No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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The jackass still doesn't understand white people are not going to feel bad about tit today unless they are liberals. Then maybe you have a shot at getting some money, housing, blowjob, whatever.

No one cares what you don't feel. Thing is that you whites have always got special favors and now you whine about others supposedly getting what whites have always got. So then if you don't feel bad about you getting them, shut the fuck up about others doing the same.
You're the one whining, you can't spin it away. But you can be upset, butthurt, victimized, traumatized, etc. Losers need excuses.

Yada, yada. Explain how whites have benefitted from redlining.

You don't have the guts.
I worked for what I have you stupid asshole. You think you can reconstruct my life to fit your dank racist world view? I had a black elecrtician in my shop, same rank as me, couldn't hook up a light switch and your maggot brain thinks I was benefited? People could die and you still wouldn't be able to connect the dots. Anyone that cares what you say is a loser.

Yeah right. My racist world view. Yeah right. You worked and not one tine in your life have you benefitted from being white. And of course the usual white tale of how you and a black person worked the same job but the black person couldn't do even the bare minimum of what it take but stlll got the same job. Sure, I believe that. I've heard it a million times

You are the one who decided I've done nothing and I am a loser because I have stated the reality of how you whites have done. I couldn't be a successful man who has built a business from nothing and helped build 2 others. Oh no I could not be a mastered degreed college graduate with 32 years of work and research in my field. No, I had to be the whining loser because I dare speak out on continuing white racism.

You've listened to far too many of those right wing maggots on the radio and TV. I've been a very successful man. I retired actually 4 years ago now. At 52. YOU are a loser. You are a loser because you can't face the truth.
OK white folks, it's time you all manned up. This thread is about you guys explaining laws and policies made that benefitted you since slavery, The SAT argument is not part of this discussion any longer. The 230 points was claimed happened in Ivy league schools and the individual was persistent in basing his argument on SAT scores. Yet we have been shown that SAT scores are only part of the process therefore Asians and whites are not being passed over based only on their supposed higher SAT scores for blacks with lower SAT scores. It has also been shown that SAT sores are really no indicator of qualification to begin with. So now you guys have tried your level best to deny the benefits whites have derived today based upon laws a policies since slavery and even then we see whites still benefitted the most.

So now it's time for whites here to begin answering questions.

The first question is, how did redlining benefit blacks more than whites?
Who said it did?

How did redlining benefit whites then molly?
I never mentioned redlining. How bout everyone work for what they want and quit expecting special favors?

I mentioned it. Because it's part of the laws and policies whites have benefitted from since slavery. You know, the original OP topic? So you just understand that whites have always got special favors then recognize that redlining was one of them. So now how did whites benefit from redlining and how does it benefit them today?
yes, in the past....not now

Yes now also.
what are whites benefitting from that no one else is today?

You didn't read the Teflon theory of history did you? Things just don't magically stop just because a law was changed or because you believe it did.
No one cares what you don't feel. Thing is that you whites have always got special favors and now you whine about others supposedly getting what whites have always got. So then if you don't feel bad about you getting them, shut the fuck up about others doing the same.
You're the one whining, you can't spin it away. But you can be upset, butthurt, victimized, traumatized, etc. Losers need excuses.

Yada, yada. Explain how whites have benefitted from redlining.

You don't have the guts.
I worked for what I have you stupid asshole. You think you can reconstruct my life to fit your dank racist world view? I had a black elecrtician in my shop, same rank as me, couldn't hook up a light switch and your maggot brain thinks I was benefited? People could die and you still wouldn't be able to connect the dots. Anyone that cares what you say is a loser.

Yeah right. My racist world view. Yeah right. You worked and not one tine in your life have you benefitted from being white. And of course the usual white tale of how you and a black person worked the same job but the black person couldn't do even the bare minimum of what it take but stlll got the same job. Sure, I believe that. I've heard it a million times

You are the one who decided I've done nothing and I am a loser because I have stated the reality of how you whites have done. I couldn't be a successful man who has built a business from nothing and helped build 2 others. Oh no I could not be a mastered degreed college graduate with 32 years of work and research in my field. No, I had to be the whining loser because I dare speak out on continuing white racism.

