No Solar Power/Electricity Tonight

I believe that sooner or later we will develop sophisticated means of storing solar power. It's energy directly from the sun. I find it hard to believe that ultimately the capturing of direct sunlight will prove to be less efficient than combusting ancient bio goo that originally got its energy from the sun as well. It doesn't make any sense. With the advancement of technology solar will prove to be far more efficient. I strongly believe that.

Anything you can imagine can happen in the future. But what future do you mean? How many thousands of years must we wait for your miracle?
brilliant, we could invent something old and call it new, like a nuclear power plant, that dont need batteries
Where Elektra lives there is a hell of an abundant supply of sunlight. He knows the pros and cons. Edited to correct when learning Electra is a man.
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we dont need a miracle, we have nuclear power, the old nuclear technology, works fine

solar storage? hahahhahahahahaha
I have fought hard for Nuclear power to be used in the USA for over 30 years of posting now. So far my messages have fallen on blind eyes. What you say about nuclear is pure facts. We should never have allowed Democrats to stop Yucca Mountain.
The Leftists couldn't let an opportunity like a mishap at a nuke facility go to waste. It set us back 40 years behind where we should be developing and deploying nuclear energy.
I had two clients who worked for nuclear energy to power America. Bernie was an engineer and he worked for GE. I had a second client who worked at the nuclear plant around Sunol CA. Nuclear has to be very respected. As it is on our nuclear submarines and Aircraft Carriers. It is trusted to power ships.
Technology is multiplicative. We learn more and more faster and faster all the time. Solar technology has been improving rapidly over the past 20 years specifically and shows no signs of slowing down.
Science disagrees with you, solar has grown very slow, since the first solar cell was invented in 1883!

Shockley–Queisser Limit​

Is what you should research.

Solar technology is so inefficient the price tag is in the trillions, $50 Trillion.​

The sun's radiance on earth is too weak to power a modern society, let alone the future. We are wasting trillions in natural resources, destroying land by the square mile.

Another sad fact, is just about any search engine you use to find information is pure propaganda. Loaded with pro solar garbage. It takes a lot of time to find the facts.

Either way, solar panels are a product of the fossil fuel industry, you can not build them without oil.
I have fought hard for Nuclear power to be used in the USA for over 30 years of posting now. So far my messages have fallen on blind eyes. What you say about nuclear is pure facts. We should never have allowed Democrats to stop Yucca Mountain.
Or, we should recycle our nuclear fuel in Breeder reactors, I think Clinton shut those down.
Everyready and Duracell have been researching batteries for a century. Diehard has researched batteries for a century. Now we need more research?

The sun's energy is simply to weak. We need 1000's of square miles of solar panels, destroying farmland, forests, and pristine desert.

Solar consumes raw materials by the millions of tons. All processed by heavy industry. Thus solar is a new source of CO2 released into the atmosphere (which is food for life).

200,000 to 400,000 tons of CO2 everyday contributed by solar and wind.

The first solar cell was invented in 1883. The solar cell has been researched and developed longer than the invention of the computer.

We do not need short lived solar panels, we need electric power plants that last 50 to a 100 years, that is nuclear power. Speaking of which, a nuclear power plant is a battery, releasing it's power over a span of 30 years.
a lot of these nuts make the claim that they get great power on cloudy days

everywhere they say it, in these threads

Produce the link or quote whoever is saying it. I can guarantee no one is saying cloudy days produces even more solar energy. This is the wacky stuff you unhinged anti solar ppl keep telling yourselves in order to convince yourself you're actually sane, smh.
Produce the link or quote whoever is saying it. I can guarantee no one is saying cloudy days produces even more solar energy. This is the wacky stuff you unhinged anti solar ppl keep telling yourselves in order to convince yourself you're actually sane, smh.
gee, I am sorry you are so fucking new here you are ignorant

Google is not the arbiter of truth. You think if you one can not link it is not a fact? hahahahhaha
Produce the link or quote whoever is saying it. I can guarantee no one is saying cloudy days produces even more solar energy. This is the wacky stuff you unhinged anti solar ppl keep telling yourselves in order to convince yourself you're actually sane, smh.
Produce a link proving you are correct?
Or, we should recycle our nuclear fuel in Breeder reactors, I think Clinton shut those down.
I wonder where Democrats think all the existing used nuclear waste now is located at?

They said no to Yucca Mountain meaning it is still where they currently live.
I wonder where Democrats think all the existing used nuclear waste now is located at?

They said no to Yucca Mountain meaning it is still where they currently live.
Dry cask storage


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gee, I am sorry you are so fucking new here you are ignorant

Google is not the arbiter of truth. You think if you one can not link it is not a fact? hahahahhaha

Ok. So you have no proof anyone said any such thing and you basically made up some silly straw man argument that you could have a fake argue against. This is precisely why no one should ever take your anti science wackos seriously.

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