Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Those that don't believe are horrified by those that do.
Sointanly! Just like this terrifies us...

Fear of what? Not being able to sit at the side of such an evil and immoral god for eternity?

I would have no good assurance that such an immoral and disgusting god is not lying about that anyway.
A god with human characteristics is not possible. Religious gods are as fake as they come.
I don't want you to take my word for anything. I couldn't care less what you believe. But you don't really have beliefs. You have arguments against beliefs just as all atheists do because that's all they can do.
We are all visitors to this and the other 14 worlds in this physical universe we have access to visit. I just wish we had better mediums in which to live out our lives as individuals in this world , but humans are the best it has to offer. I'm glad this is my last visit here
Go luck to all of you. Your arguments on this subject are futile. You have one side that is totally invested in the reality that we are presented with when we come here and those who realize we are much more but can't grasp the big picture. No resolution is possible.
Opiate of the masses. There is a separation of church and state written into the US Constitution because there is no freedom of religion without freedom from religion.
Wrong, those words do not exist the only thing mentioned is no state sponsored religion! No such right of freedom from religion
Wrong. I can know when a claim is wild and absurd and unfounded without knowing the actual facts. If I claimed I was 20 feet tall you'd be forgiven for assuming that claim was wild and absurd. If I didn't offer a photo of me you'd rightly say the claim was unfounded.
Then that is claiming you know and you aren't agnostic. You are atheist. Who only have arguments against beliefs and no real argument for their belief. Whereas I have logic and experience. I have evidence. You have nothing but an intellectual dead end. No real intelligence required to just deny everything and make no real effort at understanding anything. I could never be an atheist like you. It's too intellectually dead.
And if pigs had wings they could fly, right? That too is logic.
But pigs don't have wings and can't fly. So there's the true logic. The reality is if everything is information and the constant presence of mind created existence then that creation is evidence that should be analyzed. You want to skip that step and go straight to the intellectual dead end of nu huh.
That list was an accurate summary of what anyone, anywhere, at anytime would compile about a possible creator of the universe. No one would see Jesus unless they already knew about him and were looking for him.

You see the universe through the lens of your wishes, beliefs, faith, and religion. That is an intellectual dead end.
Your list is a joke. Your perception of God is a joke. Your analytical skills are a joke. Your intellectual integrity is a joke.

I see the universe exactly as it is; an intelligence creating machine. That was predestined to produce beings that know and create by the structure of matter and the laws of nature before it ever came into being. It's not an accident. It was intentional.
We are all visitors to this and the other 14 worlds in this physical universe we have access to visit. I just wish we had better mediums in which to live out our lives as individuals in this world , but humans are the best it has to offer. I'm glad this is my last visit here
Go luck to all of you. Your arguments on this subject are futile. You have one side that is totally invested in the reality that we are presented with when we come here and those who realize we are much more but can't grasp the big picture. No resolution is possible.
It's because you lack faith that you have a fatalistic view of reality. Life is a journey. Good comes from bad. Order comes from chaos.
Their human characteristics give them away. The Creator is above emotion.
That's a silly reason to believe that.

As Maimonides said, "If you remove all anthropomorphic content from your conception of God: you remove all content of any kind. In the end, you are left with a God whose essence is unknowable and indescribable. Of what possible value is such a conception either to philosophy or religion?"
But pigs don't have wings and can't fly. So there's the true logic. The reality is if everything is information and the constant presence of mind created existence then that creation is evidence that should be analyzed. You want to skip that step and go straight to the intellectual dead end of nu huh.
I posited an 'if' that you dismissed and then posited your own 'if' that you expect me to analyze. Seems like you are the one skipping steps.

I know you believe your logic is valid but I don't agree. I think you are inserting assumptions that have no basis in reality, you can't see them. You can insult me all you want but I obviously don't care.
I posited an 'if' that you dismissed and then posited your own 'if' that you expect me to analyze. Seems like you are the one skipping steps.

I know you believe your logic is valid but I don't agree. I think you are inserting assumptions that have no basis in reality, you can't see them. You can insult me all you want but I obviously don't care.
I'm not the one dismissing the evidence. You are.

This is pretty simple. Either the universe was created intentionally or it wasn't. No other option. I say it was created intentionally. You say it wasn't. But you have never taken the time to study the only evidence we have; the creation and evolution of space and time. I have. You have an uninformed opinion. Mine isn't. You offer no evidence of your own. All you have is a blanket dismissal. You have an intellectual dead end argument. You can't disprove the universe was created intentionally. You can't disprove the universe was created to produce intelligence. You can't disprove anything and you can't prove anything either. I can and have.
kinda said, means what exactly ...

yes the evolution of the physiological organism does reflect the progress from the primordial beginning starting with the initial life forms comprising the periodic table.
How did you get life, where there was no life? I do not have enough faith to be an atheist.

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