Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Psalm 11:5 puts it bluntly: God hates wicked people. “The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence”.
Psalm 11:5 puts it bluntly: God hates wicked people. “The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence”.
So you believe God is hateful and uncaring? And that's the message of the OT and NT?
Good. Then it's not hard to understand that any interpretation that shows God as hating or uncaring is being misunderstood.
Nope. it means what it says.

So you believe God is hateful and uncaring? And that's the message of the OT and NT?

I think God is loving and forgiving of anybody that repents and turns away from their sin.
And then there are those who are just plain wicked.
Do you honestly believe God loved Jezebel? How do you interpret God having her eaten by dogs? Where is the love?
The dogs shall devour the flesh of Jezebel in the field of Jezreel; and the carcass of Jezebel shall be like dung on the ground, in the field of Jezreel, so that none will be able to say: ‘This was Jezebel’” (2 Kings 9:36–37).

I'm not feeling the love there.
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So it's God fault. Got it.
Who else's fault would it be that god is immoral and evil?

I mean, we could say its the fault if the people who invented him that way, but we were assuming the bible god as true for the sake of discussion.
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The extant attributes of reality are not arbitrary. They exist in reality and are the invisible attributes of the creator. You are correct that you can't disprove it which means you can't say anything about them at all because by definition you are admitting you don't know.
And asserting you don't know either, regardless of your wild, absurd, and unfounded claims.

I don't have that problem. I can say it and you can't disprove it.
No you don't that problem, once you leave reality behind, anything is possible.
What attributes of reality do you believe should be used to describe the invisible attributes of the creator of reality? Because that's exactly how someone who was objective would approach studying reality to learn something about the creator of reality. Unless of course you don't believe studying reality can be used as evidence. Is that what you believe?
I gave you my list. It is based on objective reality of our universe with evidence to support each one though I doubt you will take issue with any of them. You look at the universe and image it the way you wish it to be, not the way it is. How else could you possibly claim the universe shows that God is merciful or any of the others you named. He may exist and be all the things you claimed but using the 'invisible' attributes of the universe is a major cop out.
And lose. Why do you hate God so much?

He’s alright. He has never bothered me. What makes you think I hate Him?

I don’t hate the god that you made up. He seems awesome. He does everything you want. Although that sounds more like a servant than a god.
He already did. He even put himself on trial for you, allowed you to convict him and sentence him to death. You have a hard eye... as clever as it may be.

Funny. I was born in 1979. What day did this happen? You don’t have to give an exact date. A rough estimate will do.
Not even out of fear. You are way to clever for that.

I was talking about the God in the Bible. I’d be terrified of that god for sure. Which god are you talking about? Yours? Sorry. I was talking about a different one. I was talking about the god in the Bible. I’d be totally afraid of Him. The god you talk about would obey my every command. I wouldn’t be afraid of Him. He’d be my buddy. We’d drink coffee together and have a hoot and a holler. He’d be my advisor and best friend. You are an atheist of the god I am talking about. You think the god in the Bible is a big ole joke. That god will burn your ass in hell for eternity for picking up some sticks on Saturday. Have you ever been honest before? There isn’t a person in the entire world that believes in the god in the Bible. You and I are on the same page in regards to that god and the ancient Egyptian gods.
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We are made in His image. And we get pissed off. So does He. The Jews in the exodus from Egypt really pissed him off. Then there was Esau:
Romans 9:13 - “As it is written: I have loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau.”
According to the liars in here God doesn’t hate anybody. I guess they don’t read the Bible or they don’t believe in the god of the Bible. They believe in their modern god created out of their particular culture. Their god loves Esau, He loves those with a proud look, He loves those with a lying tongue, He loves those who use their hands to shed innocent blood, He loves those that have a heart that deviseth wicked imagination, He loves those with feet that be swift in running to mischief,
He loves those who are a false witness that speaketh lies, and He loves those that Soweth discord among brethren. Their god doesn’t even turn people over to a reprobate mind that reject Him and cut them off indefinitely. Their god doesn’t even show them who the reprobates are by allowing them to become sodomites and lesbians. They have a good ole 21st century god that isn’t as uncaring as the god in the Bible. Stop quoting the Bible. God doesn’t hate Esau. God didn’t even hate all the people He drowned in the flood. You must be literate. Stop reading the Bible. It hurts the feelings of people who believe every single word of the Bible.
Psalm 11:5 puts it bluntly: God hates wicked people. “The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence”.
Judaism notes that we should not God's emotions with human emotions.

Our English word 'soul' misses what is more clearly noted in Hebrew. As I noted earlier, our English word 'hate' often means what is not chosen or rejected.

