No 'Stand Down' Order In Benghazi, Despite What Darrell Issa Said

No stand order, the Tripoli team was at the airport, no escape means; Buck McKeon has been sitting on the evidence since April.

But Col. Gibson said Wednesday that no stand-down order was given, according to the House Armed Services subcommittee on oversight and investigations. The subcommittee held a classified briefing with Col. Gibson; retired Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, former commander of U.S. Africa Command; and Navy Rear Adm. Brian L. Losey, former commander of U.S. Special Operations Command Africa.

Read more: Lawmakers: No 'stand down' order given in Benghazi attack - Washington Times

McKeon needs to be tossed out of the US House, millions have been spent because of his obstruction, the families of the those killed suffer continued agony.

What needs to be determined is why there was on response by the US military. A Consulate is under attack and they didn't even try. If we had a real President he would have given the military the order to rescue the Ambassador immediately. His inability to issue that order is the same damned thing as giving a stand down order.

As an aside, the fake President calls and congratulates soccer players, gay football players and actors, but could not be bothered to call the parents of the Seals that were murdered in Benghazi.
send in GI JOE!
Gates: Some Benghazi critics have "cartoonish" view of military capability - CBS News
More actual testimony, no stand down order, the mortar hit withing MINUTES of Hicks speaking with Sec. Clinton:

First mortar round was long. It landed, actually, among the Libyans who escorted our people. They took casualties from us that night. And the next was short. The next three landed on the roof, killing Glen and Tyrone, severely wounding David. They didn’t know whether any more mortars were going to come in. The accuracy was terribly precise. The call was, the next one is coming through the roof, maybe, if it hit.


In Tripoli, we had — the defense attache had persuaded the Libyans to fly their C-130 to Benghazi. We wanted to airlift — we had — since we had consolidated at the annex, and the Libyan government had now provided us with external security around our facilities, we wanted to send further reinforcements to Benghazi. We determined that Lt. Colonel Gibson and his team of special forces troops should go. The people in Benghazi had been fighting all night. They were tired. They were exhausted. We wanted to make sure the airport was secure for their withdrawal.

As Colonel Gibson and his three personnel were getting in the cars, he stopped, and he called them off and said — told me that he had not been authorized to go.

The vehicles had to go because the flight needed to go to Tripoli — I mean, to Benghazi. Lieutenant Colonel Gibson was furious. I had told him to go bring our people home. That’s what he wanted to do. Paid me a very nice compliment; I won’t repeat it here. So the plane went. I think it landed in Benghazi around 7:30.

The other thing that we did was — and I — and I want to mention Jackie Levesque’s (sp) name in this hearing. She was our nurse. …

I knew David was severely wounded and I knew others were wounded as well. And Jackie had just made terrific contacts with a hospital in town, and so we sent her — I sent her to that hospital to start mobilizing their ER teams and their doctors to receive our wounded so that when the charter flight arrived in Tripoli we had ambulances at the — at the — at the airport waiting. Their doctors were ready and waiting for our wounded to come in, to be brought into the operating room. And they certainly saved David Ubben’s leg and they may very well have saved his life. And they treated our other wounded as well, as if they were their own.

Wow! thanks again
The testimony, the attackers were INSIDE the buildings, the team from Tripoli arrived:

As I remember Sept. 11th, 2012, it was a routine day at our embassy and — until we saw the news about Cairo. And I remember sending a text message to Ambassador Stevens saying, Chris, are you aware of what’s going on in Cairo? And he said, no. So I told him that the embassy in — in another text, that the embassy had been stormed and they were trying to tear down our flag. And he said, thanks very much. And, you know, then I went on with business.

Closed the day and I went back to my villa and was relaxing, watching a television show that I particularly like, and at 9:45 p.m. — and all times will be Libyan times, there’s a six-hour time difference — the RSO [Regional Security Officer], John Martinec, ran into my villa, yelling, Greg, Greg, the consulate’s under attack. And I stood up and reached for my phone because I had an inkling or a thought that perhaps the ambassador had tried to call me to relay the same message, and I found two missed calls on the phone, one from the ambassador’s phone, one from a phone number I didn’t recognize.

