No shootings at parochial schools. Why? What are they doing right?

What are Catholic/private schools doing right that Public schools are not?

  • More discipline

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Religious teaching

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • High tuition

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • More parental involvement

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Strict dress code

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
Well, the percentage of public schools that have had mass shootings is 0.004%. Since you made the claim, what is the percent for private schools?

There obviously has to be some cutoff on how bad their problem has to be before they are sent to a special school. They have special classes for the kids that don't go to special schools.

yep, you still have no clue what you are talking about. That and you lie about the percent. you are in fine form today[/QUOTE]

Please list one mass shooting in a private school.
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Public school teachers sexually assaulted more children than priests have and you are forced to send your kids to those schools...

No one is forced to attend public schools. You are forced to attend school, not just public schools. Private school and home schooling are optional. have money taken from your earnings to pay for public schools, so if you want to send you kid to a private school, you pay twice..... so, sorry, you are wrong.....

You said "forced". That was YOUR error.

I have no kids in school anymore, yet I pay taxes. That is part of the social contract for an educated society.
The so-called "social contract" is a myth. I certainly never agreed to any such thing.

Sure you did, when you agreed to stay part of the society you agreed to such things. You give your consent by your presence.
Wrong. No one ever consented to any contract simply by being born.
Should public schools have entrance exams?

Should public schools be allowed to refuse kids with learning disabilities?

What percentage of public schools have had a shooting at them?

How many lives would be saved, if we did that, vs how many kids would lose out opportunities if we did that?

Tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands would lose out on opportunities and this year it would have saved 7 lives.

Answer me this, if the problem lies with the public schools, why is it only 0.004% of public schools have a shooting each year?

There are about 13,500 school districts and 200 have had mass shootings, that's 1.5%, not 0.004%

There are 98,000 public schools. There are about 30 a year, 95% of which have no deaths.

30/98,000 is roughly 0.004%
If a low percentage means it's nothing to be concerned about, then why all this hyperventilating about mass shootings in the first place?

Nobody said that a low percentage means it's nothing to be concerned about.

What was said is that it is clearly not something that the public schools specifically are doing that is causing the shootings since they happen in so few of them. Thus rendering the OP null and void.
No one is forced to attend public schools. You are forced to attend school, not just public schools. Private school and home schooling are optional. have money taken from your earnings to pay for public schools, so if you want to send you kid to a private school, you pay twice..... so, sorry, you are wrong.....

You said "forced". That was YOUR error.

I have no kids in school anymore, yet I pay taxes. That is part of the social contract for an educated society.
The so-called "social contract" is a myth. I certainly never agreed to any such thing.

Sure you did, when you agreed to stay part of the society you agreed to such things. You give your consent by your presence.
Wrong. No one ever consented to any contract simply by being born.

True, you consented by staying upon reaching the age of majority. You consent when you pay your taxes.
Not sure if anyone mentioned it but there are only seven thousand plus Catholic schools and over one hundred and thirty thousand public schools. But still I went to Catholic school and we had our nuts too, but weapons of mass destruction were not available when I grew up and America had fewer shootings then. Something changed. That is the harder question. Proliferation of weapons is one.

See my hate thread: Hate / Evil
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...
Teaching right from wrong, good vs evil. Not 50 shades of grey, putting condoms on cucumbers, and 83 genders.
So you're endorsing public schools as it pertains to teaching right from wrong? You must be, since 99.997% of public school students don't become shooters.
I grew up in a public school where every morning before class not only did we say the "Pledge of Allegiance", but also a prayer to God. When a atheist bitch didnt want her son to participate in the prayer, instead of allowing the kid not to pray, they banned all prayers as typical of liberal policies. When you see the products coming out of public education, like a Bernie Voter or any other libtard, there is definately a problem with immorality being FORCED upon the children of said education system.
I don't think you're a good representative of any school in any era that you've come from. You're an angry old bat that screams and shouts at people on a daily basis on the internet. That's not what well-adjusted humans do, they have cordial convo, and call it a day. You...rant, like a maniac. Fire all your teachers.
So you believe you have have cordial conversations? Really?
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Not sure if anyone mentioned it but there are only seven thousand plus Catholic schools and over one hundred and thirty thousand public schools. But still I went to Catholic school and we had our nuts too, but weapons of mass destruction were not available when I grew up and America had fewer shootings then. Something changed. That is the harder question. Proliferation of weapons is one.

See my hate thread: Hate / Evil

Wrong, those weapons have always been around......what changed was fatherless homes increased, social media and the cable news network now feed these fatherless males with the fame they need to fill their isolated, lonely lives... have money taken from your earnings to pay for public schools, so if you want to send you kid to a private school, you pay twice..... so, sorry, you are wrong.....

You said "forced". That was YOUR error.

I have no kids in school anymore, yet I pay taxes. That is part of the social contract for an educated society.
The so-called "social contract" is a myth. I certainly never agreed to any such thing.