You've listened to far too many of those right wing maggots on the radio and TV. I've been a very successful man. I retired actually 4 years ago now. At 52. YOU are a loser. You are a loser because you can't face the truth.

^^^ Bitter Racist Race Baiter Bitterly Race Baits Yet Again ^^^

what are whites benefitting from that no one else is today?

You didn't read the Teflon theory of history did you? Things just don't magically stop just because a law was changed or because you believe it did.
You didn't answer my question. Some people benefit more because of class, money talks, but not because of race.
what are whites benefitting from that no one else is today?

You didn't read the Teflon theory of history did you? Things just don't magically stop just because a law was changed or because you believe it did.
You didn't answer my question. Some people benefit more because of class, money talks, but not because of race.

You were asked to describe how redlining has benefitted whites today. You have failed to answer that question. We are now going to talk about laws and policies not your opinions.
what are whites benefitting from that no one else is today?

You didn't read the Teflon theory of history did you? Things just don't magically stop just because a law was changed or because you believe it did.
You didn't answer my question. Some people benefit more because of class, money talks, but not because of race.

You were asked to describe how redlining has benefitted whites today. You have failed to answer that question. We are now going to talk about laws and policies not your opinions.
I did answer, I said it wasn't benefitting whites today.
OK white folks, it's time you all manned up. This thread is about you guys explaining laws and policies made that benefitted you since slavery, The SAT argument is not part of this discussion any longer. The 230 points was claimed happened in Ivy league schools and the individual was persistent in basing his argument on SAT scores. Yet we have been shown that SAT scores are only part of the process therefore Asians and whites are not being passed over based only on their supposed higher SAT scores for blacks with lower SAT scores. It has also been shown that SAT sores are really no indicator of qualification to begin with. So now you guys have tried your level best to deny the benefits whites have derived today based upon laws a policies since slavery and even then we see whites still benefitted the most.

So now it's time for whites here to begin answering questions.

The first question is, how did redlining benefit blacks more than whites?
You were brought from a shit hole called Africa and brought here. You weren't able to construct your own civilized society, so we're letting you in on ours. Your complaint is that it took too long. Tough, just suck it up princess.

Yeah, that shit hole called Africa. The whole continent, a shit hole! I'm sure you've traveled around it extensively to make that judgement.......
You can tell by the boatloads of them escaping to Europe every day.

But just curious, which part(s) of Africa aren't total shit holes?

I've never been to Africa, so I can't really say. I find it hard to believe an entire continent is a shit hole, however.

But here's some links to places in Africa that are, at least according to the articles, nice places to live or visit:
Find out Where's the Most Liveable Cities in Africa
Best of urban Africa: 10 cities worth going to | CNN Travel
26 of the most stunning spots in Africa | CNN Travel

I also notice you haven't mentioned any of your experiences in Africa from which you formed the opinion that the whole continent is a shit hole. ;)
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


This thread is about your insecurity with being black, your need for someone else to support you and heap pity upon you and anyone else who happens to be black...

The only reason you get any mileage out of this is because your master Barack told you it was okay...
what are whites benefitting from that no one else is today?

You didn't read the Teflon theory of history did you? Things just don't magically stop just because a law was changed or because you believe it did.
You didn't answer my question. Some people benefit more because of class, money talks, but not because of race.

You were asked to describe how redlining has benefitted whites today. You have failed to answer that question. We are now going to talk about laws and policies not your opinions.
I did answer, I said it wasn't benefitting whites today.

But it does and in fact you benefitted from it in your own lifetime. This is not about your opinion anymore. You go do some research on redlining and how long it was done, if it continues and how it effects property values today, then tell me how whites are not benefitting from redlining now. Read about what is called retail redlining then explain to me how whites are not benefitting today from redlining.

