NO One's Buying It...Not Even Democrats. So just STOP Already.

Despite your repeated attempts, the thread is still about Hillary.

It's about honesty standards.

If you call Hillary a liar and Trump a much bigger liar. THAN I have little problem you calling Hillary a liar. Because at least than you are being consistent.
That's like saying you're not allowed to complain about Bush invading Iraq unless you also complain about Kennedy getting us into Viet Nam.
He hasn't had the opportunity to put the country in harm's way. If the electorate is smart, he never will have that chance.

Yes, if we're smart we'll hand the country over to a woman who has had the cance to put the country in harm's way several times ... and did ...

Can't risk what a newbie would do. The establishment politicians have done such a stellar job getting us into this mess, we can't risk anything else to try and get us out ...
I've been saying that a Trump presidency would be a crap shoot...

While a Hillary presidency would just be crap.

As long at Trump keeps pounding his disdain for free markets and free trade, I won't be voting for that particular crap shoot
He doesn't have any distain for free trade. He knows that businesses cannot negotiate trade rules with foreign nations.

Businesses don't have to "negotiate trade rules with foreign nations." We just need to make deals
They can't. A country can slap a huge import duty on our goods. No business can do jack shit about it.
Except that Hillary didn't put the country in harm's way. Unlike the pentagon, and Congressional offices, Hillary's server was never hacked, and all of the lies you believe about her emails, are YOUR LIES, not hers.
Never hacked? Sure about that? It would be less likely for it NOT to be hacked.
Except that Hillary didn't put the country in harm's way. Unlike the pentagon, and Congressional offices, Hillary's server was never hacked, and all of the lies you believe about her emails, are YOUR LIES, not hers.
You are a proven liar. Adding to it won't make it go away. Putting classified intel on your vulnerable home server, no good. Sending it, no good.
That's like saying you're not allowed to complain about Bush invading Iraq unless you also complain about Kennedy getting us into Viet Nam.

WTF? when was Kennedy an alternative to Bush?
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Yes, if we're smart we'll hand the country over to a woman who has had the cance to put the country in harm's way several times ... and did ...

Can't risk what a newbie would do. The establishment politicians have done such a stellar job getting us into this mess, we can't risk anything else to try and get us out ...
I've been saying that a Trump presidency would be a crap shoot...

While a Hillary presidency would just be crap.

As long at Trump keeps pounding his disdain for free markets and free trade, I won't be voting for that particular crap shoot
He doesn't have any distain for free trade. He knows that businesses cannot negotiate trade rules with foreign nations.

Businesses don't have to "negotiate trade rules with foreign nations." We just need to make deals
They can't. A country can slap a huge import duty on our goods. No business can do jack shit about it.

That isn't what Trump's arguing, he's arguing punishing US companies that don't follow government economic objectives
Whether I have or not is irrelevant, don't you think?

If you sometime tell a lie or falsehood, yet consider yourself an honest man than that has DIRECT
RELEVANCE on the definition of the word.

My point is I can't recall a politician that anyone would claim NEVER lied, so it's a matter of frequency and quality of the lies, rather than some absolute standard of EVER having said something false.
Hillary lied about national security. That's serious.

Not according the to FBI, or 7 Congressional Investigations.
I posted the transcript that proves you are a liar.

You posted an interrogation of the FBI Director where he was directed to answer "yes" or "no" to a the veracity of Mrs. Clinton's statements to the FBI. Gowdy made a point of not asking if Mrs. Clinton lied, because he didn't want Comey to say "No". Instead, he weasel worded the questions, knowing that what Mrs. Clinton believed to be true, wasn't, so he made it appear that she tried to lie and mislead the FBI, which Comey made very clear in his report, she did not do.

Comey was never asked if Mrs. Clinton lied. Comey has been very clear that Hillary Clinton DID NOT LIE TO THE FBI. No matter how you try to twist it, Comey said she did not lie.
That's like saying you're not allowed to complain about Bush invading Iraq unless you also complain about Kennedy getting us into Viet Nam.

WTF? when was Kennedy an alternative to Bush?
Okay, to put in terms you might more agree with, that's like saying you're not allowed to complain about Bush invading Iraq unless you also complain about Hillary voting to allow it.
Except that Hillary didn't put the country in harm's way. Unlike the pentagon, and Congressional offices, Hillary's server was never hacked, and all of the lies you believe about her emails, are YOUR LIES, not hers.

