NO to all mail in ballots for this election

28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
And they only vote by mail when they are over seas

So if they are stationed in CA and they maintained their original residency in another state, they have to take leave and travel to vote?
No they mail
It in. Don’t be stupid

First it is "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and now they can mail it in even if they are stationed in the states?

Make up your mind.

Jitsie, you posted a "laugh" emoticon. You're right. You saying "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and then your next post has you saying "No they mail it in". That was hilarious.
You know what I mean

No, I don't. You said only people stationed overseas vote by mail. Then you say someone stationed in one state can mail a ballot to their state of residence. That is a pretty hard contradiction. I'll give you some time to figure out how to dance away from that.
Well keep thinking hard you will get it

LMAO! That is the best you got?

When you say "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", that pretty much rules out being stationed in one state and voting by mail in another state. I specifically mentioned CA. There is no "sea" between CA and the rest of the contiguous USA.
Over seas over in another state.. same thing, calm down killer you know what I mean!
I guess WinterBorn doesnt know that if you are overseas, or out of state, in the military you have to submit an absentee ballot for the state you are from. So WB, you have to put up an apology or else i will have to call you a Sociopath......

I guess, Andaronjim, you missed Jilter posting that the military could only vote by absentee ballot if they were overseas. And then he changed his mind. He thinks "overseas" is the same as in another state.

And yes, WinterBorn does know the military can use an absentee ballot whether you are overseas or stateside.

No, no apology needed.
WB, absentee voting is the same whether you are overseas or in another state. Only if your base is in the state of your residence can you vote in that state.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
And they only vote by mail when they are over seas

So if they are stationed in CA and they maintained their original residency in another state, they have to take leave and travel to vote?
No they mail
It in. Don’t be stupid

First it is "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and now they can mail it in even if they are stationed in the states?

Make up your mind.

Jitsie, you posted a "laugh" emoticon. You're right. You saying "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and then your next post has you saying "No they mail it in". That was hilarious.
You know what I mean

No, I don't. You said only people stationed overseas vote by mail. Then you say someone stationed in one state can mail a ballot to their state of residence. That is a pretty hard contradiction. I'll give you some time to figure out how to dance away from that.
Well keep thinking hard you will get it

LMAO! That is the best you got?

When you say "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", that pretty much rules out being stationed in one state and voting by mail in another state. I specifically mentioned CA. There is no "sea" between CA and the rest of the contiguous USA.
Over seas over in another state.. same thing, calm down killer you know what I mean!

LMAO!!! So if you had been allowed to join, and were stationed in New Jersey, you would consider that "overseas".

That is fucking hilarious!!

Next you will be saying that the immigrants you hate so much are from Illinois. You know, sneaking in from overseas.
So don’t vote who cares

I haven't missed a chance to vote since 1978.
Hey the year i was born .. great year
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
And they only vote by mail when they are over seas

So if they are stationed in CA and they maintained their original residency in another state, they have to take leave and travel to vote?
No they mail
It in. Don’t be stupid

First it is "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and now they can mail it in even if they are stationed in the states?

Make up your mind.

Jitsie, you posted a "laugh" emoticon. You're right. You saying "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and then your next post has you saying "No they mail it in". That was hilarious.
You know what I mean

No, I don't. You said only people stationed overseas vote by mail. Then you say someone stationed in one state can mail a ballot to their state of residence. That is a pretty hard contradiction. I'll give you some time to figure out how to dance away from that.
Well keep thinking hard you will get it

LMAO! That is the best you got?

When you say "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", that pretty much rules out being stationed in one state and voting by mail in another state. I specifically mentioned CA. There is no "sea" between CA and the rest of the contiguous USA.
Over seas over in another state.. same thing, calm down killer you know what I mean!
I guess WinterBorn doesnt know that if you are overseas, or out of state, in the military you have to submit an absentee ballot for the state you are from. So WB, you have to put up an apology or else i will have to call you a Sociopath......
He’s liberal democrat don’t let him fool you .. he hates trump

LOL! Says the person who lies more than anyone on these forums.

And despite my repeated challenges to show one single post that proves me to be anti-Trump, you still can't.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
And they only vote by mail when they are over seas

So if they are stationed in CA and they maintained their original residency in another state, they have to take leave and travel to vote?
No they mail
It in. Don’t be stupid

First it is "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and now they can mail it in even if they are stationed in the states?