Retail Redlining: One of the Most Pervasive Forms of Racism Left in America?

There's a term for the phenomenon he's describing: retail redlining. The practice is a more recent and less studied variation on redlining as it's been historically recognized in the housing sector. In the context of retail, grocery stores, and restaurants, redlining refers to the "spatially discriminatory practice" of not serving certain communities because of their ethnic or racial composition, rather than their economic prospects.

Retail Redlining: One of the Most Pervasive Forms of Racism Left in America?
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


This thread is about your insecurity with being black, your need for someone else to support you and heap pity upon you and anyone else who happens to be black...

The only reason you get any mileage out of this is because your master Barack told you it was okay...

Your opinion has nothing to do with the OP.
OK white folks, it's time you all manned up. This thread is about you guys explaining laws and policies made that benefitted you since slavery, The SAT argument is not part of this discussion any longer. The 230 points was claimed happened in Ivy league schools and the individual was persistent in basing his argument on SAT scores. Yet we have been shown that SAT scores are only part of the process therefore Asians and whites are not being passed over based only on their supposed higher SAT scores for blacks with lower SAT scores. It has also been shown that SAT sores are really no indicator of qualification to begin with. So now you guys have tried your level best to deny the benefits whites have derived today based upon laws a policies since slavery and even then we see whites still benefitted the most.

So now it's time for whites here to begin answering questions.

The first question is, how did redlining benefit blacks more than whites?
You were brought from a shit hole called Africa and brought here. You weren't able to construct your own civilized society, so we're letting you in on ours. Your complaint is that it took too long. Tough, just suck it up princess.

Yeah, that shit hole called Africa. The whole continent, a shit hole! I'm sure you've traveled around it extensively to make that judgement.......
You can tell by the boatloads of them escaping to Europe every day.

But just curious, which part(s) of Africa aren't total shit holes?

I've never been to Africa, so I can't really say. I find it hard to believe an entire continent is a shit hole, however.

But here's some links to places in Africa that are, at least according to the articles, nice places to live or visit:
Find out Where's the Most Liveable Cities in Africa
Best of urban Africa: 10 cities worth going to | CNN Travel
26 of the most stunning spots in Africa | CNN Travel

I also notice you haven't mentioned any of your experiences in Africa from which you formed the opinion that the whole continent is a shit hole. ;)

He is a troll. He's saying the same thing here he has said in at least 2 other threads I started.
what are whites benefitting from that no one else is today?

You didn't read the Teflon theory of history did you? Things just don't magically stop just because a law was changed or because you believe it did.
You didn't answer my question. Some people benefit more because of class, money talks, but not because of race.

You were asked to describe how redlining has benefitted whites today. You have failed to answer that question. We are now going to talk about laws and policies not your opinions.
I did answer, I said it wasn't benefitting whites today.

But it does and in fact you benefitted from it in your own lifetime. This is not about your opinion anymore. You go do some research on redlining and how long it was done, if it continues and how it effects property values today, then tell me how whites are not benefitting from redlining now. Read about what is called retail redlining then explain to me how whites are not benefitting today from redlining.

Retail Redlining: One of the Most Pervasive Forms of Racism Left in America?

There's a term for the phenomenon he's describing: retail redlining. The practice is a more recent and less studied variation on redlining as it's been historically recognized in the housing sector. In the context of retail, grocery stores, and restaurants, redlining refers to the "spatially discriminatory practice" of not serving certain communities because of their ethnic or racial composition, rather than their economic prospects.

