Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

There are no life forms in the Periodic Table. There are elements from that Table in living cells but, if you combine those elements and drop them in a pool of water, no living cell will emerge.

the atoms ...


are the first forms of life, organic physics in the beginning is entirely about structure - life in the universe began and continues to this day as the elements of the periodic table.

obviously the cell is composed of organic elements that have their unique spiritual content that is the means for the enclosure, cell to become alive.
I've never argued the Bible with idiots who don't know how to read it. I take the approach that God can be known through his creation. And you know that. Your logic is so flawed that it is laughable. Proving something doesn't exist by using something you don't believe. That's some fucked up atheist logic there.
Translation: when faced with immoral passage ls from the bible, you go full apologist and say they don't say what they say.

There is nothing to argue. The words say what they say. And they are primitive and immoral.
Translation: when faced with immoral passage ls from the bible, you go full apologist and say they don't say what they say.

There is nothing to argue. The words say what they say. And they are primitive and immoral.
No, more like I'm not going to argue with morons about it. But if that's how you need to see it, go right ahead.
the atoms ...

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are the first forms of life, organic physics in the beginning is entirely about structure - life in the universe began and continues to this day as the elements of the periodic table.

obviously the cell is composed of organic elements that have their unique spiritual content that is the means for the enclosure, cell to become alive.
Nope. That is a gold atom. It is not a living cell. Organic physics is not a science it's a thought experiment. A living cell's organic elements are indeed made of elements however, as I already said, those elements have to be assembled in an intelligent way to create life. Not sure what you are trying to say. Again, it is not possible to throw together elements and create a living cell. There has to be direction and design. Also, as I already said for an example, you cannot buy all the parts to a car and dump them in your garage and expect them to self-assemble into a real functioning car.
I ' m a nurse who is currently working part time in a home for the elderly. I've seen physical death many , many times. Physical death is another illusion we must endure to return to the Universe of Light ( Energy ). We would not know death otherwise.
I'm not a nurse but I've seen people die, probably not as many as you though certainly more than I wanted to, but I have never seen any of them "return to the universe of light".

Until presented with evidence I will continue to believe that dead is dead.
You are a wreck. If I were trolling atheists sites it would be a sign I was a wreck too.
Ever read the Bible? or decided not to read since there were so many times you had to tell people, “that’s not what it says”? I am giving up on you. You’ll never care one bit what the Bible says. You’ll hate it. You’ll keep hating it. And then eventually you will hate it some more. Thanks dumb. Why do you hate the Bible so much? Does it mock your made up god?

I’m done with ya buddy. You won the debate. Your personally tailored self made god is better than the god of the Bible. At least we agree on that.
Nope. That is a gold atom. It is not a living cell. Organic physics is not a science it's a thought experiment. A living cell's organic elements are indeed made of elements however, as I already said, those elements have to be assembled in an intelligent way to create life. Not sure what you are trying to say. Again, it is not possible to throw together elements and create a living cell. There has to be direction and design. Also, as I already said for an example, you cannot buy all the parts to a car and dump them in your garage and expect them to self-assemble into a real functioning car.

no one said it was a cell - the elements are the initial life forms of the universe ... physiology evolved from the periodic table, the elements are also reflective of a spiritual content by their motion w/ a central orientation.
no one said it was a cell - the elements are the initial life forms of the universe ... physiology evolved from the periodic table, the elements are also reflective of a spiritual content by their motion w/ a central orientation.
Ok, that’s much deeper than I was going. Sounds plausible. However, those elements won’t self assemble into what we call life. I agree that there seems to be purpose to everything.
Ever read the Bible? or decided not to read since there were so many times you had to tell people, “that’s not what it says”? I am giving up on you. You’ll never care one bit what the Bible says. You’ll hate it. You’ll keep hating it. And then eventually you will hate it some more. Thanks dumb. Why do you hate the Bible so much? Does it mock your made up god?

I’m done with ya buddy. You won the debate. Your personally tailored self made god is better than the god of the Bible. At least we agree on that.
Is that what you used at Westboro when you were a deacon there?

Tell you what, you want to discuss the Bible with me? Let's do it in the Bull Ring. How's that?

Because whatever verse you pick, you'll be arguing it's ridiculous what it says. And I'll be agreeing with you that if I believed what you believed the point of the account was I wouldn't believe it either. Then I'll school you on what the account was really saying.
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that is a truly remarkable belief -

jesus never claimed to be the jewish messiah, judas is the only known source, historical record for such a claim and as you well know he was paid silver by the jews for his deliberation.

they are only forgotten by who alleviates what they may have caused in harm - before ever entering the everlasting ...
One of the many times Jesus claimed to be the Messiah:
Mark 14:61-62 But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” “I am," said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Claiming that you 'can and have' is very different from actually doing it. I can't prove a negative, quite right, but neither do I have to accept the 'proof' you offer as valid proof. I know you honestly think it is valid but I don't agree. Although I disagree with you, unlike you I don't question your intelligence. That is the impasse we find ourselves at. Unless you have anything new to add, good day sir.
I'm not questioning your intelligence. I'm questioning your intellectual honesty.
You should read your posts sometimes. I've never heard you speak of God in the positive. Only in the negative. It's clear you have an ax to grind with Christianity. So you can tell yourself anything you want but at the end of the day you are trying to subordinate the dominant religion of the land. So you are either an atheist, socialist or both. Because if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck it's a duck.
So what?

Why do I have to speak about gods positively?

I have told you too many times to count that I don't know if gods exist and even if I did know that in no way means I have to think positively about or worship any of them.

I've also told you that I happen to believe that IF gods exist they really don't give a shout about us mere mortals and even if I was given irrefutable proof that any gods existed I would still not worship any of them.

Is that too complicated for you to understand.

And as far as I'm concerned all religions are fair game for criticism

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