No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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You give me the hard data that shows how white college admittances have been reduced by any policy which allows backs to be admitted into universities.

Any policy that adds 200 points or more to a black student's SAT score will result in some non-black students being displaced.

That's not the hard data that you have been asked to present. .What abut the 200 points whites get for legacy admissions? Does that men black students are being displaced? You see unlike the 230 point claim, I have actually produced a policy that shows preference points that are provided. and they are provided to whites.

Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth. She points to the first column.

African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.

She points to the second column.

“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”

The last column draws gasps.

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.

“Do Asians need higher test scores? Is it harder for Asians to get into college? The answer is yes,” Lee says.

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions

Asians are 5 percent of the overall population but 18.5 percent of Ivy league students. So just how tough is it really for Asians.? Or have they been race baited?

Princeton for example has 22 percent Asian students which is 4 times the population of Asians in this country, At Princeton Asians are admitted almost at a 3:1 rate over blacks. This is a classic case of white race baiting by pitting one minority group against another.

Race Demographics of Ivy League Schools

Asians are 5 percent of the overall population but 18.5 percent of Ivy league students. So just how tough is it really for Asians.?

If blacks get in with lower test scores/lower grades than Asians who are rejected, the percentage of Asians should be higher than 18.5%. Right?

That's not happening and it would not change the percentages of Asians getting in. You see, you were presented with facts about legacy points which yo refuse to believe because it benefits whites. Whites who score lower than everybody else on SAT tests. You refuse to accept that and think you cam force your bilge about low scoring blacks. SAT scores have been shown to have little relevance to being qualified for college. .There is no evidence that blacks with lower high school GPAS are getting into Ivy league schools ahead of Asians. And when 3 times the rate of your population are being accepted into 8 universities, there probably aren't many Asians getting rejected from those schools.


That's not happening


and it would not change the percentages of Asians getting in

Blacks get +230 points, Asians get -50 points.
Of course it changes the percentages getting in.

You see, you were presented with facts about legacy points which yo refuse to believe because it benefits whites.

I believe it benefits whites. Mostly.
By 73 points, according to your source.

Whites who score lower than everybody else on SAT tests.

Whites, on average, score higher than blacks, higher than "Hispanics", lower than Asians.
And you think that's how it should be?

I don't think that whites who have benefitted from decades/ centuries of being allowed to gain from such a system should be bitching abut merit and qualifications when most of them did not get where they are based on either.

You are a moron.

The truth is a difficult thing for you isn't it?

Au contraire. The Truth is quite Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

The Truth is: you are a racist race baiting moron.

And exactly what does this have to do with the OP?

Everything. You are a Racist Race Baiting Bigot who is obsessed with attacking "Whitey". What you really need is a therapist. Acting out your issues on an anonymous message board in the dregs of the interwebs is not an effective treatment protocol.
... at what time in US history was college ever reserved for only the most qualified people .....

And you think that's how it should be?

I don't think that whites who have benefitted from decades/ centuries of being allowed to gain from such a system should be bitching abut merit and qualifications when most of them did not get where they are based on either.

Do you think that treatment and preferences for jobs, housing, college admissions, etc. should be based on skin color, or merit - for everyone? What are your personal principles in this regard?

I think whites really have no right to be asking such questions because they have benefitted from policies that gave them references based on skin color before and during the period pf time I am talking about in this thread and up tp right now. Asking hat question pretends this never happened. Therefore because this did happen for so long, for whites to complain when the inequity these policies have created still exist wishing for a system that has never been is unfair to all others who have been wronged by these centuries pf advantages whites have been given. Things have not been equalized in 52 years.

Asking questions and complaining are not the same thing.

Whites have no right to ask someone's personal principles regarding whether treatment should be based on skin color or merit? :eusa_doh:
So there are no assumptions or false conclusions being made by me.
I don't generalize about whites.


You spend a great deal of time making assumptions in this thread. You talk about "the whites" over and over, which certainly seems to be generalizations about whites. You also seem to assume that some posters are white, without knowing; this is an anonymous message board, after all.

Just to give a couple of examples:
As long as whites automatically believe they are always the most qualified this is the way I am going to believe it should be done.
You ask me about my degree like the whites do. You are here arguing about SAT scores like the whites do.
But what you and the other whites don't seem to get is that the white skin carries preferences that add up for them they never have to consider.

