No One Has a Right to Health Care

you do understand that the majority is NOT in favor of it. I was doing just fine before all this crap came about. I had affordable care, no deductibles 7 dollar medications. Now what? Now If Im forced into a government plan I wont be able to afford to use the coverage I am forced to buy? yet Choniqua and her 30 crack whore kids gets it for free from me?

You do understand that you're not the majority?

you do understand that the majority do not want to go broke in order to keep a POS alive
Just like I told righwinger: If you think it's a right to provide others with healthcare, volunteer at your nearest hospital and provide such care. I'm sure they will let you work as many hours as you desire.

How are others supposed to get healthcare? I thought DumBama and the Democrats solved that problem. I though they said Commie Care was the solution to our healthcare problems. Now you mean to tell me that it's not? We were lied to? The shame of it all.......

You just don't get it, I think healthcare is a human right and should not be dependent on charity.

And I also don't give a $hit about Obamacare and democrats in general. Obama is part of the problem, Hillary too and even Bernie is a fake socialist allthough he has at least some good ideas.

Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in have created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because it is failing ?
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.
Much discussion about health care being a human right. This seems to me to be less important than the fact that it is the right thing for any society.
This country started for the very reason that the individual did not need an overbearing government... Too bad the country is too far gone because of the career politicians and their federal government playing god.
Charity is only as good its weakest dumbest link... Life has nothing to do with charity
There is a difference between using resources efficiently and wastefully, career politicians and their federal government are the very definition of wasteful as is every socialist entitlement program.

Paying $billions in bonusses for CEO's in the healthcare industry, $billions in advertising pushing pills, paying thousands of people scrutinizing insurance contracts for ways to deny peoples claims etc. is an efficient use of resourses?

It's not the federal governments money, and it's not the federal governments place to determine who makes what. It's none of their business, the federal governments credibility is shit and piss when comes to financial responsibility. Mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion. Dumbass
Jesus took care of the sick

He would be appalled at what passes for Christians

You said a mouthful right there: Jesus took care of the sick. He didn't insist government take money from people to take care of the sick. That was my point all along.
Jesus did not scream at the sick that they should GET A JOB if they want treatment
you really need to read the Bible before you start telling others what it says.
Show me where in the bible Jesus tells people they should get a job if they want healthcare
you keep quoting the bible, so I can only assume that you already know.
if not, its an easy search.
Typical liberal, wants me to buy his food, his house his phone his healthcare and still too damn lazy to do a simple internet search.
you do understand that you thinking its a human right does not actually makes it a human right

You do understand that humans can make it a human right if they want to?

You do understand that the US in the only country in the "civilized" world that doesn't have universal healthcare?

You do understand that a majority of the population is actually in favour of it?

Na, not really.
There is nothing civilized about socialism. Dumbass
Hitler, Stalin etc. all products of socialism...
Just like I told righwinger: If you think it's a right to provide others with healthcare, volunteer at your nearest hospital and provide such care. I'm sure they will let you work as many hours as you desire.

How are others supposed to get healthcare? I thought DumBama and the Democrats solved that problem. I though they said Commie Care was the solution to our healthcare problems. Now you mean to tell me that it's not? We were lied to? The shame of it all.......

You just don't get it, I think healthcare is a human right and should not be dependent on charity.

And I also don't give a $hit about Obamacare and democrats in general. Obama is part of the problem, Hillary too and even Bernie is a fake socialist allthough he has at least some good ideas.

Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in have created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because it is failing ?
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
There is a difference between using resources efficiently and wastefully, career politicians and their federal government are the very definition of wasteful as is every socialist entitlement program.

Paying $billions in bonusses for CEO's in the healthcare industry, $billions in advertising pushing pills, paying thousands of people scrutinizing insurance contracts for ways to deny peoples claims etc. is an efficient use of resourses?

It's not the federal governments money, and it's not the federal governments place to determine who makes what. It's none of their business, the federal governments credibility is shit and piss when comes to financial responsibility. Mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion. Dumbass

How do you have a government if all taxation is voluntary?
Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.