If she does for the country what she did for the 4 dead Americans in Benghazi, we are screwed. How dO you know her server was never hacked? Everyone else's was.
Whether I have or not is irrelevant, don't you think?

If you sometime tell a lie or falsehood, yet consider yourself an honest man than that has DIRECT
RELEVANCE on the definition of the word.

My point is I can't recall a politician that anyone would claim NEVER lied, so it's a matter of frequency and quality of the lies, rather than some absolute standard of EVER having said something false.
Hillary lied about national security. That's serious.

Not according the to FBI, or 7 Congressional Investigations.
I posted the transcript that proves you are a liar.

You posted an interrogation of the FBI Director where he was directed to answer "yes" or "no" to a the veracity of Mrs. Clinton's statements to the FBI. Gowdy made a point of not asking if Mrs. Clinton lied, because he didn't want Comey to say "No". Instead, he weasel worded the questions, knowing that what Mrs. Clinton believed to be true, wasn't, so he made it appear that she tried to lie and mislead the FBI, which Comey made very clear in his report, she did not do.

Comey was never asked if Mrs. Clinton lied. Comey has been very clear that Hillary Clinton DID NOT LIE TO THE FBI. No matter how you try to twist it, Comey said she did not lie.

She didn't lie to the FBI because they didn't ask the right questions. She repeatedly lied to the American people, then lied about the lies.
That's like saying you're not allowed to complain about Bush invading Iraq unless you also complain about Kennedy getting us into Viet Nam.
Brian Williams stretches a story and his nice big job goes poof.

Call a foreign soccer team cowards and Hope Solo is gone.

Eric Snowden is still a wanted man.

Hillary? Still running for president thank you very much.

Isn't it interesting how you don't extend the same standard to Trump?

You consider both equally unqualified then?

No I do not. I consider Trump a lot less honest. He tells more lies and flip-flops shamelessly at a drop of a hat while lying about prior positions.
That's like saying you're not allowed to complain about Bush invading Iraq unless you also complain about Kennedy getting us into Viet Nam.
Brian Williams stretches a story and his nice big job goes poof.

Call a foreign soccer team cowards and Hope Solo is gone.

Eric Snowden is still a wanted man.

Hillary? Still running for president thank you very much.

Isn't it interesting how you don't extend the same standard to Trump?

You consider both equally unqualified then?

No I do not. I consider Trump a lot less honest. He tells more lies and flip-flops shamelessly at a drop of a hat while lying about prior positions.

No one died under Trump.
No one died under Trump.

Wtf do you mean "under Trump"? He never had any position of serious responsibility for people's lives.

...and Hillary didn't take her responsibility serious when she was suppose to be.

There were attacks on our embassies under EVERY administration. Under every administration people died somewhere. There is only one reason Benghazi investigation ever was - Hillary was running for president and opposition controlled the investigation committees.

It was PROVEN because the second Hillary said "I'm not running" EVERYTHING was dropped, she then said "lol just kidding" and EVERYTHING was scheduled again.

This was politics, not true dereliction of duty.
There were attacks on our embassies under EVERY administration. Under every administration people died somewhere. There is only one reason Benghazi investigation even was - Hillary was running for president and opposition controlled the investigation committees.

It was PROVEN because the second Hillary said "I'm not running" EVERYTHING was dropped, she then said "lol just kidding" and EVERYTHING was scheduled again.

This was politics, not true dereliction of duty.

Politics huh? Then she should have made the truth plain and turned over ALL the emails and showed these politicians. But we got lies, deception, miss direction, more lies.
Politics huh? Then she should have made the truth plain and turned over ALL the emails and showed these politicians. But we got lies, deception, miss direction, more lies.

yes politics.

There was not a single finding in ANY of 8 or 9 investigation's that found Clinton's negligence or mis-management responsible for the the deaths in Benghazi.
That's like saying you're not allowed to complain about Bush invading Iraq unless you also complain about Kennedy getting us into Viet Nam.
Brian Williams stretches a story and his nice big job goes poof.

Call a foreign soccer team cowards and Hope Solo is gone.

Eric Snowden is still a wanted man.

Hillary? Still running for president thank you very much.

Isn't it interesting how you don't extend the same standard to Trump?

You consider both equally unqualified then?

No I do not. I consider Trump a lot less honest. He tells more lies and flip-flops shamelessly at a drop of a hat while lying about prior positions.

No one died under Trump.

Yes they did.

Worker plunges to death at Trump site

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