Make up your mind.

Jitsie, you posted a "laugh" emoticon. You're right. You saying "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and then your next post has you saying "No they mail it in". That was hilarious.
You know what I mean

No, I don't. You said only people stationed overseas vote by mail. Then you say someone stationed in one state can mail a ballot to their state of residence. That is a pretty hard contradiction. I'll give you some time to figure out how to dance away from that.
Well keep thinking hard you will get it

LMAO! That is the best you got?

When you say "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", that pretty much rules out being stationed in one state and voting by mail in another state. I specifically mentioned CA. There is no "sea" between CA and the rest of the contiguous USA.
Over seas over in another state.. same thing, calm down killer you know what I mean!
I guess WinterBorn doesnt know that if you are overseas, or out of state, in the military you have to submit an absentee ballot for the state you are from. So WB, you have to put up an apology or else i will have to call you a Sociopath......

I guess, Andaronjim, you missed Jilter posting that the military could only vote by absentee ballot if they were overseas. And then he changed his mind. He thinks "overseas" is the same as in another state.

And yes, WinterBorn does know the military can use an absentee ballot whether you are overseas or stateside.

No, no apology needed.
WB, absentee voting is the same whether you are overseas or in another state. Only if your base is in the state of your residence can you vote in that state.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

Why are you telling me that? Jiler is the ones who need an education in absentee ballots.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
And they only vote by mail when they are over seas

So if they are stationed in CA and they maintained their original residency in another state, they have to take leave and travel to vote?
No they mail
It in. Don’t be stupid

First it is "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and now they can mail it in even if they are stationed in the states?

Make up your mind.

Jitsie, you posted a "laugh" emoticon. You're right. You saying "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and then your next post has you saying "No they mail it in". That was hilarious.
You know what I mean

No, I don't. You said only people stationed overseas vote by mail. Then you say someone stationed in one state can mail a ballot to their state of residence. That is a pretty hard contradiction. I'll give you some time to figure out how to dance away from that.
Well keep thinking hard you will get it

LMAO! That is the best you got?

When you say "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", that pretty much rules out being stationed in one state and voting by mail in another state. I specifically mentioned CA. There is no "sea" between CA and the rest of the contiguous USA.
Over seas over in another state.. same thing, calm down killer you know what I mean!
I guess WinterBorn doesnt know that if you are overseas, or out of state, in the military you have to submit an absentee ballot for the state you are from. So WB, you have to put up an apology or else i will have to call you a Sociopath......
He’s liberal democrat don’t let him fool you .. he hates trump

LOL! Says the person who lies more than anyone on these forums.

And despite my repeated challenges to show one single post that proves me to be anti-Trump, you still can't.
Did you vote for trump?
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
Which was why innocent men and women died at Fort Hood, because Oblummers radical Muslim buddy decided to jihad on their asses, and all the brown turd said "it was work place violence". I guess the 100 shot and 50 killed at the gay bar in Orlando was "work place violence also"?

Whether I agree with the ban on carrying weapons on a military base or not is not relevant. The fact is, military personnel on a base do not carry fully automatic weapons.
Back when i was over in Germany we have people who did carry M-16s and this was to stop any Commie fuck who wanted to sabotage our Aircraft. But thanks to William Jefferson Clinton (I did not have sexual relations with that woman) he decided that it was better to have disarmed military members because of his assault weapons ban, then it would be easier for a Commie to sabotage our Aircraft.

Oh by the way, he also sold China military secrets that enabled China to be able to hit one of our cities accurately. Before then, China couldnt hit shit. Something about the Clintons loving Commies.

When I was in, from '79 to '83, the only people carrying weapons were those on watch. There were protocols for rapidly issuing weapons if something happened. But that was in an emergency. The rest of the people on the base did not carry fully automatic weapons. Even the topside watches had either a .45 or a 12 ga, nothing fully automatic. And that was when nuclear weapons could be onboard.
I guess you werent over in Germany about 10 miles from the Berlin Wall?

Oh yeah, over there, we had to qualify every year, with 5.56mm not the .223 we see today..

