Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

So what?

Why do I have to speak about gods positively?

I have told you too many times to count that I don't know if gods exist and even if I did know that in no way means I have to think positively about or worship any of them.

I've also told you that I happen to believe that IF gods exist they really don't give a shout about us mere mortals and even if I was given irrefutable proof that any gods existed I would still not worship any of them.

Is that too complicated for you to understand.

And as far as I'm concerned all religions are fair game for criticism
That's how Karl Marx and Stalin felt too.
You have no truth as your constant lying in these threads has shown
That stinging you are feeling is pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.
~Marsellus Wallace
That stinging you are feeling is pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.
~Marsellus Wallace

You really have a penchant for admiring fictional murderers don't you?
You really have a penchant for admiring fictional murderers don't you?
Just the true things they say. For example, I don't admire Karl Marx but when he said communism is naturalized humanism, that was a true and accurate statement.
You are a wreck. If I were trolling atheists sites it would be a sign I was a wreck too.
Interesting. I was having a fine discussion with another poster, and you trolled it and ended up having the daily ding tantrum.

As anyone can see for themselves.

You religioners are too used to manipulating children. Your lies and theatrics don't work on adults.
Interesting. I was having a fine discussion with another poster, and you trolled it and ended up having the daily ding tantrum.

As anyone can see for themselves.

You religioners are too used to manipulating children. Your lies and theatrics don't work on adults.
But I agreed with you that you would never worship God because you had tried, convicted and executed God.

I think the lady dost protest too much.
One of the many times Jesus claimed to be the Messiah:
Mark 14:61-62 But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” “I am," said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
jesus never claimed to be the jewish messiah, judas is the only known source, historical record for such a claim and as you well know he was paid silver by the jews for his deliberation.

- nothing exist that jesus claimed to be the jewish messiah - by their own recorded admonition etched in stone and signed that makes such a claim. nor printed or etched in any object or surface during the time of the 1st century events.

again ram, where is the archive, appendix or any other method they used to save and verify for the christian bible their claims for which not one document exists they used to write that book.

But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer.

does it really make sense to you - if jesus was even a jew, the jews would have him executed by the romans.

jesus is the repudiation of judaism - hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven, the liar moses and their false 10 commandments and equally false portrayal of a&e as betraying the heavens ...

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination - jesus was never a jew, from the beginning and neither were the others close to him. the true notability of the 1st century.
But I agreed with you that you would never worship God because you had tried, convicted and executed God.
The Bible God character? 100% correct. Tried and convicted by his own words and deeds. A disgusting, immoral pile of crap. No thank you.
The Bible God character? 100% correct. Tried and convicted by his own words and deeds. A disgusting, immoral pile of crap. No thank you.
So you are agreeing with me that you have tried, convicted and executed God. What's the problem?

Why are you so angry?
Your earlier attempt at bait and switch didnt work, and neither will this attempt to switch back.
I didn't bait and switch anything. I was agreeing with you that you had tried, convicted and executed God. In fact, you just agreed with that.

You are the one trying to bait me by calling God "a disgusting, immoral pile of crap." It seems that you want to make me as angry as you are but you don't possess that power. Feel free to call God any name you want. I couldn't care less. It only shows how angry YOU are.

But now we understand each other, which is probably all that matters.
If by that you mean we agree that you have tried, convicted and executed God and are angry with God and Christians in general and want to make Christians angry by insulting God, then yes, we are in agreement.

But you will never be able to make me angry by insulting God.
You are the one trying to bait me by calling God "a disgusting, immoral pile of crap.
That's your self absorption getting the best of you.

The same self absorption that makes a grown ass man think this universe was made just for him.

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