And I punched the phone number I didn’t recognize, and I got the ambassador on the other end, and he said, Greg, we’re under attack. And I was walking out of the villa on my way to the tactical operation center, because I knew we would all have to gather there to mobilize or try to mobilize a response. And it was also a bad cellphone night in Tripoli. Connections were weak. And I said OK, and the line cut. As I walked to the tactical operations center, I tried to reach back on both of the numbers, the unknown number and the ambassador’s personal number, and got no response.

David McFarland, our political section chief, had just returned from Benghazi, where he had been our principal officer for the previous 10 days. And so he jumped into this picture by reaching out to his contacts in Benghazi and trying to get them at the local level there to respond to the attack. And he also was in touch with our local employee there as well.


The attack unfolded in four phases — or the night unfolded in four phases. The first phase was the attack on our consulate. The story is well known, I think. The Benghazi — the consulate was invaded. The Villa C where the ambassador and Sean Smith and Scott Wickland were hiding in the safe area was set on fire. The attackers also went into another — went into another building. They were unable to enter the tactical operations center in Benghazi because of improvements to that facility that had been made. They — Scott attempted to lead the ambassador and Sean Smith out of the burning building. He managed to make it out. He tried repeatedly to go back in to try to rescue Sean and the ambassador but had to stop due to exposure to smoke.

The response team from the annex in Benghazi, six individuals, drove the attackers out of our compound and secured it temporarily. There have been estimates as high as 60 attackers were in the compound at one particular time. There were repeated attempts by all of the RSOs and by the response team from the annex to go into the burning building and recover — or try to save Sean and the ambassador. They found Sean’s body and pulled it out, but he was no longer responsive. They did not find the ambassador.

I spoke with a medical officer, one of our medical officers, after the attack and the heroism of these individuals in repeatedly going into the petroleum-based fire cannot be understated. Petroleum — according to this — to our regional medical officer, petroleum- based fires emit enormous amounts of cyanide gas. And he told me that one full breath of that would incapacitate and kill a person if exposed to it.

The Tripoli response team departs at about midnight and arrives at about 1:15 in Benghazi. If I may step back again to Tripoli and what’s going on there at this point. At about 10:45 or 11:00, we confer and I asked the defense attache who’d been talking with AFRICOM and with the Joint Staff: Is anything coming? Will they be sending us any help? Is there something out there? And he answered that the nearest help was in Aviano, and the nearest — where there were fighter planes. And he said that it would take two to three hours for them to get on site, but that there also were no tankers available for them to refuel. And I said, thank you very much, and we went on with our work.
We’re getting this information as the Tripoli response team arrives in Benghazi at the airport. Both our annex chief and the annex chief in Benghazi, and our defense attache, are on the phone during this period, trying to get the Libyan government to send vehicles and military and/or security assets to the airport to assist our response team. At this point, this response team looks like it may be a hostage rescue team — that they are going to — we are going to need to send them to try to save the ambassador who is in a hospital that is, as far as we know, under enemy control.

Our contacts with the government in Tripoli are telling us that the ambassador is in a safe place, but they imply that he is with us in the annex in Benghazi. And we keep telling them, no, the — he is not with us. We do not have his — we do not have him. About 12:30, at the same time that we see the Twitter feeds that are asserting that Ansar Shariah is responsible for the attack, we also see a call for an attack on the embassy in Tripoli.

A few MINUTES after he spoke with sec. Clinton, a mortar round hit.

Thr Tripoli team had no transport from the airport.

No stand order, the Tripoli team was at the airport, no escape means; Buck McKeon has been sitting on the evidence since April.

But Col. Gibson said Wednesday that no stand-down order was given, according to the House Armed Services subcommittee on oversight and investigations. The subcommittee held a classified briefing with Col. Gibson; retired Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, former commander of U.S. Africa Command; and Navy Rear Adm. Brian L. Losey, former commander of U.S. Special Operations Command Africa.

