No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points,

Which colleges add 200 points to white scores?

The same Ivy league schools Correll whines about giving 230 points to blacks.,

Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools.

Yup. You bet.

The point has been proven

Bzzzzt. Wrong.
You said....."Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points"

Nothing you've posted proved that.

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Who said anything about a national policy?
This is something that many, many individual colleges have chosen to do.
The Federal government didn't force them.
There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make.

Why? Because they're a minority harmed by AA?

The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery.

And the thread is about the practice of discriminating against whites and Asians to admit undeserving blacks to colleges they wouldn't otherwise qualify to attend.

You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population

When your grades and test scores are really high, you can go to an Ivy League school.
Or if your grades and scores aren't high enough, but you're black.........

And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests.

You bet! And that's awesome!!!
The issue is when some people with high scores and grades don't get admitted in order to admit blacks with lower scores and grades than the rejected students.

Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there.

If the 50 point penalty were removed, their admission rate could be 3.5 or 4 times their portion of the population, and that would be alright, but the removal of the 230 point black bonus would reduce the number of blacks admitted. Right?

You don't give a fuck about Asians. Shut up.

SAT scores are not associated with grades. There is no black getting admitted into Ivy League schools that do not meet the GPA requirements of those schools.
1. THe colleges were selected because the admissions are very competitive, thus you can see that discrimination that occurs.

2. The entire population of the nation is majority white, and whites, for whatever reason, generally out perform blacks academically. Given that, that whites are a majority in those schools, is not evidence that the discrimination does not take place.

3. IF the 230 points are GIVEN, then the discrimination is taking place. Giving someone else an unfair advantage because of skin color is what DISCRIMINATION IS!!!

4. If you really have a masters in the field, and can't see that, that is a massive condemnation of both the field and the entire higher education industry in this nation.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

Illogical X 10
There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make.

Why? Because they're a minority harmed by AA?

The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery.

And the thread is about the practice of discriminating against whites and Asians to admit undeserving blacks to colleges they wouldn't otherwise qualify to attend.

You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population

When your grades and test scores are really high, you can go to an Ivy League school.
Or if your grades and scores aren't high enough, but you're black.........

And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests.

You bet! And that's awesome!!!
The issue is when some people with high scores and grades don't get admitted in order to admit blacks with lower scores and grades than the rejected students.

Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there.

If the 50 point penalty were removed, their admission rate could be 3.5 or 4 times their portion of the population, and that would be alright, but the removal of the 230 point black bonus would reduce the number of blacks admitted. Right?

You don't give a fuck about Asians. Shut up.


Again, illogical. You don't know who gives a fuck about whom or why. Stop letting your emotions get the better of you.
The same Ivy league schools Correll whines about giving 230 points to blacks.,

Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools.

Yup. You bet.

The point has been proven

Bzzzzt. Wrong.
You said....."Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points"

Nothing you've posted proved that.

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Who said anything about a national policy?
This is something that many, many individual colleges have chosen to do.
The Federal government didn't force them.

I showed you the information about legacy points and you refused to accept they exist. But they do. Yo wre shown thelegacy infaiton re dlwoer but wre admitted and you asked for more prooEvery tme a policy ow that it shows that what you el sbullshit youwill ask formore proof. Wellyou got theproof you are going to get.

You made a claim that if 230 points are taken away from blacks fewer blacks would be amditted into Ivy League schools. What evidence do you have to supp that? You have denied that whites even get points much less the points given for legacy. .
And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make.

Why? Because they're a minority harmed by AA?

The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery.

And the thread is about the practice of discriminating against whites and Asians to admit undeserving blacks to colleges they wouldn't otherwise qualify to attend.

You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population

When your grades and test scores are really high, you can go to an Ivy League school.
Or if your grades and scores aren't high enough, but you're black.........

And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests.

You bet! And that's awesome!!!
The issue is when some people with high scores and grades don't get admitted in order to admit blacks with lower scores and grades than the rejected students.

Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there.

If the 50 point penalty were removed, their admission rate could be 3.5 or 4 times their portion of the population, and that would be alright, but the removal of the 230 point black bonus would reduce the number of blacks admitted. Right?

You don't give a fuck about Asians. Shut up.


Again, illogical. You don't know who gives a fuck about whom or why. Stop letting your emotions get the better of you.

No it's not illogical. This guy doesn't give a fuck about Asians.
Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points,

Which colleges add 200 points to white scores?

The same Ivy league schools Correll whines about giving 230 points to blacks.,

Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

Actually, neither the article you linked to, nor the similar study linked within that article, mentions Ivy League schools. It does talk about the top 25 schools at one point, but actually, the difference in SAT scores between legacy and non-legacy students at the top 25 schools is much smaller than the overall difference: a 23 point difference in the top 25 schools compared to a 67 point difference overall.

