No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Then ewe will take exception to Bush being compared to a Chimp and Trump an orangutan right?

And we know that is hidden racism in plain site

It isn't offensive to call whites chimps and apes...No offense is taken by white people,,,,blacks will burn down your city for doing the same.
Whew. For a minute there I thought you might not be a racist.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Then ewe will take exception to Bush being compared to a Chimp and Trump an orangutan right?

And we know that is hidden racism in plain site

It isn't offensive to call whites chimps and apes...No offense is taken by white people,,,,blacks will burn down your city for doing the same.

So you saying to us whites are civil decent human beings and blacks are animals ???

More racism coming from you.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

Conservatives view all of life as a big stew that all things are thrown into. The complexity is too great so they attempt to reduce everything to either/or. Like a light switch. That simple.
you couldnt think wo stereotypes could you?

not to say you can now...

If you can't hang with the OP then get marching Penguin.
It isn't offensive to call whites chimps and apes...No offense is taken by white people,,,,blacks will burn down your city for doing the same
Blacks expect to be treated as children, for the most part.
Exactly. They're not as smart as everyone else and can't compete on an intellectual equivalent... otherwise why do we have Affirmative Action?
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Then ewe will take exception to Bush being compared to a Chimp and Trump an orangutan right?

And we know that is hidden racism in plain site

It isn't offensive to call whites chimps and apes...No offense is taken by white people,,,,blacks will burn down your city for doing the same.

So you saying to us whites are civil decent human beings and blacks are animals ???

More racism coming from you.

One group of people won't accept it and demands better. We must make them feel welcome as they're Americans.

This group has a history of being mistreated and it is understandable why they feel this way.

There's a reason why we do what we do.
If the liberals are going to throw crap at the wall with the intent of hurting people expect to get crap tossed back at ya......
imo... what they both did, was beyond wrong...even if for different reasons. NEITHER are acceptable public behavior. End of story.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Then ewe will take exception to Bush being compared to a Chimp and Trump an orangutan right?

And we know that is hidden racism in plain site

It isn't offensive to call whites chimps and apes...No offense is taken by white people,,,,blacks will burn down your city for doing the same.

So you saying to us whites are civil decent human beings and blacks are animals ???

More racism coming from you.

One group of people won't accept it and demands better. We must make them feel welcome as they're Americans.

This group has a history of being mistreated and it is understandable why they feel this way.

There's a reason why we do what we do.
Explain to the class how the same mistreatment of one group causes no ill effect on the other.

Use the term "ape" or "chimp" as an example.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Then ewe will take exception to Bush being compared to a Chimp and Trump an orangutan right?

And we know that is hidden racism in plain site

It isn't offensive to call whites chimps and apes...No offense is taken by white people,,,,blacks will burn down your city for doing the same.

So you saying to us whites are civil decent human beings and blacks are animals ???

More racism coming from you.

One group of people won't accept it and demands better. We must make them feel welcome as they're Americans.

This group has a history of being mistreated and it is understandable why they feel this way.

There's a reason why we do what we do.

Chinese , Japanese, Irish Americans were mistreated Also and they don't complain, they pulled up their boot straps and made something out of themselves..

Hell I am a half krout / half Pollack american and I could care less what you call me..

lol. TBS Host Samantha Bee Sorry for Calling Ivanka Trump ‘Feckless C*nt’
I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
what about misogyny? and you really think you had to tell us you "have no problem with vulgarity" cannot be a white liberal and have a problem with vulgarity, they are political synonyms...look no one is being fooled by the left, they have no problem with any of their "ism's", they're merely for wiggling out of losing arguments and against those who oppose soviet style ideas...they serve no legitimate purpose
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Then ewe will take exception to Bush being compared to a Chimp and Trump an orangutan right?

And we know that is hidden racism in plain site

It isn't offensive to call whites chimps and apes...No offense is taken by white people,,,,blacks will burn down your city for doing the same.

So you saying to us whites are civil decent human beings and blacks are animals ???

More racism coming from you.

One group of people won't accept it and demands better. We must make them feel welcome as they're Americans.

This group has a history of being mistreated and it is understandable why they feel this way.

There's a reason why we do what we do.
In other what we say....not what we do. The typical liberal mantra.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Then ewe will take exception to Bush being compared to a Chimp and Trump an orangutan right?

And we know that is hidden racism in plain site

It isn't offensive to call whites chimps and apes...No offense is taken by white people,,,,blacks will burn down your city for doing the same.

So you saying to us whites are civil decent human beings and blacks are animals ???

More racism coming from you.

One group of people won't accept it and demands better. We must make them feel welcome as they're Americans.

This group has a history of being mistreated and it is understandable why they feel this way.

There's a reason why we do what we do.
The "ONE" group just doesn't accept it and demand better.

That one group despises the insults and sanctimonious providence of expecting them to tolerate bigotry while accusing them of mistreating the other group.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

That's because you're a fucking idiot.
Calling a woman a c*&^ is every bit as demeaning as calling an African-American a n******.

State Farm becomes second sponsor to drop Samantha Bee over Ivanka Trump slur

State Farm insurance became the second company on Thursday to drop its sponsorship of comedian Samantha Bee's TBS show "Full Frontal" following her vulgar slur directed at first daughter Ivanka Trump.

"We have asked TBS to suspend our advertising in the program and are reviewing any future placements. We constantly review programs to ensure alignment to our programming guidelines and brand values," State Farm said in a statement reported by The Wrap.

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