Then there was this quote back at the beginning of the thread :
You gave plenty of shits with all your racist posts about all this free shit we blacks are supposed to want. It's not that you don't care. It's all about you not being man enough to face the truth.

Remember that? Where you assumed that Don'tTazeMeBro had made a bunch of racist posts without actually having seen racist posts from him?

Look, I realize there have been some anti-black racists posting in this thread. I'm not excusing that: they are idiots. Nor am I denying that whites benefited from racist policies for much of this country's history, nor that the effects of such policies can still be felt today. However, you are likely to have a better time making your point if you don't say things that are clearly untrue, like you haven't been making assumptions and don't generalize about whites. Anyone who's read this thread will have seen instances of you doing those things.

Of course, I don't know what your actual motivations are. You may not be interested in real discussion about this topic. Perhaps this is just a way for you to vent anger and frustration. :dunno:

Whatever the case, making assumptions and generalizations and then claiming not to be making assumptions or generalizations is unlikely to convert many minds. ;)

All this has nothing to do with the thread topic. I am not generalizing. I am reading what you post. The generalizations are coming from you and others about me, or blacks in general. So if you want to discuss the OP which is why I fucking posted it, then do so. But all this bullshit is unnecessary.

So you try showing me what I have said that is untrue. Not what you think is untrue but actual untrue statements made by me. .Because you took a peer reviewed accredited study and basically refused to accept the results. A study you refused to understand was done on more than one campus and as a result of that study over 800 universities have made standardized tests optional and the number is growing. You said I made disingenuous comments when in fact the study did show that tests were not a valid indicator of success in college.

That study involved people who took the test and people who did not. Not people who took the test and one group did not submit their tests. The rates of graduation were basically the same between students who took the test and those who did not. So then if that's the case what do entrance scores really prove? NOT A M DAMNED THING!

I know what generalization is and I know that for example don't taz me had no reason to make the comments he made if he di not have the attitude I stated. If he did not care, then why enter the thread to say it. I am not generalizing. I have stated in this forum that not all whites think in the manner many here do.. So stick to the OP and I don't need your lectures.

So when you can talk to people who keep talking about slavery when this thread is not about that, then you come back and talk to me about generalization about whites. When you can talk to the whites who assume I only complain about this because I haven't worked hard then you talk to me about generalizations. When you talk to those who are telling me how I got a masters degree given to me because of affirmative action , then you can tell me all day long about how I am unfairly generalizing whites. When you start telling whites here that the argument of how blacks are getting into college all with lower scores than everybody is racist and untrue then talk me about generalizing. When you stop questioning why I started this OP while whites here have started all kinds of OP without motives being questioned, then come talk to me about generalizing anyone.
... at what time in US history was college ever reserved for only the most qualified people .....

And you think that's how it should be?

I don't think that whites who have benefitted from decades/ centuries of being allowed to gain from such a system should be bitching abut merit and qualifications when most of them did not get where they are based on either.

Do you think that treatment and preferences for jobs, housing, college admissions, etc. should be based on skin color, or merit - for everyone? What are your personal principles in this regard?

I think whites really have no right to be asking such questions because they have benefitted from policies that gave them references based on skin color before and during the period pf time I am talking about in this thread and up tp right now. Asking hat question pretends this never happened. Therefore because this did happen for so long, for whites to complain when the inequity these policies have created still exist wishing for a system that has never been is unfair to all others who have been wronged by these centuries pf advantages whites have been given. Things have not been equalized in 52 years.

Asking questions and complaining are not the same thing.

Whites have no right to ask someone's personal principles regarding whether treatment should be based on skin color or merit? :eusa_doh:

I have the right to complain about continuing white racism. It's called the right to air my grievance.

And no whites don't. Not when almost everything they have done and achieved is based upon preferences due to their skin color and not merit. And that today their treatment and perception of others is based upon skin color and not merit. Until you fix the damage caused by these things you should not be asking questions of others about beliefs you guys have never followed.
So there are no assumptions or false conclusions being made by me.
I don't generalize about whites.


You spend a great deal of time making assumptions in this thread. You talk about "the whites" over and over, which certainly seems to be generalizations about whites. You also seem to assume that some posters are white, without knowing; this is an anonymous message board, after all.

