No one is talking about the huge difference between Iraq and Syria.

Pelosi meets with Syria?s Assad - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News


Anyone else remember this?

Some Libberhoid asswipe will now post a picture of Bush kissing an Arab.... in 3.........2...........1...........
And Finally:

What ever Obama does, we know from past experience it will be through careful deliberation. It's just the way he works. Republicans can't see that. Correction, Republicans WON'T see that. They refuse to. As sure as they deny evolution, climate change, supply and demand, and the positives of education, they will refuse to see anything this president does as reasonable. Because their disastrous policies and their military fiascoes have been anything but reasonable. Apparently, reason is not something they are familiar with.

Obama's "careful deliberation" is calulating the political ramifications for a decision, not what is right and wrong.
no one is talking about the huge difference between iraq and syria.


Then Syria has nothing to worry about right?

Syria obviously has its own internal tensions to deal with.

Do remember that Syria has a huge Christian that was practicing Christianity certainly long before any of of our European ancestors were Christians.

As with Lebanon, the Israeli conflict and the resulting exodus of Palestinians into those formerly Christian lead nations has upset the former balance of power between the religious factions.

Syria is another Asiatic quagmire we do NOT want to get stuck in.

It did not take long for the libtard statists to start singing osannah in praise of the IDENTICAL situation and it's possible solution with a war and a regime when they were all in seizures of damnation with a previous one:lol:

Lying hypocrites. Which is nothing new - lying is the core feature of the left
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It did not take long for the libtard statists to start singing osanna in praise of the IDENTICAL sotuation with a war and a regime when they were all in seizure of damnation with a previous one:lol:

Lying hypocrites. Which is nothing new - lying is the. Corr feature of the left

oh, yeah.


the caps prove it.
you ***** keep on pretending bush invaded because of the al anfal campaign, 15 years later.
What Obama apologists like Deanie will never admit is that Assad made the decision to gas those people because he didn't believe Barack Obama had the stomach for a real fight. Sorry, Kiddies...but Barry isn't commanding any respect overseas. They see him as weak. So instead of the threat of US retaliation deterring Assad from using gas against civilians that perceived weakness encouraged him to order the WMD's be used. Now Barry's backed into a corner...he either acts and it pulls us closer to a regional conflict we don't want to be in...or he doesn't act and is viewed as totally spineless.
First difference:

For one, Syria really does have WMD's.

Right away, Republicans will say, "Oh, but Saddam gassed his own people." But like "twinkle down" and "cutting taxes for billionaires make jobs" and all their other nonsense, this is just something else they screamed so often, it's the only thing they believe.


Who really gassed the Kurds?

United States Defense Intelligence Agency investigated and produced a classified report, which it circulated within the intelligence community on a need-to-know basis. That study asserted that it was Iranian gas that killed the Kurds, not Iraqi gas.

Stephen C. Pelletiere is author of "Iraq and the International Oil System: Why America Went to War in the Persian Gulf."


Another difference:

Can you imagine "no drama Obama" telling America, "You are with us or with the terrorists" to push an agenda of manipulation and lies? Republicans insist Obama must be stupid because he doesn't rush off in a panic like a chicken with it's head cut off. They think he's paralyzed with fear and stupidity.
The problem is, they aren't used to thoughtful action based on study and intelligence. The Iraq fiasco proves that. And Obama won't put politics above the citizens of this country the way Republicans did when they blocked his administration from investigating BP or when they held millions of unemployed Americans hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts or when they lied America into Iraq in the hopes of making "oil money".

Another difference:

America hadn't been "burned" before the way it was when tricked into Iraq by Bush and the Republicans. I thought Saddam was part of 9/11, most people did. A Zogby poll taken at the time had 90% of soldiers going to Iraq believing it was because of 9/11. Everyone thought we were taking out the guy who attacked us. The sacrificial lamb was the head of the CIA who has said, "Don't look at me. I wasn't me who fabricated intel".
Because of this, which led to the deaths and permanent maiming of tens of thousands of Americans and trillions of dollars lost, Americans simply aren't willing to get involved in another Middle East Conflict.

And Finally:

What ever Obama does, we know from past experience it will be through careful deliberation. It's just the way he works. Republicans can't see that. Correction, Republicans WON'T see that. They refuse to. As sure as they deny evolution, climate change, supply and demand, and the positives of education, they will refuse to see anything this president does as reasonable. Because their disastrous policies and their military fiascoes have been anything but reasonable. Apparently, reason is not something they are familiar with.

The only difference that matters to you and other lwingers is Obama is a Dem. A Republican does this and you go into orbit.
Biggest difference will be the bi-partisan support Bush got for Iraq while obama doesn't have the balls to bring it to a vote and will do an end around on Congress, again.
First difference:

For one, Syria really does have WMD's.

