Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

God exists in people's beliefs.

People listen to what their religion tells them.

Not solely, but yes. Places without guns have fewer gun deaths. When cars got seat belts, there were fewer car deaths.
No, God lives in the hearts of all. Regardless of what any of them believe.

People listen to their conscience. Whatever argument you make is a reflection of you, not others. So do you listen to what some hierarchical authority tells you no matter what? Or do you listen to your conscience and follow that if there is a conflict between it and what you are being told? So try seeing people like you see yourself before you make such an argument.

A gun, a car and religion are effectively tools. They are neither good nor bad. They can be used for good or they can be used for bad. It's not the fault of the tool. And to see it any other way is to transfer control or power to an external source. Which is not a good look.
That's because you don't understand any of it. But you do believe in natural selection, right? Because according to natural selection if belief in God offered no functional advantage, it would have disappeared long ago.
We kinda short circuited natural selection for humans when we started making tools.

And this desire to belong to something that you call religion is just leftover herd instinct.
That manifest was created by flawed men. Our nation is run by flawed men, not by divine powers.
No. That manifest created existence and provides reality to all parts of existence at all times.

Yes, every nation is run by flawed men. So what? Are you seriously arguing that hierarchy isn't necessary? Because that is a ridiculous proposition which is not supported by reason or experience.
In terms of behaviors it's kind of hard to tell them apart from the atheist whack jobs. Who said you don't have a religion?
Don't project that crap in my direct, I don't wanna get any on me. It's gross.
We kinda short circuited natural selection for humans when we started making tools.

And this desire to belong to something that you call religion is just leftover herd instinct.
Don't be silly. We are constantly evolving. Natural selection is predicated on functional advantage. If something has no functional advantage it goes away. Logic tells us that unless something offers value it will not last. Experience tells us that unless something offers value it will not stand.

So clearly, religion or belief in a higher power must offer a functional advantage. Otherwise it would have faded away.
I've read the bible, the torah, and the quran.
That's not really telling me what Jesus taught though. Don't feel bad. I'm sure there aren't many people who can tell me what he taught other than doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Which is great but there was so much more.
How does that keep me in line?
You're projecting again. I asked you politely not to do that. It's gross.
I am pointing out that that is a common trait among religions. We see it here every day. You are doing the same thing. It's actually something I try not to do.
If you can't tell me why you believe religion is keeping me in line then maybe it's not true.

You do realize there are no religious police, right? It's mostly an honor system. So if it's the honor system, then how exactly am I being forced to be in line when I can can go outside of the line with impunity.
Don't project that crap in my direct, I don't wanna get any on me. It's gross.
If you don't want to be seen as having a religion then stop attacking rival religions and you won't be seen as having a religion. Because as long as you do that you are behaving like you have a religion.
No, people believe their perception of truth is truth.
It is amazing how many people can be so wrong. Christians believe Jesus is the truth, Muslims believe Mohammad is the truth. One way or the other, a billion people are flat out wrong.

You demonstrate that fact here everyday with your belief that God is a fairytale. To you that is truth. A truth you have absolutely zero evidence for but believe it nonetheless with every fiber of your being.
If you want to call the creation of the universe an act by an intelligence/God, I don't say you're wrong, I just don't know. I'm agnostic on that. If you want to say the God of the Bible exists, that is another matter, and I have overwhelming evidence it is a myth. I'm an atheist on that.
No, God lives in the hearts of all. Regardless of what any of them believe.
If you believe Paul.

People listen to their conscience. Whatever argument you make is a reflection of you, not others. So do you listen to what some hierarchical authority tells you no matter what? Or do you listen to your conscience and follow that if there is a conflict between it and what you are being told? So try seeing people like you see yourself before you make such an argument.
How does our conscience come to be? Our parents, our religion, TV?

A gun, a car and religion are effectively tools. They are neither good nor bad. They can be used for good or they can be used for bad. It's not the fault of the tool. And to see it any other way is to transfer control or power to an external source. Which is not a good look.
I don't agree that religion is a tool, it is much more. For some it is a refuge, for others it is an addiction, for others it is a business, for others a social structure. Way more than a simple tool.
No. That manifest created existence and provides reality to all parts of existence at all times.
You've said that before but I have yet to be convinced.

Yes, every nation is run by flawed men. So what? Are you seriously arguing that hierarchy isn't necessary? Because that is a ridiculous proposition which is not supported by reason or experience.
There have been societies that were much less hierarchical that ours. Some Native Americans for example. Their technology was primitive but their society was not.

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