Read more: Lawmakers: No 'stand down' order given in Benghazi attack - Washington Times

McKeon needs to be tossed out of the US House, millions have been spent because of his obstruction, the families of the those killed suffer continued agony.

What needs to be determined is why there was on response by the US military. A Consulate is under attack and they didn't even try. If we had a real President he would have given the military the order to rescue the Ambassador immediately. His inability to issue that order is the same damned thing as giving a stand down order.

As an aside, the fake President calls and congratulates soccer players, gay football players and actors, but could not be bothered to call the parents of the Seals that were murdered in Benghazi.

They chose to protect the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli instead with the available resources. It ain't rocket science. Read and learn...

No "They" didn't choose,
Earlier this month, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress there was never a stand-down order.
"They weren't told to stand down. A 'stand down' means don't do anything," he said.
"They were told that the mission they were asked to perform was not in Benghazi, but was at Tripoli airport."

Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack.
Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack |
Who told Gen. Dempsey the mission wasn't Benghazi but Tripoli??
together with other posts you really lay it out
Issa is angry at the military officers that proved he fabricated events, the photo of his face is filled with rage:

Upon arrival there, the head of a small detachment entrusted with training Libyan special forces told his higher-ups he wanted to take his four-member team to Benghazi.

Military officials differ on when that telephone conversation took place, but they agree that no help could have arrived in Benghazi in time. They put the call somewhere between 5:05 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. local time. It would take about 90 minutes to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi. The next U.S.-chartered plane to make the trip left at 6:49 a.m., meaning it could have arrived shortly before 9 a.m., nearly four hours after the second, 11-minute battle at the CIA facility ended at about 5:25 a.m.

Issa is known to 'embellish' details

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Darrell Issa says that during the Vietnam War he served with an elite Army bomb unit, traveling with then-President Richard Nixon to protect him from harm.

He attended baseball's World Series in 1971 as part of the president's security entourage, Issa once told an interviewer.

But military records obtained by The Examiner and interviews with former soldiers cast doubt on the stories the millionaire executive-turned-politician tells about his Army days.

The records show that Issa's service on what he terms an

"Army security team" amounted to less than six months on a bomb-disposal squad in 1971. That's scant experience to qualify him for presidential security duty, former GI bomb experts say.

Issa couldn't have guarded Nixon at the World Series because the president didn't attend, according to the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda.

According to records and interviews, Issa's service on the bomb squad was marred by a bad conduct rating, a demotion and allegations that he had stolen a fellow soldier's car.

And although Issa's campaign biography says he served nine years in the Army before leaving to make his fortune in the electronics business, the records show he served for five years and three months: as an enlisted man during 1970-1972, and as a lieutenant from 1976 to 1980.

Between 1972 and 1976, he was a college student in an Army ROTC program, records show.

No stand order, the Tripoli team was at the airport, no escape means; Buck McKeon has been sitting on the evidence since April.

But Col. Gibson said Wednesday that no stand-down order was given, according to the House Armed Services subcommittee on oversight and investigations. The subcommittee held a classified briefing with Col. Gibson; retired Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, former commander of U.S. Africa Command; and Navy Rear Adm. Brian L. Losey, former commander of U.S. Special Operations Command Africa.

Read more: Lawmakers: No 'stand down' order given in Benghazi attack - Washington Times

McKeon needs to be tossed out of the US House, millions have been spent because of his obstruction, the families of the those killed suffer continued agony.

What needs to be determined is why there was on response by the US military. A Consulate is under attack and they didn't even try. If we had a real President he would have given the military the order to rescue the Ambassador immediately. His inability to issue that order is the same damned thing as giving a stand down order.

As an aside, the fake President calls and congratulates soccer players, gay football players and actors, but could not be bothered to call the parents of the Seals that were murdered in Benghazi.

Panetta was firm throughout his testimony that there were no "undue delays" in decision making and there was no denial of support from Washington or from the military combatant commanders when the attack happened.

