No shootings at parochial schools. Why? What are they doing right?

What are Catholic/private schools doing right that Public schools are not?

  • More discipline

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Religious teaching

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • High tuition

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • More parental involvement

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Strict dress code

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
Poor analogy. A better analogy would be you going back to the mugger every week and asking him to mug you again.

As your god sitting up there in the white house told a few people...if you do not like it...get the fuck out (paraphrasing his words)
That's a moronic analogy. I don't ask government to take my money, you fucking moron. My analogy is exact. That's what makes you so uncomfortable. For cockroaches like you It hurts to know what kind of person you really are.

You are such a whiny little fucking bitch. Waaaa....they make me pay taxes....waaaaa Do you have to squat when you pee? Fucking man up for a change...if you do not like it stop paying your taxes,. get the fuck out of the country if you hate if so damn much.

People like you make me want to puke.
"I'm a whiner?" That's your imbecile argument?

Na Na Na Na Boo Boo!

It appears you have no logic or fact to refute my argument.

It is not an argument, it is an observation. you whine like a 12 year old girl about the injustice of it all..while taking advantage of everything the taxes get you, and never having the balls to do anything about it.

Grow a set of balls and stand up for yourself, tell the government to fuck off an you will not pay them a dime ever again. But no, you lack balls, you lack conviction, all you have is whining like a bitch in heat on the internet.

you are a fucking joke of a human being.
Sorry, you fucking moron, but "you're a pussy" is not an argument justifying taxation. Claiming it's not an argument doesn't mean it isn't an argument. Your whole line of argument is nothing but pure ad hominem. In other words, even you know it's horseshit.

Taxes aren't voluntary, and no one never agreed to them. The so-called "social contract" is a myth invented by bootlickers like you to justify what you want to impose on others. Just admit that you're a thug so we can quit wasting our time here. You only continue to look more foolish, infantile and brutish with every post.

Then do something about it. Quit whining about in on the internet. Have you no self-respect? have you no integrity? If you really believe all this tripe you are posting, yet sit there and do nothing about it...then you have none of either.
That's a moronic analogy. I don't ask government to take my money, you fucking moron. My analogy is exact. That's what makes you so uncomfortable. For cockroaches like you It hurts to know what kind of person you really are.

You are such a whiny little fucking bitch. Waaaa....they make me pay taxes....waaaaa Do you have to squat when you pee? Fucking man up for a change...if you do not like it stop paying your taxes,. get the fuck out of the country if you hate if so damn much.

People like you make me want to puke.
"I'm a whiner?" That's your imbecile argument?

Na Na Na Na Boo Boo!

It appears you have no logic or fact to refute my argument.

It is not an argument, it is an observation. you whine like a 12 year old girl about the injustice of it all..while taking advantage of everything the taxes get you, and never having the balls to do anything about it.

Grow a set of balls and stand up for yourself, tell the government to fuck off an you will not pay them a dime ever again. But no, you lack balls, you lack conviction, all you have is whining like a bitch in heat on the internet.

you are a fucking joke of a human being.
Sorry, you fucking moron, but "you're a pussy" is not an argument justifying taxation. Claiming it's not an argument doesn't mean it isn't an argument. Your whole line of argument is nothing but pure ad hominem. In other words, even you know it's horseshit.

Taxes aren't voluntary, and no one never agreed to them. The so-called "social contract" is a myth invented by bootlickers like you to justify what you want to impose on others. Just admit that you're a thug so we can quit wasting our time here. You only continue to look more foolish, infantile and brutish with every post.

Then do something about it. Quit whining about in on the internet. Have you no self-respect? have you no integrity? If you really believe all this tripe you are posting, yet sit there and do nothing about it...then you have none of either.
When are you going to quit whining about stuff on the internet? Have you no self-respect? have you no integrity?

You really are a major league idiot. You lack the capacity to commit logic.
You are such a whiny little fucking bitch. Waaaa....they make me pay taxes....waaaaa Do you have to squat when you pee? Fucking man up for a change...if you do not like it stop paying your taxes,. get the fuck out of the country if you hate if so damn much.

People like you make me want to puke.
"I'm a whiner?" That's your imbecile argument?

Na Na Na Na Boo Boo!

It appears you have no logic or fact to refute my argument.

It is not an argument, it is an observation. you whine like a 12 year old girl about the injustice of it all..while taking advantage of everything the taxes get you, and never having the balls to do anything about it.

Grow a set of balls and stand up for yourself, tell the government to fuck off an you will not pay them a dime ever again. But no, you lack balls, you lack conviction, all you have is whining like a bitch in heat on the internet.

you are a fucking joke of a human being.
Sorry, you fucking moron, but "you're a pussy" is not an argument justifying taxation. Claiming it's not an argument doesn't mean it isn't an argument. Your whole line of argument is nothing but pure ad hominem. In other words, even you know it's horseshit.

Taxes aren't voluntary, and no one never agreed to them. The so-called "social contract" is a myth invented by bootlickers like you to justify what you want to impose on others. Just admit that you're a thug so we can quit wasting our time here. You only continue to look more foolish, infantile and brutish with every post.

Then do something about it. Quit whining about in on the internet. Have you no self-respect? have you no integrity? If you really believe all this tripe you are posting, yet sit there and do nothing about it...then you have none of either.
When are you going to quit whining about stuff on the internet? Have you no self-respect? have you no integrity?

You really are a major league idiot. You lack the capacity to commit logic.

So, what you are saying is that you are not going to do anything about it but keep on whining and keep on voting for Repubs.


carry on my little ballless wonder

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