No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

I agree.

What Bee said was vulgar...not racist.

Anyone who thinks that a racist comment is as bad as an insult (even the 'c' word) is clearly racist themselves.
That makes a large portion of black people racist! We have them on this site continuously making racist comments about whites!
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

I agree.

What Bee said was vulgar...not racist.

Anyone who thinks that a racist comment is as bad as an insult (even the 'c' word) is clearly racist themselves.
That makes a large portion of black people racist! We have them on this site continuously making racist comments about whites! what?

Anyone can be does not matter the color of their skin.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

I agree.

What Bee said was vulgar...not racist.

Anyone who thinks that a racist comment is as bad as an insult (even the 'c' word) is clearly racist themselves.

Sexist comments are every bit as damaging to the Gender as Racist comments are to the race. Anyone thinks differently hates women.

See how that works?


I see you need to learn what words mean.

School is in:

First Lesson: calling someone a body part (a c*** or a dick or as ass) is not - in and of itself - an insult.
Ivanka Trump has a vagina (a c***). So the insult is only as deep as the person receiving it wishes to interpret it. Someone calls me a dick - means nothing to me. I have a dick - so why should I take it personally? I know women who take being called a c*** VERY personally and others could care less.
However, comparing an African American to a monkey means to compare a human to a lower form of life. That is a TOTALLY different kind of statement. That is a deliberate attempt to dehumanize a human being.
If you cannot see the difference between calling someone a body part that they possess (Ivanka Trump does possess a 'c***') or deliberately dehumanizing a human - then you probably are mega-stupid. Or at the very least, mega-ignorant.

Second Lesson: 'Hate' is an emotion. Racism is a belief.
You do not know me personally - so you have not the foggiest idea what I do or do not hate unless I state as such. I do not hate either women or Ivanka Trump (or any human for that matter). And since you cannot know what I feel, you cannot (accurately) factually state whom I do or do not hate.
I.E. your statement that I 'hate' women is both baseless and ridiculous.
Racism is different. One does not have to know what someone feels to know someone is racist. If I compare African American's to the very least, I just made a racist statement. And it is highly likely that someone who would make such a statement IS a racist.

School is out.

I have little doubt that most of it went completely over your head, but hey...I tried.

Have a wonderful day.
So comparing white presidents to chimps and orangatangs is dehumanizing and racist. Your side is full of racists!
Sexist comments are every bit as damaging to the Gender as Racist comments are to the race. Anyone thinks differently hates women.

See how that works?


I see you need to learn what words mean.

School is in:

First Lesson: calling someone a body part (a c*** or a dick or as ass) is not - in and of itself - an insult.
Ivanka Trump has a vagina (a c***). So the insult is only as deep as the person receiving it wishes to interpret it. Someone calls me a dick - means nothing to me. I have a dick - so why should I take it personally? I know women who take being called a **** VERY personally and others could care less.
However, comparing an African American to a monkey means to compare a human to a lower form of life. That is a TOTALLY different kind of statement. That is a deliberate attempt to dehumanize a human being.
If you cannot see the difference between calling someone a body part that they possess (Ivanka Trump does possess a 'c***') or deliberately dehumanizing a human - then you probably are mega-stupid. Or at the very least, mega-ignorant.

Second Lesson: 'Hate' is an emotion. Racism is a belief.
You do not know me personally - so you have not the foggiest idea what I do or do not hate unless I state as such. I do not hate either women or Ivanka Trump (or any human for that matter). And since you cannot know what I feel, you cannot (accurately) factually state whom I do or do not hate.
I.E. your statement that I 'hate' women is both baseless and ridiculous.
Racism is different. One does not have to know what someone feels to know someone is racist. If I compare African American's to the very least, I just made a racist statement. And it is highly likely that someone whop would make such a statement IS a racist.

School is out.

I have little doubt that most of it went completely over your head, but hey...I tried.

Have a wonderful day.

Hate is an emotion and obviously you hate women.

Pop23 just got an A+ and will be teaching the remainder of the School year.

I was did go right over your head.

What a shock...not.

You are clearly nothing but a racist, low IQ troll. And I try not to waste time on trolls...especially low IQ one's (mine is 125, BTW).

So we are done here and I shall not read any further replies to me from you on this subject.

But I assume that you have such a galactic ego, that you will leave a reply - even though I will not read it.

Such is the mind of a troll.


Have a wonderful day.

^^^^^ Dude got his ass kicked and now he's crying in his closet. Sorry I had to ruin your day buttercup, but it is what I do after all.

LOL...can I read these low-IQ trolls or can I read them (rhetorical question)?

Just as I predicted....I told him I would not read his reply (and I didn't). Yet the troll cannot help themselves...they are DESPERATE for attention. So he replied anyway.


What a sad bunch these trolls are.

Oh well...

You said you wouldn't, yet you did (hypocritical at it's base), then you replied (yet more hypocrisy). All involving your original hypocritical post.

Man, I play you like a piano Son. I'd quit while you're behind.