Sure you did, when you agreed to stay part of the society you agreed to such things. You give your consent by your presence.

True, you consented by staying upon reaching the age of majority. You consent when you pay your taxes.
Wrong. I pay taxes only because men with guns will take everything I own if I refuse. There is nothing "contractual" about it. A contract requires the agreement of both parties.
How many lives would be saved, if we did that, vs how many kids would lose out opportunities if we did that?

Tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands would lose out on opportunities and this year it would have saved 7 lives.

Answer me this, if the problem lies with the public schools, why is it only 0.004% of public schools have a shooting each year?

There are about 13,500 school districts and 200 have had mass shootings, that's 1.5%, not 0.004%

There are 98,000 public schools. There are about 30 a year, 95% of which have no deaths.

30/98,000 is roughly 0.004%
If a low percentage means it's nothing to be concerned about, then why all this hyperventilating about mass shootings in the first place?

Nobody said that a low percentage means it's nothing to be concerned about.

What was said is that it is clearly not something that the public schools specifically are doing that is causing the shootings since they happen in so few of them. Thus rendering the OP null and void.
G.T. (FAUX) did. He says that since the percentage is low, then public schools can't be to blame. He wins the prize for the dumbest argument of the month. have money taken from your earnings to pay for public schools, so if you want to send you kid to a private school, you pay twice..... so, sorry, you are wrong.....

You said "forced". That was YOUR error.

I have no kids in school anymore, yet I pay taxes. That is part of the social contract for an educated society.
The so-called "social contract" is a myth. I certainly never agreed to any such thing.

Sure you did, when you agreed to stay part of the society you agreed to such things. You give your consent by your presence.
Wrong. No one ever consented to any contract simply by being born.

True, you consented by staying upon reaching the age of majority. You consent when you pay your taxes.

Wrong. That implies that government owns the property I live on. Declining to move is consent to nothing.

Where is this "contract" you keep talking about? Where can I see the terms?
You said "forced". That was YOUR error.

I have no kids in school anymore, yet I pay taxes. That is part of the social contract for an educated society.
The so-called "social contract" is a myth. I certainly never agreed to any such thing.

Sure you did, when you agreed to stay part of the society you agreed to such things. You give your consent by your presence.

True, you consented by staying upon reaching the age of majority. You consent when you pay your taxes.
Wrong. I pay taxes only because men with guns will take everything I own if I refuse. There is nothing "contractual" about it. A contract requires the agreement of both parties.

There is nothing keeping you here. You are welcome to leave any time if you do not like it. You freely choose to stay
Tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands would lose out on opportunities and this year it would have saved 7 lives.

Answer me this, if the problem lies with the public schools, why is it only 0.004% of public schools have a shooting each year?

There are about 13,500 school districts and 200 have had mass shootings, that's 1.5%, not 0.004%

There are 98,000 public schools. There are about 30 a year, 95% of which have no deaths.

30/98,000 is roughly 0.004%
If a low percentage means it's nothing to be concerned about, then why all this hyperventilating about mass shootings in the first place?

Nobody said that a low percentage means it's nothing to be concerned about.

What was said is that it is clearly not something that the public schools specifically are doing that is causing the shootings since they happen in so few of them. Thus rendering the OP null and void.
G.T. (FAUX) did. He says that since the percentage is low, then public schools can't be to blame. He wins the prize for the dumbest argument of the month.

Yes, he said public schools were not to blame, he did not say the shootings were nothing to be concerned about.

you are twisting his words because you have had your ass handed to you on a platter and it is all you have left.
Public schools send kids with learning disabilities to schools designed to handle them. It's stupid to mix such students in with the general population.

Nope, they sure do not unless they are sever handicaps. You have no clue what you are talking about.

The percentage of public schools that have had mass shootings is far greater then the percentage of private schools that have had them.

Well, the percentage of public schools that have had mass shootings is 0.004%. Since you made the claim, what is the percent for private schools?

If the number of public school shootings is 200 then the percentage of public schools is 200/26,000 = 0.0077 or 0.77% (not 0.004%)
The 0.004% was simply wrong, 200/37,000 schools which is the total number of public+private schools = 0.005 or 0.50%

The percent for private (Catholic) schools as far as I know, link in OP is 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%
Public schools send kids with learning disabilities to schools designed to handle them. It's stupid to mix such students in with the general population.

Nope, they sure do not unless they are sever handicaps. You have no clue what you are talking about.

The percentage of public schools that have had mass shootings is far greater then the percentage of private schools that have had them.

Well, the percentage of public schools that have had mass shootings is 0.004%. Since you made the claim, what is the percent for private schools?

If the number of public school shootings is 200 then the percentage of public schools is 200/26,000 = 0.0077 or 0.77% (not 0.004%)
The 0.004% was simply wrong, 200/37,000 schools which is the total number of public+private schools = 0.005 or 0.50%

The percent for private (Catholic) schools as far as I know, link in OP is 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%

There are 98,000 public schools, not 26000. Do try and keep up.
Tighter security.