Right away, Republicans will say, "Oh, but Saddam gassed his own people." But like "twinkle down" and "cutting taxes for billionaires make jobs" and all their other nonsense, this is just something else they screamed so often, it's the only thing they believe.


Who really gassed the Kurds?

United States Defense Intelligence Agency investigated and produced a classified report, which it circulated within the intelligence community on a need-to-know basis. That study asserted that it was Iranian gas that killed the Kurds, not Iraqi gas.

Stephen C. Pelletiere is author of "Iraq and the International Oil System: Why America Went to War in the Persian Gulf."


Another difference:

Can you imagine "no drama Obama" telling America, "You are with us or with the terrorists" to push an agenda of manipulation and lies? Republicans insist Obama must be stupid because he doesn't rush off in a panic like a chicken with it's head cut off. They think he's paralyzed with fear and stupidity.
The problem is, they aren't used to thoughtful action based on study and intelligence. The Iraq fiasco proves that. And Obama won't put politics above the citizens of this country the way Republicans did when they blocked his administration from investigating BP or when they held millions of unemployed Americans hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts or when they lied America into Iraq in the hopes of making "oil money".

Another difference:

America hadn't been "burned" before the way it was when tricked into Iraq by Bush and the Republicans. I thought Saddam was part of 9/11, most people did. A Zogby poll taken at the time had 90% of soldiers going to Iraq believing it was because of 9/11. Everyone thought we were taking out the guy who attacked us. The sacrificial lamb was the head of the CIA who has said, "Don't look at me. I wasn't me who fabricated intel".
Because of this, which led to the deaths and permanent maiming of tens of thousands of Americans and trillions of dollars lost, Americans simply aren't willing to get involved in another Middle East Conflict.

And Finally:

What ever Obama does, we know from past experience it will be through careful deliberation. It's just the way he works. Republicans can't see that. Correction, Republicans WON'T see that. They refuse to. As sure as they deny evolution, climate change, supply and demand, and the positives of education, they will refuse to see anything this president does as reasonable. Because their disastrous policies and their military fiascoes have been anything but reasonable. Apparently, reason is not something they are familiar with.

The only difference that matters to you and other lwingers is Obama is a Dem. A Republican does this and you go into orbit.

Deanie has been foaming at the mouth about "Bush's Wars" for as long as I can that Barry is about to plunge into his own conflict, liberals like Deanie are scrambling to put a good face on what they've spent the last eight years castigating W. for. It's amusing to watch the contortions that some people will do to excuse the poor performance of this President. He doesn't have a clue what he's doing...both domestically and with his foreign policy.
Does this mean the anti-war radical left is authorizing ...war? Maybe somebody should phone the president. He might be out playing golf somewhere.
NOBODY IMPORTANT thought Saddam was behind 9/11; that's your side's myth about what we believed and now you've began to believe it yourself. :lol: Saddam did indeed have WMD....chemical and biological artillery shells sold to him by france and russia. These are the munitions the russians gathered up and trucked into Syria before the US invasion began. Iraq was attacked because our entire government considered him a mad dog after we stuffed his Kuwait invasion up his ass...we should have finished the job then and there but Bush41 is every bit the coward Barry is. Dubya finished the job for the old man, partly because Saddam tried to assissinate 41, which Clinturd ignored. Iraq should have been cleaned up in two weeks and would have been but for Turkey breaking their promise to allow 4th Infantry to sweep down thru the sunni-triangle, capturing Saddam's weapons caches. That's where the insurgency started, that's where the IEDs came from. Rummy should have never launched that war without that piece in place and should be remembered as the dumbass who got over 4K GIs killed for it.
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Does this mean the anti-war radical left is authorizing ...war? Maybe somebody should phone the president. He might be out playing golf somewhere.

They are not authorizing war.
They are doing what they have been doing for the better part of 5 years.
Approving of every action their messiah undertakes.
Biggest difference will be the bi-partisan support Bush got for Iraq while obama doesn't have the balls to bring it to a vote and will do an end around on Congress, again.

Who needs Congress when you have a god....


^^Real Cover^^


^^Real Cover^^


^how dimocrap scum see the Stuttering Clusterfukk^
What Obama apologists like Deanie will never admit is that Assad made the decision to gas those people because he didn't believe Barack Obama had the stomach for a real fight. Sorry, Kiddies...but Barry isn't commanding any respect overseas. They see him as weak. So instead of the threat of US retaliation deterring Assad from using gas against civilians that perceived weakness encouraged him to order the WMD's be used. Now Barry's backed into a corner...he either acts and it pulls us closer to a regional conflict we don't want to be in...or he doesn't act and is viewed as totally spineless.

Your reasoning is correct. It just wasn't Assad, it was the American supported terrorists.

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