No, no submarine bases at the Berlin Wall. Only a few rifles on a submarine. And when I was there it was the old M14. Partly because the 7.62mm is better at penetrating the whole body and going through whatever is behind it. In Nuclear Weapons Security, there is no such thing as a hostage.
So, my question for you is, since you were a military veteran, how can you vote for dipshit Democrats who have hated the military since Lyndon Baines Johnson got us deep into the Vietnam War? What have the Demoncraps done other than take from the veterans so welfare pukes can sit on their asses all day and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch and moan about their miserable lives? Are you that low, in life that you need these guys to give you free stuff? Dont you have honor and dignity and be above the slime of the left?

Why do you think I voted Democrat? FYI, I haven't.

Because of they way you communicate. Why are you so ashamed. I am not ashamed that i am a Libertarian/Conservative and quite proud of it. I have served my country, and seen the world, and every Socialist country has been nothing but a failure, why would anyone want that to happen to this country?

You have been to all the Scandanavian countries, and seen them all fail?

That is news to me, and I doubt they will agree either.
If you are referring to Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc., those are Stalinist/capitalist countries.
They were never remotely socialist.

I think you need to learn more about socialism.
Try reading about US socialist governors, mayors, etc., like Robert La Follette , Frank Zeidler, etc.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
And they only vote by mail when they are over seas

So if they are stationed in CA and they maintained their original residency in another state, they have to take leave and travel to vote?
No they mail
It in. Don’t be stupid

First it is "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and now they can mail it in even if they are stationed in the states?

Make up your mind.

Jitsie, you posted a "laugh" emoticon. You're right. You saying "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and then your next post has you saying "No they mail it in". That was hilarious.
You know what I mean

No, I don't. You said only people stationed overseas vote by mail. Then you say someone stationed in one state can mail a ballot to their state of residence. That is a pretty hard contradiction. I'll give you some time to figure out how to dance away from that.
Well keep thinking hard you will get it

LMAO! That is the best you got?

When you say "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", that pretty much rules out being stationed in one state and voting by mail in another state. I specifically mentioned CA. There is no "sea" between CA and the rest of the contiguous USA.
Over seas over in another state.. same thing, calm down killer you know what I mean!
I guess WinterBorn doesnt know that if you are overseas, or out of state, in the military you have to submit an absentee ballot for the state you are from. So WB, you have to put up an apology or else i will have to call you a Sociopath......

I guess, Andaronjim, you missed Jilter posting that the military could only vote by absentee ballot if they were overseas. And then he changed his mind. He thinks "overseas" is the same as in another state.

And yes, WinterBorn does know the military can use an absentee ballot whether you are overseas or stateside.

No, no apology needed.
WB, absentee voting is the same whether you are overseas or in another state. Only if your base is in the state of your residence can you vote in that state.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

You obviously missed part of this discussion.

In Post #176 at 4:35pm, Jitler said:
“And they only vote by mail when they are over seas”

In Post #180, at 4:45pm, I replied:
“So if they are stationed in CA and they maintained their original residency in another state, they have to take leave and travel to vote?”

In Post #182 at 4:46pm, Jitler replied
“No they mail
It in. Don’t be stupid”

I will always apologize if I am wrong. I have done so on many occasions. But I will not apologize if I am not wrong.
No mail ins. Dems lost everything they tried to get POTUS on, now they will cheat like the do every election

It is much harder to cheat with mail in ballots than with in person voting.
With mail in, you have to apply for it in advance, and the post office can help validate addresses.
Only one ballot is then sent, so you can only vote once.
With in person voting, you can take your voter registration card with you and vote as many times as you want.
You can even vote out of state,for president.
I don't think you realize how easy it is to cheat when you vote in person.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
Which was why innocent men and women died at Fort Hood, because Oblummers radical Muslim buddy decided to jihad on their asses, and all the brown turd said "it was work place violence". I guess the 100 shot and 50 killed at the gay bar in Orlando was "work place violence also"?

Whether I agree with the ban on carrying weapons on a military base or not is not relevant. The fact is, military personnel on a base do not carry fully automatic weapons.
Back when i was over in Germany we have people who did carry M-16s and this was to stop any Commie fuck who wanted to sabotage our Aircraft. But thanks to William Jefferson Clinton (I did not have sexual relations with that woman) he decided that it was better to have disarmed military members because of his assault weapons ban, then it would be easier for a Commie to sabotage our Aircraft.

Oh by the way, he also sold China military secrets that enabled China to be able to hit one of our cities accurately. Before then, China couldnt hit shit. Something about the Clintons loving Commies.

