No Presidential candidate has come back from Donald Trump's 6 point deficit

Actually Hillary has 87% of winning this election.

Election Update: There Are 4 Ways This Election Can End — And 3 Involve Clinton Winning

It’s tempting to say that voters have made up their minds and that the presidential vote is set. Hillary Clinton has a 6.6-percentage-point lead in the popular vote and an 87 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, according to our polls-only forecast. A week ago, those numbers were about the same: a 6.4-point lead and an 85 percent chance. In our polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 84 percent, up only slightly from 82 percent a week ago.
OMG you people are setting yourselves up for a giant shock.

I don't think so. The crowd in his rallies are misleading. About what 90% or higher are whites. Correct? We don't have enough whites voters to elect your role model.
Good percentage of white voters will also vote for Hillary. Like educated white men. But hispanics, asians, blacks, muslims, women are with Hillary. So what that leads you? Trump is toast.
Your entire argument is based on the impressive array of victim groups you claim to champion. That's why leftists will never understand Americans.

We aren't anyone's victims.

You said........ We are setting ourselves with a giant shock. And I just told you the reality. Not because victims or left or rights. You may want to ask the GOPs and other groups that despised your role model.
You said........ We are setting ourselves with a giant shock. And I just told you the reality. Not because victims or left or rights. You may want to ask the GOPs and other groups that despised your role model.
You did not tell anyone about Reality; you have never even met Reality in your dreams.

You are just another partisan shill squawking that your candidate is the best ever, has done no wrong and is winning in the polls that you obviously have not read the methodology of nor have any real knowledge of, except you think they prove your bitch is winning.

You are a bad joke on Democracy.
No Presidential candidate has come back from Donald Trump's 6 point deficit - full article

"Donald Trump appears headed for a major defeat on Nov. 8. The remaining questions are how badly he gets crushed, how many Republicans he takes down with him and what it will mean for Hillary Clinton's presidential mandate.

he trails in the Real Clear Politics average by more than 6 points. No candidate in modern presidential history has ever come back from that kind of deficit."

But then again, remember how no NBA team in history came back from a 3-1 deficit in the finals? And then LeBron James did the impossible and won? Hopefully the same miracle happens and Trump prevails

This is not news. Anyone who's be en paying attention knows
this track Hillary is on is already set by the party and media interests in line with this.
both the Clintons and all the Democrats and supporters around them have been
cutting deals and building support around this for years and years. It's like
Clinton has been campaigning and positioning herself for this since day one.

What's amazing is that Trump has managed to play the media games and stay in the public eye at all, for better or for worse, and we know which one gets the most media coverage!
If he gets any statements or ideas into the public realm this way, that's better than nothing.

We already know the media will focus on the most negative, and go to town on that,
to get the maximum hits and ratings and get public response.

Trump should have used this opportunity to unite leaders with solutions
and trumpet that. But he could still do this, even after the election and keep pushing
using his celebrityhood to influence the public by getting the cameras on solutions.
Sort of like how Princess Diana would direct the media to issues from
AIDS to homeless to landmines. Trump can still do that with the influence, following and
iconic image/figure he has marketed himself as.
What if people who plan to vote have not been sampled enough or didn't want to admit it to the survey taker? Think of how far off the Brexit surveys were. The major news outlets have painted just about anyone who supports Trump as a racist, bigot, misogynist, etc. Would you tell a survey taker that you were voting for him?
What if people who plan to vote have not been sampled enough or didn't want to admit it to the survey taker? Think of how far off the Brexit surveys were. The major news outlets have painted just about anyone who supports Trump as a racist, bigot, misogynist, etc. Would you tell a survey taker that you were voting for him?

Unfortunately Southern Dad
this same influence DOES extend to the actual voting.
the negative campaigns ARE shown to work and that's why people use them, to win.

Clinton has more of the media, party and corporate connections and mutual payoffs
to push things in that direction, including voters. If they think it's a done deal,
many people will stay home and just let the politics play itself out.

Even if the Black voters don't come out in droves as they did for Obama,
the Latino voters could be the key. And we can see how the media is inciting that population,
with Trump not able to get his positive Latino support base on real economic and legal solutions
the same publicity as the negative images and rhetoric that dominates the narrative.
Most of that he did to himself, so he really helped Clinton and the Democrats on that angle.

I would say the Women voters and Latino voters will probably be the
most influenced by media haranguing by Trump and against Trump
to come out and vote for Hillary as a way of voting AGAINST what Trump represents to them.

We'll see if it's those two groups that can be lobbied to get the most votes out.

