No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

That's because you're a fucking idiot.
Calling a woman a c*&^ is every bit as demeaning as calling an African-American a n******.

He'll i got slapped in the face for just calling a woman a twat before ( I wonder if I could of gotten her thrown in jail?)
No Samantha Bees is actually worse before I continue the following is not defense of Roseanne nor I'm I claming she shouldn't have been fired nor do I buy into any of the excuses she has made for that tweet. Now people on both the lef and right famous and not famous get into twitter fights and in the heat of the momemt and in a fit of anger tweet vile, offensive, and even racist things that doesn't excuse them but at least to a small degree I understand how it can happen and that is one of the main reasons I am not on twitter and never will be. Samantha Bee is on a scripted show she made the Ivanka comment in the opening monologue of her show the show she is not only the star of and she might also be the executive producer as well I don't know if she writes those monologues herself works with other writers to write them or has no part in it but it's safe believe they rehearse the show before it's taped and she knew what is in the monologue she is not out there winging it. As the star of the show she could have pulled that line out but she didn't she made a clear conscious decision to leave that vile disgusting attack in there that is what makes her apology phony in my opinion the idea that she didn't get she crossed the line with that until she started getting heat for it is laughable I suspect she did it because she thought the media would do what they always do when liberal talk show host does this type of thing ignore it but she didn't figure on the Roseanne expolsion and the media spotlight over landing it on her as well. What Bee and these other talk show host better starti getting is more and more people are starting to see them for who they really are and no longer buying their I'm just a comedian making jokes justification for these type of attacks on those they don't like and agree with.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
So the insinuating comments about Ivanka needing to dress sexy with low cut top is AOK with you then? The innuendo of daughter fucking father is just peachy keen then?
Like I have said are one fucked up cvnt.
So, state farm has dumped her show too, I hear. Good. But do ya think TBS will dump the whole thing? Nope. They have different rules.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

Then why can’t we use “the C word” here on these boards, yet terms like ape and Cheeto are thrown around?
I wonder what would have happened if she called her a twat instead.

Meanwhile, that twat OP has me on iggie. :D
So, state farm has dumped her show too, I hear. Good. But do ya think TBS will dump the whole thing? Nope. They have different rules.
TBS airs junk. Haven't watched them in years.
That is the tear jerker channel, isn't it? I don't remember what show is on that I watch where I saw that commercial. Unless its Ru Paul? That I do watch, lol.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Does anyone else think that being Muslim is a race. Don't see the problem.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
MUSLIM IS NOT A RACE. I am offended that many people do.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
It's amazing, the delineations you make...

You in fact have no problem with vulgarity or you wouldn't be trying to prop up Roseanne's behavior over Samantha Bee's c**t statement. And I assume you are a woman by your moniker "Jessica", so as a woman, you should be deeply offended when someone, of either gender, calls someone such a sexist and bigoted name.

But nope. I can see through your fake morality. I've become somewhat of a bullshit detector around here, and this thread, and that response... is bullshit. For the above stated reasons. You're living proof that liberals do not treat people equally when it comes to respect. You have to be a certain type of person who believes a certain type of thing, or holds a certain type of opinion to be respected. You have to be a certain race or gender to be respected. If you match any of these criteria and you dare stray from the platform, you are swiftly alienated and vilified.

Like I said, you're lying through your teeth...ahh in this case, your fingernails. Everyone likes to play the moderate, until they aren't.

Good day.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Samantha Bee's comment was worse because it wasn't a personal tweet but rather a coordinated scripted part of a produced TV show on a major cable channel. The Bee comment implicates the entire network and production staff.
Dems hate women and Jews.

But they've locked the MS13 vote.

And what do you hate, anything? I am a Dem now and I admire Melania, she just picked a bum for her husband, have no respect for Ivanka, admire Michelle Obama, and any jew that does not put Israel before Americans and who isn't a crook and isn't a zealot is ok in my book.

What are you, an independent, as there is no Republican party anymore. Its been hijacked.

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