"Quite the contrary: The safe evacuation of all U.S. government personnel from Benghazi 12 hours after the initial attack" and transfer to the Ramstein Air Base in Germany "was the result of exceptional U.S. government coordination."
He said the U.S. military response helped save lives.

Panetta and Dempsey met with President Barack Obama, the secretary told lawmakers.
Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

Family Member Of Benghazi Victim Opposes GOP Select Committee | ThinkProgress
The CIA launched a rescue attempt on the building within 25-30 minutes of the initial assault.

Did their choppers get lost in a desert sandstorm? Where were they for the hours between the request for help and the death of the people in the consulate? Don't give me an 85 page government document, I've read too many of those already.

No choppers were involved. They drove in SUV's. They drove the attackers off and searched the building for survivors. Then they abandoned the building leaving only the ambassador unaccounted for. They assumed he had been abducted because they searched the entire building. In reality two people were dead by the time the CIA team was sent in. Afterward they all went to the CIA compound and waited for the team sent from Tripoli which arrived about 1 A.M. It took another 3 hour for them to make their way from the airport to the Annex. When they arrived two security officers were killed while on the roof of one of the buildings during a mortar attack. Those attackers were driven off by the Libyan militia sent to escort the Tripoli team across the city.

There you have it. Two separate teams sent to help. At least that is what the US Senate concluded.

So at 3:40 the attack began. At 8:40, the ... Libyans ... regained control of the mission. Did they stop to check in at the hotel on the way? Why didn't we fly helicopters given they were under attack?
Did their choppers get lost in a desert sandstorm? Where were they for the hours between the request for help and the death of the people in the consulate? Don't give me an 85 page government document, I've read too many of those already.

No choppers were involved. They drove in SUV's. They drove the attackers off and searched the building for survivors. Then they abandoned the building leaving only the ambassador unaccounted for. They assumed he had been abducted because they searched the entire building. In reality two people were dead by the time the CIA team was sent in. Afterward they all went to the CIA compound and waited for the team sent from Tripoli which arrived about 1 A.M. It took another 3 hour for them to make their way from the airport to the Annex. When they arrived two security officers were killed while on the roof of one of the buildings during a mortar attack. Those attackers were driven off by the Libyan militia sent to escort the Tripoli team across the city.

There you have it. Two separate teams sent to help. At least that is what the US Senate concluded.

So at 3:40 the attack began. At 8:40, the ... Libyans ... regained control of the mission. Did they stop to check in at the hotel on the way? Why didn't we fly helicopters given they were under attack?

Are you suggesting our military commanders were inept?

Robert Gates Criticizes Conservatives' "Cartoonish Impression" Of Military Support For Benghazi
Well, that's good enough for me. Will these facts from military leaders stop the Benghazi conspiracy theorists? I doubt it...

Let's say that it's true there was no stand down order. That doesn't explain why the Obama administration didn't send anyone to help them. I don't know what "conspiracy theorists" will look for, but those of us with critical minds want to know why we didn't send them help, which this doesn't answer, and why the Obama administration impeded an investigation into the matter, which this doesn't matter for either.

The more that is coming out on this, the more it looks like Republicans have been making shit up just to destroy Hillary and the President. This is not going to sit well with the American public when this all comes out. I am so sick of all the lies from the right.

The lies started from Obama when he kept calling it a spontaneous attack based on the video long after everyone knew what a load of crap it was. And we still can't get clear answers. Ask Richard Nixon if coverups are OK even if you're not involved in an underlying crime.

One thing I agree with you on, it's not clear the administration actually did anything wrong during the attack. And it's very clear politically they should have just opened up their Kimono and moved on. Poor judgement seems to be plausible rather than their having done anything overtly wrong. I don't think the Republicans will prove anything more than poor judgement.

