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No Way Out for Putin

I've been studying the events in Ukraine and I'm seeing nothing buy lose-lose for Putin and his enablers in the Kremlim.

UKRAINE was supposed a "fait accompli." To be completed and over before the rest of the world or Ukraine could react. Then, like Crimea, something we don't like but about which nothing can be done.

UKR has fought back magnificently so the quick win is out. This is going to become Russia's Afghanistan part II.
The Sanctions are killing the Russian economy.
Not surprisingly, other than the oil speculators taking it in the shorts, the global economy is adjusting to life w/o Russia.

This was is now the greatest threat to Putin's power since he got VP under Yeltsin.

That's where we are.

Putin's goals are shattered. Not only can he not win in UKR, his personal future is mostly likely filled with assassination or execution.

Do, How does Russia get out of Ukraine while Putin saves face?

Personally, I don't see it.
The longer the war goes, the greater the opposition in Russia and the greater the likelihood of revolt among Russian leadership.
Stop the war and withdraw and the probability of arrest, imprisonment, and execution increase.
Try to draw NATO into the war by hitting NATO countries will result in Russia's and Putin's destruction.

Ukraine will not accept Russian occupation of the "contested" areas and there is some chance that Ukraine, with sufficient weapons and support actually crosses into Russian territory.

All very dangerous.


I don't see a way out.
I fail to understand the logic behind a mindset that Putin Must be destroyed.
By the same assklown who said the exact same thing regarding President Trump.
Which continues on today.So who is Lying.Those reporting that Putin wishes
he destroys Ukraine or move over.Or those who treat Zelensky as if Joan of Arc
and his first priority should be to wipe clean any vestige of Putin.
Where is there mention of a Truce.A Halt.War is never continuing.It
always finds an ending.,Therefore i am left with no other option than to
distrust both sides.Like watching 2 stumblebums cheat at Poker in some
Western saloon.
That's what they thought about Hitler.
And Putin is not Hitler. History is a guide...not a set of directions. If Russia really cannot defeat Ukraine then it certainly is not even close to the capability of 1940s Germany.

Putin's intent goes beyond Ukraine. He would, given the opportunity, restore the Soviet Union. That means all the way to East German.


But. back to the question.

OK, Putin takes UKR...HOW?
He's not shown the military capability to defeat a far smaller opponent.

Yet to be seen.

not been able to pacify the Ukrainian people.
That is likely not the plan.

The Russian people are beginning to revolt...
Answer your own question. It's your fantasy.
Not only my “fantasy”.


Iran is generally considered the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, through its financial and operational support for groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and others. Iran could even potentially share its nuclear technology and know-how with extremist groups hostile to the United States, Israel and the West.


The last step in the process — smuggling the weapon into the United States — would be even easier. A ten-kiloton bomb, which would release as much energy as 10,000 tons of TNT, would be only seven feet long and weigh about 1,000 pounds. It would be simple to transport such a device to America aboard a container ship, just another unseen object in a giant metal box among millions of other metal boxes floating on the ocean. Even a moderate amount of shielding would be enough to hide its radioactive signature from most detectors at shipping hubs. Given all the naturally radioactive items that frequently trigger false alarms — bananas, ceramics, Brazil nuts, pet deodorizers — a terrorist group could even bury the bomb in bags of Fresh Step or Tidy Cats to fool inspectors if a security sensor was tripped. In 1946, a senator asked J. Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist who played a key role in the Manhattan Project, what instrument he would use to detect a nuclear bomb smuggled into the United States. Oppenheimer’s answer: “A screwdriver.” Amazingly, our detection systems have still not caught up to this threat: One would essentially have to open and visually inspect every single crate and container arriving on America’s shores. Once the container ship reached a port like Newark, terrorists would have no trouble loading the concealed bomb into the back of an unassuming white van and driving it through the Lincoln Tunnel directly into Times Square.

The Blast​

One of the greatest misconceptions about nuclear bombs is that they annihilate everything in sight, leaving nothing but a barren flatland devoid of shape and life. In truth, the physical destruction inflicted by a nuclear explosion resembles that of a combined hurricane and firestorm of unprecedented proportion. Consider one example: A ten-kiloton nuclear bomb detonated on the ground in Times Square would explode with a white flash brighter than the sun. It would be seen for hundreds of miles, briefly blinding people as far away as Queens and Newark. In the same moment, a wave of searing heat would radiate outward from the explosion, followed by a massive fireball, the core of which would reach tens of millions of degrees, as hot as the center of the sun.

