No, Those Emails Weren't About


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
ABC's Jonathan Karl And The Proof The White House Memo Wasn't Just About Benghazi | Blog | Media Matters for America

Hmmm...another TemplarKormac LIE. WHAT AN IGNORANT TROLL

ABC's Jonathan Karl, who was previously burned when he pushed falsehoods about CIA talking points generated in the wake of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, is now adopting the conservative distortion of a separate set of talking points authored by the White House*for media appearances by then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

On September 16, 2012, Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows and suggested that the Benghazi terror attacks had grown out of spontaneous protests like those that were occurring worldwide in response to an anti-Muslim video. Conservatives*have claimed that Rice's comments on the Sunday shows were part of a deliberate effort to deceive the American people about the cause of the terror attacks, to bolster President Obama's re-election campaign. This effort has often involved distorting the CIA-approved talking points that Rice used to prepare for the interviews.

Karl*came under fire*in May 2013 after reporting that the network had "reviewed" emails from administration officials regarding the creation and editing of those CIA-generated talking points. While nothing Karl reported undermined assertions from the CIA that the intelligence community had approved those talking points, Karl suggested that the emails bolstered the conservative critique of the administration's response.

In fact, Karl had never seen the emails in question -- his story was*based*on "summaries" of the emails and "detailed notes" from a source who, it turned out, had*misrepresented*what the documents actually said. After media observers*slammed*Karl's "sloppy" reporting, ABC News*issued a statement*saying that the network "should have been more precise in its sourcing of those quotes, attributing them to handwritten copies of the emails taken by a Congressional source. We regret that error." Karl himself*apologized*in a statement to CNN.

More at the link so TemplarKormac doesn't pull a Yurt and go crying to a certain mod.
Media matters.......liberals buy that as a credible source.....if they do that im posting rush limbaugh as a source, and hes more credible.
ABC's Jonathan Karl And The Proof The White House Memo Wasn't Just About Benghazi | Blog | Media Matters for America

Hmmm...another TemplarKormac LIE. WHAT AN IGNORANT TROLL

ABC's Jonathan Karl, who was previously burned when he pushed falsehoods about CIA talking points generated in the wake of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, is now adopting the conservative distortion of a separate set of talking points authored by the White House*for media appearances by then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

On September 16, 2012, Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows and suggested that the Benghazi terror attacks had grown out of spontaneous protests like those that were occurring worldwide in response to an anti-Muslim video. Conservatives*have claimed that Rice's comments on the Sunday shows were part of a deliberate effort to deceive the American people about the cause of the terror attacks, to bolster President Obama's re-election campaign. This effort has often involved distorting the CIA-approved talking points that Rice used to prepare for the interviews.

Karl*came under fire*in May 2013 after reporting that the network had "reviewed" emails from administration officials regarding the creation and editing of those CIA-generated talking points. While nothing Karl reported undermined assertions from the CIA that the intelligence community had approved those talking points, Karl suggested that the emails bolstered the conservative critique of the administration's response.

In fact, Karl had never seen the emails in question -- his story was*based*on "summaries" of the emails and "detailed notes" from a source who, it turned out, had*misrepresented*what the documents actually said. After media observers*slammed*Karl's "sloppy" reporting, ABC News*issued a statement*saying that the network "should have been more precise in its sourcing of those quotes, attributing them to handwritten copies of the emails taken by a Congressional source. We regret that error." Karl himself*apologized*in a statement to CNN.
More at the link so TemplarKormac doesn't pull a Yurt and go crying to a certain mod.
Just latch on to the lies? YOU are a gullibull...:lol:
Media Matters? Seriously?

Indeed, those White House mouthpieces will stand there before the media and lie their asses off.

"Most transparent administration" in history. Yeah, just as transparent as Hitler's was, no doubt. :mad:
ABC's Jonathan Karl And The Proof The White House Memo Wasn't Just About Benghazi | Blog | Media Matters for America

Hmmm...another TemplarKormac LIE. WHAT AN IGNORANT TROLL

ABC's Jonathan Karl, who was previously burned when he pushed falsehoods about CIA talking points generated in the wake of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, is now adopting the conservative distortion of a separate set of talking points authored by the White House*for media appearances by then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

On September 16, 2012, Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows and suggested that the Benghazi terror attacks had grown out of spontaneous protests like those that were occurring worldwide in response to an anti-Muslim video. Conservatives*have claimed that Rice's comments on the Sunday shows were part of a deliberate effort to deceive the American people about the cause of the terror attacks, to bolster President Obama's re-election campaign. This effort has often involved distorting the CIA-approved talking points that Rice used to prepare for the interviews.

Karl*came under fire*in May 2013 after reporting that the network had "reviewed" emails from administration officials regarding the creation and editing of those CIA-generated talking points. While nothing Karl reported undermined assertions from the CIA that the intelligence community had approved those talking points, Karl suggested that the emails bolstered the conservative critique of the administration's response.

