Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Why should I? That isn't the case. God's invisible attributes can be known from what he created. You are without excuse.
What are these invisible attributes that you can see?

I'll even go first:
  • He thinks big
  • He is patient
  • He created the fundamental forces of our universe
  • He initiated the Big Bang
That's all I got, can you add any more to the list?
What are these invisible attributes that you can see?

I'll even go first:
  • He thinks big
  • He is patient
  • He created the fundamental forces of our universe
  • He initiated the Big Bang
That's all I got, can you add any more to the list?
All of the extant attributes of reality. Every single one of them. It's a really long list.
But it's not. Belief in God is about making one's life better in the here and now. You keep wanting to make this about religion rather than God. You're obsessed with religion.
That's what it evolved into. Gods were invented to explain things that terrified early man. And all religions and all the gods of all those religions spring from that same source.
I noticed you never said what evidence you would accept. Probably because there is no evidence you would accept.

But putting that aside you are without excuse. You took the test and failed. God can be known from what he created.

Telling me the things we can't exp[lain are proof of a god either indirectly or directly is not evidence.

You assume a god created everything therefore all you have is a theory that needs to be proven. And there is no test what's more there never was.
So glad you admit it is impossible for you to be objective about anything. For you that appears to be the case. But that isn't the case for everyone other than you.
Once again you fail to grasp the conept.

God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite intelligence, infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, infinite love, infinite patience, infinite justice, infinite mercy, infinite kindness, infinite goodness and every other extant reality of existence. I am not saying God has those attributes. I am saying God is those attributes.

God gives reality to the universe, and makes it not merely a hypothetical or possible universe, but an actually existing universe. He does not supply energy, as a match does to an explosive, he supplies reality. God supplies this reality equally to every part of the universe — all events at all times and places.
That's what it evolved into. Gods were invented to explain things that terrified early man. And all religions and all the gods of all those religions spring from that same source.
You are thinking about polytheism.
Telling me the things we can't exp[lain are proof of a god either indirectly or directly is not evidence.

You assume a god created everything therefore all you have is a theory that needs to be proven. And there is no test what's more there never was.
And you still can't state what evidence you would accept.
And you still can't state what evidence you would accept.

If the god you worshiped knocked on my door and said "Hi , I heard you were talking smack about me", that would be very good evidence wouldn't it?
Says the guy who says he sees no evidence for God and can not state what evidence he would accept.

I see all kinds of things we cannot explain and that your explanation for all those things is that a god did it.

That is opinion not evidence. You want me to just take your word because you think that if I was only as smart and perceptive as you that I would have no choice but to agree with you.
Exactly the opposite. People use the word love too much and its meaning gets deluded.
Do they? Can't say I have ever noticed that. On the average, how many times do you hear the word 'love' spoken in a day...a week...a month?
If I love someone I'll take a bullet for them, I'll sacrifice myself to save my wife without a second's hesitation. That's love.
Hmm. You would sacrifice your life to save your wife's life, something that will probably never be asked of you. I would have been nodding had, instead, I had read you are sacrificing your life by giving your wife your time to take on some of the daily chores your wife usually does, and that you eagerly accept a "Honey-Do List."

Love is not something done when the going gets tough. Love is who one is in all situations. Would you sacrifice your life to save the life of a colleague or a stranger?

Whether behind the wheel or in a line is love present, or is love something kept in the hip pocket to draw out when the mood hits?

Love is rare and precious.
Your love is rare and therefore precious?
I let it go.

I had a pretty awful life as a kid and teenager by any standard and I carried anger about around with me like an anchor for a long time.
I hear you. Where we differ is whereas you were angry, I blamed myself, asking what was wrong with me that I was being treated that way. It wasn't letting it go that helped me. It was the song, Teach Your Children and the line I slightly changed to, "Your parents' hell will slowly go by."

All the hurts, perhaps many of them all unknowing, had me thinking of all the unknowing hurts I may have caused others. God's love is unbelievable, and I had blessing of being enveloped in God's love. My constant quest from that time on has been to try to love like that. It's unbelievable. And, unreachable for humans, but possible to take steps towards it.
I met a guy who was of all things a welder with a degree in philosophy who was a Taoist/Buddhist/Stoic and we become friends. It was in these Eastern philosophies that I found my peace. No Western religions even came close
What were you looking for from religion?
And my Hindu friends have had no problem with me using a term like the god you worship. Why aren't you more like them?
Grin. You think it is my problem? I simply noted what you do. Seriously, it reminds me of a small child throwing a temper tantrum--only way the child knows to make a point. The child is only interested in having his/her way, that he/she should be above everyone else.