The more literal translation instead of 'soul' would be 'breath'. Recall in Genesis God's breath gave life to mankind. God's breath contained no wickedness because there is no wickedness in God as God rejected wickedness for Himself and His purposes. The wicked cannot get close to God because His very being rejects wickedness in what He does and who He is.

Keep in mind that God's goodness is such that with the Fall of mankind, God's promise is that He will continue to work with our brokenness. All throughout Genesis we see God's purposes still being accomplished even through our brokenness. We are in good hands. God can reject wickedness while still guiding us away from it. His life, His breath is in us.
No. It is disrespectful, but that isn't what matters. What matters is why the need, after all this time, to be disrespectful. As I said, best version of you. No need to be hostile. Let it go.

I have nothing to do with Zeus and nor do I address God as Allah. That doesn't stop me from following grammatical protocol or being respectful of beliefs other than my own. I'm not angry with any religion or how God is addressed by others.

Then why after all this time are you harping on my use of language?

I see nothing disrespectful in the phrases I use.

Allah is a name god is not

A god can be any god that has ever been worshipped. The god you worship is not the god my Hindu friends worship.

So if I use the name Jehovah is that OK with you? Will that offend you? Or Yahweh? Is that offensive? Or maybe YHWH? or is that offensive too?

These are the names of the god you worship as written in the bible are they not?
you are in error and the monotheists that claim to worship a god that is not universally accepted ... the desert religions are the example of your misunderstanding and theirs.
No god has ever been universally accepted because all of the people on the Earth have never and still do not worship the same god
The best version of you is entirely up to you. As I said before, one of me is plenty. This is not about me wanting you to do anything! I think you are giving me too much credit for caring. All I have noted is that your use of the little g comes across as a childish tantrum, and that I think you are better than that. I guess I thought we had a connection when I read your post, "I let it go." My mistake. Moving on. I am truly sorry I annoyed you.

And I see it as a proper use of the word god as reference to any and all gods that people have ever worshipped and yours just happens to be one of the many.
According to the liars in here God doesn’t hate anybody. I guess they don’t read the Bible or they don’t believe in the god of the Bible. They believe in their modern god created out of their particular culture. Their god loves Esau, He loves those with a proud look, He loves those with a lying tongue, He loves those who use their hands to shed innocent blood, He loves those that have a heart that deviseth wicked imagination, He loves those with feet that be swift in running to mischief,
He loves those who are a false witness that speaketh lies, and He loves those that Soweth discord among brethren. Their god doesn’t even turn people over to a reprobate mind that reject Him and cut them off indefinitely.
The best analogy I've heard for trying to more clearly understand the original Hebrew words that translate into English as 'hate' and other negative emotions is to think of light. Darkness cannot exist in light.

Likewise with hate and love. Hate cannot exist in love, and God is love. That is why 'rejects' is likely the better translation, while hate gets the point across to us Westerners. God's rejection of hate is so encompassing, hate cannot even exist in His presence. The same with good and evil. His goodness is so pure, evil cannot exist in His presence, and hence we have our translation that God hates, God rejects, etc. It is pretty much impossible to describe the presence of God. It is simply known that hate, wickedness, and evil cannot exist there. God has no wish to rid Himself of any of His creation, but those will not turn from hate, wickedness, and evil simply cannot exist in God's presence.
I don't want you to take my word for anything. I couldn't care less what you believe. But you don't really have beliefs. You have arguments against beliefs just as all atheists do because that's all they can do.
Really? Then why keep asking me what evidence of the existence of a god I would accept?

And a belief without evidence is just a a theory, an opinion or a wish.
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God didn't love the people in Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim. He wiped them out. And if you believe Revelation, He is about to release not just anger, but fury toward the up and coming NWO for going after Israel. To the extent that He's going to remove His children before it starts because we are not appointed to God's wrath. Vengeance belongs to the Lord. < That's pretty hard to translate into "love".
As one of the ones that does read the Bible and believes it is the word of God, I would suggest that those who interpret it, are being mislead by leaning on their own understanding.
It means what it says. If there is a mysterious passage, the explanation is elsewhere IN the Bible.
For instance, don't understand who the beasts are in Revelation? Ask Daniel.
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Really? Then why keep asking me what evidence of the existence as a god I would accept?

And a belief without evidence is just a a theory, an opinion or a wish.
Is prophecy evidence? Who will win next year's Kentucky Derby?
The Bible is 1/4 prophesy to prove the one who authored it can see the end from the beginning.
Prophesy is not obscure, it is not vague or ambiguous. It is specific and precise. And humans can't do it...

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