No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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Everything you have said has been refuted. You cannot show that as an entire population any adverse effects to whites by any policy trying to provide equal opportunity much less compare that impact to the adverse impact centuries of whites racist policies have had upon non whites groups.
You still don't get it. People aren't races. You put people into little boxes to suit an agenda, which still remains a mystery. There are MANY mixed races these days, how do they fit in? You simply have a toggle switch for a brain, black/white is all you can manage to process.

I'm not the one wo put anyone in boxes, You do. You want to preach about what you don't practice. Spare me.

We are not tlaking about mixed races. We are talking about how whites have benefitted from policy and law at the expense of all others for the 100 years after slavery. And because of this, you and others here have benefitted to this very day. I did this because I got tired of how you guys want to talk about the slaves you did not own. So we remove slavery and then talk. But you can't do that Because you can't face the truth.
You talk a lot of shit. I say forget skin color and your corrupt brain sees that as me being the one who categorizes people by skin color?

Yes, we need to consider all aspects of race when we discuss race. It's dishonest and unproductive to only be ables to discuss it within your narrow view. Many races are mixed these days, more and more each day. What box do they belong in? They aren't even worthy of consideration?

You don't know my life better than I do. You are in no position to judge that which you know nothing about, that makes you insane. The fact of the matter is if you can't make it here, you can't make it anywhere. and skin color isn't holding you back, it's your attitude.

Because you say that but you don 't do that. You talk about me not knowing your life but your ass has consistently told me I have done nothing because I talk about white racism or how much I have failed and you don't know shit about me or my life. Just like your last sentence where you declare that somehow my attitude is holding me back when you don't know a damned thing about me.

Race does matter here, and as you are white, you haven't experienced one day of being black to say shit about how color doesn't matter/

Mixed races have always been apart of America. The term mulatto was not created in 2015. All this increase you see is not so. Mixed races have bene dealt with before and many times in this nation. The most famous example is Plessy v. Ferguson who was 1/8th black. So then let us stick to the thread topic which is how whites benefitted from laws and policies from slavery until at least 1965 and because of this, whites today living now have benefitted from what was done.
I judge you by what you say here. You want to overthrow facts and it's still unclear what your purpose is. It's stupid to get into long arguments with no real purpose. Maybe you just love to feel downtrodden. Mixed races don't fit your agenda apparently. You flee from the subject.

We all know racism happened and not just here, all over the world. We also know that regardless of racial dna there are those who work hard and do well in society and there are those that don't and will use history for an excuse.

It's no sweat off my nuts either way. We all create our own destinies.
You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.
So only you can determine the criteria? Quotas prove points are given based on race, many colleges are moving away from it because that day has passed. Blacks no longer have an excuse.

I cited the legal requirements to show discrimination. There are no quotas. This is not about blacks having excuses. This is about over 241 years of whites discriminating against people because of race and denying it.
Yes there are quotas. You're a liar. Colleges in this state had to sue to get rid of them.
Being called a racial slur is nothing to be ashamed of. NOt when the reason for being called it is that some lefty can't refute what you are saying.

Everything you have said has been refuted. You cannot show that as an entire population any adverse effects to whites by any policy trying to provide equal opportunity much less compare that impact to the adverse impact centuries of whites racist policies have had upon non whites groups.

1. Nothing I have said has been refuted. You've said some random odd stuff and declared yourself the winner.

2. Asking to show adverse effects to an entire population is an attempt on your part to muddle the issue by burying the numbers showing discrimination in the statistical noise of the entire real world.

3. THe way to show discrimination is to find a large well documented process and to compare the resumes of the white and black applicants to see if the individuals are treated equally. That was done and the result was a massive 230 point discrimination in favor of blacks.

4. You've been saying shit like "white racist" a lot. ALmost seeming like a purposeful rhetorical ploy. Time for this.


Number 2 is the real Indicator of if there is discrimination.

You have been refuted because you can't support your argument and if anyone is saying the same thing over and over it's you.

1. Population adverse effects are not the "Real indicator" of discrimination. YOu are using that as an excuse to ignore the documented discrimination I have presented.

2. I have not been refuted. You insisting that giving some one a 230 point bonus because of black skin, is not discrimination does not make it so.

