No One Has a Right to Health Care

What does this have to do with whether health care is a right?

It answers those who claim we can't afford to take care of the sick

We always seem to find the money for senseless wars and more prisons

Helping those who can't afford healthcare and our pockets seem empty
those things are in the constitution as requirements.
healthcare is not a right.
Nowhere does the constitution say anything about spending unlimited amounts on defense and prisons

Beyond that it amounts to priorities
nowhere does it limit the amount.
but, nowhere does it include healthcare
General Welfare includes healthcare
if General Welfare would have included healthcare, then we would have had healthcare from day one.
try again.
liberals try to twist everything to meet their desires.
Just like I told righwinger: If you think it's a right to provide others with healthcare, volunteer at your nearest hospital and provide such care. I'm sure they will let you work as many hours as you desire.

How are others supposed to get healthcare? I thought DumBama and the Democrats solved that problem. I though they said Commie Care was the solution to our healthcare problems. Now you mean to tell me that it's not? We were lied to? The shame of it all.......

You just don't get it, I think healthcare is a human right and should not be dependent on charity.

And I also don't give a $hit about Obamacare and democrats in general. Obama is part of the problem, Hillary too and even Bernie is a fake socialist allthough he has at least some good ideas.

Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.
Saying no one has a right to healthcare is the same as saying no one has a right to live unless they can afford healthcare, and if they can't, and they are deemed by society as somehow worthless without knowing their whole story in life, then will they be shuffled around until they die sitting in the emergency room when their condition finally becomes so critical it's to late for them ? This happens more than people realize, but as long as it is not seen or known by your family or others who are living in a created class bubble, then it is whole heartedly excepted right ? If could get a government in charge that could be trusted, then it should take over the entire medical insurance industry in this nation... It would turn that industry into a fraud detection service where current employee's/workers would work in each state to manage and maintain the citizens account in each state. No one would be treated as less than another by the government run industry as pertaining to their health. The hospitals, doctors and health providers would still operate as free marketers who offer their services to the citizens in a competitive and in an efficient way. The government would just monitor the citizens account for over billing or fraud detection, otherwise if a free marketer tries to crook the patient or the government.

Everyone would have a deduction that would be taken out of their income that would be listed as HCS (Healthcare Citizen Services). The amount in such an astronomical pool would drive the rate down to say $8.00 dollars a week to be taken out of each citizens income weekly. A federal healthcare card would be issued to all American Citizens.
Saying no one has a right to healthcare is the same as saying no one has a right to live unless they can afford healthcare, and if they can't, and they are deemed by society as somehow worthless without knowing their whole story in life, then will they be shuffled around until they die sitting in the emergency room when their condition finally becomes so critical it's to late for them ? This happens more than people realize, but as long as it is not seen or known by your family or others who are living in a created class bubble, then it is whole heartedly excepted right ? If could get a government in charge that could be trusted, then it should take over the entire medical insurance industry in this nation... It would turn that industry into a fraud detection service where current employee's/workers would work in each state to manage and maintain the citizens account in each state. No one would be treated as less than another by the government run industry as pertaining to their health. The hospitals, doctors and health providers would still operate as free marketers who offer their services to the citizens in a competitive and in an efficient way. The government would just monitor the citizens account for over billing or fraud detection, otherwise if a free marketer tries to crook the patient or the government.

Everyone would have a deduction that would be taken out of their income that would be listed as HCS (Healthcare Citizen Services). The amount in such an astronomical pool would drive the rate down to say $8.00 dollars a week to be taken out of each citizens income weekly. A federal healthcare card would be issued to all American Citizens.
A needy public = frivolous lawsuits = super high medical costs = Government control of healthcare = Control freak government = Banana republic
What does this have to do with whether health care is a right?

It answers those who claim we can't afford to take care of the sick

We always seem to find the money for senseless wars and more prisons

Helping those who can't afford healthcare and our pockets seem empty
those things are in the constitution as requirements.
healthcare is not a right.
Nowhere does the constitution say anything about spending unlimited amounts on defense and prisons

Beyond that it amounts to priorities

The Constitution does charge our representatives with the protection of the citizens. That's why we have military and prisons although all of our prisons (except federal prisons) are run by the state.

For a country that hasn't had a foreign country invade in 200 years, we have flexibility in what we need for defense

We have more citizens in jail than any nation on earth

Yet, we complain we can't afford is a matter of national priorities
You bleeding hearts can pay for others healthcare all you want, no one is stopping you.
Just like I told righwinger: If you think it's a right to provide others with healthcare, volunteer at your nearest hospital and provide such care. I'm sure they will let you work as many hours as you desire.

How are others supposed to get healthcare? I thought DumBama and the Democrats solved that problem. I though they said Commie Care was the solution to our healthcare problems. Now you mean to tell me that it's not? We were lied to? The shame of it all.......

You just don't get it, I think healthcare is a human right and should not be dependent on charity.

And I also don't give a $hit about Obamacare and democrats in general. Obama is part of the problem, Hillary too and even Bernie is a fake socialist allthough he has at least some good ideas.

Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.
. Do you actually understand or realize that because of lobbyist, cronyism, state reps, and all else who are petitioning the federal government to release money into the system for stimulating the economy, and funding military projects etc. in which the private sector happily participates in has created the government we have today ? Who has made the government this powerful other than we the people ? But when it comes to specific issues or conversations, uh the government becomes this entity that is somehow not to be involved in the process of ideas or suggestions pertaining to an issue in which the citizens are bringing to the forefront because in this case for example the issue of healthcare is at stake because it is failing ?
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That's the spirit, the crisis was caused by evil government taxes, greed of the holy free market had nothing to do with it.

