Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Well you want me to be more like you don't you? You want me to do exactly what you do when you are talking to people of other beliefs than you.
Don't be silly. One of me is plenty.
You are in effect saying " Why you be more like me and adhere to my definition of respect."
No. I am saying, "I would like to see the best version of you."

Grudges hold us back. You said you let go of a traumatic childhood and moved on. I am wondering why you can't let go of more.
Don't be silly. One of me is plenty.

No. I am saying, "I would like to see the best version of you."

Grudges hold us back. You said you let go of a traumatic childhood and moved on. I am wondering why you can't let go of more.

And what is the best version of me is not up to you is it? Unless you mean the best version of me to be a person who is doing exactly what you would do.
Please the Catholic church has been a bastion of intolerance its entire existence.

How many people were tried and killed for heresy. blasphemy or some other sin against the church?

I don't see how not capitalizing a word would be of any interest to a creator if that creator actually exists. And you just illustrated the problem with religion
No one is asked to worship the Catholic Church. Far from it. I attended Catholic school, and one of the lessons we were taught that not only pertained/fit the religious leader of that time, but fits all religious leaders of all times is to listen to the Word, but do not follow the leader's example.

Jesus did not stop loving and following God--or even Judaism--because he was ticked off at some religious leaders of his own time.

And I picture you as a condescending holier than thou type.
That's hilarious! I am probably the least holy person anyone could ever meet! I see more holiness in you than can be found in me, and that holiness is true holiness, not a "holier than thou." Holier than thou is not holy at all, so perhaps you see me clearly after all!

(I often teach English...grammar. Proper nouns are capitalized, so it's more about correcting grammar--a habit of over twenty years now. ;) )
You are in effect saying " Why you be more like me and adhere to my definition of respect."

I don't have a problem with gods because I have nothing to do with them.
No. It is disrespectful, but that isn't what matters. What matters is why the need, after all this time, to be disrespectful. As I said, best version of you. No need to be hostile. Let it go.

I have nothing to do with Zeus and nor do I address God as Allah. That doesn't stop me from following grammatical protocol or being respectful of beliefs other than my own. I'm not angry with any religion or how God is addressed by others.
And what is the best version of me is not up to you is it? Unless you mean the best version of me to be a person who is doing exactly what you would do.
The best version of you is entirely up to you. As I said before, one of me is plenty. This is not about me wanting you to do anything! I think you are giving me too much credit for caring. All I have noted is that your use of the little g comes across as a childish tantrum, and that I think you are better than that. I guess I thought we had a connection when I read your post, "I let it go." My mistake. Moving on. I am truly sorry I annoyed you.

God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite intelligence, infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, infinite love, infinite patience, infinite justice, infinite mercy, infinite kindness, infinite goodness and every other extant reality of existence. I am not saying God has those attributes. I am saying God is those attributes.

God gives reality to the universe, and makes it not merely a hypothetical or possible universe, but an actually existing universe. He does not supply energy, as a match does to an explosive, he supplies reality. God supplies this reality equally to every part of the universe — all events at all times and places.
You can't define something into existence. How can you tell by His creations that God is infinite justice, infinite mercy, infinite kindness, or infinite goodness?
I do not limit Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, paganism--not to mention the all the etceteras, including atheism--because they all interest me. Of them all, I choose to practice Christianity, specifically Catholicism, because that (in my studies and opinion) covers the broadest territory.

Now, because of my interest in religion and mythology, I had to limit other things--such as my interest in astronomy, particularly constellations, as so many of them appear in mythologies. The limitations I do keep happen to be physics, rocket science, and speaking a whole host of languages. We all choose our limitations. Only so much time, after all.
Interesting. Where you brought up a Catholic?
I am too! I deplore it being removed from public education. No, I am not saying any faith or denomination be taught, but the Bible is a treasure trove for all, including atheists. It would make a great elective at the high school level, and middle school as well.
The Book of Mormon, Vedas, and Koran too? Sounds like a great curriculum.
The Book of Mormon, Vedas, and Koran too? Sounds like a great curriculum.
Certainly, although The Book of Mormon having been written in the 1800s does not truly qualify as an early history. Still, I think there would be interest in including it.
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All the word monotheistic means is that people worship of a single god. It does not mean that there actually is only one god and that monotheistic people all worship the same god

you are in error and the monotheists that claim to worship a god that is not universally accepted ... the desert religions are the example of your misunderstanding and theirs.
Interesting. Where you brought up a Catholic?
I was, but especially as a young adult took a great interest in the Old Testament and studied Judaism with the help of a Jewish atheist whose first language was Hebrew. Learned so much from him!

Islam was a bit different. I read very little of the Quran, choosing to instead study books and articles that explained the Quran.
We have not been able to make a living cell from primordial ingredients. Even if we could make just one ribosome, a eukaryotic cell (typical cell) may contain 10 million ribosomes and we cannot even create one, much less the all the other things needed to make a living cell.

physiology may be an equation covering the extent of a football field in difficulty to produce - does not mean it does not exist ... and does, the example is all living beings.

what can not be reproduced is the spiritual content the allows the physiology to become alive. without the knowledge of the heavens that makes that possible.

without heavenly intervention - is why there will never be a testube life form.
And you still can't state what evidence you would accept.

The answer is the same as it always is. For ding to prove that he exist he must knock on my door and say hello or some type of similar introduction. For God to prove that He exist He must knock on my door and say hello or some type of introduction. I think every atheist in the existence of the world holds existence to the same standard. For example if someone made the claim that ducks didn’t exist, how would you go about proving it to be true? Use that same methodology and atheists will become theists immediately. It’s true. Right? Then should be easy to prove.
The answer is the same as it always is. For ding to prove that he exist he must knock on my door and say hello or some type of similar introduction. For God to prove that He exist He must knock on my door and say hello or some type of introduction. I think every atheist in the existence of the world holds existence to the same standard. For example if someone made the claim that ducks didn’t exist, how would you go about proving it to be true? Use that same methodology and atheists will become theists immediately. It’s true. Right? Then should be easy to prove.
But we still would not worship such a disgusting and immoral god.

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