Just to give a couple of examples:
As long as whites automatically believe they are always the most qualified this is the way I am going to believe it should be done.
You ask me about my degree like the whites do. You are here arguing about SAT scores like the whites do.
But what you and the other whites don't seem to get is that the white skin carries preferences that add up for them they never have to consider.

Then there was this quote back at the beginning of the thread :
You gave plenty of shits with all your racist posts about all this free shit we blacks are supposed to want. It's not that you don't care. It's all about you not being man enough to face the truth.

Remember that? Where you assumed that Don'tTazeMeBro had made a bunch of racist posts without actually having seen racist posts from him?

Look, I realize there have been some anti-black racists posting in this thread. I'm not excusing that: they are idiots. Nor am I denying that whites benefited from racist policies for much of this country's history, nor that the effects of such policies can still be felt today. However, you are likely to have a better time making your point if you don't say things that are clearly untrue, like you haven't been making assumptions and don't generalize about whites. Anyone who's read this thread will have seen instances of you doing those things.

Of course, I don't know what your actual motivations are. You may not be interested in real discussion about this topic. Perhaps this is just a way for you to vent anger and frustration. :dunno:

Whatever the case, making assumptions and generalizations and then claiming not to be making assumptions or generalizations is unlikely to convert many minds. ;)

All this has nothing to do with the thread topic. I am not generalizing. I am reading what you post. The generalizations are coming from you and others about me, or blacks in general. So if you want to discuss the OP which is why I fucking posted it, then do so. But all this bullshit is unnecessary.

So you try showing me what I have said that is untrue. Not what you think is untrue but actual untrue statements made by me. .Because you took a peer reviewed accredited study and basically refused to accept the results. A study you refused to understand was done on more than one campus and as a result of that study over 800 universities have made standardized tests optional and the number is growing. You said I made disingenuous comments when in fact the study did show that tests were not a valid indicator of success in college.

That study involved people who took the test and people who did not. Not people who took the test and one group did not submit their tests. The rates of graduation were basically the same between students who took the test and those who did not. So then if that's the case what do entrance scores really prove? NOT A M DAMNED THING!

I know what generalization is and I know that for example don't taz me had no reason to make the comments he made if he di not have the attitude I stated. If he did not care, then why enter the thread to say it. I am not generalizing. I have stated in this forum that not all whites think in the manner many here do.. So stick to the OP and I don't need your lectures.

So when you can talk to people who keep talking about slavery when this thread is not about that, then you come back and talk to me about generalization about whites. When you can talk to the whites who assume I only complain about this because I haven't worked hard then you talk to me about generalizations. When you talk to those who are telling me how I got a masters degree given to me because of affirmative action , then you can tell me all day long about how I am unfairly generalizing whites. When you start telling whites here that the argument of how blacks are getting into college all with lower scores than everybody is racist and untrue then talk me about generalizing. When you stop questioning why I started this OP while whites here have started all kinds of OP without motives being questioned, then come talk to me about generalizing anyone.

Why do I need to show you what you have said that is "untrue?" I have already done a bit of that regarding your assumptions and generalization, but hey, let's just look at this post, shall we?

You say I refuse to understand the study. I don't "refuse" to understand it. That doesn't even make sense. I might understand it and refuse to admit it, but understanding isn't a conscious decision.

The 800+ universities that use testing-optional admissions practices did not all make their policies based on this study. That's ridiculous. Just as an example, Bates College, the school which ran the 20-year study I provided a link for, first made SAT scores optional in 1984, which is when they began their 20-year study. The article you provided a link to was from 2014. Are you claiming that testing-optional applications policies didn't begin until 2014? Let me ask this: How could a study of testing-optional admissions policy be done if no schools were using such a policy? As you can see, your claim that "as a result of that study over 800 universities have made standardized tests optional" seems likely to be untrue.

I showed which statements you made were disingenuous. You said this:
test scores have been invalidated as any kind of standard for student success or entry into college.

Test scores have not been invalidated. At most, SAT and ACT scores might have been invalidated as a standard. Even that is not a conclusion drawn by the lead author of the study. From the article you linked, a quote from William Hiss, who led the study, "I would never say the SATs and ACTs have no predictive value for anybody; they have predictive value for some people. We just don’t find them reliable cross populations.”

