No shootings at parochial schools. Why? What are they doing right?

What are Catholic/private schools doing right that Public schools are not?

  • More discipline

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Religious teaching

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • High tuition

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • More parental involvement

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Strict dress code

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
i linked a whole mess of them in this thread already, dipshit.

kyzr ignored that, and he also has fuckin google, one would presume, to find some of his own.

problem is, theres not some central database of public bs private shootings, theres a few ppl put together independently, you need to look for local news articles and you can find a slew of shootings at private schools.
Im not here for your pleasure, bripat.

If youd like to bet permabans that I havent posted links to shootings at private schools, Id be glad to call the mod of your choice in here to referee that bet. I have posted said links.

This is my agreement to that ^ exact bet. Now, if youre big tough mr bripat, take the bet or shut the fuck up :thup:ill wait
I'm just asking you to tell me where I can find them so I can examine the quality of your evidence.
And Im telling you...

1. if you want to claim that i havent posted them, id be glad to wager permabans with the mod of your choice that i have posted, go for it if you think im bluffing put your boardname where your mouth is.

2. Ive told you i already that did the work of posting them once. if youre gunna come in here like a big mouth and brag about how the thread is going without...yannow...READING it first, and havent seen them...then why the fuck should *I*, the person you said it wasnt going well for in light of accusing me of posting no links....humor your epic failure/retardation and find it for you?

Do you wipe your own ass or what?
I never claimed you didn't post them. I just don't want to read through this entire thread to find them. There's only so much of your idiocy I can take.

It's called a "search function" you incredible waste of oxygen!
Given that hundreds of thousands of boys were raped by priests, you would think there would be lots of those grown boys coming back and shooting the schools and parishes up.

Public school teachers sexually assaulted more children than priests have and you are forced to send your kids to those schools...

No one is forced to attend public schools. You are forced to attend school, not just public schools. Private school and home schooling are optional. have money taken from your earnings to pay for public schools, so if you want to send you kid to a private school, you pay twice..... so, sorry, you are wrong.....

You said "forced". That was YOUR error.

I have no kids in school anymore, yet I pay taxes. That is part of the social contract for an educated society.
The so-called "social contract" is a myth. I certainly never agreed to any such thing.

That's because morons like you should be thrown out of society for your own good, lest you pollute the world with your stupidity!
You said "forced". That was YOUR error.

I have no kids in school anymore, yet I pay taxes. That is part of the social contract for an educated society.
The so-called "social contract" is a myth. I certainly never agreed to any such thing.

Sure you did, when you agreed to stay part of the society you agreed to such things. You give your consent by your presence.

True, you consented by staying upon reaching the age of majority. You consent when you pay your taxes.
Wrong. I pay taxes only because men with guns will take everything I own if I refuse. There is nothing "contractual" about it. A contract requires the agreement of both parties.

You are free to leave this nation at anytime. I highly encourage you to do so!
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

There are no Catholic school shootings because it would make baby Jesus cry.
Not sure what you mean "strict standards of who can attend"? If you pay the tuition you're in, Jews, Protestants, anyone.
Not sure where you're from, but it doesnt work like that around here. Private schools mostly have entry exams.
Bullshit. My nephew went to a private school. They didn't have any entrance exams. That's a leftwing myth.

Perhaps your nephew's school did not, but the good ones do. I think that speaks for the quality of education he may have received.

Regardless, if you don't pass in a privates school, they kick you to the curb.
By "good," you mean the elite schools that cost tens of thousand of dollars and can afford to be picky. Most private schools don't have that luxury.

Uh, yes they do! Most private schools have waiting lists. Why are talking out of your ass again?
ROFL! Prove it. You're notorious on this board for making excuses for government schools.
The so-called "social contract" is a myth. I certainly never agreed to any such thing.

Sure you did, when you agreed to stay part of the society you agreed to such things. You give your consent by your presence.

True, you consented by staying upon reaching the age of majority. You consent when you pay your taxes.
Wrong. I pay taxes only because men with guns will take everything I own if I refuse. There is nothing "contractual" about it. A contract requires the agreement of both parties.

You are free to leave this nation at anytime. I highly encourage you to do so!

That wouldn't prove your mythical "social contract" exists. The bottom line is that I never agreed to pay taxes.

Get the fuck out yourself, asshole
And perhaps, "all" contribute to dodging the types of problem kids that turn into shooters?

Of course they do. Public schools are not allowed to do those things.

Seems kind of a quick jump. Is it all of them, or just three of them? Can we learn from this and apply a lesson to make public schools safer?

Should public schools have entrance exams?

Should public schools be allowed to refuse kids with learning disabilities?

What percentage of public schools have had a shooting at them?
Public schools send kids with learning disabilities to schools designed to handle them. It's stupid to mix such students in re you awith the general population.

The percentage of public schools that have had mass shootings is far greater then the percentage of private schools that have had them.

