Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

It's the wrong fucking question because I didn't say anything that would lead to such a question as you asked.

I didn't say birds were fucking artistic. So why the hell would you then write such a fucking question?

Would you like a history of art from pre-historic times?

If so, go find one and you'll see lots of stylized animals.

If you don't want to know about such things, then just stop talking about this.

They are obviously different. And the gold model has been shown to fly and be aerodynamic once a propeller is attached.
Literal interpretation of Genesis isn't held by the gold-standard of Christianity, Catholicism.

Well, it is literary interpretation that is required, a couple of levels of them at least being used in the allegories, rather than a 'scientific' one, but I get what you're saying.
"Believe" = accepting without knowing.

People can believe whatever they want. People can accept things that are clearly not true, they can bury their heads in the sand.

What gets me is people who BELIEVE and then come onto forums to try and act like their belief is actually real. If you want to bury your head in the sand, fine, but don't bury it in the sand and then try and act like you're not doing that.
This is the "Religion" forum. ;)
Well... it seems that the Christians here do not even know their own myths. Wow.


Well, that is clearly what the ancient authors thought. In reality, fish would not survive a catastrophic flood, just would not happen. Fish have VERY specific environments they need for survival. The massive size of the ocean ensures that such conditions change VERY slowly. That would not be the case if there were a global flood as such would require far more water than the Oceans themselves even contain.
The flood waters came from the sea; "fountains of the deep".

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