No one in the media has any evidence whatsoever that the russians rigged the elections. Full stop

I'm done with that. Posting it around 20 times by now, in threads you participated no less is ENOUGH.

Even Trump admited eventually it was Russians and your dumb ass is still in denial mode.

there is no proof that the hack was done by the Russian government. You have never posted such proof, and you fricken well know it.

But even if they did, so what? All that came out was evidence of corruption within the DNC and the Hillary campaign. If you are saying that the truth cost Hillary the election, then OK, I agree.

Lol no dummy, as I already stated, I know exactly opposite of what you just claimed about me knowing.

Russians BROKE THE LAW, by stealing the emails.

Stealing is BAD! BAD Russian dudes! Trum BAD too if he coluded with them!

I hope Trump speak makes it easier for you to understand.

OK, PROVE that wikileaks got the info on DNC corruption from the Russian government. PROVE It or STFU

Right after you PROVE that Obama wrote the Hawaiian judge's decision on Trump's EO.

You claimed that as fact yesterday. Now be a good little boy and post your proof, or STFU.

I did not claim it as fact. I posed it as a question. But if you think that judge wrote a 23 page opinion in a few hours after Trump signed the EO, and that Obama's visit was mere coincidence, then I have some ocean front property in Kansas that you can buy cheap.

sometimes we just need to look at the facts and draw a logical conclusion. But I understand, you are guided by the talking points put out by your masters.

You just claimed it as fact again. Now provide some proof.
even if you prove something to RussianWingers they refuse to believe the proof. Why fuck with them?
If? Lol, is that an admission there is no fucking proof you fucking loser?

No back to the fucking FACT that your fucking miserable goddamn party fixed the fucking primary for your fucking cuuunt you fucking piece of shit.

How the fuck does that taste you fucking loser? Your mother told me it tastes salty.

The oldest trick in the USMB RWnut book is to ignore proof no matter how many times it's posted, and then keep starting new threads on the same topic,

demanding the proof.
Russia hacked DNC servers
Russia released to Wikileaks
Trump used the information in his campaign

Looks like proof to me

what exactly is wrong with using the truth about your corrupt opponent in a campaign?

Why don't you ask Nixon.

Nixon lied about a break in. He was looking for dirt and got caught. He was run out of office for it. Clinton lied under oath, was impeached, and you fools still idolize him.

Nono, the crime WAS THE BREAK IN.

If Trump coluded with Russians on this break in his ass is cooked.

Nixon didn't break in to Watergate, neither did he know about it before it happened or order it. He lied about it after he found out about it. I lived through that mess, I remember exactly how it went down.

What Russian "break in" ? Give us the proof that the Russian government hacked the DNC e-mail system and then gave the info to wikileaks. Can't provide that proof? then STFU
And we won't know because the DNC never allowed the FBI access to the server.
The Russians did interfere in elections. The intelligence community has looked at evidence and made their estimate. We are seeing the same thing going on in France where the opponent of the Russia backed candidate is suffering hacking attacks. We are also seeing the same thing in the hacking of the CIA with Russia and WikiLeaks work together to apparently suggest the CIA hacked the DC servers instead of Russia.

You are never going to see direct evidence of the Russia attacks. Most hacking attacks are that way. Gen Mattis has talked about how Russia's hacking represents a threat to Western nations.

Two individuals linked to the FSB were indicted by the Justice Department on Mar 14 for being involved in the 2014 Yahoo hacking. That is fake news I suppose.
I somehow have to expound on that statement. Ok, uhhhhh, there is no evidence whatsoever that the russians rigged the elections. Full stop.

Full stop? Yes, fully stopped.

Wait, let me share more.

I would rather listen to a dry fart from a wet dog than listen to anything from the left who lie about everything.

Saaaay, did we ever find out where those nonstop drip drip drip leaks came from about the Trump administration and russians?

Anyone notice since Trump accused the obama administration "wiretapping" (figured I would put it in quotes like Trump did) that the drip drip drip leaks have stopped?

Probably just a coincidence. Yeeeah, huh huh. Seriously, we know there were leaks and no one knows where they came from. We know since Trump Tweeted about "wiretaps" (figured I would put it in quotes like Trump did and the stupid left pretend to not know what that means) that the leaks stopped.

Full stop.

I think you have had a full brain fart stop--LOL
FBI, CIA Agree That Russia Was Trying To Help Trump Win The Election
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

The Russian's have been accused of meddling in the election, not necessarily rigging it. The extent of the meddling and it's outcome is unknown and awaiting investigation. That is what the media has been reporting. The OP gives a misinterpretation of the way the media has covered the story, a false narrative. In any case, it was the US intelligence community, 17 independent agencies who made the claim. It would be highly irresponsible for the media not to report and cover what those agencies said.

yes, the media should accurately report what, if anything, the Russians had to do with our election. But the entire premise of this exercise is flawed. Everyone knows that the only possible election impact resulted from the disclosure of corruption and fraud within the DNC, the Clinton campaign and the media.

