Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

I see all kinds of things we cannot explain and that your explanation for all those things is that a god did it.

That is opinion not evidence. You want me to just take your word because you think that if I was only as smart and perceptive as you that I would have no choice but to agree with you.
I don't want you to take my word for anything. I couldn't care less what you believe. But you don't really have beliefs. You have arguments against beliefs just as all atheists do because that's all they can do.
You can't define something into existence. How can you tell by His creations that God is infinite justice, infinite mercy, infinite kindness, or infinite goodness?
Because those are the extant attributes which exist. How do you know I am wrong?
The answer is the same as it always is. For ding to prove that he exist he must knock on my door and say hello or some type of similar introduction. For God to prove that He exist He must knock on my door and say hello or some type of introduction. I think every atheist in the existence of the world holds existence to the same standard. For example if someone made the claim that ducks didn’t exist, how would you go about proving it to be true? Use that same methodology and atheists will become theists immediately. It’s true. Right? Then should be easy to prove.
He already did. He even put himself on trial for you, allowed you to convict him and sentence him to death. You have a hard eye... as clever as it may be.
Because those are the extant attributes which exist. How do you know I am wrong?
No, they are attributes you have arbitrarily assigned. I say God is 100 feet tall and has black hair. How do you know I'm wrong? I can't prove a negative, can you?
Fear of what? Not being able to sit at the side of such an evil and immoral god for eternity?

I would have no good assurance that such an immoral and disgusting god is not lying about that anyway.
I applaud you for your conviction and zest in convicting the creator of existence.
No, they are attributes you have arbitrarily assigned. I say God is 100 feet tall and has black hair. How do you know I'm wrong? I can't prove a negative, can you?
The extant attributes of reality are not arbitrary. They exist in reality and are the invisible attributes of the creator. You are correct that you can't disprove it which means you can't say anything about them at all because by definition you are admitting you don't know.

I don't have that problem. I can say it and you can't disprove it.
We are made in His image. And we get pissed off. So does He. The Jews in the exodus from Egypt really pissed him off. Then there was Esau:
Romans 9:13 - “As it is written: I have loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau.”
Embellishment not central to specifying the nature of God but intended to make a specific point about and to men. You need to read the books in their entirety to understand how they saw God. Which is very loving and very caring. Any interpretation that sees it different is being misread.
No, they are attributes you have arbitrarily assigned. I say God is 100 feet tall and has black hair. How do you know I'm wrong? I can't prove a negative, can you?
What attributes of reality do you believe should be used to describe the invisible attributes of the creator of reality? Because that's exactly how someone who was objective would approach studying reality to learn something about the creator of reality. Unless of course you don't believe studying reality can be used as evidence. Is that what you believe?
My reading comprehension is fine. No embellishment necessary. No need to interpret anything.
Just read what it says:
Thus said the Lord: In the very place where the dogs lapped up Naboth’s blood, the dogs will lap up your blood too”’” (1 Kings 21:17–19)
The Jews were so afraid of God they wouldn't say His name. When they deserved it, He dropped them like flies.

God is loving and slow to anger. But he does anger when man's behavior requires it.
We are made in His image. And we get pissed off. So does He. The Jews in the exodus from Egypt really pissed him off. Then there was Esau:
Romans 9:13 - “As it is written: I have loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau.”
The original Hebrew has a different understanding than how we view our English word 'hated'. The Hebrew connotation is more on the order of Jacob being favored over Esau for a specific task. God greatly blessed Esau.

Take note of what Jacob did. He essentially used deception to steal both his brother's birthright and his blessing. Jacob had to flee from Esau and went to his mother's people. (Remember, Rebekah had been in on the deception.) Here Jacob met his father-in-law who then twice deceived Jacob. It appears Rebekah learned deception in the bosom of her own family and instructed her son Jacob in the art of deception.

In the end, Esau who forgave Jacob whereas Jacob knew he deserved retaliation from his brother not his ready forgiveness.

The question becomes: Did God need Jacob and Rebecca to deceive Esau in order to accomplish His purpose? I say no, that God's purpose was achieved despite the deception. What say you?

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