No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

What would have happened if she said same about the Obama girls?

I can wait


probably nothing , they were use to it.
----------------------------------------------- B.S. Penny , does anyone remember the RODEO CLOWN Guy that was messed with because he mocked 'mrobama' in a very accurate 'mrobama' clown suit and outfit ?? Was the rodeo clown guy arrested or just harassed because of his accurate depiction or Free Speech on 'mrobama' Penny ??
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Well I do have a problem with hatred like this.
Roseanne made a living making wise-cracks, and you liberals proved once again that you have zero sense of humor.

Valerie Jarrett showed us that she can't take a joke any better than your average radical Muslim. The fact that she doesn't even look black y

Apparently so does Bee, and no Jarrett didn't even get upset about it.
Nobody reported that she did, but it's obvious the higher ups all feel they have the right to ruin people' lives because of political-correctness.
If some asshole called my wife a kunt I would probably kick their ass.

If someone suggested that my wife looked like a character from a Science Fiction movie I would simply laugh.

There is nothing more offensive to a woman than calling her a ****. All of this bullshit about women supposed to be supporting women from the left o the “war on women” and the Left’s response, “Well, Roseanne...”

assaulting them is worst. yet you probably support Trump.

Did you vote for Bill Clinton? How many women have come forward saying that Trump assaulted them or abused his power to force them to have sex with them? How many women said Trump bit their lip, dropped his pants in front of them, groped them, or flat out raped them? I did not vote for Trump..... I voted against Hillary who stood by idle and let her husband assault women.

Trump admitted it and no I didn't vote for Bill Clinton, I did vote for Hillary though. Bill Clinton didn't assault anyone.

What assault did Trump admit too? You say Bill Clinton didn’t assault anyone yet multiple women have come forth with specific actions and accounts of Clinton’s behavior. Trump expressed a desire on a vulgar basis and paid a woman for sex. Trump had an ex wife say he raped her. That’s one data point and aligns with the ex wife’s overall bitterness for the marriage. Otherwise, what physical accounts has she provided?
I have no problem with either of them. Satire......

I fucking hate liberals. Especially unfunny cunnnts like samantha beeeeeeee.

I also have no problem with someone saying that black woman looking like a character from planet of the apes. Cause she does, and that is funny as shit.

What I do have a problem is virtue signaling hypocrites on the left.


Wait... did you just call Samantha Bee a cunnt???
I am organizing the cry closets as we speak...
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

Hoo boy! Look at the shill trying to run damage control. Quite amusing.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Well I do have a problem with hatred like this.
Roseanne made a living making wise-cracks, and you liberals proved once again that you have zero sense of humor.

Valerie Jarrett showed us that she can't take a joke any better than your average radical Muslim. The fact that she doesn't even look black, yet the left couldn't resist the urge to remove a popular sitcom from the air seems alright to Democrats, probably because their ideas rarely appeal to decent Americans.
Oh? What did Valerie Jarrett say about not being able to take a joke?
There is nothing more offensive to a woman than calling her a ****. All of this bullshit about women supposed to be supporting women from the left o the “war on women” and the Left’s response, “Well, Roseanne...”

assaulting them is worst. yet you probably support Trump.

Wow. I never realized Liberals were OK with calling a woman the C-word, on national TV while the audience laughed. Good to know who we're dealing with.
PC is a one-way street only for them.

Always has been, always will be.
What would have happened if she said same about the Obama girls?

I can wait


probably nothing , they were use to it.

I cant recall a media outlet saying Obama had incest with his girls

Please provide a link so I can undertand


The oldest girl was walking the streets wearing a shirt and no pants. Not even obama would take a chance on that.
It was a latest fashion trend of wearing oversized men's shirts as dresses. In fact the "shirt dresses" were produced and sold as such. They were the same length as regular dresses, often if not usually longer.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

Reflexively jumping from "ape" to "black person" is racist. It is the product of deeply embraced racism.

Reflexively jumping from "ape" to "black person" in order to fabricate sanctimonious politically divisive outrage is for douche-bags.

How many more racist douche-bags are ready to self-identify? Someone should keep a list.
It is essentially a choice to be hurt by words. In so doing, one puts the other person in a position and power, even superiority. After all, who cares what a worthless idiot says as an insult?
Of course, in the context of American discourse in our age, comparing a 'black' person to simians is a reminder of 'racism'.
the things that have been said about Ivanka would never be said about Chelsea Clinton or the Obamas!
Hypocritical bigotry good, racism bad.

Could be the Dem's new campaign slogan.

I understand that this issue way beyond your pay grade but a racial slur based solely on a person's race is not the same as a using a vulgar term to describe a person's actions.

For example, say your neighbor is black.

When you say: "That boy is so uppity & does not know his place", that is racist. You are attacking his race with those 3 slurs.

Now if your neighbor does something you don't like, say send his dog to crap in your yard, and you say: "Keep your dog from crapping in ymy yard you fucking dick", that is not racist because you are attacking only his actions.

When your hero Roseanne said what she did, she attached a person's race.

Samantha bee attacked Ivanka due to her actions & policy support.

That is the fucking difference.

Besides, Trump has called women the c-word. He has invited people to the White House who have called women the "C" word. So really, Trump van evidently dish it out bit the poor little crybaby can't take it.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

What she said was sexism...

You are such a dick.

Wait, was that sexist?
"this isn't about free speech. we've gotta fire Sam Bee, she's not entertaining, she's not funny, she's not even a footnote to anything." - Wacky Mark Levin
The desperation and motivation to defend some vulgar leftist is duly noted.

Aaannd ..pretty much dismissed.

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