But seriously, don't you know that Jezus provided free healthcare to the poor? I though all you compassionate conservatives claimed to be big fans of him.


Jesus taught that people should give of themselves, not have government forcibly take from people in order to give.
Jesus took care of the sick

He would be appalled at what passes for Christians

You said a mouthful right there: Jesus took care of the sick. He didn't insist government take money from people to take care of the sick. That was my point all along.
Jesus did not scream at the sick that they should GET A JOB if they want treatment
you really need to read the Bible before you start telling others what it says.
Show me where in the bible Jesus tells people they should get a job if they want healthcare
It answers those who claim we can't afford to take care of the sick

We always seem to find the money for senseless wars and more prisons

Helping those who can't afford healthcare and our pockets seem empty
those things are in the constitution as requirements.
healthcare is not a right.
Nowhere does the constitution say anything about spending unlimited amounts on defense and prisons

Beyond that it amounts to priorities
nowhere does it limit the amount.
but, nowhere does it include healthcare
General Welfare includes healthcare
if General Welfare would have included healthcare, then we would have had healthcare from day one.
try again.
liberals try to twist everything to meet their desires.
General Welfare is a broad term that means....Do what is best for the country
If an insurance company declines a member because of a pre existing condition, that is wrong. If we value life, then how can it be justified?
I say the government should take over the insurance part of the medical or healthcare industry only, issue all American Citizens with a healthcare card in which a deduction will be taken from every single American who has an income in this nation... The rest of the industry should remain in the private sector to spur competition and continued creativity that will serve the citizens and the government well.
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There is a difference between using resources efficiently and wastefully, career politicians and their federal government are the very definition of wasteful as is every socialist entitlement program.

Paying $billions in bonusses for CEO's in the healthcare industry, $billions in advertising pushing pills, paying thousands of people scrutinizing insurance contracts for ways to deny peoples claims etc. is an efficient use of resourses?

Jesus taught that people should give of themselves, not have government forcibly take from people in order to give.
Jesus took care of the sick

He would be appalled at what passes for Christians

You said a mouthful right there: Jesus took care of the sick. He didn't insist government take money from people to take care of the sick. That was my point all along.
Jesus did not scream at the sick that they should GET A JOB if they want treatment
you really need to read the Bible before you start telling others what it says.
Show me where in the bible Jesus tells people they should get a job if they want healthcare
you keep quoting the bible, so I can only assume that you already know.
if not, its an easy search.
Typical liberal, wants me to buy his food, his house his phone his healthcare and still too damn lazy to do a simple internet search.
you do understand that you thinking its a human right does not actually makes it a human right

You do understand that humans can make it a human right if they want to?

You do understand that the US in the only country in the "civilized" world that doesn't have universal healthcare?

You do understand that a majority of the population is actually in favour of it?

There is a difference between using resources efficiently and wastefully, career politicians and their federal government are the very definition of wasteful as is every socialist entitlement program.

Paying $billions in bonusses for CEO's in the healthcare industry, $billions in advertising pushing pills, paying thousands of people scrutinizing insurance contracts for ways to deny peoples claims etc. is an efficient use of resourses?

you do understand that you thinking its a human right does not actually makes it a human right

You do understand that humans can make it a human right if they want to?

You do understand that the US in the only country in the "civilized" world that doesn't have universal healthcare?

You do understand that a majority of the population is actually in favour of it?

you do understand that the majority is NOT in favor of it. I was doing just fine before all this crap came about. I had affordable care, no deductibles 7 dollar medications. Now what? Now If Im forced into a government plan I wont be able to afford to use the coverage I am forced to buy? yet Choniqua and her 30 crack whore kids gets it for free from me?
If an insurance company declines a member because of a pre existing condition, that is wrong. If we value life, then how can it be justified?
. The insurance industry became profiteers who had not the interest of the nation's health in its target, but rather how it could maximize profits, deny any risk that will endanger those profits. Now how can peoples lives be dependent on such a thing as that ? Do people deny the horrors that have gone on in the ER's across this nation ? Forcing a citizen to go to the ER for services because they cannot participate in the preventive healthcare programs with everyone else to me is the same is telling Rosa Parks to go to the back of the bus....
Life is not an charity, no government should be forcing its citizens into things they want nothing to do with. The Federal government is supposed to be employee to the people obviously that's a crock of shit, it's the other way around.

Not really, you have a government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.....

But that's ok because corporations are people too, my friend

or, maybe they lost their homes, then their jobs when the taxes on their earned income became too high for them to pay and meet their financial obligations at the same time. And since the government steals from your check instead of letting you send in what they want, there is no way to get around it.

That's the spirit, the crisis was caused by evil government taxes, greed of the holy free market had nothing to do with it.

But seriously, don't you know that Jezus provided free healthcare to the poor? I though all you compassionate conservatives claimed to be big fans of him.


Jesus taught that people should give of themselves, not have government forcibly take from people in order to give.
Jesus took care of the sick

He would be appalled at what passes for Christians

You said a mouthful right there: Jesus took care of the sick. He didn't insist government take money from people to take care of the sick. That was my point all along.
Jesus did not scream at the sick that they should GET A JOB if they want treatment


Dear Lord! Find this man a job!!
you do understand that the majority is NOT in favor of it. I was doing just fine before all this crap came about. I had affordable care, no deductibles 7 dollar medications. Now what? Now If Im forced into a government plan I wont be able to afford to use the coverage I am forced to buy? yet Choniqua and her 30 crack whore kids gets it for free from me?

You do understand that you're not the majority?


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