When did the metric become a national policy? And where is the proof that legacy favoritism is a national policy? It seems to vary from school to school. From the link to another study found within the article you linked : "Among the 30 colleges, the legacy advantage varied enormously: one college was more than 15 times as likely to accept legacy applicants, while at another, the effect was insignificant."
Study Finds Family Connections Give Big Advantage in College Admissions

I will have to go back and look at the article Correll linked to before I can say much about the alleged points assigned to blacks.
Last edited:
Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools.

Yup. You bet.

The point has been proven

Bzzzzt. Wrong.
You said....."Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points"

Nothing you've posted proved that.

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Who said anything about a national policy?
This is something that many, many individual colleges have chosen to do.
The Federal government didn't force them.

I showed you the information about legacy points and you refused to accept they exist. But they do. Yo wre shown thelegacy infaiton re dlwoer but wre admitted and you asked for more prooEvery tme a policy ow that it shows that what you el sbullshit youwill ask formore proof. Wellyou got theproof you are going to get.

You made a claim that if 230 points are taken away from blacks fewer blacks would be amditted into Ivy League schools. What evidence do you have to supp that? You have denied that whites even get points much less the points given for legacy. .
If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make.

Why? Because they're a minority harmed by AA?

The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery.

And the thread is about the practice of discriminating against whites and Asians to admit undeserving blacks to colleges they wouldn't otherwise qualify to attend.

You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population

When your grades and test scores are really high, you can go to an Ivy League school.
Or if your grades and scores aren't high enough, but you're black.........

And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests.

You bet! And that's awesome!!!
The issue is when some people with high scores and grades don't get admitted in order to admit blacks with lower scores and grades than the rejected students.

Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there.

If the 50 point penalty were removed, their admission rate could be 3.5 or 4 times their portion of the population, and that would be alright, but the removal of the 230 point black bonus would reduce the number of blacks admitted. Right?

You don't give a fuck about Asians. Shut up.


Again, illogical. You don't know who gives a fuck about whom or why. Stop letting your emotions get the better of you.

No it's not illogical. This guy doesn't give a fuck about Asians.

Even you have to realize how irrational you are being. You cannot read his mind, so your claim is illogical.
If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

You are whining about shit that is not happening. That's a fact.

There is no anti white discrimination.

If the majority of students of a university are white they are not being discriminated against in admissions.

All it takes is 50.1% whites, even though whites are more than 50.1% of the population? LOL!

To make an honest assessment, you'd have to look at white applicants at a certain test score, black applicants at the same score and compare acceptance rates of those equivalent students.

Which is what leads to the 230 point number.

Which completely PROVES anti-white discrimination.

And this guy claims to have a masters? What the fuck does that say about higher education in this country?

There is no ant white discrimination. You keep talking about 8 colleges out of 3,000 where maybe 7-8 percent of the students are black the majority of students are white and you whine about some bullshit that doesn't exist even if the 230 points are given.

1. THe colleges were selected because the admissions are very competitive, thus you can see that discrimination that occurs.

2. The entire population of the nation is majority white, and whites, for whatever reason, generally out perform blacks academically. Given that, that whites are a majority in those schools, is not evidence that the discrimination does not take place.

3. IF the 230 points are GIVEN, then the discrimination is taking place. Giving someone else an unfair advantage because of skin color is what DISCRIMINATION IS!!!

4. If you really have a masters in the field, and can't see that, that is a massive condemnation of both the field and the entire higher education industry in this nation.

There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted. This is what idiots like you who whine about discrimination need to understand the definition An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven. If whites are the majority of admitted students there is no adverse impact on whites. There is no discrimination in this policy son, and that's just the way it is.

It IS the way it is. If there is any discrimination taking place in admissions, every CURRENT study indicates that it is Asian students who are most at risk.

What he is doing is ignoring that glaring fact from the same study from 2004(13 years ago) that he posted, attempting to spin it to look like the admission of literally ANY black student is at the expense of MASSIVE numbers of white students.

It's laughable that he is still on a soapbox about proven BULLSHIT.

Opinion | White Students’ Unfair Advantage in Admissions
The same Ivy league schools Correll whines about giving 230 points to blacks.,

Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools.

Yup. You bet.

The point has been proven

Bzzzzt. Wrong.
You said....."Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points"

Nothing you've posted proved that.

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Who said anything about a national policy?
This is something that many, many individual colleges have chosen to do.
The Federal government didn't force them.