When I was in, from '79 to '83, the only people carrying weapons were those on watch. There were protocols for rapidly issuing weapons if something happened. But that was in an emergency. The rest of the people on the base did not carry fully automatic weapons. Even the topside watches had either a .45 or a 12 ga, nothing fully automatic. And that was when nuclear weapons could be onboard.
I guess you werent over in Germany about 10 miles from the Berlin Wall?

Oh yeah, over there, we had to qualify every year, with 5.56mm not the .223 we see today..

No, no submarine bases at the Berlin Wall. Only a few rifles on a submarine. And when I was there it was the old M14. Partly because the 7.62mm is better at penetrating the whole body and going through whatever is behind it. In Nuclear Weapons Security, there is no such thing as a hostage.
So, my question for you is, since you were a military veteran, how can you vote for dipshit Democrats who have hated the military since Lyndon Baines Johnson got us deep into the Vietnam War? What have the Demoncraps done other than take from the veterans so welfare pukes can sit on their asses all day and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch and moan about their miserable lives? Are you that low, in life that you need these guys to give you free stuff? Dont you have honor and dignity and be above the slime of the left?

Why do you think I voted Democrat? FYI, I haven't.

Because of they way you communicate. Why are you so ashamed. I am not ashamed that i am a Libertarian/Conservative and quite proud of it. I have served my country, and seen the world, and every Socialist country has been nothing but a failure, why would anyone want that to happen to this country?

I am not ashamed of any part of my life. I am proud to be a veteran, a Dad, and a hard working American citizen. I too am a Libertarian and an old school Conservative. I believe in smaller gov't, lower taxes, and less interference in people's personal lives. I hope I have not posted anything that does not follow that philosophy.

Why do you think that having people vote in person keeps people from voting? Everyone who goes to buy alcohol, or cigarettes or cash a check must have an ID. One ID one vote? Should dead people get to vote? Or Pets? Or illegals?

You are such an ass.

First, we are in a pandemic. Stupid Republicans who think the pandemic is a hoax will go to the polls while smart, informed people (Democrat voters) may not risk it.

Going to the grocery is a risk. That is why I use pick up services or order it delivered to my home. I have that option.

That is why we should have the option of voting by mail.

IDs are ok. Not photo IDs un less you make sure everyone has one.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
Which was why innocent men and women died at Fort Hood, because Oblummers radical Muslim buddy decided to jihad on their asses, and all the brown turd said "it was work place violence". I guess the 100 shot and 50 killed at the gay bar in Orlando was "work place violence also"?

Whether I agree with the ban on carrying weapons on a military base or not is not relevant. The fact is, military personnel on a base do not carry fully automatic weapons.
Back when i was over in Germany we have people who did carry M-16s and this was to stop any Commie fuck who wanted to sabotage our Aircraft. But thanks to William Jefferson Clinton (I did not have sexual relations with that woman) he decided that it was better to have disarmed military members because of his assault weapons ban, then it would be easier for a Commie to sabotage our Aircraft.

Oh by the way, he also sold China military secrets that enabled China to be able to hit one of our cities accurately. Before then, China couldnt hit shit. Something about the Clintons loving Commies.

When I was in, from '79 to '83, the only people carrying weapons were those on watch. There were protocols for rapidly issuing weapons if something happened. But that was in an emergency. The rest of the people on the base did not carry fully automatic weapons. Even the topside watches had either a .45 or a 12 ga, nothing fully automatic. And that was when nuclear weapons could be onboard.
I guess you werent over in Germany about 10 miles from the Berlin Wall?

Oh yeah, over there, we had to qualify every year, with 5.56mm not the .223 we see today..

No, no submarine bases at the Berlin Wall. Only a few rifles on a submarine. And when I was there it was the old M14. Partly because the 7.62mm is better at penetrating the whole body and going through whatever is behind it. In Nuclear Weapons Security, there is no such thing as a hostage.
So, my question for you is, since you were a military veteran, how can you vote for dipshit Democrats who have hated the military since Lyndon Baines Johnson got us deep into the Vietnam War? What have the Demoncraps done other than take from the veterans so welfare pukes can sit on their asses all day and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch and moan about their miserable lives? Are you that low, in life that you need these guys to give you free stuff? Dont you have honor and dignity and be above the slime of the left?

Why do you think I voted Democrat? FYI, I haven't.