In fact, Karl had never seen the emails in question -- his story was*based*on "summaries" of the emails and "detailed notes" from a source who, it turned out, had*misrepresented*what the documents actually said. After media observers*slammed*Karl's "sloppy" reporting, ABC News*issued a statement*saying that the network "should have been more precise in its sourcing of those quotes, attributing them to handwritten copies of the emails taken by a Congressional source. We regret that error." Karl himself*apologized*in a statement to CNN.
More at the link so TemplarKormac doesn't pull a Yurt and go crying to a certain mod.

In other words, this email doesn't say what it says, right?

as long as this troop of misfits continues to push immoral life styles expect more crap that will humiliate and embarass these liars
ABC's Jonathan Karl And The Proof The White House Memo Wasn't Just About Benghazi | Blog | Media Matters for America

Hmmm...another TemplarKormac LIE. WHAT AN IGNORANT TROLL

ABC's Jonathan Karl, who was previously burned when he pushed falsehoods about CIA talking points generated in the wake of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, is now adopting the conservative distortion of a separate set of talking points authored by the White House*for media appearances by then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

On September 16, 2012, Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows and suggested that the Benghazi terror attacks had grown out of spontaneous protests like those that were occurring worldwide in response to an anti-Muslim video. Conservatives*have claimed that Rice's comments on the Sunday shows were part of a deliberate effort to deceive the American people about the cause of the terror attacks, to bolster President Obama's re-election campaign. This effort has often involved distorting the CIA-approved talking points that Rice used to prepare for the interviews.

Karl*came under fire*in May 2013 after reporting that the network had "reviewed" emails from administration officials regarding the creation and editing of those CIA-generated talking points. While nothing Karl reported undermined assertions from the CIA that the intelligence community had approved those talking points, Karl suggested that the emails bolstered the conservative critique of the administration's response.

In fact, Karl had never seen the emails in question -- his story was*based*on "summaries" of the emails and "detailed notes" from a source who, it turned out, had*misrepresented*what the documents actually said. After media observers*slammed*Karl's "sloppy" reporting, ABC News*issued a statement*saying that the network "should have been more precise in its sourcing of those quotes, attributing them to handwritten copies of the emails taken by a Congressional source. We regret that error." Karl himself*apologized*in a statement to CNN.

More at the link so TemplarKormac doesn't pull a Yurt and go crying to a certain mod.

So Egypt is now worldwide, this piece couldn't possibly be biased, could it?
ABC's Jonathan Karl And The Proof The White House Memo Wasn't Just About Benghazi | Blog | Media Matters for America

Hmmm...another TemplarKormac LIE. WHAT AN IGNORANT TROLL

ABC's Jonathan Karl, who was previously burned when he pushed falsehoods about CIA talking points generated in the wake of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, is now adopting the conservative distortion of a separate set of talking points authored by the White House*for media appearances by then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

On September 16, 2012, Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows and suggested that the Benghazi terror attacks had grown out of spontaneous protests like those that were occurring worldwide in response to an anti-Muslim video. Conservatives*have claimed that Rice's comments on the Sunday shows were part of a deliberate effort to deceive the American people about the cause of the terror attacks, to bolster President Obama's re-election campaign. This effort has often involved distorting the CIA-approved talking points that Rice used to prepare for the interviews.

Karl*came under fire*in May 2013 after reporting that the network had "reviewed" emails from administration officials regarding the creation and editing of those CIA-generated talking points. While nothing Karl reported undermined assertions from the CIA that the intelligence community had approved those talking points, Karl suggested that the emails bolstered the conservative critique of the administration's response.

In fact, Karl had never seen the emails in question -- his story was*based*on "summaries" of the emails and "detailed notes" from a source who, it turned out, had*misrepresented*what the documents actually said. After media observers*slammed*Karl's "sloppy" reporting, ABC News*issued a statement*saying that the network "should have been more precise in its sourcing of those quotes, attributing them to handwritten copies of the emails taken by a Congressional source. We regret that error." Karl himself*apologized*in a statement to CNN.
More at the link so TemplarKormac doesn't pull a Yurt and go crying to a certain mod.

In other words, this email doesn't say what it says, right?


Are liberals still defending the video angle. Tnese people thi theyre so smart and they buy that? No wonder tney need low info voters and have the school unions dumb down america. Holy crap these people are retarded
Then what was it doing in the Benghazi papers in the first place?

If it is a totally separate set of talking points, it never should have been in the papers that relate only to Benghazi.

Much spinning again.

Never mind that the hits on the video were very small, until they made it about the video.
After that everybody was watching it.
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Then what was it doing in the Benghazi papers in the first place?

If it is a totally separate set of talking points, it never should have been in the papers that relate only to Benghazi.

Much spinning again.

Never mind that the hits on the video were very small, until they made it about the video.
After that everybody was watching it.
I have never seen it...really didn't want to.

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