Yes they are. I think I would know far better than you how this works. Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points, and they get other points that blacks do not get and those points are based upon things that happened due to years of discrimination by whites. Whites don't' get zero and blacks 230. Until you can reconcile that in your narrow mind, you will keep whining about an untrue situation.

You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.

Whites do not get 200 legacy points.

Legacy points are for the children of alumni, which is not all white, not is it all whites, and it is a far smaller number than 200.

Whites just score better than blacks.

Discrimination has been shown by comparing the admissions of white and black students and seeing the a student with black skin gets discriminated in favor of by the amount of 230 sat points.

As has been demonstrated.
Yes, whites have much higher scores.

No they do not. .

Look, if there are 500 test takers and 450 of them are white who will have the majority of higher scores?

But all this is a moot argument given that test scores have been invalidated as any kind of standard for student success or entry into college.

And once again you show you do not understand percentages.

I understand percentages real well. You are unable to present an fact based argument supporting your assertions.

IF there are 100 test takers and 60 of them are white, one would expect that 60% of the higher scores would be whites.

BUT, it doesn't work that way, because not all group score the same.

IF the rest of that room was asians, white wouldn't even get a majority of the highest scores.

If the rest of that room was black, whites would get more than 60% of the highest scores.

Your above statement about 500 test takes demonstrated, once again, that you do NOT understand percentages, or averages.

Not necessarily the case.

IF it is a representative sample, it is certainly the case.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


It's probably the most talked about subject in American history. I'll tell you who didn't benefit from about the 360,000 union troops who died freeing the slaves? Say what you will, usually dying is worse than being a slave. Especially when it's from a non lethal gunshot wound, that the doctor pulls out with his dirty hands, and you die slowly and painfully of infection a week later. All for people you've never meet before. How is it exactly that whites are somehow still benefitting from slavery? 150 years later... when only 2% of the south actually owned slaves, again 150 years ago. How does your collectivist mind somehow still connect these abstract benefits from what occurred to people 150 years ago? Explain to me the process
Being called a racial slur is nothing to be ashamed of. NOt when the reason for being called it is that some lefty can't refute what you are saying.

Everything you have said has been refuted. You cannot show that as an entire population any adverse effects to whites by any policy trying to provide equal opportunity much less compare that impact to the adverse impact centuries of whites racist policies have had upon non whites groups.

1. Nothing I have said has been refuted. You've said some random odd stuff and declared yourself the winner.

2. Asking to show adverse effects to an entire population is an attempt on your part to muddle the issue by burying the numbers showing discrimination in the statistical noise of the entire real world.

3. THe way to show discrimination is to find a large well documented process and to compare the resumes of the white and black applicants to see if the individuals are treated equally. That was done and the result was a massive 230 point discrimination in favor of blacks.

4. You've been saying shit like "white racist" a lot. ALmost seeming like a purposeful rhetorical ploy. Time for this.


Number 2 is the real Indicator of if there is discrimination.

You have been refuted because you can't support your argument and if anyone is saying the same thing over and over it's you.

1. Population adverse effects are not the "Real indicator" of discrimination. YOu are using that as an excuse to ignore the documented discrimination I have presented.

2. I have not been refuted. You insisting that giving some one a 230 point bonus because of black skin, is not discrimination does not make it so.

Yes they are. I think I would know far better than you how this works. Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points, and they get other points that blacks do not get and those points are based upon things that happened due to years of discrimination by whites. Whites don't' get zero and blacks 230. Until you can reconcile that in your narrow mind, you will keep whining about an untrue situation.

You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.
No such thing as legacy points. What other points do whites have? How are whites benefitting today for the years of discrimination?
Everything you have said has been refuted. You cannot show that as an entire population any adverse effects to whites by any policy trying to provide equal opportunity much less compare that impact to the adverse impact centuries of whites racist policies have had upon non whites groups.
You still don't get it. People aren't races. You put people into little boxes to suit an agenda, which still remains a mystery. There are MANY mixed races these days, how do they fit in? You simply have a toggle switch for a brain, black/white is all you can manage to process.


We are not tlaking about mixed races. ....