What this demonstrates once again is that Obama's a thin skinned despot who has no tolerance for being questioned. He will cover up, and he genuinely doesn't grasp why he would ever have to answer a question, any question. He's Obama.
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No choppers were involved. They drove in SUV's. They drove the attackers off and searched the building for survivors. Then they abandoned the building leaving only the ambassador unaccounted for. They assumed he had been abducted because they searched the entire building. In reality two people were dead by the time the CIA team was sent in. Afterward they all went to the CIA compound and waited for the team sent from Tripoli which arrived about 1 A.M. It took another 3 hour for them to make their way from the airport to the Annex. When they arrived two security officers were killed while on the roof of one of the buildings during a mortar attack. Those attackers were driven off by the Libyan militia sent to escort the Tripoli team across the city.

There you have it. Two separate teams sent to help. At least that is what the US Senate concluded.

So at 3:40 the attack began. At 8:40, the ... Libyans ... regained control of the mission. Did they stop to check in at the hotel on the way? Why didn't we fly helicopters given they were under attack?

Are you suggesting our military commanders were inept?

Robert Gates Criticizes Conservatives' "Cartoonish Impression" Of Military Support For Benghazi

No you dumb ass shit for brains moron. That is obviously not what I am suggesting. I am suggesting the State Department slowed things down. What is wrong with you? Seriously, how stupid are you? How could you possibly have thought that's what I meant?
So at 3:40 the attack began. At 8:40, the ... Libyans ... regained control of the mission. Did they stop to check in at the hotel on the way? Why didn't we fly helicopters given they were under attack?

Are you suggesting our military commanders were inept?

Robert Gates Criticizes Conservatives' "Cartoonish Impression" Of Military Support For Benghazi

No you dumb ass shit for brains moron. That is obviously not what I am suggesting. I am suggesting the State Department slowed things down. What is wrong with you? Seriously, how stupid are you? How could you possibly have thought that's what I meant?

Are you suggesting the State Department was inept? HOW did the State Department slow things down - when the U.S. military was in control?
More proof that the far left can not accept the fact that Obama is a failure on epic levels and they still support him due to faulty programming vs any type of self awareness independent thought.

No you dumb ass shit for brains moron. That is obviously not what I am suggesting. I am suggesting the State Department slowed things down. What is wrong with you? Seriously, how stupid are you? How could you possibly have thought that's what I meant?

Are you suggesting the State Department was inept? HOW did the State Department slow things down - when the U.S. military was in control?

Inept, no. Agenda yes. Are you actually eight years old? Obviously I'm questioning the messiah and you're not going to agree with that. But the "duh, I don't get it" lines are pointless. You want to discuss it? Ask real questions.
No you dumb ass shit for brains moron. That is obviously not what I am suggesting. I am suggesting the State Department slowed things down. What is wrong with you? Seriously, how stupid are you? How could you possibly have thought that's what I meant?

Are you suggesting the State Department was inept? HOW did the State Department slow things down - when the U.S. military was in control?

Inept, no. Agenda yes. Are you actually eight years old? Obviously I'm questioning the messiah and you're not going to agree with that. But the "duh, I don't get it" lines are pointless. You want to discuss it? Ask real questions.

You're full of shit. Everyone acted in good faith - Obama, military, and State Department. There ain't no conspiracy, sparky.
Did their choppers get lost in a desert sandstorm? Where were they for the hours between the request for help and the death of the people in the consulate? Don't give me an 85 page government document, I've read too many of those already.

No choppers were involved. They drove in SUV's. They drove the attackers off and searched the building for survivors. Then they abandoned the building leaving only the ambassador unaccounted for. They assumed he had been abducted because they searched the entire building. In reality two people were dead by the time the CIA team was sent in. Afterward they all went to the CIA compound and waited for the team sent from Tripoli which arrived about 1 A.M. It took another 3 hour for them to make their way from the airport to the Annex. When they arrived two security officers were killed while on the roof of one of the buildings during a mortar attack. Those attackers were driven off by the Libyan militia sent to escort the Tripoli team across the city.

There you have it. Two separate teams sent to help. At least that is what the US Senate concluded.

