No one in the media has any evidence whatsoever that the russians rigged the elections. Full stop

Cumps drone collective wanted proof Obama DID NOT wiretap Cump Tower .... well, they fucking got it, from all sides, and he didnt.

they didnt and still dont accept that ..

same shit to come from them on the Trump/Russian connection.

Nothing that piece of monkey shit does or can do will ever quench the drone collective's thirst for Trumps ass to lick/kiss.
Trump lied about Obama wiretapping him, so who can trust Trump when he said he has nothing to do with Russia?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I didn't send or receive any classified data on my private server"

spare us the bullshit about lies.

If youre not willing to hold Trump to higher standards than Clinton then you cant say a negative word about her.

are you smart enough to understand that ?

I don't want any politician to lie to us. But they all do. Are you smart enough to understand that?

The problem is the significance of the lies and their impact on our country. The Clintons were being bribed by foreign powers and lied about it. That is much more significant than any of Trump's tweets.

Trumps the POTUS not Clinton.

yes, and the country is much better off as a result. The corrupt Clinton clan would have completed the destruction of this country that was started by Obama.
Nixon didn't break in to Watergate, neither did he know about it before it happened or order it. He lied about it after he found out about it. I lived through that mess, I remember exactly how it went down.

What Russian "break in" ? Give us the proof that the Russian government hacked the DNC e-mail system and then gave the info to wikileaks. Can't provide that proof? then STFU

You have got to be fucking joking. Get lost idiot, I may as well spend my time talking to a wall.

Ok asshole, then post the proof that the Russian government hacked the DNC e-mail system.

Hint, a Pelosi quote is not proof.

I'll wait.

I'm done with that. Posting it around 20 times by now, in threads you participated no less is ENOUGH.

Even Trump admited eventually it was Russians and your dumb ass is still in denial mode.

there is no proof that the hack was done by the Russian government. You have never posted such proof, and you fricken well know it.

But even if they did, so what? All that came out was evidence of corruption within the DNC and the Hillary campaign. If you are saying that the truth cost Hillary the election, then OK, I agree.

Lol no dummy, as I already stated, I know exactly opposite of what you just claimed about me knowing.

Russians BROKE THE LAW, by stealing the emails.

Stealing is BAD! BAD Russian dudes! Trum BAD too if he coluded with them!

I hope Trump speak makes it easier for you to understand.

OK, PROVE that wikileaks got the info on DNC corruption from the Russian government. PROVE It or STFU
Yesterday on CNN's 'Smirk-cough' Chrissy Cisisia from the WAPO claimed Sessions had had a "private meeting" with the "President of Russia". Of course Smirk-cough never corrected him.
He allowed this FAKE NEWS to become FACT in the viewers minds.
Chrissy did say when asked about the whole Trump/Russia LIB media lie: [Paraphrasing] "I think the DEMS ought to be extremely careful because this whole thing is going to blow up in the LIB MSM's face".
Same with the 'wiretapping' against Trump by Loretta Lurch.
Watch a repeat of the Rachael Man-brow farce blow up in the LIB MSM's face.
Someone applied for the FISA warrants. Their signature is on the applications. Loretta Lurch had to have signed off on them. Anyone who believes Lurch wasn't talking with Obama about the applications is delusional.
Your RW pals on USMB are ADMITTING that the Russians hacked the election to Trump's benefit in another thread on the front page.

You have got to be fucking joking. Get lost idiot, I may as well spend my time talking to a wall.

Ok asshole, then post the proof that the Russian government hacked the DNC e-mail system.

Hint, a Pelosi quote is not proof.

I'll wait.

I'm done with that. Posting it around 20 times by now, in threads you participated no less is ENOUGH.

Even Trump admited eventually it was Russians and your dumb ass is still in denial mode.

there is no proof that the hack was done by the Russian government. You have never posted such proof, and you fricken well know it.

But even if they did, so what? All that came out was evidence of corruption within the DNC and the Hillary campaign. If you are saying that the truth cost Hillary the election, then OK, I agree.

Lol no dummy, as I already stated, I know exactly opposite of what you just claimed about me knowing.

Russians BROKE THE LAW, by stealing the emails.

Stealing is BAD! BAD Russian dudes! Trum BAD too if he coluded with them!

I hope Trump speak makes it easier for you to understand.