When such a bomb explodes, everyone within 100 feet of ground zero is instantaneously reduced to a spray of atoms. There are photos from Hiroshima and Nagasaki showing eerie silhouettes of people cast against a flat surface, such as a wall or floor. These are not, as is sometimes claimed, the remains of vaporized individuals, but rather a kind of morbid nuclear photograph. The heat of the nuclear explosion bleaches or darkens the background surface, except for the spot blocked by the person, leaving a corresponding outline. In some cases the heat released by the explosion will also burn the patterns of clothing onto people’s skin.

Near the center of the blast, the suffering and devastation most closely conform to the fictional apocalypse of our imaginations. This is what it would look like within a half-mile of Times Square: Few buildings would remain standing. Mountains of rubble would soar as high as 30 feet. As fires raged, smoke and ash would loft into the air. The New York Public Library’s stone guardians would be reduced to pebble and dust. Rockefeller Center would be an unrecognizable snarl of steel and concrete, its titanic statue of Prometheus — eight tons of bronze and plaster clad in gold — completely incinerated.

Not only my “fantasy”.


Iran is generally considered the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, through its financial and operational support for groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and others. Iran could even potentially share its nuclear technology and know-how with extremist groups hostile to the United States, Israel and the West.


The last step in the process — smuggling the weapon into the United States — would be even easier. A ten-kiloton bomb, which would release as much energy as 10,000 tons of TNT, would be only seven feet long and weigh about 1,000 pounds. It would be simple to transport such a device to America aboard a container ship, just another unseen object in a giant metal box among millions of other metal boxes floating on the ocean. Even a moderate amount of shielding would be enough to hide its radioactive signature from most detectors at shipping hubs. Given all the naturally radioactive items that frequently trigger false alarms — bananas, ceramics, Brazil nuts, pet deodorizers — a terrorist group could even bury the bomb in bags of Fresh Step or Tidy Cats to fool inspectors if a security sensor was tripped. In 1946, a senator asked J. Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist who played a key role in the Manhattan Project, what instrument he would use to detect a nuclear bomb smuggled into the United States. Oppenheimer’s answer: “A screwdriver.” Amazingly, our detection systems have still not caught up to this threat: One would essentially have to open and visually inspect every single crate and container arriving on America’s shores. Once the container ship reached a port like Newark, terrorists would have no trouble loading the concealed bomb into the back of an unassuming white van and driving it through the Lincoln Tunnel directly into Times Square.

The Blast

One of the greatest misconceptions about nuclear bombs is that they annihilate everything in sight, leaving nothing but a barren flatland devoid of shape and life. In truth, the physical destruction inflicted by a nuclear explosion resembles that of a combined hurricane and firestorm of unprecedented proportion. Consider one example: A ten-kiloton nuclear bomb detonated on the ground in Times Square would explode with a white flash brighter than the sun. It would be seen for hundreds of miles, briefly blinding people as far away as Queens and Newark. In the same moment, a wave of searing heat would radiate outward from the explosion, followed by a massive fireball, the core of which would reach tens of millions of degrees, as hot as the center of the sun.

When such a bomb explodes, everyone within 100 feet of ground zero is instantaneously reduced to a spray of atoms. There are photos from Hiroshima and Nagasaki showing eerie silhouettes of people cast against a flat surface, such as a wall or floor. These are not, as is sometimes claimed, the remains of vaporized individuals, but rather a kind of morbid nuclear photograph. The heat of the nuclear explosion bleaches or darkens the background surface, except for the spot blocked by the person, leaving a corresponding outline. In some cases the heat released by the explosion will also burn the patterns of clothing onto people’s skin.

Near the center of the blast, the suffering and devastation most closely conform to the fictional apocalypse of our imaginations. This is what it would look like within a half-mile of Times Square: Few buildings would remain standing. Mountains of rubble would soar as high as 30 feet. As fires raged, smoke and ash would loft into the air. The New York Public Library’s stone guardians would be reduced to pebble and dust. Rockefeller Center would be an unrecognizable snarl of steel and concrete, its titanic statue of Prometheus — eight tons of bronze and plaster clad in gold — completely incinerated.

So, why did the former 1-term president stop the monitoring of Iran's nuclear program?
So, why did the former 1-term president stop the monitoring of Iran's nuclear program?
Most likely because it was a waste of time and money. Iran didn’t allow all suspicious sites to be monitored. Obviously the outlawed research would be conducted at the sites that are not open to investigators.

The Iranian regime is the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. It enables Hezbollah, Hamas, and many other terrorists to sow chaos and kill innocent people. It has funded, armed, and trained more than 100,000 militants to spread destruction across the Middle East. It props up the murderous regime of Bashar al Assad, and has helped him slaughter his own people. The regime’s destructive missiles threaten neighboring countries and international shipping. Within Iran, the Supreme Leader and his Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps use mass arrests and torture to oppress and silence Iran’s people. Iran’s ruling elite has let their citizens go hungry while enriching themselves by stealing Iran’s national wealth.