Retail Redlining: One of the Most Pervasive Forms of Racism Left in America?
Since you think you know all about all white people. Tell me how I am benefitting today? You seem to think blacks are not being treated equally, how did you succeed where others failed?
OK white folks, it's time you all manned up. This thread is about you guys explaining laws and policies made that benefitted you since slavery, The SAT argument is not part of this discussion any longer. The 230 points was claimed happened in Ivy league schools and the individual was persistent in basing his argument on SAT scores. Yet we have been shown that SAT scores are only part of the process therefore Asians and whites are not being passed over based only on their supposed higher SAT scores for blacks with lower SAT scores. It has also been shown that SAT sores are really no indicator of qualification to begin with. So now you guys have tried your level best to deny the benefits whites have derived today based upon laws a policies since slavery and even then we see whites still benefitted the most.

So now it's time for whites here to begin answering questions.

The first question is, how did redlining benefit blacks more than whites?
You were brought from a shit hole called Africa and brought here. You weren't able to construct your own civilized society, so we're letting you in on ours. Your complaint is that it took too long. Tough, just suck it up princess.

Yeah, that shit hole called Africa. The whole continent, a shit hole! I'm sure you've traveled around it extensively to make that judgement.......
You can tell by the boatloads of them escaping to Europe every day.

But just curious, which part(s) of Africa aren't total shit holes?

I've never been to Africa, so I can't really say. I find it hard to believe an entire continent is a shit hole, however.

But here's some links to places in Africa that are, at least according to the articles, nice places to live or visit:
Find out Where's the Most Liveable Cities in Africa
Best of urban Africa: 10 cities worth going to | CNN Travel
26 of the most stunning spots in Africa | CNN Travel

I also notice you haven't mentioned any of your experiences in Africa from which you formed the opinion that the whole continent is a shit hole. ;)
You can tell that Africa is shit by the fact that the freed slaves wouldn't even go back there. :lol:
US blacks don't want to move back either.
OK white folks, it's time you all manned up. This thread is about you guys explaining laws and policies made that benefitted you since slavery, The SAT argument is not part of this discussion any longer. The 230 points was claimed happened in Ivy league schools and the individual was persistent in basing his argument on SAT scores. Yet we have been shown that SAT scores are only part of the process therefore Asians and whites are not being passed over based only on their supposed higher SAT scores for blacks with lower SAT scores. It has also been shown that SAT sores are really no indicator of qualification to begin with. So now you guys have tried your level best to deny the benefits whites have derived today based upon laws a policies since slavery and even then we see whites still benefitted the most.

So now it's time for whites here to begin answering questions.

The first question is, how did redlining benefit blacks more than whites?
You were brought from a shit hole called Africa and brought here. You weren't able to construct your own civilized society, so we're letting you in on ours. Your complaint is that it took too long. Tough, just suck it up princess.

Yeah, that shit hole called Africa. The whole continent, a shit hole! I'm sure you've traveled around it extensively to make that judgement.......
You can tell by the boatloads of them escaping to Europe every day.

But just curious, which part(s) of Africa aren't total shit holes?

I've never been to Africa, so I can't really say. I find it hard to believe an entire continent is a shit hole, however.

But here's some links to places in Africa that are, at least according to the articles, nice places to live or visit:
Find out Where's the Most Liveable Cities in Africa
Best of urban Africa: 10 cities worth going to | CNN Travel
26 of the most stunning spots in Africa | CNN Travel

I also notice you haven't mentioned any of your experiences in Africa from which you formed the opinion that the whole continent is a shit hole. ;)

He is a troll. He's saying the same thing here he has said in at least 2 other threads I started.
Is it sinking in yet?
.That and you have called me a racist for describing what whites have benefitted from. So now we are tlaking about the days after slavery that lasted for 100 years whereby whites were by law allowed all manner of rights and opportunities blacks did not get. That's what this thread is. about. Not what you care or don't care about. If you don't care then don' t comment. There are all kinds of threads here at USMB that you can participate in if you don' t care about what's being discussed here. So do that.

So you can quote me saying all of these horrible things, right?
The cost of slavery is a permanent racial underclass, not just in America, but in many parts of the world. It was a grievous mistake on all counts designed to address an agrarian labor shortage 300 years ago.

