Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Everything is information. And what is information? Mind stuff. This is a life breeding, intelligence creating universe because the constant presence of mind made it so.

And that's exactly what the evolution of space and time shows.
Everything is information. And what is information? Mind stuff. This is a life breeding, intelligence creating universe because the constant presence of mind made it so.

And that's exactly what the evolution of space and time shows.
Evolution is what living cells do. It is not applicable to describe creation of those cells or anything else IMO.
Evolution is what living cells do. It is not applicable to describe creation of those cells or anything else IMO.
Space and time has been evolving since the creation of the universe. Since that time energy/matter has only changed form. There's five distinct stages or types; cosmic, stellar, chemical, biological and consciousness.
Space and time has been evolving since the creation of the universe. Since that time energy/matter has only changed form. There's five distinct stages or types; cosmic, stellar, chemical, biological and consciousness.
Since Webb our understanding of the Universe has been questioned with regard to time. We are seeing fully formed galaxies where we originally thought was too new to have anything like that.
Since Webb our understanding of the Universe has been questioned with regard to time. We are seeing fully formed galaxies where we originally thought was too new to have anything like that.
That's all well and good but the evidence for how the universe was created is the CMB and red shift. That's not going to change. The CMB is massive and can only be explained through paired particle production.
The intellectual depth of an atheist's argument.... no it isn't.
That's all well and good but the evidence for how the universe was created is the CMB and red shift. That's not going to change. The CMB is massive and can only be explained through paired particle production.
I was referring to our understanding of the age of the what we call the Universe. We are finding what looks like mature galaxies where we once said nothing but gas and dust from the 'Big Bang' was. I always question just where the Universe resides. Like where did the big bang take place? When I see depictions of our Universe I am drawn to the black area outside that depiction. Red shift shows, from our POV if the viewed object is moving away from our POV.
See God as hateful and uncaring then. It doesn't affect me at all.
He is my Father. Whom I love. Who blesses me more than I deserve. Who puts my sin behind Him and remembers it no more. Who gave His perfect Son to remove my sin. The one who answers my prayers. He causes my cup to run over. I think He is wonderful...
As I kinda said, they believe life came from a primordial puddle.

such is the plausible origin for physiology from the universe, not the puddle - whatever is apatite, a fundamental occurrence of all living beings is something of a different nature - a spirit looking for a physical existence.
such is the plausible origin for physiology from the universe, not the puddle - whatever is apatite, a fundamental occurrence of all living beings is something of a different nature - a spirit looking for a physical existence.
Well then, take some apatite and please make a living cell. Get back to me.
As I kinda said ...
Evolution is what living cells do. It is not applicable to describe creation of those cells or anything else IMO.

kinda said, means what exactly ...

yes the evolution of the physiological organism does reflect the progress from the primordial beginning starting with the initial life forms comprising the periodic table.
kinda said, means what exactly ...

yes the evolution of the physiological organism does reflect the progress from the primordial beginning starting with the initial life forms comprising the periodic table.
Never heard of it put that way Had to look it up , there is a Periodic Table of Biology. What will they think up next.
You can't make that claim. To make that claim would require you to know what was right. And you don't. You're agnostic, right?
Wrong. I can know when a claim is wild and absurd and unfounded without knowing the actual facts. If I claimed I was 20 feet tall you'd be forgiven for assuming that claim was wild and absurd. If I didn't offer a photo of me you'd rightly say the claim was unfounded.
Is prophecy evidence? Who will win next year's Kentucky Derby?
The Bible is 1/4 prophesy to prove the one who authored it can see the end from the beginning.
Prophesy is not obscure, it is not vague or ambiguous. It is specific and precise. And humans can't do it...

Prophecy is about as real as astrology
That list was a joke. You have no perception of God other than he doesn't exist. Atheism is an intellectual dead end. It doesn't take any intellect to have no beliefs. It's the perfect religion for the intellectually weak.
That list was an accurate summary of what anyone, anywhere, at anytime would compile about a possible creator of the universe. No one would see Jesus unless they already knew about him and were looking for him.

You see the universe through the lens of your wishes, beliefs, faith, and religion. That is an intellectual dead end.

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