Had Trump kept the Cruz base united, they might have organized the numbers.
But with that division, while the Democrats have Latino and Women voters uniting AGAINST Trump,
whoever can forgive their difference more will end up dominating.

The male/ego issues in the Republican camp are getting in the way of unity on principles.

Those who don't depend on Constitutional principles,
but just popular media politics, can still unite their voters and get them to the polls
who vote based on image and not about the real work it's going to take to
turn the govt and economy around to be sustainable instead of racking up more debts and waste over
political conflicts and abuse.

the real solutions don't sell well in the media, so that's why
Cruz and other pushing real reforms can't pitch their plans
the same way Clinton can sell her sound bytes that aren't based on really changing anything on the deep levels required.
Just symbolic legislation, but not the real change that's needed that doesn't fit in 30 second commercials
and tweets and posts that go viral.

Trump should have teamed up with Cruz to find ways to get that Constitutional
core message out in sound bytes instead of wasting his media celebrityhood on negative blurbs.

Maybe in the future they will master this.
For someone getting out there for the first time, Trump didn't do too badly
at keeping his image in the public eye and presence, even though it was more negative than positive.
What if people who plan to vote have not been sampled enough or didn't want to admit it to the survey taker? Think of how far off the Brexit surveys were. The major news outlets have painted just about anyone who supports Trump as a racist, bigot, misogynist, etc. Would you tell a survey taker that you were voting for him?
You don't understand how polls are conducted and analyzed, and how the projections are determined.
What if people who plan to vote have not been sampled enough or didn't want to admit it to the survey taker? Think of how far off the Brexit surveys were. The major news outlets have painted just about anyone who supports Trump as a racist, bigot, misogynist, etc. Would you tell a survey taker that you were voting for him?
You don't understand how polls are conducted and analyzed, and how the projections are determined.

Really? The pollsters called me. I told them I was voting for Gary Johnson.

Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk
real talk
What if people who plan to vote have not been sampled enough or didn't want to admit it to the survey taker? Think of how far off the Brexit surveys were. The major news outlets have painted just about anyone who supports Trump as a racist, bigot, misogynist, etc. Would you tell a survey taker that you were voting for him?
You don't understand how polls are conducted and analyzed, and how the projections are determined.
If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president
And Hillary is a paragon of virtue? Trump fights back against his accusers. We conservatives and independents like that.
He would have been better off largely ignoring them. Threatening to sue them might appeal to fist pumpers like us, but his reach has to go beyond his base in order to win. Like it or not, we must win over the independents who are likely wondering if Trump will try to use his office to pursue every personal injustice or focus instead on what the country needs.
Actually Hillary has 87% of winning this election.

Election Update: There Are 4 Ways This Election Can End — And 3 Involve Clinton Winning

It’s tempting to say that voters have made up their minds and that the presidential vote is set. Hillary Clinton has a 6.6-percentage-point lead in the popular vote and an 87 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, according to our polls-only forecast. A week ago, those numbers were about the same: a 6.4-point lead and an 85 percent chance. In our polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 84 percent, up only slightly from 82 percent a week ago.
OMG you people are setting yourselves up for a giant shock.

I don't think so. The crowd in his rallies are misleading. About what 90% or higher are whites. Correct? We don't have enough whites voters to elect your role model.
Good percentage of white voters will also vote for Hillary. Like educated white men. But hispanics, asians, blacks, muslims, women are with Hillary. So what that leads you? Trump is toast.
Your entire argument is based on the impressive array of victim groups you claim to champion. That's why leftists will never understand Americans.

We aren't anyone's victims.

You said........ We are setting ourselves with a giant shock. And I just told you the reality. Not because victims or left or rights. You may want to ask the GOPs and other groups that despised your role model.
Here's a dose of reality for you. The polls tightening means Trump has upward momentum and What-difference-does-it-make is declining.

Is that enough reality for you?
Actually Hillary has 87% of winning this election.

Election Update: There Are 4 Ways This Election Can End — And 3 Involve Clinton Winning

It’s tempting to say that voters have made up their minds and that the presidential vote is set. Hillary Clinton has a 6.6-percentage-point lead in the popular vote and an 87 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, according to our polls-only forecast. A week ago, those numbers were about the same: a 6.4-point lead and an 85 percent chance. In our polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 84 percent, up only slightly from 82 percent a week ago.
OMG you people are setting yourselves up for a giant shock.