Oh, my fucking God! How fucking ignorant can you possibly be? Did you make that shit up all on your own or did sometime pour that idiocy into your head?

You are such a fucking loser!
A complete lying idiot? Remember the short bus? Who road it and where did it go?
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Given that hundreds of thousands of boys were raped by priests, you would think there would be lots of those grown boys coming back and shooting the schools and parishes up.

Public school teachers sexually assaulted more children than priests have and you are forced to send your kids to those schools...

No one is forced to attend public schools. You are forced to attend school, not just public schools. Private school and home schooling are optional.
You are forced to pay for them, whether your kids attend them or not.

None of my kids currently attend public schools. I still pay taxes. Stop being a whiny little bitch and accept the truth.
Why should I care if you don't mind getting fucked up the ass?
Not sure what you mean "strict standards of who can attend"? If you pay the tuition you're in, Jews, Protestants, anyone.
Not sure where you're from, but it doesnt work like that around here. Private schools mostly have entry exams.
Bullshit. My nephew went to a private school. They didn't have any entrance exams. That's a leftwing myth.

My elementary aged children attend a private Christian school. They didn't have an entrance exam per-se. They were interviewed for about 1 hour by the admisssions director and were asked a series of questions to evaluate their academic apptitude. Of course their grades from their previous private school were also sent.
The purpose of evaluating their academic aptitude is to determine whether they can perform the course work. It wasn't a contest to see who gets in and who doesn't. They do the same thing in public schools

No, they do not! You can't even spell "admissions" or "aptitude" correctly! Why should we even consider your uneducated opinion?

DBA is the one who misspelled those words, you fucking moron. You can't even figure out who you are addressing. It appears senility has set in.
Parochial schools should be the model going forward. All we have to do is outlaw public schools and our problems are solved.
That wouldn't prove your mythical "social contract" exists. The bottom line is that I never agreed to pay taxes.

Get the fuck out yourself, asshole

And yet you choose to pay them when you do have other options, seems like that would be you agreeing to pay them.
That wouldn't prove your mythical "social contract" exists. The bottom line is that I never agreed to pay taxes.

Get the fuck out yourself, asshole

And yet you choose to pay them when you do have other options, seems like that would be you agreeing to pay them.

As I've already explained to you countless times that your conception of "choice" is the same as the one a mugger gives you when he says "hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the stomach." You subscribe to the thug's theory of ethics.

The fact that you would use such an argument demonstrates conclusively that you are no libertarian. You don't have a clue what libertarians believe.
As I've already explained to you countless times that your conception of "choice" is the same as the one a mugger gives you when he says "hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the stomach." You subscribe to the thug's theory of ethics.

The fact that you would use such an argument demonstrates conclusively that you are no libertarian. You don't have a clue what libertarians believe.

Poor analogy. A better analogy would be you going back to the mugger every week and asking him to mug you again.

As your god sitting up there in the white house told a few people...if you do not like it...get the fuck out (paraphrasing his words)
As I've already explained to you countless times that your conception of "choice" is the same as the one a mugger gives you when he says "hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the stomach." You subscribe to the thug's theory of ethics.

The fact that you would use such an argument demonstrates conclusively that you are no libertarian. You don't have a clue what libertarians believe.

Poor analogy. A better analogy would be you going back to the mugger every week and asking him to mug you again.

As your god sitting up there in the white house told a few people...if you do not like it...get the fuck out (paraphrasing his words)
That's a moronic analogy. I don't ask government to take my money, you fucking moron. My analogy is exact. That's what makes you so uncomfortable. For cockroaches like you It hurts to know what kind of person you really are.
Not sure where you're from, but it doesnt work like that around here. Private schools mostly have entry exams.
Bullshit. My nephew went to a private school. They didn't have any entrance exams. That's a leftwing myth.

Perhaps your nephew's school did not, but the good ones do. I think that speaks for the quality of education he may have received.

Regardless, if you don't pass in a privates school, they kick you to the curb.
By "good," you mean the elite schools that cost tens of thousand of dollars and can afford to be picky. Most private schools don't have that luxury.

Uh, yes they do! Most private schools have waiting lists. Why are talking out of your ass again?
ROFL! Prove it. You're notorious on this board for making excuses for government schools.

Yes, and you are notorious for being a jackass, who couldn't find his ass with both hands!
As I've already explained to you countless times that your conception of "choice" is the same as the one a mugger gives you when he says "hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the stomach." You subscribe to the thug's theory of ethics.

The fact that you would use such an argument demonstrates conclusively that you are no libertarian. You don't have a clue what libertarians believe.

Poor analogy. A better analogy would be you going back to the mugger every week and asking him to mug you again.

