No Presidential candidate has come back from Donald Trump's 6 point deficit

OMG you people are setting yourselves up for a giant shock.

I don't think so. The crowd in his rallies are misleading. About what 90% or higher are whites. Correct? We don't have enough whites voters to elect your role model.
Good percentage of white voters will also vote for Hillary. Like educated white men. But hispanics, asians, blacks, muslims, women are with Hillary. So what that leads you? Trump is toast.
Your entire argument is based on the impressive array of victim groups you claim to champion. That's why leftists will never understand Americans.

We aren't anyone's victims.

You said........ We are setting ourselves with a giant shock. And I just told you the reality. Not because victims or left or rights. You may want to ask the GOPs and other groups that despised your role model.
Here's a dose of reality for you. The polls tightening means Trump has upward momentum and What-difference-does-it-make is declining.

Is that enough reality for you?

You are in for a big surprise. The reality is Trump will not win.
Actually it won’t be a surprise for Trump supporters, who know Trump will lose the election, regardless their bravado.
I am a manly man.
What a genderist, testosterone infected, microaggressive, threatening and self promoting thing to say!

But your a Dem so your probably lying anyway.
I'm the one who called him a manly man because he is. You see enough posts and you get a feel for who fills the sack and who doesn't. My perplexity is that real men are almost never leftists, yet here he is to prove the exception to the rule. I'm genuinely curious as to how this happens.
I am a manly man.
What a genderist, testosterone infected, microaggressive, threatening and self promoting thing to say!

But your a Dem so your probably lying anyway.
I'm the one who called him a manly man because he is. You see enough posts and you get a feel for who fills the sack and who doesn't. My perplexity is that real men are almost never leftists, yet here he is to prove the exception to the rule. I'm genuinely curious as to how this happens.

Being an adrenaline junkie has nothing to do with political affiliation. And, you don't have to be a Dem or a Rep to enjoy doing things outdoors.

Hunting and fishing don't require any political affiliation either, all you have to be is hungry, and hunger doesn't differentiate between "leftist" and "conservative". We all get hungry.

As far as knowing how to sack up and be responsible? Learned that in the Navy, and I had some really good Firsts and Chiefs that taught me how to lead.
I am a manly man.
What a genderist, testosterone infected, microaggressive, threatening and self promoting thing to say!

But your a Dem so your probably lying anyway.
I'm the one who called him a manly man because he is. You see enough posts and you get a feel for who fills the sack and who doesn't. My perplexity is that real men are almost never leftists, yet here he is to prove the exception to the rule. I'm genuinely curious as to how this happens.

Being an adrenaline junkie has nothing to do with political affiliation. And, you don't have to be a Dem or a Rep to enjoy doing things outdoors.

Hunting and fishing don't require any political affiliation either, all you have to be is hungry, and hunger doesn't differentiate between "leftist" and "conservative". We all get hungry.

As far as knowing how to sack up and be responsible? Learned that in the Navy, and I had some really good Firsts and Chiefs that taught me how to lead.
People like you are grounded in reality which is why it puzzles me when you align with a party that is antithetical to reality and personal responsibility. Democrats repeatedly show a poor understanding of economics, the demonstrable truth that socialism and wealth redistribution policies that fall just short of it produce poverty, not wealth. Democrats think the answer to failing Obamacare is to punish people with stiffer fines for not participating. At every turn Democrats think the solution to problems caused by government is even more government and less freedom.

Moreover, no nation in history has taxed itself into prosperity, nor have Keynesian economics theories ever substantiated themselves with real world examples. The unchanging and unchangeable intrinsic principles of money, economies, and human behavior which the warriors of acedemia deny don't have to be explained to people like us.

So you remain to me an enigma. To be Democrat is to set aside the hard earned life experience and common sense you possess in abundance and accept a world of smoke and delusions in its place.
I am a manly man.
What a genderist, testosterone infected, microaggressive, threatening and self promoting thing to say!

But your a Dem so your probably lying anyway.
I'm the one who called him a manly man because he is. You see enough posts and you get a feel for who fills the sack and who doesn't. My perplexity is that real men are almost never leftists, yet here he is to prove the exception to the rule. I'm genuinely curious as to how this happens.

Being an adrenaline junkie has nothing to do with political affiliation. And, you don't have to be a Dem or a Rep to enjoy doing things outdoors.

Hunting and fishing don't require any political affiliation either, all you have to be is hungry, and hunger doesn't differentiate between "leftist" and "conservative". We all get hungry.

As far as knowing how to sack up and be responsible? Learned that in the Navy, and I had some really good Firsts and Chiefs that taught me how to lead.
People like you are grounded in reality which is why it puzzles me when you align with a party that is antithetical to reality and personal responsibility. Democrats repeatedly show a poor understanding of economics, the demonstrable truth that socialism and wealth redistribution policies that fall just short of it produce poverty, not wealth. Democrats think the answer to failing Obamacare is to punish people with stiffer fines for not participating. At every turn Democrats think the solution to problems caused by government is even more government and less freedom.

Moreover, no nation in history has taxed itself into prosperity, nor have Keynesian economics theories ever substantiated themselves with real world examples. The unchanging and unchangeable intrinsic principles of money, economies, and human behavior which the warriors of acedemia deny don't have to be explained to people like us.