Because of they way you communicate. Why are you so ashamed. I am not ashamed that i am a Libertarian/Conservative and quite proud of it. I have served my country, and seen the world, and every Socialist country has been nothing but a failure, why would anyone want that to happen to this country?

I am not ashamed of any part of my life. I am proud to be a veteran, a Dad, and a hard working American citizen. I too am a Libertarian and an old school Conservative. I believe in smaller gov't, lower taxes, and less interference in people's personal lives. I hope I have not posted anything that does not follow that philosophy.

Why do you think that having people vote in person keeps people from voting? Everyone who goes to buy alcohol, or cigarettes or cash a check must have an ID. One ID one vote? Should dead people get to vote? Or Pets? Or illegals?

You are such an ass.

First, we are in a pandemic. Stupid Republicans who think the pandemic is a hoax will go to the polls while smart, informed people (Democrat voters) may not risk it.

Going to the grocery is a risk. That is why I use pick up services or order it delivered to my home. I have that option.

That is why we should have the option of voting by mail.

IDs are ok. Not photo IDs un less you make sure everyone has one.

I’d have no problem , but democrats cheat .. stop cheating and we can talk about it, u til now I’ll have you stand in line or make reservations to vote
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend
is that friends name....jitss?.....i know him,he can kick bruce lee's ass.....
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

I got that same special privilege when I worked out of town. I could vote by mail to avoid risking losing my job. Can we not do the same to let people avoid dying from Covid-19?
Do you go food shopping? YES OR NO

I do. But many still do not. Our local Publix has a steady business of online shopping and coming by to pick it up at the curb.

Plus, I have never had to stand in line for more than 5 or 10 minutes at the grocery store. Voting I have stood in line for over an hour on several occasions.
I never stood in line to vote, I live in a over populated city .. and those that that ar elderly can vote by mail, the only ones that have to vote in person are health individuals.. so stop your crying

Oh, so now the elderly who live near the polls can vote by mail? How about someone who lives with the elderly or someone with a compromised system that would make Covid-19 deadly?
6 feet apart. Wear a mask, wash your hands

And hope the virus isn't on any surfaces you touch and that you don't carry it someplace else.

Hell, people are throwing fits and even shooting people when told they have to wear a mask to shop. Think they will all wear masks to vote?

You allowed the elderly to vote by mail, why not those with medical reasons or those who live with the elderly or people with medical reasons?
From what I understand people with medical issues who are unable to vote in person can request vote by mail.. go ahead tell them you are a coward .. hehe

A coward? Using approved methods for avoiding spreading a virus that can be deadly is being a coward? Your sense of machismo is a bit overblown, dontcha think? You think you have to prove something? I wonder why?
hey Winter come on....the guy is black ops.....dont piss him off.....he will hunt you down....rumor has it....he kicked bruce lees ....ASS!....
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

I got that same special privilege when I worked out of town. I could vote by mail to avoid risking losing my job. Can we not do the same to let people avoid dying from Covid-19?
Do you go food shopping? YES OR NO

I do. But many still do not. Our local Publix has a steady business of online shopping and coming by to pick it up at the curb.

Plus, I have never had to stand in line for more than 5 or 10 minutes at the grocery store. Voting I have stood in line for over an hour on several occasions.
I never stood in line to vote, I live in a over populated city .. and those that that ar elderly can vote by mail, the only ones that have to vote in person are health individuals.. so stop your crying

Oh, so now the elderly who live near the polls can vote by mail? How about someone who lives with the elderly or someone with a compromised system that would make Covid-19 deadly?
6 feet apart. Wear a mask, wash your hands

And hope the virus isn't on any surfaces you touch and that you don't carry it someplace else.

Hell, people are throwing fits and even shooting people when told they have to wear a mask to shop. Think they will all wear masks to vote?

You allowed the elderly to vote by mail, why not those with medical reasons or those who live with the elderly or people with medical reasons?
From what I understand people with medical issues who are unable to vote in person can request vote by mail.. go ahead tell them you are a coward .. hehe

A coward? Using approved methods for avoiding spreading a virus that can be deadly is being a coward? Your sense of machismo is a bit overblown, dontcha think? You think you have to prove something? I wonder why?
hey Winter come on....the guy is black ops.....dont piss him off.....he will hunt you down....rumor has it....he kicked bruce lees ....ASS!....
That I am.. I’m currently on the border of Afghanistan and Russia
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

I got that same special privilege when I worked out of town. I could vote by mail to avoid risking losing my job. Can we not do the same to let people avoid dying from Covid-19?
Do you go food shopping? YES OR NO

I do. But many still do not. Our local Publix has a steady business of online shopping and coming by to pick it up at the curb.