I also showed you that the study was not about people who took or did not take the tests in question, but rather was about those who submitted their test scores and those who did not. I'm providing you with quotes from the article, yet you continue to contradict it. From the article you linked, "Former Dean of Admissions for Bates College William Hiss led the study which tracked the grades and graduation rates of students who submitted their test results against those who did not over several years." It tracked grades and graduation rates of students who submitted their test results against those who did not.

Let's go back to assumptions. You assume you know why Don'tTazeMeBro made his comments back at the beginning of the thread. You then further assumed you knew he had made many racist posts. When asked to provide evidence, you brushed it off as though evidence of such claims is unimportant.

Generalizations: whether racist idiots make generalizations about blacks or not does not change whether you make generalizations, about whites or other subjects. I have already clearly admitted there have been anti-black racist idiots posting in this thread. That happens with pretty much any thread about race on this forum. I've never claimed that there are no racist white morons on this board or in this nation. And I will say whatever I want to you, within the rules of the board; I don't need your permission to address your posts.

Perhaps, rather than trying to deflect any questions you don't like by saying, "Look what whites have done!", you might simply answer those questions. Asking what you hope to accomplish with this thread isn't an attack, or some sort of unconscionable questioning of your character. It's a valid question. You might be trying to change opinions, you might just want there to be a conversation, you might be testing to see what responses you'll draw, you might just be trolling.

I have now shown you some things you have said which are untrue, which you asked for. I have pointed out a disingenuous comment you made, which you asked for. I have, again, been perfectly willing to admit that there have been racist comments made against blacks on this thread, as there are on pretty much any thread which touches on race. I have done this without throwing around insults, without claiming anyone has no right to ask questions. I have provided evidence of claims that I have made, including quotes from the article you linked. I think I have been completely reasonable and civil in my posts to you. Would you care to respond?
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And you think that's how it should be?

I don't think that whites who have benefitted from decades/ centuries of being allowed to gain from such a system should be bitching abut merit and qualifications when most of them did not get where they are based on either.

Do you think that treatment and preferences for jobs, housing, college admissions, etc. should be based on skin color, or merit - for everyone? What are your personal principles in this regard?

I think whites really have no right to be asking such questions because they have benefitted from policies that gave them references based on skin color before and during the period pf time I am talking about in this thread and up tp right now. Asking hat question pretends this never happened. Therefore because this did happen for so long, for whites to complain when the inequity these policies have created still exist wishing for a system that has never been is unfair to all others who have been wronged by these centuries pf advantages whites have been given. Things have not been equalized in 52 years.

Asking questions and complaining are not the same thing.

Whites have no right to ask someone's personal principles regarding whether treatment should be based on skin color or merit? :eusa_doh:

I have the right to complain about continuing white racism. It's called the right to air my grievance.

And no whites don't. Not when almost everything they have done and achieved is based upon preferences due to their skin color and not merit. And that today their treatment and perception of others is based upon skin color and not merit. Until you fix the damage caused by these things you should not be asking questions of others about beliefs you guys have never followed.

Luckily, what you consider someone's right or not is binding only on yourself.

If you are unwilling to even answer questions, particularly relevant questions made in a civil fashion, what does that say about you, or the likelihood of your ever changing someone's mind?

Oh, and here you are generalizing whites again. ;)
And you think that's how it should be?

I don't think that whites who have benefitted from decades/ centuries of being allowed to gain from such a system should be bitching abut merit and qualifications when most of them did not get where they are based on either.

Do you think that treatment and preferences for jobs, housing, college admissions, etc. should be based on skin color, or merit - for everyone? What are your personal principles in this regard?

I think whites really have no right to be asking such questions because they have benefitted from policies that gave them references based on skin color before and during the period pf time I am talking about in this thread and up tp right now. Asking hat question pretends this never happened. Therefore because this did happen for so long, for whites to complain when the inequity these policies have created still exist wishing for a system that has never been is unfair to all others who have been wronged by these centuries pf advantages whites have been given. Things have not been equalized in 52 years.

Asking questions and complaining are not the same thing.

Whites have no right to ask someone's personal principles regarding whether treatment should be based on skin color or merit? :eusa_doh:

I have the right to complain about continuing white racism. It's called the right to air my grievance.