There is absolutely no proof that WL got that info from the Russians. NONE, ZERO, ZILCH.

So what this is really about is trying desperately to find a reason for Hillary's loss other than her own lying, cheating, and corruption.
The media should report what the intelligence agencies and members of the investigation entities such as Congressional Committees are saying. What is flawed is the false narrative that this whole situation is somehow the fault of the "media". The media is not reporting fake news when it reports on what elected US Representatives and Senators are saying about the issue or what members of the intelligence and law enforcement agencies are saying.

NO, they should not report what people are "saying". That is exactly the problem. People "say" what suits their political agenda. An honest media (which we do not have) would report only what they can substantiate as fact.

The media is reporting FACTS--the only FAKE news is coming from Donald Trump and his physco babble interpreters that have surrounded him throughout this campaign. You're problem is, it's just FACTS you don't want to hear--LOL

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia


Trump could tell you that little green aliens came down from outerspace and kidnapped Melania and you would believe it.
The oldest trick in the USMB RWnut book is to ignore proof no matter how many times it's posted, and then keep starting new threads on the same topic,

demanding the proof.

Remember, the DNI briefed Donald Trump personally with the classified information on the Russian interference. Of course Trump then declared the 17 intelligence agencies to be just another source of fake news.
demanding the proof.

Actually it's demanding we post proof, which is classified as top secret, and came from FISA intercepts taken while monitoring the communications of Russian agents. Certain things are never disclosed. Even the U2 photographs of the missiles in Cuba weren't shown to the united nations, instead they flew recon F-101's to take the pictures shown to the Russian ambassador.
even if you prove something to RussianWingers they refuse to believe the proof. Why fuck with them?
If? Lol, is that an admission there is no fucking proof you fucking loser?

No back to the fucking FACT that your fucking miserable goddamn party fixed the fucking primary for your fucking cuuunt you fucking piece of shit.

How the fuck does that taste you fucking loser? Your mother told me it tastes salty.

yeah "if" old buzzard,

it was proven in 9 investigations Clinton didnt do anything illegal, and asshats STILL SAY shes guilty of crimes and should be in prison.

btw, were you born an ignorant shitbox or did you take night classes?
it was proven in 9 investigations Clinton didnt do anything illegal, and asshats STILL SAY shes guilty of crimes and should be in prison.

Would Comey's second investigation, the one he announced to the republicans in congress so they could release it to the news, considered one of those 9, or were they actually 10 investigations?
OK, libs, lets talk about rigging an election. OK? Remember the dem primary? Do you?

Do you understand that the DNC and the superdelegates rigged it for Hillary and dumped horseshit on the Bernie voters? Are you fools OK with that? Do you condone that kind of corruption? Do you approve of a few superdelegates picking your candidate and disenfranchising the rest of the dem delegates?

THINK, dems THINK 25% about what your party is doing to YOU.

Then how did Obama defeat Clinton in 2008? The superdelegates were in place in 2008. The difference between Obama and Sanders was that Obama won contests while Sanders lost them. Obama won Iowa and SC while Sanders only won in NH. Sanders got clobbered in SC. On Super Tuesday Sanders got clobbered in the south in many states that Obama won. Even without the superdelegates Clinton had a majority of pledged delegates. Even in states like Texas where Obama lost the primary, Sanders got clobbered.

Super Tuesday 2016
Alabama Clinton 78% Sanders 20% 2008 Obama 56% Clinton 42%
Arkansas Clinton 66% Sanders 30% 2008 Clinton 70% Obama 26%
American Samoa Clinton 36% Sanders 18% 2008 Clinton 57% Obama 42%
Colorado Sanders 57% Clinton 40% 2008 Obama 67% Clinton 32%
Georgia Clinton 62% Sanders 2008 Obama 66% Clinton 31%
Massachusetts Clinton 40% Sanders 39% 2008 Clinton 56% Obama 40%
Minnesota Sanders 61% Clinton 38% 2008 Obama 66% Clinton 32%
Oklahoma Sanders 52% Clinton 42% 2008 Clinton 55% Obama 31%
Tennessee Clinton 62% Sanders 32% 2008 Clinton 54% Obama 40%
Texas Clinton 65% Sanders 33% 2008 Clinton 51% Obama 47%
Virginia Clinton 64% Sanders 35% 2008 Obama 64% Clinton 35%
Vermont Sanders 86% Clinton 13% 2008 Obama 59% Clinton 35%

In 2008, Obama won 6 of the 12. In 2016, Clinton won 8 out of 12. Even in Minnesota and Colorado where Clinton lost to Obama and Sanders, she improved her numbers. Obama went on a long winning streak after Super Tuesday that convinced many superdelegates to switch from Clinton to Obama.
What the libs cannot deal with is that the truth about the corruption within the DNC, the Clinton campaign, and the media got Trump elected.