Why not?
You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.
So only you can determine the criteria? Quotas prove points are given based on race, many colleges are moving away from it because that day has passed. Blacks no longer have an excuse.

I cited the legal requirements to show discrimination. There are no quotas. This is not about blacks having excuses. This is about over 241 years of whites discriminating against people because of race and denying it.
Who is denying it? Why are you living in the past and refusing to accept that you have the same opportunities today as everyone else?
You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.
So only you can determine the criteria? Quotas prove points are given based on race, many colleges are moving away from it because that day has passed. Blacks no longer have an excuse.

I cited the legal requirements to show discrimination. There are no quotas. This is not about blacks having excuses. This is about over 241 years of whites discriminating against people because of race and denying it.
Who is denying it? Why are you living in the past and refusing to accept that you have the same opportunities today as everyone else?
Because IM2 is a loser and is looking to blame someone for his inadequacies.
If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

You are whining about shit that is not happening. That's a fact.

There is no anti white discrimination.

If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

All it takes is 50.1% whites, even though whites are more than 50.1% of the population? LOL!

To make an honest assessment, you'd have to look at white applicants at a certain test score, black applicants at the same score and compare acceptance rates of those equivalent students.

Which is what leads to the 230 point number.

Which completely PROVES anti-white discrimination.

And this guy claims to have a masters? What the fuck does that say about higher education in this country?

There is no ant white discrimination. You keep talking about 8 colleges out of 3,000 where maybe 7-8 percent of the students are black the majority of students are white and you whine about some bullshit that doesn't exist even if the 230 points are given.

1. THe colleges were selected because the admissions are very competitive, thus you can see that discrimination that occurs.

2. The entire population of the nation is majority white, and whites, for whatever reason, generally out perform blacks academically. Given that, that whites are a majority in those schools, is not evidence that the discrimination does not take place.

3. IF the 230 points are GIVEN, then the discrimination is taking place. Giving someone else an unfair advantage because of skin color is what DISCRIMINATION IS!!!

4. If you really have a masters in the field, and can't see that, that is a massive condemnation of both the field and the entire higher education industry in this nation.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.
Being called a racial slur is nothing to be ashamed of. NOt when the reason for being called it is that some lefty can't refute what you are saying.

Everything you have said has been refuted. You cannot show that as an entire population any adverse effects to whites by any policy trying to provide equal opportunity much less compare that impact to the adverse impact centuries of whites racist policies have had upon non whites groups.

1. Nothing I have said has been refuted. You've said some random odd stuff and declared yourself the winner.

2. Asking to show adverse effects to an entire population is an attempt on your part to muddle the issue by burying the numbers showing discrimination in the statistical noise of the entire real world.

3. THe way to show discrimination is to find a large well documented process and to compare the resumes of the white and black applicants to see if the individuals are treated equally. That was done and the result was a massive 230 point discrimination in favor of blacks.

4. You've been saying shit like "white racist" a lot. ALmost seeming like a purposeful rhetorical ploy. Time for this.


Number 2 is the real Indicator of if there is discrimination.

You have been refuted because you can't support your argument and if anyone is saying the same thing over and over it's you.

1. Population adverse effects are not the "Real indicator" of discrimination. YOu are using that as an excuse to ignore the documented discrimination I have presented.

2. I have not been refuted. You insisting that giving some one a 230 point bonus because of black skin, is not discrimination does not make it so.

Yes they are. I think I would know far better than you how this works. Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points, and they get other points that blacks do not get and those points are based upon things that happened due to years of discrimination by whites. Whites don't' get zero and blacks 230. Until you can reconcile that in your narrow mind, you will keep whining about an untrue situation.

You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.

Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points,

Which colleges add 200 points to white scores?
If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

All it takes is 50.1% whites, even though whites are more than 50.1% of the population? LOL!

To make an honest assessment, you'd have to look at white applicants at a certain test score, black applicants at the same score and compare acceptance rates of those equivalent students.

Which is what leads to the 230 point number.

Which completely PROVES anti-white discrimination.

And this guy claims to have a masters? What the fuck does that say about higher education in this country?

There is no ant white discrimination. You keep talking about 8 colleges out of 3,000 where maybe 7-8 percent of the students are black the majority of students are white and you whine about some bullshit that doesn't exist even if the 230 points are given.