And no whites don't. Not when almost everything they have done and achieved is based upon preferences due to their skin color and not merit. And that today their treatment and perception of others is based upon skin color and not merit. Until you fix the damage caused by these things you should not be asking questions of others about beliefs you guys have never followed.

You are projecting White Racism while demonstrating your extreme racism towards "Whitey".
And you think that's how it should be?

I don't think that whites who have benefitted from decades/ centuries of being allowed to gain from such a system should be bitching abut merit and qualifications when most of them did not get where they are based on either.

Do you think that treatment and preferences for jobs, housing, college admissions, etc. should be based on skin color, or merit - for everyone? What are your personal principles in this regard?

I think whites really have no right to be asking such questions because they have benefitted from policies that gave them references based on skin color before and during the period pf time I am talking about in this thread and up tp right now. Asking hat question pretends this never happened. Therefore because this did happen for so long, for whites to complain when the inequity these policies have created still exist wishing for a system that has never been is unfair to all others who have been wronged by these centuries pf advantages whites have been given. Things have not been equalized in 52 years.

Asking questions and complaining are not the same thing.

Whites have no right to ask someone's personal principles regarding whether treatment should be based on skin color or merit? :eusa_doh:

I have the right to complain about continuing white racism. It's called the right to air my grievance.

And no whites don't. .....

You are a cartoon-character racist.
He CLAIMS he has a masters degree.

The incredible stupidity of his statements belies such a claim. Affirmative action can help get unqualified individuals into college, but it can't help THAT much.

You really don't know anything about this policy do you?
Were you addressing my comment? If you are talking about the AA policy, I in NO way benefited.

You don't know that Molly. An employer cannot tell you that you were hired because women are a group that is covered under affirmative action. Tat's why none of you should be making comments about me or other blacks and affirmative action because whites are the ones who have benefitted the most and I do not have bogus information. Just because you don't want to accept the facts doesn't make those facts bogus.
I have the required skills for a job, should I NOT get the job because I am qualified? It has nothing to do with AA, if I am qualified.

Like I said you guys are real adept abut assuming we get jobs because of AA and not because we may very well have superior skills. So now you need to understand that you are from the group who has benefitted the most from AA. You really don't know if you got hired because of AA or not. but you will be quick to point out AA when it pertains to someone black. You don't like it when someone assumes you got a job because of AA but you and others here don't mind tagging us with that label. But since you belong to the demographic that has benefitted the most from the policy, well.......

How does it feel to not be respected for your skill level but assumed that just because you are a female that you got everything given to you? Huh?
When did I point out AA pertaining to blacks? When did I tag you with that label? Not everyone from every race or gender has benefitted from anything, You just proved that you are blaming all whites for what some may do.
Your buddy Galaxygreen, in the post I was responding to.

And I beg to differ about whites today owning slaves. People are still in prison aren't they? "

Tell us all again about your degrees and your high!

Stop wasting my time bitch. Show me how policies such as affirmative action have negatively impacted the white population

I already have, repeatedly.

You either just dismissed the problems of white people, or pretended to not understand the clear implications of hard data.

And since you felt a need to insult me,

you are a piece of shit.

No you have not. 8 Ivy league schools that have majority whites students are not indicators of how such policies have hurt the entire white population.

You cannot dismiss a non existent problem.

You calling me a piece of shit means nothing. You are a dumb fuck stupid bastard whining about shit that's not happening.

My God, the idiocy of you claiming that a majority white student body disproves anti-white discrimination...

Me? Stupid? LOL!!!

The difference between you insulting me, and I insulting you?

YOur insults are lies, while mine are completely accurate.


If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

You are whining about shit that is not happening. That's a fact.

There is no anti white discrimination.

Your reasoning in no way supports your conclusion.

It is completely possible for individual whites to be massively discriminated against, but for black individual performance to be so poor that DESPITE the pro black discrimination that the MAJORITY population is still the MAJORITY of the student body.

That you can somehow miss that obvious point shows that what ever brain power you might or might not have, is completely overridden by your emotional investment in your victim hood,

and that your entire career and EVERYTHING you have done, has been a negative for society.
Stop wasting my time bitch. Show me how policies such as affirmative action have negatively impacted the white population

I already have, repeatedly.

You either just dismissed the problems of white people, or pretended to not understand the clear implications of hard data.

And since you felt a need to insult me,

you are a piece of shit.