Plus, I have never had to stand in line for more than 5 or 10 minutes at the grocery store. Voting I have stood in line for over an hour on several occasions.
I never stood in line to vote, I live in a over populated city .. and those that that ar elderly can vote by mail, the only ones that have to vote in person are health individuals.. so stop your crying

Oh, so now the elderly who live near the polls can vote by mail? How about someone who lives with the elderly or someone with a compromised system that would make Covid-19 deadly?
6 feet apart. Wear a mask, wash your hands

And hope the virus isn't on any surfaces you touch and that you don't carry it someplace else.

Hell, people are throwing fits and even shooting people when told they have to wear a mask to shop. Think they will all wear masks to vote?

You allowed the elderly to vote by mail, why not those with medical reasons or those who live with the elderly or people with medical reasons?
From what I understand people with medical issues who are unable to vote in person can request vote by mail.. go ahead tell them you are a coward .. hehe

A coward? Using approved methods for avoiding spreading a virus that can be deadly is being a coward? Your sense of machismo is a bit overblown, dontcha think? You think you have to prove something? I wonder why?
hey Winter come on....the guy is black ops.....dont piss him off.....he will hunt you down....rumor has it....he kicked bruce lees ....ASS!....

Yeah, he has threatened that before. I almost spewed coffee all over my screen.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

I got that same special privilege when I worked out of town. I could vote by mail to avoid risking losing my job. Can we not do the same to let people avoid dying from Covid-19?
Do you go food shopping? YES OR NO

I do. But many still do not. Our local Publix has a steady business of online shopping and coming by to pick it up at the curb.

Plus, I have never had to stand in line for more than 5 or 10 minutes at the grocery store. Voting I have stood in line for over an hour on several occasions.
I never stood in line to vote, I live in a over populated city .. and those that that ar elderly can vote by mail, the only ones that have to vote in person are health individuals.. so stop your crying

Oh, so now the elderly who live near the polls can vote by mail? How about someone who lives with the elderly or someone with a compromised system that would make Covid-19 deadly?
6 feet apart. Wear a mask, wash your hands

And hope the virus isn't on any surfaces you touch and that you don't carry it someplace else.

Hell, people are throwing fits and even shooting people when told they have to wear a mask to shop. Think they will all wear masks to vote?

You allowed the elderly to vote by mail, why not those with medical reasons or those who live with the elderly or people with medical reasons?
From what I understand people with medical issues who are unable to vote in person can request vote by mail.. go ahead tell them you are a coward .. hehe

A coward? Using approved methods for avoiding spreading a virus that can be deadly is being a coward? Your sense of machismo is a bit overblown, dontcha think? You think you have to prove something? I wonder why?
hey Winter come on....the guy is black ops.....dont piss him off.....he will hunt you down....rumor has it....he kicked bruce lees ....ASS!....

Yeah, he has threatened that before. I almost spewed coffee all over my screen.
It could have been something great caries oxygen to all your organs that spewed everywhere
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

I got that same special privilege when I worked out of town. I could vote by mail to avoid risking losing my job. Can we not do the same to let people avoid dying from Covid-19?
Do you go food shopping? YES OR NO

I do. But many still do not. Our local Publix has a steady business of online shopping and coming by to pick it up at the curb.

Plus, I have never had to stand in line for more than 5 or 10 minutes at the grocery store. Voting I have stood in line for over an hour on several occasions.
I never stood in line to vote, I live in a over populated city .. and those that that ar elderly can vote by mail, the only ones that have to vote in person are health individuals.. so stop your crying

Oh, so now the elderly who live near the polls can vote by mail? How about someone who lives with the elderly or someone with a compromised system that would make Covid-19 deadly?
6 feet apart. Wear a mask, wash your hands

And hope the virus isn't on any surfaces you touch and that you don't carry it someplace else.

Hell, people are throwing fits and even shooting people when told they have to wear a mask to shop. Think they will all wear masks to vote?