1. THe colleges were selected because the admissions are very competitive, thus you can see that discrimination that occurs.

2. The entire population of the nation is majority white, and whites, for whatever reason, generally out perform blacks academically. Given that, that whites are a majority in those schools, is not evidence that the discrimination does not take place.

3. IF the 230 points are GIVEN, then the discrimination is taking place. Giving someone else an unfair advantage because of skin color is what DISCRIMINATION IS!!!

4. If you really have a masters in the field, and can't see that, that is a massive condemnation of both the field and the entire higher education industry in this nation.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.
Which is what leads to the 230 point number.

Which completely PROVES anti-white discrimination.

And this guy claims to have a masters? What the fuck does that say about higher education in this country?

There is no ant white discrimination. You keep talking about 8 colleges out of 3,000 where maybe 7-8 percent of the students are black the majority of students are white and you whine about some bullshit that doesn't exist even if the 230 points are given.

1. THe colleges were selected because the admissions are very competitive, thus you can see that discrimination that occurs.

2. The entire population of the nation is majority white, and whites, for whatever reason, generally out perform blacks academically. Given that, that whites are a majority in those schools, is not evidence that the discrimination does not take place.

3. IF the 230 points are GIVEN, then the discrimination is taking place. Giving someone else an unfair advantage because of skin color is what DISCRIMINATION IS!!!

4. If you really have a masters in the field, and can't see that, that is a massive condemnation of both the field and the entire higher education industry in this nation.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?
Everything you have said has been refuted. You cannot show that as an entire population any adverse effects to whites by any policy trying to provide equal opportunity much less compare that impact to the adverse impact centuries of whites racist policies have had upon non whites groups.

1. Nothing I have said has been refuted. You've said some random odd stuff and declared yourself the winner.

2. Asking to show adverse effects to an entire population is an attempt on your part to muddle the issue by burying the numbers showing discrimination in the statistical noise of the entire real world.

3. THe way to show discrimination is to find a large well documented process and to compare the resumes of the white and black applicants to see if the individuals are treated equally. That was done and the result was a massive 230 point discrimination in favor of blacks.

4. You've been saying shit like "white racist" a lot. ALmost seeming like a purposeful rhetorical ploy. Time for this.


Number 2 is the real Indicator of if there is discrimination.

You have been refuted because you can't support your argument and if anyone is saying the same thing over and over it's you.

1. Population adverse effects are not the "Real indicator" of discrimination. YOu are using that as an excuse to ignore the documented discrimination I have presented.

2. I have not been refuted. You insisting that giving some one a 230 point bonus because of black skin, is not discrimination does not make it so.

Yes they are. I think I would know far better than you how this works. Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points, and they get other points that blacks do not get and those points are based upon things that happened due to years of discrimination by whites. Whites don't' get zero and blacks 230. Until you can reconcile that in your narrow mind, you will keep whining about an untrue situation.

You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.

Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points,

Which colleges add 200 points to white scores?

The same Ivy league schools Correll whines about giving 230 points to blacks.,
There is no ant white discrimination. You keep talking about 8 colleges out of 3,000 where maybe 7-8 percent of the students are black the majority of students are white and you whine about some bullshit that doesn't exist even if the 230 points are given.

1. THe colleges were selected because the admissions are very competitive, thus you can see that discrimination that occurs.

2. The entire population of the nation is majority white, and whites, for whatever reason, generally out perform blacks academically. Given that, that whites are a majority in those schools, is not evidence that the discrimination does not take place.

3. IF the 230 points are GIVEN, then the discrimination is taking place. Giving someone else an unfair advantage because of skin color is what DISCRIMINATION IS!!!

4. If you really have a masters in the field, and can't see that, that is a massive condemnation of both the field and the entire higher education industry in this nation.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.
1. Nothing I have said has been refuted. You've said some random odd stuff and declared yourself the winner.

2. Asking to show adverse effects to an entire population is an attempt on your part to muddle the issue by burying the numbers showing discrimination in the statistical noise of the entire real world.

3. THe way to show discrimination is to find a large well documented process and to compare the resumes of the white and black applicants to see if the individuals are treated equally. That was done and the result was a massive 230 point discrimination in favor of blacks.