Strict standards of who can attend.
Not sure what you mean "strict standards of who can attend"? If you pay the tuition you're in, Jews, Protestants, anyone.
Not sure where you're from, but it doesnt work like that around here. Private schools mostly have entry exams.
Bullshit. My nephew went to a private school. They didn't have any entrance exams. That's a leftwing myth.

Perhaps your nephew's school did not, but the good ones do. I think that speaks for the quality of education he may have received.

Regardless, if you don't pass in a privates school, they kick you to the curb.
By "good," you mean the elite schools that cost tens of thousand of dollars and can afford to be picky. Most private schools don't have that luxury.

Uh, yes they do! Most private schools have waiting lists. Why are talking out of your ass again?
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

A little apples and oranges there, you ask about Catholic schools, but cite numbers for Catholic/private schools.

Not saying you are not on to something, but that is a little muddled there.

Were there no shooting in any PRIVATE schools, at all? What percentage of schools are catholic?

The link I found said that "the vast majority" of private schools are Catholic. You can google it if you want more precise numbers.
But due to tuition, attendance is dropping off recently, so look at numbers 10-20 years ago.

In the North, maybe, but in the South, the vast majority of private schools are Protestant.

Where did you get that information? I taught in public schools in the south and finding a private Protestant Christian School was like finding a gold nugget.

In my area, there is one private Christian (Protestant) school, and more Catholic Schools (K-8) than you can shake a stick at! In recent years, the Catholic high schools have concentrated in the urban areas, but in one county where I taught, the K-8 Catholic school was the largest school in the county with no major cities.

Not sure where you lived, but I where I am it isn't even close. There are not nearly as many Catholic schools or churches as Protestant. It really isn't even close. Catholics generally reside in the North and of course many immigrants. You won't find many born and bred Southerners who are Catholic.

The largest city in my state has over 3 times the number of private Christian schools than Catholic ones. The discrepancy is even greater in the next 2 largest cities in my state.

We have a county where I taught where about 70-80% of the population is Catholic. I am sorry to say that you all have anecdotal evidence.

I taught in one of the largest school districts in the nation in Florida. There were 19 high schools in the district. For parochial schools we had two incredibly large Catholic high schools, an Episcopal high school and two Christian high schools and even a Muslim madrassa.

I taught in two southern states and the Catholic population is significant. Mt wife was raised Catholic and is from that northern Yankee bastion known as Alabama.

Ever been to New Orleans or anyplace in Louisiana? Mobile, AL? Anywhere in Texas?
Tighter security.

Strict standards of who can attend.
Not sure what you mean "strict standards of who can attend"? If you pay the tuition you're in, Jews, Protestants, anyone.
Not sure where you're from, but it doesnt work like that around here. Private schools mostly have entry exams.
Bullshit. My nephew went to a private school. They didn't have any entrance exams. That's a leftwing myth.

My elementary aged children attend a private Christian school. They didn't have an entrance exam per-se. They were interviewed for about 1 hour by the admisssions director and were asked a series of questions to evaluate their academic apptitude. Of course their grades from their previous private school were also sent.
The purpose of evaluating their academic aptitude is to determine whether they can perform the course work. It wasn't a contest to see who gets in and who doesn't. They do the same thing in public schools

No, they do not! You can't even spell "admissions" or "aptitude" correctly! Why should we even consider your uneducated opinion?
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Given that hundreds of thousands of boys were raped by priests, you would think there would be lots of those grown boys coming back and shooting the schools and parishes up.

Public school teachers sexually assaulted more children than priests have and you are forced to send your kids to those schools...

No one is forced to attend public schools. You are forced to attend school, not just public schools. Private school and home schooling are optional.
You are forced to pay for them, whether your kids attend them or not.

None of my kids currently attend public schools. I still pay taxes. Stop being a whiny little bitch and accept the truth.
They have strict standards of who can attend, it is not just about money. Grades. Discipline issue. Learning disabilities. All can be denied attendance to their schools.

And perhaps, "all" contribute to dodging the types of problem kids that turn into shooters?

Of course they do. Public schools are not allowed to do those things.

Seems kind of a quick jump. Is it all of them, or just three of them? Can we learn from this and apply a lesson to make public schools safer?

Should public schools have entrance exams?

Should public schools be allowed to refuse kids with learning disabilities?

What percentage of public schools have had a shooting at them?
Public schools send kids with learning disabilities to schools designed to handle them. It's stupid to mix such students in with the general population.

The percentage of public schools that have had mass shootings is far greater then the percentage of private schools that have had them.

Oh, my fucking God! How fucking ignorant can you possibly be? Did you make that shit up all on your own or did sometime pour that idiocy into your head?

You are such a fucking loser!

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