So you remain to me an enigma. To be Democrat is to set aside the hard earned life experience and common sense you possess in abundance and accept a world of smoke and delusions in its place.

Your last paragraph explains why you are confused. You called me a Democrat, when in fact, I've been an Independent ever since about halfway through my Navy career. Sometimes I've voted Republican, because I thought that was the best candidate. Other times, I've voted Democrat, because I thought they were the best candidate.

And yeah, because I'm grounded in reality, that is why I'm an Independent.

I believe that the government shouldn't spend more than it is taking in. I also believe that a graduated tax system is a good one. I think that we should have an infrastructure that is in good shape. I believe a strong military is important to this country.

I believe in your right to own guns, as many as you wish. I also think that you shouldn't be able to fire more than 15 rounds downrange before having to reload. Why? Guns are useful tools for hunting and home defense, but the only reason that you would need more than 15 rounds at a time is if you are a really bad shot, or if you are in a war zone. If you're a bad shot, spend more time out at the range. If you're in a war zone, you're part of the military, and I think that you should be given any weapon available that will help you defeat your enemies.

I also believe in a decent wage for all American workers. If it had kept up with inflation, it would be 10.10 right now instead of 7.25.
I am a manly man.
What a genderist, testosterone infected, microaggressive, threatening and self promoting thing to say!

But your a Dem so your probably lying anyway.
I'm the one who called him a manly man because he is. You see enough posts and you get a feel for who fills the sack and who doesn't. My perplexity is that real men are almost never leftists, yet here he is to prove the exception to the rule. I'm genuinely curious as to how this happens.

Being an adrenaline junkie has nothing to do with political affiliation. And, you don't have to be a Dem or a Rep to enjoy doing things outdoors.

Hunting and fishing don't require any political affiliation either, all you have to be is hungry, and hunger doesn't differentiate between "leftist" and "conservative". We all get hungry.

As far as knowing how to sack up and be responsible? Learned that in the Navy, and I had some really good Firsts and Chiefs that taught me how to lead.
People like you are grounded in reality which is why it puzzles me when you align with a party that is antithetical to reality and personal responsibility. Democrats repeatedly show a poor understanding of economics, the demonstrable truth that socialism and wealth redistribution policies that fall just short of it produce poverty, not wealth. Democrats think the answer to failing Obamacare is to punish people with stiffer fines for not participating. At every turn Democrats think the solution to problems caused by government is even more government and less freedom.

Moreover, no nation in history has taxed itself into prosperity, nor have Keynesian economics theories ever substantiated themselves with real world examples. The unchanging and unchangeable intrinsic principles of money, economies, and human behavior which the warriors of acedemia deny don't have to be explained to people like us.

So you remain to me an enigma. To be Democrat is to set aside the hard earned life experience and common sense you possess in abundance and accept a world of smoke and delusions in its place.

Your last paragraph explains why you are confused. You called me a Democrat, when in fact, I've been an Independent ever since about halfway through my Navy career. Sometimes I've voted Republican, because I thought that was the best candidate. Other times, I've voted Democrat, because I thought they were the best candidate.

And yeah, because I'm grounded in reality, that is why I'm an Independent.

I believe that the government shouldn't spend more than it is taking in. I also believe that a graduated tax system is a good one. I think that we should have an infrastructure that is in good shape. I believe a strong military is important to this country.

I believe in your right to own guns, as many as you wish. I also think that you shouldn't be able to fire more than 15 rounds downrange before having to reload. Why? Guns are useful tools for hunting and home defense, but the only reason that you would need more than 15 rounds at a time is if you are a really bad shot, or if you are in a war zone. If you're a bad shot, spend more time out at the range. If you're in a war zone, you're part of the military, and I think that you should be given any weapon available that will help you defeat your enemies.

I also believe in a decent wage for all American workers. If it had kept up with inflation, it would be 10.10 right now instead of 7.25.
It's interesting that you consider yourself an independent before listing several positions that align with the Democrat party. The final point you made proved me correct more than anything I could have said myself. Wages are determined by supply and demand, not by some number set arbitrarily by a politician. Some industries have more money than others and the rarer your skill and the more highly it's sought and the more you can sell it for.

Food service is not an industry that has a lot of money to pay, at least not at the fast food level. But a very talented waitress with uncommon charisma can work a high end restaurant and earn a nice living and generous tips. Their skill set is more than flipping burgers and working a cash register.

I got tired of low paying jobs and decided to get my CDL with Hazmat and tanker endorsements. Now I earn enough to support my entire family on a middle class income.

The common theme here is that money gravitates to those who work hardest for it; those who work to gain skills that are more in demand. People who are paid little are often either lazy or satisfied with a simpler lifestyle. Many millennials see jobs as something they have to do to play video games and go out clubbing every week. They could earn more but are unwilling to do what it takes.

This flies right in the face with Democrat alter reality by which people are kept poor by their greedy bosses rather than want of ambition. The doctor went to college for 8 years to earn her degree. The athlete trains for many rigorous hours because natural talent is not enough. People who want to earn a lot of money and are willing to do what it takes will have their heart's desire. In a free country, everyone is at the approximate income level they want to be at.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help anyone unwilling to help themselves.

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