You do like to :dig:, don't ya buttercup?
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

I agree.

What Bee said was vulgar...not racist.

Anyone who thinks that a racist comment is as bad as an insult (even the 'c' word) is clearly racist themselves.
That makes a large portion of black people racist! We have them on this site continuously making racist comments about whites! what?

Anyone can be does not matter the color of their skin.
So? Dew ewe scream and rant when blacks make racist comments or dewewe sit quietly by?
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

I agree.

What Bee said was vulgar...not racist.

Anyone who thinks that a racist comment is as bad as an insult (even the 'c' word) is clearly racist themselves.

Sexist comments are every bit as damaging to the Gender as Racist comments are to the race. Anyone thinks differently hates women.

See how that works?


I see you need to learn what words mean.

School is in:

First Lesson: calling someone a body part (a c*** or a dick or as ass) is not - in and of itself - an insult.
Ivanka Trump has a vagina (a c***). So the insult is only as deep as the person receiving it wishes to interpret it. Someone calls me a dick - means nothing to me. I have a dick - so why should I take it personally? I know women who take being called a **** VERY personally and others could care less.
However, comparing an African American to a monkey means to compare a human to a lower form of life. That is a TOTALLY different kind of statement. That is a deliberate attempt to dehumanize a human being.
If you cannot see the difference between calling someone a body part that they possess (Ivanka Trump does possess a 'c***') or deliberately dehumanizing a human - then you probably are mega-stupid. Or at the very least, mega-ignorant.

Second Lesson: 'Hate' is an emotion. Racism is a belief.
You do not know me personally - so you have not the foggiest idea what I do or do not hate unless I state as such. I do not hate either women or Ivanka Trump (or any human for that matter). And since you cannot know what I feel, you cannot (accurately) factually state whom I do or do not hate.
I.E. your statement that I 'hate' women is both baseless and ridiculous.
Racism is different. One does not have to know what someone feels to know someone is racist. If I compare African American's to the very least, I just made a racist statement. And it is highly likely that someone whop would make such a statement IS a racist.

School is out.

I have little doubt that most of it went completely over your head, but hey...I tried.

Have a wonderful day.

Hate is an emotion and obviously you hate women.

Pop23 just got an A+ and will be teaching the remainder of the School year.

I was did go right over your head.

What a shock...not.

You have could prove NOTHING that I said was wrong. So you ignored the whole thing and just made some silly, emotional, factless response.

Typical low-IQ Trumpbot.

You are clearly nothing but a racist, low IQ troll. And I try not to waste time on trolls...especially low IQ one's (mine is 125, BTW).

So we are done here and I shall not read any further replies to me from you on this subject.

But I assume that you have such a galactic ego, that you will leave a reply - even though I will not read it.

Such is the mind of a troll.


Have a wonderful day.

I'd buy that your IQ is 12.5, sploogy.

Now YOU are a troll, but I enjoy smacking trolls around, particularly those like you, who combine ignorance and arrogance into a stew known as "progressive."
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Her vulgarity demeaning a woman was approved by the entire network who said it was OK to say such a thing.
LOL...and what exactly did I say in my comments that makes me a Communist (this should be good for a laugh)?

America is in the midst of a civil war.

On one side are the Americans, the conservatives who roughly side with Trump.

On the other side are the Communists, the democrats who seek to end civil rights and establish a socialist autocracy ala Venezuela.

You're not a conservative, sploogy... :lol:
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Her vulgarity demeaning a woman was approved by the entire network who said it was OK to say such a thing.

Interesting, so a Network with likely Men at the helm, approved the word that degrades women?

hmmmmmm, maybe we should be looking beyond Bee, and at those Men in charge that allowed this?
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

I agree.

What Bee said was vulgar...not racist.

Anyone who thinks that a racist comment is as bad as an insult (even the 'c' word) is clearly racist themselves.
That makes a large portion of black people racist! We have them on this site continuously making racist comments about whites! what?

Anyone can be does not matter the color of their skin.
So? Dew ewe scream and rant when blacks make racist comments or dewewe sit quietly by?

If I feel like it - yes. If not - no. thought I would get all pissed off and defensive when you made your above comment to me. ANd I didn;t, so now you have moved on to plan 'b'.

Man...are there ANY trolls in this thread with IQ's over 100?

Anyway...enough time wasted on you.

Have a wonderful day.

BTW - try this link...sounds like you and your Trumpbot troll pals need it.

Are There Five Foods to Help Increase Your IQ?
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Her vulgarity demeaning a woman was approved by the entire network who said it was OK to say such a thing.

Interesting, so a Network with likely Men at the helm, approved the word that degrades women?

hmmmmmm, maybe we should be looking beyond Bee, and at those Men in charge that allowed this?
They are leftists, so no one cares they approved her vulgarities.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

I agree.

What Bee said was vulgar...not racist.

Anyone who thinks that a racist comment is as bad as an insult (even the 'c' word) is clearly racist themselves.
That makes a large portion of black people racist! We have them on this site continuously making racist comments about whites! what?