I am open to working with Congress on bipartisan legislation regarding Iran. But any bill I sign must include four critical components.

First, it must demand that Iran allow immediate inspections at all sites requested by international inspectors.
I've been studying the events in Ukraine and I'm seeing nothing buy lose-lose for Putin and his enablers in the Kremlim.

UKRAINE was supposed a "fait accompli." To be completed and over before the rest of the world or Ukraine could react. Then, like Crimea, something we don't like but about which nothing can be done.

UKR has fought back magnificently so the quick win is out. This is going to become Russia's Afghanistan part II.
The Sanctions are killing the Russian economy.
Not surprisingly, other than the oil speculators taking it in the shorts, the global economy is adjusting to life w/o Russia.

This was is now the greatest threat to Putin's power since he got VP under Yeltsin.

That's where we are.

Putin's goals are shattered. Not only can he not win in UKR, his personal future is mostly likely filled with assassination or execution.

Do, How does Russia get out of Ukraine while Putin saves face?

Personally, I don't see it.
The longer the war goes, the greater the opposition in Russia and the greater the likelihood of revolt among Russian leadership.
Stop the war and withdraw and the probability of arrest, imprisonment, and execution increase.
Try to draw NATO into the war by hitting NATO countries will result in Russia's and Putin's destruction.

Ukraine will not accept Russian occupation of the "contested" areas and there is some chance that Ukraine, with sufficient weapons and support actually crosses into Russian territory.

All very dangerous.


I don't see a way out.
I wonder if anyone else noticed in order for Russian warships to hit targets in L'viv they had to violate moldovian or Romanian or both air spaces. We can get no fly zones over them.
Most likely because it was a waste of time and money. Iran didn’t allow all suspicious sites to be monitored. Obviously the outlawed research would be conducted at the sites that are not open to investigators.

The Iranian regime is the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. It enables Hezbollah, Hamas, and many other terrorists to sow chaos and kill innocent people. It has funded, armed, and trained more than 100,000 militants to spread destruction across the Middle East. It props up the murderous regime of Bashar al Assad, and has helped him slaughter his own people. The regime’s destructive missiles threaten neighboring countries and international shipping. Within Iran, the Supreme Leader and his Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps use mass arrests and torture to oppress and silence Iran’s people. Iran’s ruling elite has let their citizens go hungry while enriching themselves by stealing Iran’s national wealth.


I am open to working with Congress on bipartisan legislation regarding Iran. But any bill I sign must include four critical components.

First, it must demand that Iran allow immediate inspections at all sites requested by international inspectors.
No, wrong as usual and also an apologist for the former 1-term president.

Iran nuclear deal: What it all means
No, wrong as usual and also an apologist for the former 1-term president.

Iran nuclear deal: What it all means
I do know this. I would never accept any deal that said I couldn’t inspect any site I choose without prior notification. Not only that I would insist on American inspectors.

I wouldn’t trust any Iranian Ayatollah any further than I could throw him. Plus i wouldn’t give Iran pallets of cash so they could kill American servicemen.

It’s all factual. If you don’t know about the side deals, or that Obama bypassed Congress and kept them in the dark, then you have been brainwashed by MSDnc.
Weren't those pallets of cash Obama gave to the Mullah's done secretly without Congress consent?
I do know this. I would never accept any deal that said I couldn’t inspect any site I choose without prior notification. Not only that I would insist on American inspectors.

I wouldn’t trust any Iranian Ayatollah any further than I could throw him. Plus i wouldn’t give Iran pallets of cash so they could kill American servicemen.


Your reading skills need work.

From Agreement;
At the time of the agreement, then-US President Barack Obama's administration expressed confidence that the JCPOA would prevent Iran from building a nuclear programme in secret. Iran, it said, had committed to "extraordinary and robust monitoring, verification, and inspection".

Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the global nuclear watchdog, were tasked with continuously monitoring Iran's declared nuclear sites and verifying that no fissile material is moved covertly to a secret location to build a bomb.

Iran also agreed to implement the Additional Protocol to their IAEA Safeguards Agreement, which allows inspectors to access any site anywhere in the country they deem suspicious.

Until 2031, Iran will have 24 days to comply with any IAEA access request. If it refuses, an eight-member Joint Commission - including Iran - will rule on the issue. It can decide on punitive steps, including the reimposition of sanctions. A majority vote by the commission suffices.

So, peddle your lies elsewhere.

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