SAT Scores for Ivy League Admissions

All of the Ivy League schools have truly holistic admissions, so keep SAT scores in perspective and realize that they are just one part of the admissions equation. Perfect 800s across the board don't guarantee admission if other parts of your application are weak. Admissions officers will want to see a strong academic record, a winning essay, meaningful extracurricular activities and good letters of recommendation. A particularly compelling personal story or amazing special talent can partially make up for SAT scores that are below the norm for a school.

Compare SAT Scores for Ivy League Admissions

Your and Corrells entire argument has been about SAT scores. As you see here SAT scores are just one part of the admission process. It is not the sole determinant of admission. Therefore your entire argument is dead.
There is no discrimination in admittance if whites are the majority of those admitted.

And here's more proof that liberals are really bad at math.

An adverse impact must be created by the policy for discrimination to be proven.

White and Asian students rejected with higher scores than blacks who are admitted is proof of adverse impact.

And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make.

Why? Because they're a minority harmed by AA?

The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery.

And the thread is about the practice of discriminating against whites and Asians to admit undeserving blacks to colleges they wouldn't otherwise qualify to attend.

You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population

When your grades and test scores are really high, you can go to an Ivy League school.
Or if your grades and scores aren't high enough, but you're black.........

And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests.

You bet! And that's awesome!!!
The issue is when some people with high scores and grades don't get admitted in order to admit blacks with lower scores and grades than the rejected students.

Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there.

If the 50 point penalty were removed, their admission rate could be 3.5 or 4 times their portion of the population, and that would be alright, but the removal of the 230 point black bonus would reduce the number of blacks admitted. Right?

You don't give a fuck about Asians. Shut up.

SAT scores are not associated with grades. There is no black getting admitted into Ivy League schools that do not meet the GPA requirements of those schools.

There is no black getting admitted into Ivy League schools that do not meet the GPA requirements of those schools.

So why do they need a 230 point bump?
You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools.

Yup. You bet.

The point has been proven

Bzzzzt. Wrong.
You said....."Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points"

Nothing you've posted proved that.

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Who said anything about a national policy?
This is something that many, many individual colleges have chosen to do.
The Federal government didn't force them.

I showed you the information about legacy points and you refused to accept they exist. But they do. Yo wre shown thelegacy infaiton re dlwoer but wre admitted and you asked for more prooEvery tme a policy ow that it shows that what you el sbullshit youwill ask formore proof. Wellyou got theproof you are going to get.

You made a claim that if 230 points are taken away from blacks fewer blacks would be amditted into Ivy League schools. What evidence do you have to supp that? You have denied that whites even get points much less the points given for legacy. .
You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make.

Why? Because they're a minority harmed by AA?

The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery.

And the thread is about the practice of discriminating against whites and Asians to admit undeserving blacks to colleges they wouldn't otherwise qualify to attend.

You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population

When your grades and test scores are really high, you can go to an Ivy League school.
Or if your grades and scores aren't high enough, but you're black.........

And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests.

You bet! And that's awesome!!!
The issue is when some people with high scores and grades don't get admitted in order to admit blacks with lower scores and grades than the rejected students.

Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there.

If the 50 point penalty were removed, their admission rate could be 3.5 or 4 times their portion of the population, and that would be alright, but the removal of the 230 point black bonus would reduce the number of blacks admitted. Right?

You don't give a fuck about Asians. Shut up.


Again, illogical. You don't know who gives a fuck about whom or why. Stop letting your emotions get the better of you.

No it's not illogical. This guy doesn't give a fuck about Asians.

Even you have to realize how irrational you are being. You cannot read his mind, so your claim is illogical.

This is not about reading a mind. This is about a strategy whites have used forever which is trying to divide races by making claims of how one race is taking something from another one. You will see this in these threads by the same whites here telling me that Mexican immigrants are taking jobs from blacks.
And here is more proof that conservatives can't accept facts.

Actually when Asians are admitted at a rate that is 3 times their population and whites are a majority, adverse impact is not shown.

If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make.

Why? Because they're a minority harmed by AA?

The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery.

And the thread is about the practice of discriminating against whites and Asians to admit undeserving blacks to colleges they wouldn't otherwise qualify to attend.

You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population

When your grades and test scores are really high, you can go to an Ivy League school.
Or if your grades and scores aren't high enough, but you're black.........

And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests.

You bet! And that's awesome!!!
The issue is when some people with high scores and grades don't get admitted in order to admit blacks with lower scores and grades than the rejected students.

Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there.

If the 50 point penalty were removed, their admission rate could be 3.5 or 4 times their portion of the population, and that would be alright, but the removal of the 230 point black bonus would reduce the number of blacks admitted. Right?