So at 3:40 the attack began. At 8:40, the ... Libyans ... regained control of the mission. Did they stop to check in at the hotel on the way? Why didn't we fly helicopters given they were under attack?

Trouble reading times? Here let me fix that for you.

"At approximately 9:40p.m. Benghazi time, on September 11, 2012, dozens
of attackers easily gained access to the U.S. Temporary Mission Facility"

"Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond
from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time........ Then, the team drove to the Mission facility and made their way
onto the Mission compound in the face of enemy fire, arriving in the vicinity of the
compound at approximately 10: 10 p.m. Benghazi time........By approximately 11 :30
Benghazi time, all U.S. personnel, except for the missing Ambassador, had
departed the Mission compound."

Let's say that it's true there was no stand down order. That doesn't explain why the Obama administration didn't send anyone to help them. I don't know what "conspiracy theorists" will look for, but those of us with critical minds want to know why we didn't send them help, which this doesn't answer, and why the Obama administration impeded an investigation into the matter, which this doesn't matter for either.

The more that is coming out on this, the more it looks like Republicans have been making shit up just to destroy Hillary and the President. This is not going to sit well with the American public when this all comes out. I am so sick of all the lies from the right.

The lies started from Obama when he kept calling it a spontaneous attack based on the video long after everyone knew what a load of crap it was. And we still can't get clear answers. Ask Richard Nixon if coverups are OK even if you're not involved in an underlying crime.

One thing I agree with you on, it's not clear the administration actually did anything wrong during the attack. And it's very clear politically they should have just opened up their Kimono and moved on. Poor judgement seems to be plausible rather than their having done anything overtly wrong. I don't think the Republicans will prove anything more than poor judgement.

What this demonstrates once again is that Obama's a thin skinned despot who has no tolerance for being questioned. He will cover up, and he genuinely doesn't grasp why he would ever have to answer a question, any question. He's Obama.

Before you jump off to the video and the talking points are you now in agreement that there was never a White House or Military order to anyone to "Stand Down", That that was lie designed to damage the Obama campaign?
No stand order, the Tripoli team was at the airport, no escape means; Buck McKeon has been sitting on the evidence since April.

But Col. Gibson said Wednesday that no stand-down order was given, according to the House Armed Services subcommittee on oversight and investigations. The subcommittee held a classified briefing with Col. Gibson; retired Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, former commander of U.S. Africa Command; and Navy Rear Adm. Brian L. Losey, former commander of U.S. Special Operations Command Africa.

Read more: Lawmakers: No 'stand down' order given in Benghazi attack - Washington Times

McKeon needs to be tossed out of the US House, millions have been spent because of his obstruction, the families of the those killed suffer continued agony.

What needs to be determined is why there was on response by the US military. A Consulate is under attack and they didn't even try. If we had a real President he would have given the military the order to rescue the Ambassador immediately. His inability to issue that order is the same damned thing as giving a stand down order.

As an aside, the fake President calls and congratulates soccer players, gay football players and actors, but could not be bothered to call the parents of the Seals that were murdered in Benghazi.

They chose to protect the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli instead with the available resources. It ain't rocket science. Read and learn...

The military can do more than one thing at a time. They can even fight a war in Iraq and Afghanistan at the same time. The US Embassy was not under attack, the consulate in Benghazi was. Read and learn
What needs to be determined is why there was on response by the US military. A Consulate is under attack and they didn't even try. If we had a real President he would have given the military the order to rescue the Ambassador immediately. His inability to issue that order is the same damned thing as giving a stand down order.

As an aside, the fake President calls and congratulates soccer players, gay football players and actors, but could not be bothered to call the parents of the Seals that were murdered in Benghazi.

They chose to protect the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli instead with the available resources. It ain't rocket science. Read and learn...

The military can do more than one thing at a time. They can even fight a war in Iraq and Afghanistan at the same time. The US Embassy was not under attack, the consulate in Benghazi was. Read and learn


and the military tells America and the President that it couldn't do anything in time to save these people, yet you believe FOX News and Allen West? :lol:

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