn the difference between a right and an entitlement. They are not the same.

So you don't have the right to vote?
Nowhere does the constitution say anything about spending unlimited amounts on defense and prisons

Beyond that it amounts to priorities

The Constitution does charge our representatives with the protection of the citizens. That's why we have military and prisons although all of our prisons (except federal prisons) are run by the state.

For a country that hasn't had a foreign country invade in 200 years, we have flexibility in what we need for defense

We have more citizens in jail than any nation on earth

Yet, we complain we can't afford is a matter of national priorities

So what should we do, empty out our jails, put criminals back out into the street, all so we could have healthcare?

I have a better idea: make jails jail again and maybe more people will be afraid to go there.
Sounds like a plan

If we were not so obsessed with preventing people from using illegal drugs we could afford to give them legal drugs that can save their lives

What is your obsession with getting things for free? You sound very selfish.

Why is it necessary for you to reinterpret any post that suggests access to care for everyone (even you) as being the self-interested RW stance?

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