No Presidential candidate has come back from Donald Trump's 6 point deficit

No Presidential candidate has come back from Donald Trump's 6 point deficit - full article

"Donald Trump appears headed for a major defeat on Nov. 8. The remaining questions are how badly he gets crushed, how many Republicans he takes down with him and what it will mean for Hillary Clinton's presidential mandate.

he trails in the Real Clear Politics average by more than 6 points. No candidate in modern presidential history has ever come back from that kind of deficit."

But then again, remember how no NBA team in history came back from a 3-1 deficit in the finals? And then LeBron James did the impossible and won? Hopefully the same miracle happens and Trump prevails
Cheer up, Trump is gonna win this election....but be very very careful on what you wish for....I'm hearing......LOLOLOLOLO
In 1980 Reagan won 46 states, Carter won Minnesota, Georgia, West Virginia and Rhode Island.
In 1984 Reagan won 49 states, Mondale won Minnesota,

I did not know that two weeks prior to the 1980 presidential election was in 1979.
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I honestly don't know if Trump will win. Every Trump supporter collectively cringed when he threatened to sue his accusers. He just can't control that stupid flapping thing on his face and he continually puts his personal battles ahead of the interests of his campaign.

If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president.
I think there is about a 90% chance Trump wins.

The latest polls, the credible ones anyway, have the gap at around 1 to 3%, and with the 5% shamed hidden vote that puts Trump over the top in most states.

Trump will win in spite of his lack of control of his tongue.
Trump would actually have to be down by 6....given the recent news and Wikileaks the dems are manipulating polls I have my doubts
I honestly don't know if Trump will win. Every Trump supporter collectively cringed when he threatened to sue his accusers. He just can't control that stupid flapping thing on his face and he continually puts his personal battles ahead of the interests of his campaign.

If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president.
I think there is about a 90% chance Trump wins.

The latest polls, the credible ones anyway, have the gap at around 1 to 3%, and with the 5% shamed hidden vote that puts Trump over the top in most states.

Trump will win in spite of his lack of control of his tongue.

I'll take your 90% and cut it in half because in all reality, his chances are a dismal 45%. As horrible as Hillary is, it shouldn't even be close and Rubio or Cruz would have had a double digit lead by now.

Stop listening to Hannity. His sunshine and rainbows are giving a bad impression of where we are.
I'll take your 90% and cut it in half because in all reality, his chances are a dismal 45%. As horrible as Hillary is, it shouldn't even be close and Rubio or Cruz would have had a double digit lead by now.

Stop listening to Hannity. His sunshine and rainbows are giving a bad impression of where we are.
I am not listening to Hannity, lol.

Look at the primary results with the previous polls for yourself. Trump was under estimated by about 5% fairly consistently, and there is no reason to believe it is magically not the case now either.

And look at the wide range of results in these supposedly scientific polls. They cannot all be right. The ones that are wrong are way oversampling and the Wikileaks emails show that the Democrats INTENDED to throw off the polls in favor of Hillary by oversampling the Democrat voters.

No, the accurate polls, i.e the ones not putting bias into the results are showing a very close race within 3%. Factor in Trumps shamed hidden vote along with the undecideds breaking the same way the independents have and you have a 5 to 8% shift to Trump at the ballot box and a strong Trump win.
Hmmm...........but Brexit polling was showing it would go down easily!! Double digit.

oooooops :2up:
In 1980 Reagan won 46 states, Carter won Minnesota, Georgia, West Virginia and Rhode Island.
In 1984 Reagan won 49 states, Mondale won Minnesota,

I did not know that two weeks prior to the 1980 presidential election was in 1979.
Reagan was 8% behind Carter 2 weeks before election according to Pew.

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There's only one problem with your post. Trump isn't even close to Reagan in stature. Reagan knew how to speak well (he was an actor after all), as well as took time to study the issues so he didn't sound like an idiot.

To paraphrase a political quote from a few years back........I served in the navy under Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump is no Reagan.
I honestly don't know if Trump will win. Every Trump supporter collectively cringed when he threatened to sue his accusers. He just can't control that stupid flapping thing on his face and he continually puts his personal battles ahead of the interests of his campaign.

If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president.

Well that and he's just run an awful campaign. One of the most unorganized, inept, disjointed and confused campaigns in modern political history. I mean *three* campaign managers?
I honestly don't know if Trump will win. Every Trump supporter collectively cringed when he threatened to sue his accusers. He just can't control that stupid flapping thing on his face and he continually puts his personal battles ahead of the interests of his campaign.

If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president.
I think there is about a 90% chance Trump wins.

On what basis do you make this assessment? He's trailing in most national polls, some by double digits. He's trailing in states he *must* win. And isn't even close.

He has no plausible path to victory. Nor can you cite a plausible combination of States that result in a Trump victory. Where the states clinton has a lock on give her something like 266. She needs to win ONE major swing state and she wins the election. And she's leading in most all of them.

And yet you give Trump a 90% chance at victory? You're swallowing your own Kool-aid, Jim. And you aren't going to like the results.
The press has called this one wrong all the way. They thought Trump wouldn't run. They thought Trump wouldn't file his financial disclosures. They said he had no chance at winning the Republican nomination.
I honestly don't know if Trump will win. Every Trump supporter collectively cringed when he threatened to sue his accusers. He just can't control that stupid flapping thing on his face and he continually puts his personal battles ahead of the interests of his campaign.

If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president.

Well that and he's just run an awful campaign. One of the most unorganized, inept, disjointed and confused campaigns in modern political history. I mean *three* campaign managers?
He did everything wrong. He has a 300 word vocabulary, keeps stepping on his dick, underfunded his campaign, and didn't bother to build a ground game. If he wins it will be the biggest irony in American political history.
He did everything wrong. He has a 300 word vocabulary, keeps stepping on his dick, underfunded his campaign, and didn't bother to build a ground game. If he wins it will be the biggest irony in American political history.

Give the man his credit that he's even in contention. With all the things you mention, he's there. He's within 10 points of a seasoned career politician like Hillary.
He did everything wrong. He has a 300 word vocabulary, keeps stepping on his dick, underfunded his campaign, and didn't bother to build a ground game. If he wins it will be the biggest irony in American political history.

Give the man his credit that he's even in contention. With all the things you mention, he's there. He's within 10 points of a seasoned career politician like Hillary.
He's running against a corrupt, lying criminal who the public finds unlikable and untrustworthy. He should be 10 points ahead. I'm a Trump supporter, but I'm also angry at him for continuing to give the media headlines that distract from his message. He can't help it that lying bimbos keep accusing him of events that nobody ever witnessed because it didn't happen, but he can decide not to threaten to sue them right before a major policy speech which the media has ignored because they got their headline in the first five minutes.

There's too much at stake and my country could be lost because of a large child with zero self discipline.
Actually Hillary has 87% chance of winning this election. New York Times 100%.

Election Update: There Are 4 Ways This Election Can End — And 3 Involve Clinton Winning

It’s tempting to say that voters have made up their minds and that the presidential vote is set. Hillary Clinton has a 6.6-percentage-point lead in the popular vote and an 87 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, according to our polls-only forecast. A week ago, those numbers were about the same: a 6.4-point lead and an 85 percent chance. In our polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 84 percent, up only slightly from 82 percent a week ago.

Some People Are Now 100 Percent Sure Clinton Will Win
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