No Presidential candidate has come back from Donald Trump's 6 point deficit

Actually Hillary has 87% of winning this election.

Election Update: There Are 4 Ways This Election Can End — And 3 Involve Clinton Winning

It’s tempting to say that voters have made up their minds and that the presidential vote is set. Hillary Clinton has a 6.6-percentage-point lead in the popular vote and an 87 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, according to our polls-only forecast. A week ago, those numbers were about the same: a 6.4-point lead and an 85 percent chance. In our polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 84 percent, up only slightly from 82 percent a week ago.
OMG you people are setting yourselves up for a giant shock.
Actually Hillary has 87% of winning this election.

Election Update: There Are 4 Ways This Election Can End — And 3 Involve Clinton Winning

It’s tempting to say that voters have made up their minds and that the presidential vote is set. Hillary Clinton has a 6.6-percentage-point lead in the popular vote and an 87 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, according to our polls-only forecast. A week ago, those numbers were about the same: a 6.4-point lead and an 85 percent chance. In our polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 84 percent, up only slightly from 82 percent a week ago.
OMG you people are setting yourselves up for a giant shock.

I don't think so. The crowd in his rallies are misleading. About what 90% or higher are whites. Correct? We don't have enough whites voters to elect your role model.
Good percentage of white voters will also vote for Hillary. Like educated white men. But hispanics, asians, blacks, muslims, women are with Hillary. So what that leads you? Trump is toast.
No Presidential candidate has come back from Donald Trump's 6 point deficit - full article

"Donald Trump appears headed for a major defeat on Nov. 8. The remaining questions are how badly he gets crushed, how many Republicans he takes down with him and what it will mean for Hillary Clinton's presidential mandate.

he trails in the Real Clear Politics average by more than 6 points. No candidate in modern presidential history has ever come back from that kind of deficit."

But then again, remember how no NBA team in history came back from a 3-1 deficit in the finals? And then LeBron James did the impossible and won? Hopefully the same miracle happens and Trump prevails
Cheer up, Trump is gonna win this election....but be very very careful on what you wish for....I'm hearing......LOLOLOLOLO

I doubt it.
Actually Hillary has 87% of winning this election.

Election Update: There Are 4 Ways This Election Can End — And 3 Involve Clinton Winning

It’s tempting to say that voters have made up their minds and that the presidential vote is set. Hillary Clinton has a 6.6-percentage-point lead in the popular vote and an 87 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, according to our polls-only forecast. A week ago, those numbers were about the same: a 6.4-point lead and an 85 percent chance. In our polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 84 percent, up only slightly from 82 percent a week ago.
OMG you people are setting yourselves up for a giant shock.

I don't think so. The crowd in his rallies are misleading. About what 90% or higher are whites. Correct? We don't have enough whites voters to elect your role model.
Good percentage of white voters will also vote for Hillary. Like educated white men. But hispanics, asians, blacks, muslims, women are with Hillary. So what that leads you? Trump is toast.
Your entire argument is based on the impressive array of victim groups you claim to champion. That's why leftists will never understand Americans.

We aren't anyone's victims.
In 1980 Reagan won 46 states, Carter won Minnesota, Georgia, West Virginia and Rhode Island.
In 1984 Reagan won 49 states, Mondale won Minnesota,

I did not know that two weeks prior to the 1980 presidential election was in 1979.
Reagan was 8% behind Carter 2 weeks before election according to Pew.

View attachment 95345
thats legit
Actually Hillary has 87% of winning this election.

Election Update: There Are 4 Ways This Election Can End — And 3 Involve Clinton Winning

It’s tempting to say that voters have made up their minds and that the presidential vote is set. Hillary Clinton has a 6.6-percentage-point lead in the popular vote and an 87 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, according to our polls-only forecast. A week ago, those numbers were about the same: a 6.4-point lead and an 85 percent chance. In our polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 84 percent, up only slightly from 82 percent a week ago.
OMG you people are setting yourselves up for a giant shock.

I don't think so. The crowd in his rallies are misleading. About what 90% or higher are whites. Correct? We don't have enough whites voters to elect your role model.
Good percentage of white voters will also vote for Hillary. Like educated white men. But hispanics, asians, blacks, muslims, women are with Hillary. So what that leads you? Trump is toast.
Your entire argument is based on the impressive array of victim groups you claim to champion. That's why leftists will never understand Americans.

We aren't anyone's victims.

You're right. Nothing is impossible.

Matter of fact, I've lived most of my life by the motto "everything is possible, nothing is impossible, it's just how hard you try".

However, I also know the meaning of the word "rare" which means that it happens only once in a very great while.

You're right, nothing is impossible, and the rare can happen.

However......................I doubt it.......................
Actually Hillary has 87% of winning this election.

