Zone1 No same sex weddings in this church

I think it should be left up to individual preists as a matter of personal choice whether or not they want to perform gay marriage, When the church of england as a whole refuses to allow it's churches, under threat of excommunication, to perform gay marriages, it just makes the King, who is the head of the Church of England and appoints church officials look homophobic, which really hurts the public image of the monarchy, especially when the law ALLOWS for gay marriage in the UK.

The church of england is NOT a private religious group. It's a publicly owned, tax-funded organization (They are the official state religion and even have seats in parliament). They shouldn't be allowed to have any policies that go against established law.
If individual preist have a personal religious objection to performing a gay marriage, I would support that, But I don't think the church overall, should be allowed to have policies that prohibit taxpayers from taking part in services provided by the church.
Quick note, Church of England is not the US Episcopal Church, nor the Church of the Holy Noodlage.

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