You allowed the elderly to vote by mail, why not those with medical reasons or those who live with the elderly or people with medical reasons?
From what I understand people with medical issues who are unable to vote in person can request vote by mail.. go ahead tell them you are a coward .. hehe

A coward? Using approved methods for avoiding spreading a virus that can be deadly is being a coward? Your sense of machismo is a bit overblown, dontcha think? You think you have to prove something? I wonder why?
hey Winter come on....the guy is black ops.....dont piss him off.....he will hunt you down....rumor has it....he kicked bruce lees ....ASS!....

Yeah, he has threatened that before. I almost spewed coffee all over my screen.
It could have been something great caries oxygen to all your organs that spewed everywhere


And what the hell are you talking about? Your posts have brought a great deal of laughter to me.
Fuck off and die, the same old dribble from you asswipes about Voter ID and now mail in ballots. My question for you is, if most of the ballots for 2020 lets say 99% of them went for President Trump, would you smelly excrement be thinking the voting was rigged? Not because no one like Joe the groper Biden who cant remember what day it is, where he is, and who is wife is at times....

^^^^^Now there’s a pleasant greeting for you.

I’m a political outsider. I’m not a party wonk. I want to see the entire election system torn down and rebuilt from the foundation up. Everything from who’s rlegibke to run and to vote yo how elections are financed and the means to remove politicians who aren’t doing their jobs properly.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend
is that friends name....jitss?.....i know him,he can kick bruce lee's ass.....

I remembered him talking about Bruce Lee. Spouting lies, as usual.

Had to go back and find it. "I saw Bruce lee one time at a casino I told him he looks at me again wrong I chink slap him lol he ran away" What a joke.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
And they only vote by mail when they are over seas

So if they are stationed in CA and they maintained their original residency in another state, they have to take leave and travel to vote?
No they mail
It in. Don’t be stupid

First it is "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and now they can mail it in even if they are stationed in the states?

Make up your mind.

Jitsie, you posted a "laugh" emoticon. You're right. You saying "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and then your next post has you saying "No they mail it in". That was hilarious.
You know what I mean

No, I don't. You said only people stationed overseas vote by mail. Then you say someone stationed in one state can mail a ballot to their state of residence. That is a pretty hard contradiction. I'll give you some time to figure out how to dance away from that.
Well keep thinking hard you will get it

LMAO! That is the best you got?

When you say "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", that pretty much rules out being stationed in one state and voting by mail in another state. I specifically mentioned CA. There is no "sea" between CA and the rest of the contiguous USA.
Over seas over in another state.. same thing, calm down killer you know what I mean!
I guess WinterBorn doesnt know that if you are overseas, or out of state, in the military you have to submit an absentee ballot for the state you are from. So WB, you have to put up an apology or else i will have to call you a Sociopath......
He’s liberal democrat don’t let him fool you .. he hates trump
you only think that because he doesnt agree with your bullshit....if he did you would be the guys best friend here....
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend

What does that have to do with the topic?
You said the military can mail in votes, they get a special privilege,, they also carry fully automatic weapons,, should we get to carry the same weapons?

Just in case you didn't know (since you never served), people in the military only carry fully automatic weapons at specific times and in specific places. If you are on a base, chances are you are not allowed to carry any weapon.
And they only vote by mail when they are over seas

So if they are stationed in CA and they maintained their original residency in another state, they have to take leave and travel to vote?
No they mail
It in. Don’t be stupid

First it is "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and now they can mail it in even if they are stationed in the states?

Make up your mind.

Jitsie, you posted a "laugh" emoticon. You're right. You saying "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", and then your next post has you saying "No they mail it in". That was hilarious.
You know what I mean

No, I don't. You said only people stationed overseas vote by mail. Then you say someone stationed in one state can mail a ballot to their state of residence. That is a pretty hard contradiction. I'll give you some time to figure out how to dance away from that.
Well keep thinking hard you will get it

LMAO! That is the best you got?

When you say "And they only vote by mail when they are over seas", that pretty much rules out being stationed in one state and voting by mail in another state. I specifically mentioned CA. There is no "sea" between CA and the rest of the contiguous USA.
Over seas over in another state.. same thing, calm down killer you know what I mean!
I guess WinterBorn doesnt know that if you are overseas, or out of state, in the military you have to submit an absentee ballot for the state you are from. So WB, you have to put up an apology or else i will have to call you a Sociopath......
He’s liberal democrat don’t let him fool you .. he hates trump
you only think that because he doesnt agree with your bullshit....if he did you would be the guys best friend here....
I don’t want friends I want followers

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