You want everyone to know you have God issues and that you have issues with those who actually found the pearl of great price in a Western religion. Shrug. You said you let other things go. Perhaps one day you will be able to let that little g go as well. Meanwhile, I've always just pictured myself patting you on the head, saying, "There, there it will be all right in time."

Not that long ago historically speaking I might very well have been executed for blasphemy by the Catholic Church for not using a capital G when writing anything about the god of the bible. That alone is reason enough for me not to follow that religious convention.
I spent time doing numerous searches of the Catholic Church ever executing anyone for spelling God with a lower case g. Perhaps you can direct me?

I hope you can join me in laughing that because a Catholic may have done something, you are going to take it out on our Creator. (See what I mean about childish tantrums?) It's like taking something out on Grandma because Mom upset you.
Do they? Can't say I have ever noticed that. On the average, how many times do you hear the word 'love' spoken in a day...a week...a month?

Hmm. You would sacrifice your life to save your wife's life, something that will probably never be asked of you. I would have been nodding had, instead, I had read you are sacrificing your life by giving your wife your time to take on some of the daily chores your wife usually does, and that you eagerly accept a "Honey-Do List."

Love is not something done when the going gets tough. Love is who one is in all situations. Would you sacrifice your life to save the life of a colleague or a stranger?

Whether behind the wheel or in a line is love present, or is love something kept in the hip pocket to draw out when the mood hits?

Your love is rare and therefore precious?

OMG I love Ice cream

OMG I love this song

I love this dress

I love ______

Sacrificing yourself to save another is never asked in advance it just happens in the moment when you have a choice between you or another.

My wife doesn't need to ask me to do anything around the house. If I see something that needs doing I do it.
Have you limited yourself to Christianity or have you included Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, paganism, etc.?
I do not limit Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, paganism--not to mention the all the etceteras, including atheism--because they all interest me. Of them all, I choose to practice Christianity, specifically Catholicism, because that (in my studies and opinion) covers the broadest territory.

Now, because of my interest in religion and mythology, I had to limit other things--such as my interest in astronomy, particularly constellations, as so many of them appear in mythologies. The limitations I do keep happen to be physics, rocket science, and speaking a whole host of languages. We all choose our limitations. Only so much time, after all.
Grin. You think it is my problem? I simply noted what you do. Seriously, it reminds me of a small child throwing a temper tantrum--only way the child knows to make a point. The child is only interested in having his/her way, that he/she should be above everyone else.

You want everyone to know you have God issues and that you have issues with those who actually found the pearl of great price in a Western religion. Shrug. You said you let other things go. Perhaps one day you will be able to let that little g go as well. Meanwhile, I've always just pictured myself patting you on the head, saying, "There, there it will be all right in time."

I spent time doing numerous searches of the Catholic Church ever executing anyone for spelling God with a lower case g. Perhaps you can direct me?

I hope you can join me in laughing that because a Catholic may have done something, you are going to take it out on our Creator. (See what I mean about childish tantrums?) It's like taking something out on Grandma because Mom upset you.
Well you want me to be more like you don't you? You want me to do exactly what you do when you are talking to people of other beliefs than you.

You are in effect saying " Why you be more like me and adhere to my definition of respect."

I don't have a problem with gods because I have nothing to do with them. I do have problems with religion and I have always been very plain about that.

Please the Catholic church has been a bastion of intolerance its entire existence.

How many people were tried and killed for heresy. blasphemy or some other sin against the church?

I don't see how not capitalizing a word would be of any interest to a creator if that creator actually exists. And you just illustrated the problem with religion

And I picture you as a condescending holier than thou type.
I hear you. Where we differ is whereas you were angry, I blamed myself, asking what was wrong with me that I was being treated that way. It wasn't letting it go that helped me. It was the song, Teach Your Children and the line I slightly changed to, "Your parents' hell will slowly go by."

All the hurts, perhaps many of them all unknowing, had me thinking of all the unknowing hurts I may have caused others. God's love is unbelievable, and I had blessing of being enveloped in God's love. My constant quest from that time on has been to try to love like that. It's unbelievable. And, unreachable for humans, but possible to take steps towards it.

What were you looking for from religion?

What does anyone look for?

Some answer to some question that starts with the word why.

Even at the age of 8 or 9 I knew that it wasn't anything do with me that made my mother a junkie or made my deadbeat father die of alcoholism, or that made some foster person beat me because I didn't call him Sir.
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I am constantly astonished how little people know about the history of their own religion.
I am too! I deplore it being removed from public education. No, I am not saying any faith or denomination be taught, but the Bible is a treasure trove for all, including atheists. It would make a great elective at the high school level, and middle school as well.

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