We aren't taking about slavery and we aren't taking about anything outside of America.

Slavery had very much to do with "outside of America" as well, and if your having a conversation with people , you dont just get to demand every aspect of what they can and cannot bring to the conversation. If you want that its just a monologue.

When I am not talking about slavery, I can demand what the fuck I want.

You are representing yourself very, very poorly here.

You let a bunch of illogical comments get made to tell me this. You are not my evaluator son. You're just another dumb ass white pretending to be non racist.

At this point, you are just lashing out blindly. Get a hold of yourself and start over. It's not too late to admit your errors and present yourself as a reasonable person. State your case with calm reason and logic and people will respond in kind. Continue to act like a screeching lunatic and you will soon be nothing but fodder for the flame zone.
OK white folks, it's time you all manned up. This thread is about you guys explaining laws and policies made that benefitted you since slavery, The SAT argument is not part of this discussion any longer. The 230 points was claimed happened in Ivy league schools and the individual was persistent in basing his argument on SAT scores. Yet we have been shown that SAT scores are only part of the process therefore Asians and whites are not being passed over based only on their supposed higher SAT scores for blacks with lower SAT scores. It has also been shown that SAT sores are really no indicator of qualification to begin with. So now you guys have tried your level best to deny the benefits whites have derived today based upon laws a policies since slavery and even then we see whites still benefitted the most.

So now it's time for whites here to begin answering questions.

The first question is, how did redlining benefit blacks more than whites?
You were brought from a shit hole called Africa and brought here. You weren't able to construct your own civilized society, so we're letting you in on ours. Your complaint is that it took too long. Tough, just suck it up princess.

Yeah, that shit hole called Africa. The whole continent, a shit hole! I'm sure you've traveled around it extensively to make that judgement.......
You can tell by the boatloads of them escaping to Europe every day.

But just curious, which part(s) of Africa aren't total shit holes?

I've never been to Africa, so I can't really say. I find it hard to believe an entire continent is a shit hole, however.

But here's some links to places in Africa that are, at least according to the articles, nice places to live or visit:
Find out Where's the Most Liveable Cities in Africa
Best of urban Africa: 10 cities worth going to | CNN Travel
26 of the most stunning spots in Africa | CNN Travel

I also notice you haven't mentioned any of your experiences in Africa from which you formed the opinion that the whole continent is a shit hole. ;)
You can tell that Africa is shit by the fact that the freed slaves wouldn't even go back there. :lol:
US blacks don't want to move back either.

That's illogical and ridiculous. There are many places that aren't shit holes that I am not moving to. Not moving somewhere doesn't make the place you aren't moving to a shit hole. Nor is the quality of the place you are living the only consideration when it comes to moving, particularly when moving to a different country or even continent.

Do you think it would have been easy for freed slaves to pack up, find passage, and go to somewhere in Africa, then settle down and make a life there?

Your argument seems to be that, because someone doesn't want to (or finds it difficult to) move to a place with a different language and different culture, a place which doesn't have the friends and family that live where the person currently resides, that place they don't move to is shit.

So you can quote me saying all of these horrible things, right?
We aren't taking about slavery and we aren't taking about anything outside of America.

Slavery had very much to do with "outside of America" as well, and if your having a conversation with people , you dont just get to demand every aspect of what they can and cannot bring to the conversation. If you want that its just a monologue.

When I am not talking about slavery, I can demand what the fuck I want.

You are representing yourself very, very poorly here.

You let a bunch of illogical comments get made to tell me this. You are not my evaluator son. You're just another dumb ass white pretending to be non racist.

At this point, you are just lashing out blindly. Get a hold of yourself and start over. It's not too late to admit your errors and present yourself as a reasonable person. State your case with calm reason and logic and people will respond in kind. Continue to act like a screeching lunatic and you will soon be nothing but fodder for the flame zone.

To be fair, even with calm reason and logic, there will be some who continue to respond with screeching lunacy. :p
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