OK, PROVE that wikileaks got the info on DNC corruption from the Russian government. PROVE It or STFU

Right after you PROVE that Obama wrote the Hawaiian judge's decision on Trump's EO.

You claimed that as fact yesterday. Now be a good little boy and post your proof, or STFU.
Ok asshole, then post the proof that the Russian government hacked the DNC e-mail system.

Hint, a Pelosi quote is not proof.

I'll wait.

I'm done with that. Posting it around 20 times by now, in threads you participated no less is ENOUGH.

Even Trump admited eventually it was Russians and your dumb ass is still in denial mode.

there is no proof that the hack was done by the Russian government. You have never posted such proof, and you fricken well know it.

But even if they did, so what? All that came out was evidence of corruption within the DNC and the Hillary campaign. If you are saying that the truth cost Hillary the election, then OK, I agree.

Lol no dummy, as I already stated, I know exactly opposite of what you just claimed about me knowing.

Russians BROKE THE LAW, by stealing the emails.

Stealing is BAD! BAD Russian dudes! Trum BAD too if he coluded with them!

I hope Trump speak makes it easier for you to understand.

OK, PROVE that wikileaks got the info on DNC corruption from the Russian government. PROVE It or STFU

Right after you PROVE that Obama wrote the Hawaiian judge's decision on Trump's EO.

You claimed that as fact yesterday. Now be a good little boy and post your proof, or STFU.

I did not claim it as fact. I posed it as a question. But if you think that judge wrote a 23 page opinion in a few hours after Trump signed the EO, and that Obama's visit was mere coincidence, then I have some ocean front property in Kansas that you can buy cheap.

sometimes we just need to look at the facts and draw a logical conclusion. But I understand, you are guided by the talking points put out by your masters.
Your RW pals on USMB are ADMITTING that the Russians hacked the election to Trump's benefit in another thread on the front page.


wikileaks released DNC emails that proved corruption in the DNC and the Hillary campaign. There is no proof that WL got it from the Russian government.

"hacked the election" ????? WTF does that mean? That the truth about Hillary and the democrats helped Trump? Yes, it did.

Now, provide proof that the Russians tampered with voting machines, vote counts, or voters.
wikileaks released DNC emails that proved corruption in the DNC and the Hillary campaign

PROVE IT. There was not a single official corruption charge by anyone against DNC or Hillary. Which is very much UNLIKE Russian hacks that resulted in official sanctions against Russia that remain in place to this day btw.

Lets go asshole, show me how it is done. :rolleyes:
OK, libs, lets talk about rigging an election. OK? Remember the dem primary? Do you?

Do you understand that the DNC and the superdelegates rigged it for Hillary and dumped horseshit on the Bernie voters? Are you fools OK with that? Do you condone that kind of corruption? Do you approve of a few superdelegates picking your candidate and disenfranchising the rest of the dem delegates?

THINK, dems THINK about what your party is doing to YOU.
wikileaks released DNC emails that proved corruption in the DNC and the Hillary campaign


Lets go asshole, show me how it is done. :rolleyes:

you ask me to prove something that everyone already knows? That WL released DNC emails that proved corruption within the DNC? Even MSNBC has acknowledged that fact. Have you been living under a rock eating worms?
wikileaks released DNC emails that proved corruption in the DNC and the Hillary campaign


Lets go asshole, show me how it is done. :rolleyes:

you ask me to prove something that everyone already knows?


Your complete lack of self-awareness is mind boggling.
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wikileaks released DNC emails that proved corruption in the DNC and the Hillary campaign


Lets go asshole, show me how it is done. :rolleyes:

you ask me to prove something that everyone already knows?


You complete lack of self-awareness is mind boggling.

"you complete" ?????

Every news media on the planet knows that WL released proof of DNC corruption and manipulation to give the primary to Hillary. Are you the only one that missed that?
even if you prove something to RussianWingers they refuse to believe the proof. Why fuck with them?
even if you prove something to RussianWingers they refuse to believe the proof. Why fuck with them?

It's been proven to no end here, even Trump who denied it was Russians tooth and nail early on, promising to release something proving the charge wrong....released nothing, ate a shoe, and eventually admitted it was Russians.

But now that this asshole is asked to prove his own assertion his response is - "I don't need to prove anything, everybody knows it! duh!"
The democrats knew how much they had fucked with the election. They invented Russian interference to cover up what they were doing.

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