As your god sitting up there in the white house told a few people...if you do not like it...get the fuck out (paraphrasing his words)
That's a moronic analogy. I don't ask government to take my money, you fucking moron. My analogy is exact. That's what makes you so uncomfortable. For cockroaches like you It hurts to know what kind of person you really are.

You are such a whiny little fucking bitch. Waaaa....they make me pay taxes....waaaaa Do you have to squat when you pee? Fucking man up for a change...if you do not like it stop paying your taxes,. get the fuck out of the country if you hate if so damn much.

People like you make me want to puke.
As I've already explained to you countless times that your conception of "choice" is the same as the one a mugger gives you when he says "hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the stomach." You subscribe to the thug's theory of ethics.

The fact that you would use such an argument demonstrates conclusively that you are no libertarian. You don't have a clue what libertarians believe.

Poor analogy. A better analogy would be you going back to the mugger every week and asking him to mug you again.

As your god sitting up there in the white house told a few people...if you do not like it...get the fuck out (paraphrasing his words)
That's a moronic analogy. I don't ask government to take my money, you fucking moron. My analogy is exact. That's what makes you so uncomfortable. For cockroaches like you It hurts to know what kind of person you really are.

You are such a whiny little fucking bitch. Waaaa....they make me pay taxes....waaaaa Do you have to squat when you pee? Fucking man up for a change...if you do not like it stop paying your taxes,. get the fuck out of the country if you hate if so damn much.

People like you make me want to puke.
"I'm a whiner?" That's your imbecile argument?

Na Na Na Na Boo Boo!

It appears you have no logic or fact to refute my argument.
As I've already explained to you countless times that your conception of "choice" is the same as the one a mugger gives you when he says "hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the stomach." You subscribe to the thug's theory of ethics.

The fact that you would use such an argument demonstrates conclusively that you are no libertarian. You don't have a clue what libertarians believe.

Poor analogy. A better analogy would be you going back to the mugger every week and asking him to mug you again.

As your god sitting up there in the white house told a few people...if you do not like it...get the fuck out (paraphrasing his words)
That's a moronic analogy. I don't ask government to take my money, you fucking moron. My analogy is exact. That's what makes you so uncomfortable. For cockroaches like you It hurts to know what kind of person you really are.

You are such a whiny little fucking bitch. Waaaa....they make me pay taxes....waaaaa Do you have to squat when you pee? Fucking man up for a change...if you do not like it stop paying your taxes,. get the fuck out of the country if you hate if so damn much.

People like you make me want to puke.
"I'm a whiner?" That's your imbecile argument?

Na Na Na Na Boo Boo!

It appears you have no logic or fact to refute my argument.

It is not an argument, it is an observation. you whine like a 12 year old girl about the injustice of it all..while taking advantage of everything the taxes get you, and never having the balls to do anything about it.

Grow a set of balls and stand up for yourself, tell the government to fuck off an you will not pay them a dime ever again. But no, you lack balls, you lack conviction, all you have is whining like a bitch in heat on the internet.

you are a fucking joke of a human being.
As I've already explained to you countless times that your conception of "choice" is the same as the one a mugger gives you when he says "hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the stomach." You subscribe to the thug's theory of ethics.

The fact that you would use such an argument demonstrates conclusively that you are no libertarian. You don't have a clue what libertarians believe.

Poor analogy. A better analogy would be you going back to the mugger every week and asking him to mug you again.

As your god sitting up there in the white house told a few people...if you do not like it...get the fuck out (paraphrasing his words)
That's a moronic analogy. I don't ask government to take my money, you fucking moron. My analogy is exact. That's what makes you so uncomfortable. For cockroaches like you It hurts to know what kind of person you really are.

You are such a whiny little fucking bitch. Waaaa....they make me pay taxes....waaaaa Do you have to squat when you pee? Fucking man up for a change...if you do not like it stop paying your taxes,. get the fuck out of the country if you hate if so damn much.

People like you make me want to puke.
"I'm a whiner?" That's your imbecile argument?

Na Na Na Na Boo Boo!

It appears you have no logic or fact to refute my argument.

It is not an argument, it is an observation. you whine like a 12 year old girl about the injustice of it all..while taking advantage of everything the taxes get you, and never having the balls to do anything about it.

Grow a set of balls and stand up for yourself, tell the government to fuck off an you will not pay them a dime ever again. But no, you lack balls, you lack conviction, all you have is whining like a bitch in heat on the internet.

you are a fucking joke of a human being.
Sorry, you fucking moron, but "you're a pussy" is not an argument justifying taxation. Claiming it's not an argument doesn't mean it isn't an argument. Your whole line of argument is nothing but pure ad hominem. In other words, even you know it's horseshit.

Taxes aren't voluntary, and no one never agreed to them. The so-called "social contract" is a myth invented by bootlickers like you to justify what you want to impose on others. Just admit that you're a thug so we can quit wasting our time here. You only continue to look more foolish, infantile and brutish with every post.

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