The "Russians did it" is nothing but a failed attempt to find a cause other than the incompetence and corruption of the dem party and the hildebeast.

Yup. They keep trying to tie Trump the Russian hack of Podestas computer but keep coming up short.

Smoke but no fire because there isn't any fire.

One would think the dummies would be more concerned with the 2018 elections which are right around the corner.

America is watching.

They are going to need plenty of luck because they sure as shit have crappy leadership.
there is no proof that the hack was done by the Russian government. You have never posted such proof, and you fricken well know it.

But even if they did, so what? All that came out was evidence of corruption within the DNC and the Hillary campaign. If you are saying that the truth cost Hillary the election, then OK, I agree.

Lol no dummy, as I already stated, I know exactly opposite of what you just claimed about me knowing.

Russians BROKE THE LAW, by stealing the emails.

Stealing is BAD! BAD Russian dudes! Trum BAD too if he coluded with them!

I hope Trump speak makes it easier for you to understand.

OK, PROVE that wikileaks got the info on DNC corruption from the Russian government. PROVE It or STFU

Right after you PROVE that Obama wrote the Hawaiian judge's decision on Trump's EO.

You claimed that as fact yesterday. Now be a good little boy and post your proof, or STFU.

I did not claim it as fact. I posed it as a question. But if you think that judge wrote a 23 page opinion in a few hours after Trump signed the EO, and that Obama's visit was mere coincidence, then I have some ocean front property in Kansas that you can buy cheap.

sometimes we just need to look at the facts and draw a logical conclusion. But I understand, you are guided by the talking points put out by your masters.

You just claimed it as fact again. Now provide some proof.

No, I again posed it as a question. Your reading comprehension skills are marginal at best
OK, libs, lets talk about rigging an election. OK? Remember the dem primary? Do you?

Do you understand that the DNC and the superdelegates rigged it for Hillary and dumped horseshit on the Bernie voters? Are you fools OK with that? Do you condone that kind of corruption? Do you approve of a few superdelegates picking your candidate and disenfranchising the rest of the dem delegates?

THINK, dems THINK 25% about what your party is doing to YOU.

Then how did Obama defeat Clinton in 2008? The superdelegates were in place in 2008. The difference between Obama and Sanders was that Obama won contests while Sanders lost them. Obama won Iowa and SC while Sanders only won in NH. Sanders got clobbered in SC. On Super Tuesday Sanders got clobbered in the south in many states that Obama won. Even without the superdelegates Clinton had a majority of pledged delegates. Even in states like Texas where Obama lost the primary, Sanders got clobbered.

Super Tuesday 2016
Alabama Clinton 78% Sanders 20% 2008 Obama 56% Clinton 42%
Arkansas Clinton 66% Sanders 30% 2008 Clinton 70% Obama 26%
American Samoa Clinton 36% Sanders 18% 2008 Clinton 57% Obama 42%
Colorado Sanders 57% Clinton 40% 2008 Obama 67% Clinton 32%
Georgia Clinton 62% Sanders 2008 Obama 66% Clinton 31%
Massachusetts Clinton 40% Sanders 39% 2008 Clinton 56% Obama 40%
Minnesota Sanders 61% Clinton 38% 2008 Obama 66% Clinton 32%
Oklahoma Sanders 52% Clinton 42% 2008 Clinton 55% Obama 31%
Tennessee Clinton 62% Sanders 32% 2008 Clinton 54% Obama 40%
Texas Clinton 65% Sanders 33% 2008 Clinton 51% Obama 47%
Virginia Clinton 64% Sanders 35% 2008 Obama 64% Clinton 35%
Vermont Sanders 86% Clinton 13% 2008 Obama 59% Clinton 35%

In 2008, Obama won 6 of the 12. In 2016, Clinton won 8 out of 12. Even in Minnesota and Colorado where Clinton lost to Obama and Sanders, she improved her numbers. Obama went on a long winning streak after Super Tuesday that convinced many superdelegates to switch from Clinton to Obama.

nice recitation, but the bottom line is that the DNC picked Obama over Clinton and Clinton over Sanders. The dem primary was rigged as it always is.
yes dems and libs, the leaked truth about corruption within the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the media may have cost her the election. It doesn't really matter who uncovered that corruption, the American voters have the right to know.
yes dems and libs, the leaked truth about corruption within the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the media may have cost her the election. It doesn't really matter who uncovered that corruption, the American voters have the right to know.

Actually it does, if it was due to Russian hacking. Then you've presented prima facia evidence of the Russian hacking influencing an american election.

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