Election Update: There Are 4 Ways This Election Can End — And 3 Involve Clinton Winning

It’s tempting to say that voters have made up their minds and that the presidential vote is set. Hillary Clinton has a 6.6-percentage-point lead in the popular vote and an 87 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, according to our polls-only forecast. A week ago, those numbers were about the same: a 6.4-point lead and an 85 percent chance. In our polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 84 percent, up only slightly from 82 percent a week ago.
OMG you people are setting yourselves up for a giant shock.

You need to check the polls and the electoral map. You won't be able to provide a plausible list of states that Trump will win that gives him 270.

The States that Clinton has a dead lock on give her over 260. She needs to win one major swing state to win. And she's leading in most of them. Trump is trailing in half a dozen 'must win' states. For fuck sake, he's trailing in Arizona and is in a statistical dead heat with Hillary in Texas.

Fucking *Texas*.
Yeah.................fucking Texas..................

They're going purple this election, and it might be blue in the next two.
Actually Hillary has 87% of winning this election.

Election Update: There Are 4 Ways This Election Can End — And 3 Involve Clinton Winning

It’s tempting to say that voters have made up their minds and that the presidential vote is set. Hillary Clinton has a 6.6-percentage-point lead in the popular vote and an 87 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, according to our polls-only forecast. A week ago, those numbers were about the same: a 6.4-point lead and an 85 percent chance. In our polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 84 percent, up only slightly from 82 percent a week ago.
OMG you people are setting yourselves up for a giant shock.

I don't think so. The crowd in his rallies are misleading. About what 90% or higher are whites. Correct? We don't have enough whites voters to elect your role model.
Good percentage of white voters will also vote for Hillary. Like educated white men. But hispanics, asians, blacks, muslims, women are with Hillary. So what that leads you? Trump is toast.
Your entire argument is based on the impressive array of victim groups you claim to champion. That's why leftists will never understand Americans.

We aren't anyone's victims.
u dare me to do it his plan for what he would do in the first 100 days in office, he didn't mention ANYTHING about the wall, or vetting people from M
Trump is known for projects coming in under budget and on time, but intelligent people realize he can't be expected to build the wall in 100 days. This is as stupid a criticism as criticizing Mr Trump for taking off 1 hour to open his hotel,in DC, but say nothing about Hillary going to an Adelle concert when she can only muster one campaign stop without resting for a couple days.
He did everything wrong. He has a 300 word vocabulary, keeps stepping on his dick, underfunded his campaign, and didn't bother to build a ground game. If he wins it will be the biggest irony in American political history.
Have you ever attended a Trump rally? People stand in line for hours waiting to get into the venue and then wait a couple hours more until Mr. Trump flies in from his last campaign stop where 25,000 people cheered him on. If people spend hours of their time going to the campaign rallies you can guarantee it they will bust their ass getting to the polls on November 8 to vote for him.

Do you find that enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton?. Really?
Do you find that enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton?. Really?
  • In the presidential race, Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump 54 percent to 28 percent.
  • In the U.S. Senate race, state Attorney General Kamala Harris leads Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Orange, 42 percent to 20 percent. Excluding the 18 percent of voters who said they would not cast a ballot in a race between two Democrats, Harris leads 51 percent to 24 percent.
  • Proposition 64, a measure to legalize marijuana, led with 55 percent supporting it and 38 percent opposed.
    California poll: Trump’s numbers dropping into ‘uncharted territory’
    Source: mercury news
I honestly don't know if Trump will win. Every Trump supporter collectively cringed when he threatened to sue his accusers. He just can't control that stupid flapping thing on his face and he continually puts his personal battles ahead of the interests of his campaign.

If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president.
Yeah im starting to lose hope for Trump too
If he loses, it will be because Americans are so immature they can't see past a few personality flaws and vote on weightier issues such as lackluster economic "recovery", chronic joblessness, our loss of respect among our enemies, the disaster of Obamacare, and national security, starting at the border. Oh and the fact he's running against a corrupt liar who exposed our secrets to the world and got good men killed.

Are Americans really that fickle? We'll see.
"few personality flaws"

No Presidential candidate has come back from Donald Trump's 6 point deficit - full article

"Donald Trump appears headed for a major defeat on Nov. 8. The remaining questions are how badly he gets crushed, how many Republicans he takes down with him and what it will mean for Hillary Clinton's presidential mandate.

he trails in the Real Clear Politics average by more than 6 points. No candidate in modern presidential history has ever come back from that kind of deficit."

But then again, remember how no NBA team in history came back from a 3-1 deficit in the finals? And then LeBron James did the impossible and won? Hopefully the same miracle happens and Trump prevails

We don't know who is actually in the lead because the polls are fictitious.
Spoken like a true, delusional Trump supporter.

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