You don't give a fuck about Asians. Shut up.

SAT scores are not associated with grades. There is no black getting admitted into Ivy League schools that do not meet the GPA requirements of those schools.

There is no black getting admitted into Ivy League schools that do not meet the GPA requirements of those schools.

So why do they need a 230 point bump?

That argument is dead son. You have been shown that SAT scores are only one part of the process. The admissions officials at Ivy League schools have stated that you can get a perfect score and still not get admitted if other factors in the admissions process are weak. It's over. You lose.
Last edited:
The same Ivy league schools Correll whines about giving 230 points to blacks.,

Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

Actually, neither the article you linked to, nor the similar study linked within that article, mentions Ivy League schools. It does talk about the top 25 schools at one point, but actually, the difference in SAT scores between legacy and non-legacy students at the top 25 schools is much smaller than the overall difference: a 23 point difference in the top 25 schools compared to a 67 point difference overall.

When did the metric become a national policy? And where is the proof that legacy favoritism is a national policy? It seems to vary from school to school. From the link to another study found within the article you linked : "Among the 30 colleges, the legacy advantage varied enormously: one college was more than 15 times as likely to accept legacy applicants, while at another, the effect was insignificant."
Study Finds Family Connections Give Big Advantage in College Admissions

I will have to go back and look at the article Correll linked to before I can say much about the alleged points assigned to blacks.

When did the metric become a national policy you ask?

When a person uses that metric to make a claim of anti white discrimination. And hen claims that anti white discrimination exists in all things.
Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools.

Yup. You bet.

The point has been proven

Bzzzzt. Wrong.
You said....."Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points"

Nothing you've posted proved that.

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Who said anything about a national policy?
This is something that many, many individual colleges have chosen to do.
The Federal government didn't force them.

I showed you the information about legacy points and you refused to accept they exist. But they do. Yo wre shown thelegacy infaiton re dlwoer but wre admitted and you asked for more prooEvery tme a policy ow that it shows that what you el sbullshit youwill ask formore proof. Wellyou got theproof you are going to get.

You made a claim that if 230 points are taken away from blacks fewer blacks would be amditted into Ivy League schools. What evidence do you have to supp that? You have denied that whites even get points much less the points given for legacy. .
If blacks get 230 extra points and Asians get 50 points subtracted, how is there no impact?

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make.

Why? Because they're a minority harmed by AA?

The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery.

And the thread is about the practice of discriminating against whites and Asians to admit undeserving blacks to colleges they wouldn't otherwise qualify to attend.

You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population

When your grades and test scores are really high, you can go to an Ivy League school.
Or if your grades and scores aren't high enough, but you're black.........

And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests.

You bet! And that's awesome!!!
The issue is when some people with high scores and grades don't get admitted in order to admit blacks with lower scores and grades than the rejected students.

Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there.

If the 50 point penalty were removed, their admission rate could be 3.5 or 4 times their portion of the population, and that would be alright, but the removal of the 230 point black bonus would reduce the number of blacks admitted. Right?

You don't give a fuck about Asians. Shut up.


Again, illogical. You don't know who gives a fuck about whom or why. Stop letting your emotions get the better of you.

No it's not illogical. This guy doesn't give a fuck about Asians.

I showed you the information about legacy points and you refused to accept they exist.

Yes, they exist, as I said before.
73 points, not 200.

You made a claim that if 230 points are taken away from blacks fewer blacks would be amditted into Ivy League schools. What evidence do you have to supp that?

They add 230 points and it doesn't help black admissions? Wow!
OK white folks, it's time you all manned up. This thread is about you guys explaining laws and policies made that benefitted you since slavery, The SAT argument is not part of this discussion any longer. The 230 points was claimed happened in Ivy league schools and the individual was persistent in basing his argument on SAT scores. Yet we have been shown that SAT scores are only part of the process therefore Asians and whites are not being passed over based only on their supposed higher SAT scores for blacks with lower SAT scores. It has also been shown that SAT sores are really no indicator of qualification to begin with. So now you guys have tried your level best to deny the benefits whites have derived today based upon laws a policies since slavery and even then we see whites still benefitted the most.

So now it's time for whites here to begin answering questions.

The first question is, how did redlining benefit blacks more than whites?
You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools.

Yup. You bet.

The point has been proven

Bzzzzt. Wrong.
You said....."Correll, you don't seem to understand that whites get 200 legacy points"

Nothing you've posted proved that.

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Who said anything about a national policy?
This is something that many, many individual colleges have chosen to do.
The Federal government didn't force them.