4. You've been saying shit like "white racist" a lot. ALmost seeming like a purposeful rhetorical ploy. Time for this.


Number 2 is the real Indicator of if there is discrimination.

You have been refuted because you can't support your argument and if anyone is saying the same thing over and over it's you.

1. Population adverse effects are not the "Real indicator" of discrimination. YOu are using that as an excuse to ignore the documented discrimination I have presented.

2. I have not been refuted. You insisting that giving some one a 230 point bonus because of black skin, is not discrimination does not make it so.

Yes they are. I think I would know far better than you how this works. Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points, and they get other points that blacks do not get and those points are based upon things that happened due to years of discrimination by whites. Whites don't' get zero and blacks 230. Until you can reconcile that in your narrow mind, you will keep whining about an untrue situation.

You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.

Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points,

Which colleges add 200 points to white scores?

The same Ivy league schools Correll whines about giving 230 points to blacks.,

Prove it.
Number 2 is the real Indicator of if there is discrimination.

You have been refuted because you can't support your argument and if anyone is saying the same thing over and over it's you.

1. Population adverse effects are not the "Real indicator" of discrimination. YOu are using that as an excuse to ignore the documented discrimination I have presented.

2. I have not been refuted. You insisting that giving some one a 230 point bonus because of black skin, is not discrimination does not make it so.

Yes they are. I think I would know far better than you how this works. Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points, and they get other points that blacks do not get and those points are based upon things that happened due to years of discrimination by whites. Whites don't' get zero and blacks 230. Until you can reconcile that in your narrow mind, you will keep whining about an untrue situation.

You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.

Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points,

Which colleges add 200 points to white scores?

The same Ivy league schools Correll whines about giving 230 points to blacks.,

Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.
1. THe colleges were selected because the admissions are very competitive, thus you can see that discrimination that occurs.

2. The entire population of the nation is majority white, and whites, for whatever reason, generally out perform blacks academically. Given that, that whites are a majority in those schools, is not evidence that the discrimination does not take place.

3. IF the 230 points are GIVEN, then the discrimination is taking place. Giving someone else an unfair advantage because of skin color is what DISCRIMINATION IS!!!

4. If you really have a masters in the field, and can't see that, that is a massive condemnation of both the field and the entire higher education industry in this nation.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make.

Why? Because they're a minority harmed by AA?

The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery.

And the thread is about the practice of discriminating against whites and Asians to admit undeserving blacks to colleges they wouldn't otherwise qualify to attend.

You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population

When your grades and test scores are really high, you can go to an Ivy League school.
Or if your grades and scores aren't high enough, but you're black.........

And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests.

You bet! And that's awesome!!!
The issue is when some people with high scores and grades don't get admitted in order to admit blacks with lower scores and grades than the rejected students.

Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there.

If the 50 point penalty were removed, their admission rate could be 3.5 or 4 times their portion of the population, and that would be alright, but the removal of the 230 point black bonus would reduce the number of blacks admitted. Right?
1. Population adverse effects are not the "Real indicator" of discrimination. YOu are using that as an excuse to ignore the documented discrimination I have presented.

2. I have not been refuted. You insisting that giving some one a 230 point bonus because of black skin, is not discrimination does not make it so.

Yes they are. I think I would know far better than you how this works. Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points, and they get other points that blacks do not get and those points are based upon things that happened due to years of discrimination by whites. Whites don't' get zero and blacks 230. Until you can reconcile that in your narrow mind, you will keep whining about an untrue situation.

You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.

Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points,

Which colleges add 200 points to white scores?

The same Ivy league schools Correll whines about giving 230 points to blacks.,

Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?
Yes they are. I think I would know far better than you how this works. Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points, and they get other points that blacks do not get and those points are based upon things that happened due to years of discrimination by whites. Whites don't' get zero and blacks 230. Until you can reconcile that in your narrow mind, you will keep whining about an untrue situation.

You are making claims of an overall anti white discrimination. Therefore you must provide proof of an overall discrimination against whites. That can only be done by measuring the effects of policies on the overall white population.

Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points,

Which colleges add 200 points to white scores?

The same Ivy league schools Correll whines about giving 230 points to blacks.,

Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?
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