I don't think so. The crowd in his rallies are misleading. About what 90% or higher are whites. Correct? We don't have enough whites voters to elect your role model.
Good percentage of white voters will also vote for Hillary. Like educated white men. But hispanics, asians, blacks, muslims, women are with Hillary. So what that leads you? Trump is toast.
Your entire argument is based on the impressive array of victim groups you claim to champion. That's why leftists will never understand Americans.

We aren't anyone's victims.

You said........ We are setting ourselves with a giant shock. And I just told you the reality. Not because victims or left or rights. You may want to ask the GOPs and other groups that despised your role model.
Here's a dose of reality for you. The polls tightening means Trump has upward momentum and What-difference-does-it-make is declining.

Is that enough reality for you?

You are in for a big surprise. The reality is Trump will not win.
You said........ We are setting ourselves with a giant shock. And I just told you the reality. Not because victims or left or rights. You may want to ask the GOPs and other groups that despised your role model.
You did not tell anyone about Reality; you have never even met Reality in your dreams.

You are just another partisan shill squawking that your candidate is the best ever, has done no wrong and is winning in the polls that you obviously have not read the methodology of nor have any real knowledge of, except you think they prove your bitch is winning.

You are a bad joke on Democracy.

What methodology Jim? The reality is Trump will not win......... I never said that Hillary is the best ever but I'd rather vote for her than your nazi clown putin puppet pussy grabber role model.
Just because he has massive rallies with 90+% whites...... which misleading....... That doesn't mean he is winning. If you look at his rallies....... if that's the reality Trump should be ahead by 25 points. But noooooo he is behind on ALL polls.

Democracy? But you are voting Adolf Trump.
If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president
And Hillary is a paragon of virtue? Trump fights back against his accusers. We conservatives and independents like that.
He would have been better off largely ignoring them. Threatening to sue them might appeal to fist pumpers like us, but his reach has to go beyond his base in order to win. Like it or not, we must win over the independents who are likely wondering if Trump will try to use his office to pursue every personal injustice or focus instead on what the country needs.

"Threatening to sue them might appeal to fist pumpers like us, but his reach has to go beyond his base in order to win".

"Fist pumpers like us". Apparently, you are admitting to being one of the fanatical Trump supporters, because you referred to them, as well as yourself, as "fist pumpers".

As well, you admit that your type are drawn more to rhetoric than anything else, because you said it appeals to your group, but not the others, and you stated that he has to change the way he's talking, because only the base is listening.

Thank you for telling the truth.
If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president
And Hillary is a paragon of virtue? Trump fights back against his accusers. We conservatives and independents like that.
He would have been better off largely ignoring them. Threatening to sue them might appeal to fist pumpers like us, but his reach has to go beyond his base in order to win. Like it or not, we must win over the independents who are likely wondering if Trump will try to use his office to pursue every personal injustice or focus instead on what the country needs.

"Threatening to sue them might appeal to fist pumpers like us, but his reach has to go beyond his base in order to win".

"Fist pumpers like us". Apparently, you are admitting to being one of the fanatical Trump supporters, because you referred to them, as well as yourself, as "fist pumpers".

As well, you admit that your type are drawn more to rhetoric than anything else, because you said it appeals to your group, but not the others, and you stated that he has to change the way he's talking, because only the base is listening.

Thank you for telling the truth.
You're welcome, sir.
Yeah.................fucking Texas..................

They're going purple this election, and it might be blue in the next two.
You're a military vet and a manly man.

How the hell did you go wrong?

I didn't go wrong, I followed my own path. I don't tell others that they are wrong for following their path, so I don't expect others to tell me my path is wrong either.

Yeah.........I served 20 years in the Navy and was in 4 war zones.

Yeah.........................I served with distinction, because I have 3 Navy Achievement Medals, each one signed by a Commodore or higher.

And yeah...................I hunt, fish, know how to survive in the wilderness, have owned and ridden a Harley, been to Sturgis 3 times, was a decent bicycle racer as well as a trained Navy man and a Montana boy who likes the woods.

I am a manly man.

I'm also smart enough to know that I don't want everyone walking my path. Drones are boring, and I like it when people teach me things that I don't know because they have walked a different path.
I predict Hillary by a landslide.

Bernie supporters



And of course democrats.

And more that a few repubs ( moderates ) that are turned off by trumps nutty behavior. Repub party leadership kicked trump to the curb so it's safe to assume at least some rank & file repubs will vote accordingly.
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I predict Hillary by a landslide.

Bernie supporters



And of course democrats.

And more that a few repubs ( moderates ) that are turned off by trumps nutty behavior. Repub party leadership kicked trump to the curb so it's safe to assume at least some rank & file repubs will vote accordingly.

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