I showed you the information about legacy points and you refused to accept they exist. But they do. Yo wre shown thelegacy infaiton re dlwoer but wre admitted and you asked for more prooEvery tme a policy ow that it shows that what you el sbullshit youwill ask formore proof. Wellyou got theproof you are going to get.

You made a claim that if 230 points are taken away from blacks fewer blacks would be amditted into Ivy League schools. What evidence do you have to supp that? You have denied that whites even get points much less the points given for legacy. .
You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make. You racists don't give a flying fuck about Asians or their equal rights. The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery. The same motherfucking laws and policies that put Asians in interment camps. There is no anti white discrimination and there is no adverse impact on whites by whatever correll and you are trying to argue. You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there. And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests. If anything the 230 points are awarded due to the adverse impact of admission policy on blacks since blacks are admitted at half their rate of the population. about 3 times less than Asians and about 7 to 8 times less than whites.

You can stop trying to use Asians in this disingenuous argument you are trying to make.

Why? Because they're a minority harmed by AA?

The OP is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies after slavery.

And the thread is about the practice of discriminating against whites and Asians to admit undeserving blacks to colleges they wouldn't otherwise qualify to attend.

You've been shown that Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population

When your grades and test scores are really high, you can go to an Ivy League school.
Or if your grades and scores aren't high enough, but you're black.........

And the fact remains that there are actually blacks who do score better than Asians and whites on these tests.

You bet! And that's awesome!!!
The issue is when some people with high scores and grades don't get admitted in order to admit blacks with lower scores and grades than the rejected students.

Asians are admitted into Ivy league schools at 3 times the rate of their population so there is no adverse impact there.

If the 50 point penalty were removed, their admission rate could be 3.5 or 4 times their portion of the population, and that would be alright, but the removal of the 230 point black bonus would reduce the number of blacks admitted. Right?

You don't give a fuck about Asians. Shut up.


Again, illogical. You don't know who gives a fuck about whom or why. Stop letting your emotions get the better of you.

No it's not illogical. This guy doesn't give a fuck about Asians.

I showed you the information about legacy points and you refused to accept they exist.

Yes, they exist, as I said before.
73 points, not 200.

You made a claim that if 230 points are taken away from blacks fewer blacks would be amditted into Ivy League schools. What evidence do you have to supp that?

They add 230 points and it doesn't help black admissions? Wow!

This discussion has ended. I am the OP here. You have been shown that the SAT is part of the process and not the entire process. There was a minimum of 160 legacy points, not 73, but that doesn't really matter anymore in this discussion.

The first question is, how did redlining benefit blacks more than whites?
OK white folks, it's time you all manned up. This thread is about you guys explaining laws and policies made that benefitted you since slavery, The SAT argument is not part of this discussion any longer. The 230 points was claimed happened in Ivy league schools and the individual was persistent in basing his argument on SAT scores. Yet we have been shown that SAT scores are only part of the process therefore Asians and whites are not being passed over based only on their supposed higher SAT scores for blacks with lower SAT scores. It has also been shown that SAT sores are really no indicator of qualification to begin with. So now you guys have tried your level best to deny the benefits whites have derived today based upon laws a policies since slavery and even then we see whites still benefitted the most.

So now it's time for whites here to begin answering questions.

The first question is, how did redlining benefit blacks more than whites?
You were brought from a shit hole called Africa and brought here. You weren't able to construct your own civilized society, so we're letting you in on ours. Your complaint is that it took too long. Tough, just suck it up princess.
Prove it.

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven.

You haven't posted proof that whites get 200 points added.
Try again?

You've been shown the facts that legacy points are provided in Ivy league schools. The point has been proven

You haven't posted proof there is a national policy of anti white discrimination based on policy .

Try again?

Actually, neither the article you linked to, nor the similar study linked within that article, mentions Ivy League schools. It does talk about the top 25 schools at one point, but actually, the difference in SAT scores between legacy and non-legacy students at the top 25 schools is much smaller than the overall difference: a 23 point difference in the top 25 schools compared to a 67 point difference overall.

When did the metric become a national policy? And where is the proof that legacy favoritism is a national policy? It seems to vary from school to school. From the link to another study found within the article you linked : "Among the 30 colleges, the legacy advantage varied enormously: one college was more than 15 times as likely to accept legacy applicants, while at another, the effect was insignificant."
Study Finds Family Connections Give Big Advantage in College Admissions

I will have to go back and look at the article Correll linked to before I can say much about the alleged points assigned to blacks.

When did the metric become a national policy you ask?

When a person uses that metric to make a claim of anti white discrimination. And hen claims that anti white discrimination exists in all things.

I must have missed the claim that anti-white discrimination exists in all things. Who made that claim, and where?
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