No you have not. 8 Ivy league schools that have majority whites students are not indicators of how such policies have hurt the entire white population.

You cannot dismiss a non existent problem.

You calling me a piece of shit means nothing. You are a dumb fuck stupid bastard whining about shit that's not happening.

My God, the idiocy of you claiming that a majority white student body disproves anti-white discrimination...

Me? Stupid? LOL!!!

The difference between you insulting me, and I insulting you?

YOur insults are lies, while mine are completely accurate.


If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

You are whining about shit that is not happening. That's a fact.

There is no anti white discrimination.

If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

All it takes is 50.1% whites, even though whites are more than 50.1% of the population? LOL!

To make an honest assessment, you'd have to look at white applicants at a certain test score, black applicants at the same score and compare acceptance rates of those equivalent students.

Which is what leads to the 230 point number.

Which completely PROVES anti-white discrimination.

And this guy claims to have a masters? What the fuck does that say about higher education in this country?
I already have, repeatedly.

You either just dismissed the problems of white people, or pretended to not understand the clear implications of hard data.

And since you felt a need to insult me,

you are a piece of shit.

No you have not. 8 Ivy league schools that have majority whites students are not indicators of how such policies have hurt the entire white population.

You cannot dismiss a non existent problem.

You calling me a piece of shit means nothing. You are a dumb fuck stupid bastard whining about shit that's not happening.

My God, the idiocy of you claiming that a majority white student body disproves anti-white discrimination...

Me? Stupid? LOL!!!

The difference between you insulting me, and I insulting you?

YOur insults are lies, while mine are completely accurate.


If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

You are whining about shit that is not happening. That's a fact.

There is no anti white discrimination.

If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

All it takes is 50.1% whites, even though whites are more than 50.1% of the population? LOL!

To make an honest assessment, you'd have to look at white applicants at a certain test score, black applicants at the same score and compare acceptance rates of those equivalent students.

Wrong. Test scores have been shown to be inaccurate indicators of college qualification. That's why any colleges are now saying tests are optional.

Attacking the test scores as indicators of college qualifications, in no way changes the fact that they HAVE BEEN used as a major part of college ADMISSIONS,

and thus by tracking those numbers we can see the scale of anti white discrimination.

That you can't see that obvious fact, shows an enormous emotional investment in your victim hood.

And since you claim to be in the field, I guess and enormous financial investment too. After all, what would happen to your career if you started admitting the Truth?
No you have not. 8 Ivy league schools that have majority whites students are not indicators of how such policies have hurt the entire white population.

You cannot dismiss a non existent problem.

You calling me a piece of shit means nothing. You are a dumb fuck stupid bastard whining about shit that's not happening.

My God, the idiocy of you claiming that a majority white student body disproves anti-white discrimination...

Me? Stupid? LOL!!!

The difference between you insulting me, and I insulting you?

YOur insults are lies, while mine are completely accurate.


If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

You are whining about shit that is not happening. That's a fact.

There is no anti white discrimination.

If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

All it takes is 50.1% whites, even though whites are more than 50.1% of the population? LOL!

To make an honest assessment, you'd have to look at white applicants at a certain test score, black applicants at the same score and compare acceptance rates of those equivalent students.

Wrong. Test scores have been shown to be inaccurate indicators of college qualification. That's why any colleges are now saying tests are optional.

What should be used?

They want the standards to be subjective and vague to hide the level of discrimination.
If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

All it takes is 50.1% whites, even though whites are more than 50.1% of the population? LOL!

To make an honest assessment, you'd have to look at white applicants at a certain test score, black applicants at the same score and compare acceptance rates of those equivalent students.

Wrong. Test scores have been shown to be inaccurate indicators of college qualification. That's why any colleges are now saying tests are optional.

What should be used?

Go read the studies. The claim of anti white discrimination is bogus.

If blacks are getting a huge bump added to their actual test scores, who loses that college slot?

If blacks are getting a huge bump added to their test scores then its apparent whites already had the points before the test was taken..

No, it is not.

The first part of your sentence does NOTHING to support your conclusion in the second.
I already have, repeatedly.

You either just dismissed the problems of white people, or pretended to not understand the clear implications of hard data.

And since you felt a need to insult me,

you are a piece of shit.

No you have not. 8 Ivy league schools that have majority whites students are not indicators of how such policies have hurt the entire white population.