Not really, you have a government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.....

But that's ok because corporations are people too, my friend

I own three S corps, the last looked I was a person. Dumbass
Just like I told righwinger: If you think it's a right to provide others with healthcare, volunteer at your nearest hospital and provide such care. I'm sure they will let you work as many hours as you desire.

How are others supposed to get healthcare? I thought DumBama and the Democrats solved that problem. I though they said Commie Care was the solution to our healthcare problems. Now you mean to tell me that it's not? We were lied to? The shame of it all.......

You just don't get it, I think healthcare is a human right and should not be dependent on charity.

And I also don't give a $hit about Obamacare and democrats in general. Obama is part of the problem, Hillary too and even Bernie is a fake socialist allthough he has at least some good ideas.

Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in have created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because it is failing ?
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...
There is a difference between using resources efficiently and wastefully, career politicians and their federal government are the very definition of wasteful as is every socialist entitlement program.

Paying $billions in bonusses for CEO's in the healthcare industry, $billions in advertising pushing pills, paying thousands of people scrutinizing insurance contracts for ways to deny peoples claims etc. is an efficient use of resourses?

It's not the federal governments money, and it's not the federal governments place to determine who makes what. It's none of their business, the federal governments credibility is shit and piss when comes to financial responsibility. Mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion. Dumbass

How do you have a government if all taxation is voluntary?
There will always be taxes, how they are applied is what matters. Example- forcing millions into obamacare when they will never use it and certainly want nothing to do with it = Taxation without representation.
That is why this federal government to banana republic
If an insurance company declines a member because of a pre existing condition, that is wrong. If we value life, then how can it be justified?

I was going to type a reply, but it seems somehow beyond hope.
Trillions wasted on socialist entitlement programs make all other expenditures look tiny, now go hide dumbass.

Funny, providing people with healthcare, education, old age pension etc. is a waste.....

You're a sorry excuse for a human being

There is a difference between using resources efficiently and wastefully, career politicians and their federal government are the very definition of wasteful as is every socialist entitlement program.
That is why this federal government is a banana republic
. Why don't you expend as much energy fixing the problem with government, and in the meantime shoring up the situation where abuse has been running rampant on the citizens in this nation ? Ever heard of multi-tasking ?
Trillions wasted on socialist entitlement programs make all other expenditures look tiny, now go hide dumbass.

Funny, providing people with healthcare, education, old age pension etc. is a waste.....

You're a sorry excuse for a human being

There is a difference between using resources efficiently and wastefully, career politicians and their federal government are the very definition of wasteful as is every socialist entitlement program.
That is why this federal government is a banana republic
. Why don't you expend as much energy fixing the problem with government, and in the meantime shoring up the situation where abuse has been running rampant on the citizens in this nation ? Ever heard of multi-tasking ?
Can't you see, the country is too far gone.
You just don't get it, I think healthcare is a human right and should not be dependent on charity.

And I also don't give a $hit about Obamacare and democrats in general. Obama is part of the problem, Hillary too and even Bernie is a fake socialist allthough he has at least some good ideas.

Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in have created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because it is failing ?
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
Obamacare was nothing but a supreme capitulation to republican demands that there be no public healthcare. The private insurance companies wanted to force poorer people to buy their product. They just retooled the "sliding scale" to equal the same cash inflow. There was no hurt felt by them and that was the ultimate goal forced upon Obama. It was his worst failure dressed up as a "success". But he is not singularly to blame. BigHealth is the real culprit. He was just a pussy in the face of them. They were the mafia and he was the spineless chump "trying weakly to change things".. They mowed him down like grass and kept all their hostages quite nicely, thank you very much.

This nation is in economic freefall for one industry: BigHealth. The people do want to be taxed to pay for free healthcare. The richer folk can still purchase private insurance for premium care. But that way BigHealth will take a hit. The barrier between economic well being & us is BigHealth. They demand the equivalent of a second mortgage be handed to them by the American family and they demand the equivalent of about 1/3 of the revenue for companies to hire more workers. They have our nation hostage and all other business is suffering.

