Zone1 No same sex weddings in this church

This will make gay couples unhappy.

From the site

" say to all Christians and especially LGBTQI+ people that you are welcome"


especially the gays are welcome?

As Trump would say That's a beauty!

But hey, at least they are waking up to.. you know... Jesus. :)
This will make gay couples unhappy.
I see the issue being that churches determine secular rights. IMHO, churches should be able to marry or not marry whoever they want. However, if people want tax breaks or other secular, legal rights based on their relationship, that should require a civil union. People can have one or both, that is for them to decide. Civil unions should be akin to legal contracts, they can be between any number of adults capable of giving consent.
This will make gay couples unhappy.

Which is ridiculous seeing how the King is the head of state of the UK, in a country with gay marriages, but the King, head of the Church of England, won't have gay marriages.

Just another nail in the Christian Churches who claim to be all about love, but really are just about bigotry, they know they 1% of people who do actually bother freezing their balls off in church all winter are bigots, and they can't afford to lose them.
The Gay Mafia will not be satisfied with tolerance or even acceptance. They want to be embraced.

Christian pastors who open their doors to active homosexuals are the worst of the worst. We are all inclined to sin, and most of us do sin. But to advertise that you intend to sin, then wish to be embraced by ministers of the Word is preposterous.
Which is ridiculous seeing how the King is the head of state of the UK, in a country with gay marriages, but the King, head of the Church of England, won't have gay marriages.

Just another nail in the Christian Churches who claim to be all about love, but really are just about bigotry, they know they 1% of people who do actually bother freezing their balls off in church all winter are bigots, and they can't afford to lose them.
WOW! Such a hate-filled post by one who thinks they know what "love" is. Let me straighten you out. We are to emulate charity which is the pure love of Christ. So, we should emulate Christ who went to the house of ill-repute and attempted to teach them to repent of their sins, which included all aspects of LGBTQ behaviors and acts. And, how did the house of sinners react? Just like they do today. They attack the basic doctrines and commandments of Christ.
Well, this only works if you have a Monarch who opposes same-sex marriage. The church of England is a public organization, and it's policies are effectied by politics. The English Monarch appoints it's officials, and can strip those officals of their positions for any reason, or no reason.

Even though the King can't legally ORDER the church to change policies, he can fire Bishops who refuse to, and appoint new ones. Wouldn't be the first time when a Monarch fired the Archbisop because they didn't like church policies.

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