You cannot dismiss a non existent problem.

You calling me a piece of shit means nothing. You are a dumb fuck stupid bastard whining about shit that's not happening.

My God, the idiocy of you claiming that a majority white student body disproves anti-white discrimination...

Me? Stupid? LOL!!!

The difference between you insulting me, and I insulting you?

YOur insults are lies, while mine are completely accurate.


If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

You are whining about shit that is not happening. That's a fact.

There is no anti white discrimination.

If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

All it takes is 50.1% whites, even though whites are more than 50.1% of the population? LOL!

To make an honest assessment, you'd have to look at white applicants at a certain test score, black applicants at the same score and compare acceptance rates of those equivalent students.

Which is what leads to the 230 point number.

Which completely PROVES anti-white discrimination.

And this guy claims to have a masters? What the fuck does that say about higher education in this country?

There is no ant white discrimination. You keep talking about 8 colleges out of 3,000 where maybe 7-8 percent of the students are black the majority of students are white and you whine about some bullshit that doesn't exist even if the 230 points are given.

I know plenty of brothers who have degrees too. I see one every morning when I look in the mirror when I brush my teeth.

Standing right behind you? You gotta get a bigger place.

You might want to not do this again considering you got called a racial slur elsewhere and now you do the same things they do.

Being called a racial slur is nothing to be ashamed of. NOt when the reason for being called it is that some lefty can't refute what you are saying.
Wrong. Test scores have been shown to be inaccurate indicators of college qualification. That's why any colleges are now saying tests are optional.

What should be used?

Go read the studies. The claim of anti white discrimination is bogus.

If blacks are getting a huge bump added to their actual test scores, who loses that college slot?

If blacks are getting a huge bump added to their test scores then its apparent whites already had the points before the test was taken..

No, it is not.

The first part of your sentence does NOTHING to support your conclusion in the second.

Look dumb ass those policies were made of offset a minimum 241 year continuing record of racism by whites with more than 190 of them with written law excluding blacks. Now tell me that didn't happen.
No you have not. 8 Ivy league schools that have majority whites students are not indicators of how such policies have hurt the entire white population.

You cannot dismiss a non existent problem.

You calling me a piece of shit means nothing. You are a dumb fuck stupid bastard whining about shit that's not happening.

My God, the idiocy of you claiming that a majority white student body disproves anti-white discrimination...

Me? Stupid? LOL!!!

The difference between you insulting me, and I insulting you?

YOur insults are lies, while mine are completely accurate.


If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

You are whining about shit that is not happening. That's a fact.

There is no anti white discrimination.

If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

All it takes is 50.1% whites, even though whites are more than 50.1% of the population? LOL!

To make an honest assessment, you'd have to look at white applicants at a certain test score, black applicants at the same score and compare acceptance rates of those equivalent students.

Which is what leads to the 230 point number.

Which completely PROVES anti-white discrimination.

And this guy claims to have a masters? What the fuck does that say about higher education in this country?

There is no ant white discrimination. You keep talking about 8 colleges out of 3,000 where maybe 7-8 percent of the students are black the majority of students are white and you whine about some bullshit that doesn't exist even if the 230 points are given.

1. THe colleges were selected because the admissions are very competitive, thus you can see that discrimination that occurs.

2. The entire population of the nation is majority white, and whites, for whatever reason, generally out perform blacks academically. Given that, that whites are a majority in those schools, is not evidence that the discrimination does not take place.

3. IF the 230 points are GIVEN, then the discrimination is taking place. Giving someone else an unfair advantage because of skin color is what DISCRIMINATION IS!!!

4. If you really have a masters in the field, and can't see that, that is a massive condemnation of both the field and the entire higher education industry in this nation.

I know plenty of brothers who have degrees too. I see one every morning when I look in the mirror when I brush my teeth.

Standing right behind you? You gotta get a bigger place.

You might want to not do this again considering you got called a racial slur elsewhere and now you do the same things they do.

Being called a racial slur is nothing to be ashamed of. NOt when the reason for being called it is that some lefty can't refute what you are saying.

Everything you have said has been refuted. You cannot show that as an entire population any adverse effects to whites by any policy trying to provide equal opportunity much less compare that impact to the adverse impact centuries of whites racist policies have had upon non whites groups.
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