Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Christ nailed my sins to the cross and my Father doesn't even remember them.

that is a truly remarkable belief -

jesus never claimed to be the jewish messiah, judas is the only known source, historical record for such a claim and as you well know he was paid silver by the jews for his deliberation.

they are only forgotten by who alleviates what they may have caused in harm - before ever entering the everlasting ...
Yes Evolution is a Theory
Scientists are much more precise. A scientific theory is not simply an opinion. It is only reached when there has been tremendous investigation and overwhelming evidence to support it as fact. Gravity is a scientific theory also , I suppose you don't believe in that either. What a shame because the Creator established these devices to create this physical universe.
How did you get life, where there was no life? I do not have enough faith to be an atheist.
The Creator made it all possible. It's actually all part of an even more fantastic achievement , still in progress.
I'm not the one dismissing the evidence. You are.

This is pretty simple. Either the universe was created intentionally or it wasn't. No other option. I say it was created intentionally. You say it wasn't. But you have never taken the time to study the only evidence we have; the creation and evolution of space and time. I have. You have an uninformed opinion. Mine isn't. You offer no evidence of your own. All you have is a blanket dismissal. You have an intellectual dead end argument. You can't disprove the universe was created intentionally. You can't disprove the universe was created to produce intelligence. You can't disprove anything and you can't prove anything either. I can and have.
Claiming that you 'can and have' is very different from actually doing it. I can't prove a negative, quite right, but neither do I have to accept the 'proof' you offer as valid proof. I know you honestly think it is valid but I don't agree. Although I disagree with you, unlike you I don't question your intelligence. That is the impasse we find ourselves at. Unless you have anything new to add, good day sir.
that is a truly remarkable belief -

jesus never claimed to be the jewish messiah, judas is the only known source, historical record for such a claim and as you well know he was paid silver by the jews for his deliberation.

they are only forgotten by who alleviates what they may have caused in harm - before ever entering the everlasting ...
Didn't Have to he performed Miracles, and fulfilled prophecy! He also said he was the Son of God
Claiming that you 'can and have' is very different from actually doing it. I can't prove a negative, quite right, but neither do I have to accept the 'proof' you offer as valid proof. I know you honestly think it is valid but I don't agree. Although I disagree with you, unlike you I don't question your intelligence. That is the impasse we find ourselves at. Unless you have anything new to add, good day sir.
You cannot get order form chaos, you cannot get life from no life, you cannot get everything from nothing
Scientists are much more precise. A scientific theory is not simply an opinion. It is only reached when there has been tremendous investigation and overwhelming evidence to support it as fact. Gravity is a scientific theory also , I suppose you don't believe in that either. What a shame because the Creator established these devices to create this physical universe.
I have proof of gravity! You cannot get order from chaos, life from no life, everything from nothing
have no idea why you would base your arguments on a book you don't believe.
We were assuming the Bible God as true for the sake of discussion. As I told you. So the reason you "don't know why" is because you didn't pay attention.
You cannot get order form chaos, you cannot get life from no life, you cannot get everything from nothing
They are all correct, and to believe differently ids the real fairy tale
You can get order from chaos, happens all the time. Take a glass of sea water. The salt ions dissolved there are moving in a totally random fashion. Let the water evaporate and you'll see that the ions have organized themselves into regular, very non-random, crystals. The same hold true for any crystal you find, order from chaos.

As for life, it is here now, it wasn't here in the past. Whether you believe in abiogenesis or creationism, that life came from non-life.
Didn't Have to he performed Miracles, and fulfilled prophecy! He also said he was the Son of God.
In a manner of speaking,we are all sons of GOD ( and daughters ). Religion is the wedge that tries to separate us. They do not understand we are all one.
For you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

It's one of the first things we learn.
We were assuming the Bible God as true for the sake of discussion. As I told you. So the reason you "don't know why" is because you didn't pay attention.
So you can't separate the concept of a higher power than man - that created existence - from the Bible... which you don't believe is true?

Doesn't that sound stupid when I say it?
So you can't separate the concept of a higher power than man - that created existence - from the Bible... which you don't believe is true?
What a bizarre non sequitur.


We were assuming the Bible God character as true, for the sake of discussion.
No I'm not and I think I know more than you what I believe and don't believe.
You should read your posts sometimes. I've never heard you speak of God in the positive. Only in the negative. It's clear you have an ax to grind with Christianity. So you can tell yourself anything you want but at the end of the day you are trying to subordinate the dominant religion of the land. So you are either an atheist, socialist or both. Because if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck it's a duck.

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