Anyone can be does not matter the color of their skin.
So? Dew ewe scream and rant when blacks make racist comments or dewewe sit quietly by?

If I feel like it - yes. If not - no. thought I would get all pissed off and defensive when you made your above comment to me. ANd I didn;t, so now you have moved on to plan 'b'.

Man...are there ANY trolls in this thread with IQ's over 100?

Anyway...enough time wasted on you.

Have a wonderful day.

BTW - try this link...sounds like you and your Trumpbot troll pals need it.

Are There Five Foods to Help Increase Your IQ?
Run run run runaway! Creatin.
LOL...and what exactly did I say in my comments that makes me a Communist (this should be good for a laugh)?

America is in the midst of a civil war.

On one side are the Americans, the conservatives who roughly side with Trump.

On the other side are the Communists, the democrats who seek to end civil rights and establish a socialist autocracy ala Venezuela.

You're not a conservative, sploogy... :lol:

So there is a civil war going on in America and everyone who is against Trump - even conservatives and Liberatarian's - are 'communists'?


So, clearly, you are mentally disturbed and/or monumentally stupid.

I try not to waste my time with mentally disturbed people.

We are done here.

Have a wonderful day.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
I detest that "c" word and she never should have used it in a public forum, but you're right--apples and oranges. Same with Trump's crabbing about this. Roseanne was fired for RACIST comments. What we say about Trump is earned by the man himself, not a stereotype because he's white.
Roseanne was fired because she was a Trump supporter., plain and simple.
Anyone who says otherwise is in denial.

I'll agree that if she were a leftist and said the same thing about Ben Carson she would face no backlash.

The Stalinist democrats have a VERY different standard depending on what the politics of a person are.

Remember this?


The New York Holocaust Deniers (Times) ran it.\

How about from the Amazon.Com Post?

Canadian Sentinel?


They saying a black women would have a chimp?

But it's okay, those are all far left - it's only wrong if the Americans do it.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

I agree.

What Bee said was vulgar...not racist.

Anyone who thinks that a racist comment is as bad as an insult (even the 'c' word) is clearly racist themselves.
That makes a large portion of black people racist! We have them on this site continuously making racist comments about whites! what?

Anyone can be does not matter the color of their skin.

There's that 12.5 IQ in action. :thup:

So there is a civil war going on in America and everyone who is against Trump - even conservatives and Liberatarian's - are 'communists'?


So, clearly, you are mentally disturbed and/or monumentally stupid.

I try not to waste my time with mentally disturbed people.

We are done here.

Have a wonderful day.

I see you have treated us all to another demonstration of your 12.5 IQ, sploogy.

There is a concerted effort to end civil rights in this nation. Hate speech, safe spaces. PC speech codes, Bake the Cake Christian, ect.

Now WHO is behind the prolonged assault on civil rights?

Can you say "progressives?" I knew you could.

As short as 10 years ago, you Bolshevik pricks lied about your aims, but no more. The Stalinist democrat party is openly "socialist," i.e. Marxist.

Yes, you are a dishonest troll, I get it. Yes, you spew absurd leftist hating points, with zero though or logic.

You've been schooled, retard.
What would have happened if she said same about the Obama girls?

I can wait


probably nothing , they were use to it.

I cant recall a media outlet saying Obama had incest with his girls

Please provide a link so I can undertand


The oldest girl was walking the streets wearing a shirt and no pants. Not even obama would take a chance on that.
It was a latest fashion trend of wearing oversized men's shirts as dresses. In fact the "shirt dresses" were produced and sold as such. They were the same length as regular dresses, often if not usually longer.
Some were. The obama slut wasn't wearing one of those. There are pictures of her walking the streets, as street walkers often do. One would think daddy would be understanding enough to pay for his daughter's drug use.
What would have happened if she said same about the Obama girls?

I can wait


probably nothing , they were use to it.

I cant recall a media outlet saying Obama had incest with his girls

Please provide a link so I can undertand


The oldest girl was walking the streets wearing a shirt and no pants. Not even obama would take a chance on that.
It was a latest fashion trend of wearing oversized men's shirts as dresses. In fact the "shirt dresses" were produced and sold as such. They were the same length as regular dresses, often if not usually longer.
Some were. The obama slut wasn't wearing one of those. There are pictures of her walking the streets, as street walkers often do. One would think daddy would be understanding enough to pay for his daughter's drug use.

Rosanne voted for Obama.
Dems hate women and Jews.

But they've locked the MS13 vote.

And what do you hate, anything? I am a Dem now and I admire Melania, she just picked a bum for her husband, have no respect for Ivanka, admire Michelle Obama, and any jew that does not put Israel before Americans and who isn't a crook and isn't a zealot is ok in my book.

What are you, an independent, as there is no Republican party anymore. Its been hijacked.
I hate or like people based on their character, not some pigeonhole they've been lumped into by any political party.

I'm me. I support certain issues on both sides. Or I used to, until the Left drove itself off a cliff.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

What she said was sexism...

You are such a dick.

Wait, was that sexist?


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