Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Maybe you're just too easily offended.
I am not offended. When I see the name "Blues Man" I would like my first thought to be, "A person of integrity." Instead, my first thought is "The guy who delights in exhibiting disrespect." I am not offended by your smallness, I feel sorry for it. Shrug. Somehow this show of disrespect is something you need.
Religions are made by men and fear was an integral component in the inception of all religions.
Not for most. For most it is a eagerness to learn about the unknown. Fear is no more a component of religion than it is to science or any other part of knowledge.
The universe has no power to love. Individuals have the ability to love. What is an uncaring universe next to love?

Do you care, not only about your relationship, but to support the relationships of others? Do you care enough to quietly and without notice perform small acts of kindness?

Love and caring are an appreciable part of what goes on in the universe. I submit it is love that is the greater picture, and that each one of us can contribute to that picture.

I submit that the universe is utterly indifferent to the people on this planet and their feelings. And any people on any other planets for that matter.

I have had a few people I love but not many and I don't have the need to seek out more people to love or to love me.
My own personal ethos is to walk quietly and humbly wishing no ill will to anyone and easing suffering if I can. That's it. I neither want nor need recognition for it and will accept no recognition for it because it is just the nature of sentient beings
Not for most. For most it is a eagerness to learn about the unknown. Fear is no more a component of religion than it is to science or any other part of knowledge.

When we started understanding the unknown we discarded hundreds of gods because we no longer feared those things we attributed to gods

Religion evolved right along with people and societies
I am not offended. When I see the name "Blues Man" I would like my first thought to be, "A person of integrity." Instead, my first thought is "The guy who delights in exhibiting disrespect." I am not offended by your smallness, I feel sorry for it. Shrug. Somehow this show of disrespect is something you need.

You see disrespect when none is present.
I submit that the universe is utterly indifferent to the people on this planet and their feelings. And any people on any other planets for that matter.
That's my point. Which is the more dynamic--indifference or love?
When we started understanding the unknown we discarded hundreds of gods because we no longer feared those things we attributed to gods

Religion evolved right along with people and societies
When we discarded the idea that we cannot turn lead into gold (and hundreds of other experiments), we discarded that line of thought in science without discarding science. The same is true of religion. We discard what is untrue and follow truth.
I was just having this conversation with my fiancee. A long time ago I couldn't make up my mind on what I actually believed since there are so many beliefs out there, but that's the problem. I was thinking with my mind instead of my heart and the mind can deceive you and has caused me to doubt in the past, but my heart has never faltered.
If you wake up in the morning and see this wonderful world that God has blessed us all with, you cannot deny the existence of a supreme being.
You see disrespect when none is present.
Oh, yes it is. One time, probably on another forum, I was in a discussion with someone who truly believed in Roman Gods. Out of respect for his position, I had no issue with capitalizing Roman Gods even though I did not hold to his beliefs. Hindu Gods are always capitalized. So is Church when I discuss LDS beliefs.
If you wake up in the morning and see this wonderful world that God has blessed us all with, you cannot deny the existence of a supreme being.
We have not been able to make a living cell from primordial ingredients. Even if we could make just one ribosome, a eukaryotic cell (typical cell) may contain 10 million ribosomes and we cannot even create one, much less the all the other things needed to make a living cell. Therefore, I believe that natural selection could NEVER make a living cell from elements available. That leaves some kind of intentional manipulation which would be a close interpretation of God. Bottom line, the building blocks of living cells could never come together by accident and make them functional and alive.
What exactly does acceptance of Jesus mean in practical terms? Because Matthew 7:21-23 seems to be saying your simplistic interpretation of Christianity is wrong. In fact, doesn't Jesus explicitly state that entrance into the kingdom of heaven can only be achieved by doing the will of his father in heaven?

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’

Yeah. God can do whatever He wants. You can worship Him perfectly and He can still send you to hell. We worship God because He is God not because He gives us goodies. That’s a different religion altogether. If you only worship God to be in good standing then you are accidentally following Laveyan Satanism or ancient Magic based religions. Evangelical Christianity marks the destruction of Christianity in America. Evangelical Christianity you get to make God your best friend and then manipulate Him to do things for you. That was common for ancient European Pagan gods. It’s garbage for organizing a society. In the early and mid 1800’s lots of nonsensical forms of Christianity were invented by successful salesman flaunting a strong American Folk Hero persona. Evangelical Christianity, Mormonism, and Jehovah Witnesses are all American religions and only use the lingo of the Bible. Salesmen had to appeal to people that had pagan roots they unknowningly brought from Europe. They are boldly opposite of the Bible. You have to be mindlessly and emotionlessly devoted to God with no promise of reward. Thats not an American or an European thing. Modern Christians like the feel good stuff. It’s more fun and appeals to their ancient roots with more palatable gods that they could pal around with.

Having a form of godliness, but denying thepower thereof: from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:5
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Yes they are monotheistic but that does not mean they all worship the same god

you do realize to be monotheistic its the same deity - their individual religions are in error as the corruption is in those individuals interpretation and not that of the heavens ... the desert religions are corrupted by those that have written and those that worship the offending documents.

for their own self interest than that of their creators - the polytheistic heavens.
So love isn't that important to you or rated very highly?
Exactly the opposite. People use the word love too much and its meaning gets deluded.

If I love someone I'll take a bullet for them, I'll sacrifice myself to save my wife without a second's hesitation. That's love.

Love is rare and precious.

I let it go.

I had a pretty awful life as a kid and teenager by any standard and I carried anger about around with me like an anchor for a long time. I met a guy who was of all things a welder with a degree in philosophy who was a Taoist/Buddhist/Stoic and we become friends. It was in these Eastern philosophies that I found my peace. No Western religions even came close

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