Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

With all the evil that has been in the world how many times have God destroyed it in say the last 3000 years?

Most of the the first part of Genesis is wrestling with the concept of the consequences of Free Will. God's greatest gift to humans that results in God having to take responsibility for those consequences. Hence the Forgiveness in the Blood of Christ.

He also destroyed the world 0 times in the last 5 billion years too.

Because he does not exist.

That does not say squat about the central theme of the Noah story which is CLEARLY that god is willing and able to kill every living thing on the face of the planet because he deems it 'evil.' Indeed, there are a lot of Christians that think such a time is coming soon and that revelation is upon us.

Which is a hell of a story considering he is supposed to be all knowing and all loving and all powerful. It is most interesting that god has regret - something that should not be possible with the suite of omni attributes the average Christian wants to impart upon him.
It's a silly old story, and I assume allegory.

What did they teach you in the Madrassas that you attended as a child, anyway?
Literal interpretation of Genesis isn't held by the gold-standard of Christianity, Catholicism.

I'm not saying you're required to believe, but if you're going to butt heads with the religion, butt heads with what it is, not fringe folk who represent what it isn't by definition.
'Not exactly' what? There is a reason for the two different numbers of animals; it isn't an accident or an error. So far nobody hit on it, though you got close re referring to 'sacrifices'.
Because God tells Noah what is going to happen and then later instructs him on what he is to do.

It really is not a complex literary story. It is rather straight forward. He must build a ship to take the animals on board in pairs, male and female 2 of each. Then, when it is time to actually load up and depart, god gives him specific instruction to board them in pairs with 7 pairs of those that are 'clean.'

Do you have a historical context that it relevant? I would be interested to hear it unless it is just bitching about religious idiocy, I need no conversion.
None of that has any relevance as to what the purposes of the Pentateuch serves, and neither do the writers have any obligation to please or abide by any modern science theories.
They do not.

But if modern theists want us to take it seriously, and they do, then the 'god inspired text' would, at a MINIMUM, need to achieve that standard.
So, "Magic".

You can deem any obviously absurd or false idea to be true, using magic.
There is no way around using magic if you want to take the Noah story as fact.

Recently ran into the heat problem it represents since they want to force billions of years of nuclear decay into 6 thousand years. Even the literalists that try and pretend everything else is 'scientific' have to admit magic to solve that one.
almost 2 hours of Hovind! Not a damn chance lol. I have heard to much from him already.

Care to sum it up? I mean, it opens with a few lies in the first 30 seconds so slogging through the entire thing is simply not going to happen.
yes it is long,,

in it he talks about how he thinks the ark was loaded and it seems to be reasonable and in line with scriptures,,
this thread like all others that try and slam religion or the bible always take a single part and ignore all the others to control a false narrative when most of it is connected and needed to understand other parts,,
In the Bible, Genesis 6:9 - 9:17 it says:

"And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

So, they put two of every species on the ark.

Like sharks, fish, jellyfish....

How on EARTH did fish, and jellyfish and sharks survive on the ark for 40 days and 40 nights?

Good question.

Though the answer is simple,

"for all flesh had corrupted its ways on earth" - Beresheet 6:12
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To my knowledge I'm the only one who believes the flood came in from the sea. :) And no, the ark wouldn't have turned over on its side. That the ark was "lifted up" (not 'swept away') reveals slow moving water. Have you never seen a mostly intact house being carried away by a slow moving flood on the news?

The ark was carried north, away from the sea, and deposited in the foothills of the mountains of Ararat, not the hill country of Canaan.
Slow moving tide would have turned the Ark on it's side.
Sexagesimal is based on a counting system of 12 and 60. Like our clocks.

Humans have 5 fingers and 5 toes. Why would the first mathematical system be based on 12/60?

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