You didn't notice it quite as much when the economy was strong. But now the Giant Leech is exposed and everyone else is taking the hit; even many of the 1% wondering "why is all the money being spent somewhere besides my industry??" Guess what, families consider healthcare a priority. When they're done getting it...Obamacare or not...what tiny little disposable income some may have is GONE.

That's why maybe nobody has a "right" to free healthcare yet (paid for by sales taxes on tobacco, booze & sugar, tax breaks for those who make their yearly checkups, small co-pay to cover actual costs at clinics), but it is economic stupidity that We allow BigHealth to hold us hostage. We have the right to enact free healthcare for ourselves using Article 1, Section collect taxes (at the register) to provide for Our Own common we do for fire, police, roads, military etc. What could be more of a necessity for protection of human life than healthcare?
Just like I told righwinger: If you think it's a right to provide others with healthcare, volunteer at your nearest hospital and provide such care. I'm sure they will let you work as many hours as you desire.

How are others supposed to get healthcare? I thought DumBama and the Democrats solved that problem. I though they said Commie Care was the solution to our healthcare problems. Now you mean to tell me that it's not? We were lied to? The shame of it all.......

You just don't get it, I think healthcare is a human right and should not be dependent on charity.

And I also don't give a $hit about Obamacare and democrats in general. Obama is part of the problem, Hillary too and even Bernie is a fake socialist allthough he has at least some good ideas.

Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in have created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because it is failing ?
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.
. You are tying all things together here... How about fixing one issue at a time, and quit trying to accuse the whole nation of everything being tied together all at one time... Just saying.. When the tactic is used then nothing gets done, and nothing improves in this nation... All we get is more of the same, and that is called the status quoe. Had enough of that yet ? Works for a few select in the nation, but the rest of the nation burns getting weaker and weaker in the process.
Last edited:
Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in have created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because it is failing ?
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.

I think if the government stuck to doing things such as this, rather than forcing people to buy health insurance under penalty of law or limiting the size f big gulps, most of us would be cool with that.
Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in have created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because it is failing ?
It seems to me you need to quit thinking there is any good in career politicians and their federal government. The tax, spend and print policy's of this government have destroyed the country, and it's barely two hunded years old. Far from long term success, going the way of the dodos. A fate suffered and shared by ALL forms of socialism.
The problem is not those petty things you list above, it's it takes a village bullshit. Socialism crushes all individualism under its delusional immaturity and lack of foresight. What made this country great is individual's doing great things, George Washington, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, Steve jobs etc. they all had flaws? Sure, who doesn't?
We don't have great individuals in this country like we used to, it takes an village mentality has pretty much crushed individualism with political correctness. People want to be lead by individuals to be individual, not sheep. Our elected officials are so very far from being shepards it's ridiculous. There is one Shepard we need to look too, all others are just pretenders.
That may be a little bit of what the appeal of trump is? He is no way in the category of those I listed above, but he has a bit of individualism people crave I suspect.

Socialism is an asset to individualism.
How so?
It takes a village mentality is crook of shit and piss...

It's easier for me to pay village (town) taxes and have the village plow my road after a snowstorm than it is for me to live without a socialist highway department and try to figure out on my own how to 1. plow the road myself and 2. hope everyone else is doing some snow removal, individually.

Having the task delegated to the government, and paid for with my taxes,

allows me more time to myself, i.e., my individual pursuits such as they are.
There are those who forget what the word United means in this nation. Those folks are those who figure they have opted out of any participation to be united in this nation. They are people who have lost trust in the nation. Can't blame them in a lot of ways, but to opt out has been the problem instead of fighting against the things that have gone wrong, and then fighting for the things that could make the nation better for all... Their rebellion busy's them to grouping all things together, therefore making fools of them when they try and use the concept to apply to everything.

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