Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Canaan is hill country. Some guy claimed the flood water came in as ocean tides. 😂 If that was true, the Ark would have turned over on it's side. See why you don't change scripture?
Depends on where you are talking about. Where the Ark was, it was more manageable. But, there were other areas of the world when the upheaval was very violent and changed the face of the continents. In any even, God caused the waters from the heavens and from the fountains of the deep to cover the hills and mountains. One other thing, before the flood and the great movements of the continents, the mountains were fairly low. Maybe only a thousand or so feet high at most.
You mean according to Colin norris don't you? ;)
No. Read it idiot. Its the word of your silly god.
Are you feeling a little embarrassed about things we now know are impossible? You should be because you've been conned.
No. Read it idiot. Its the word of your silly god.
Are you feeling a little embarrassed about things we now know are impossible? You should be because you've been conned.
Others have pointed out to you the 120 years that God gave mankind to repent (which is 3x more than the usual 40 years).

" ...when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water." 1Peter 3:20
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Others have pointed out to you the 120 years that God gave mankind to repent (which is 3x more than the usual 40 years) "while the ark was preparing". Not much else we can say.
There is no god and never has been.
That aside you can read exactly what it says why are you wanting to rewrite history through your guilt of stupidity and ignore your history?
There is no god and never has been.
That aside you can read exactly what it says why are you wanting to rewrite history through your guilt of stupidity and ignore your history?
I detect some bitterness. Were you once religious?
I really don't know what your problem is.
I really don't understand how you don't understand there is no god.
It can't be that hard. You have been conned. You gave no evidence of anything. Zilch.
The more faith you have to have the greater the chance there is no god. In your case you are saturated with it which proves my point.
Have another go.
I detect some bitterness. Were you once religious?
He's an angry white male who has sinned and has no one to wash away his sins. So, he's continually trying to save face with himself for his sins. Such sadness that he puts all this on himself when he could give his sins over to Jesus and be happy.
He's an angry white male who has sinned and has no one to wash away his sins. So, he's continually trying to save face with himself for his sins. Such sadness that he puts all this on himself when he could give his sins over to Jesus and be happy.
Give his sins to jesus? How does he do that? Email? Text?
Dont be so ridiculous.
When did you last give yours away and how did you know they were gratefully received?
Got a quick note in return did you?
Youre looking quite silly son.
Give his sins to jesus? How does he do that? Email? Text?
Dont be so ridiculous.
When did you last give yours away and how did you know they were gratefully received?
Got a quick note in return did you?
Youre looking quite silly son.
Yes, give your sins to Jesus through prayer. Ask the Father in the name of Jesus Christ to wash away your sins. The Holy Ghost will confirm to you that they have been forgiven when they are forgiven. Of course, you have to really want the pain and suffering of all your sins to be lifted off your shoulders and given to the atoning sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh. You will know when the process is complete. I repent every day.
Yes, give your sins to Jesus through prayer. Ask the Father in the name of Jesus Christ to wash away your sins. The Holy Ghost will confirm to you that they have been forgiven when they are forgiven.

How did you get his message of forgiveness? Dony ignore the simple question because i know you don't have the answer. You made the statement so support it.

Of course, you have to really want the pain and suffering of all your sins to be lifted off your shoulders and given to the atoning sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh.
I don't suffer any of that hypothetical shit. It doesn't apply to atheists, only the guilt ridden godbotherers.

You will know when the process is complete. I repent every day.

You are admitting you are a addicted sinner? How fervently do you believe your god if you cannot stop sinning?
Explain exactly how you repent because Im calling you a liar. You do nothing of the sort but emphasise what a lying hypocrite you are.
I really don't understand how you don't understand there is no god.
It can't be that hard. You have been conned. You gave no evidence of anything. Zilch.
The more faith you have to have the greater the chance there is no god. In your case you are saturated with it which proves my point.
Have another go.
Of course there is a God. What's wrong with you? :)
Of course there is a God. What's wrong with you? :)
Well, of course you can show the evidence of that.
Mankind has waited 2000 years for this.

Stand to attention all you atheists. Old nut wood is about to reveal the world's most best kept secret.
Let her rip boy
Well, of course you can show the evidence of that.
Mankind has waited 2000 years for this.

Stand to attention all you atheists. Old nut wood is about to reveal the world's most best kept secret.
Let her rip boy
Look around you. The Creation* is the best evidence apart from revelation through the Holy Spirit.

* Why do you think the devil invented the ToE?

Later Dude, I'm off to take a drive and enjoy God's creation. :bow3:
Look around you. The Creation* is the best evidence apart from revelation through the Holy Spirit.
What creation? I all can see is the magnitude of the universe created by the big bang. Youre rose coloured glasses need attention.
* Why do you think the devil invented the ToE?
There is no devil either. How did he enter the debate?
Later Dude, I'm off to take a drive and enjoy God's creation. :bow3:
You do that. When you see your ghost, tell him I think he is a fraud.
How did you get his message of forgiveness? Dony ignore the simple question because i know you don't have the answer. You made the statement so support it.

I don't suffer any of that hypothetical shit. It doesn't apply to atheists, only the guilt ridden godbotherers.

You are admitting you are a addicted sinner? How fervently do you believe your god if you cannot stop sinning?
Explain exactly how you repent because Im calling you a liar. You do nothing of the sort but emphasise what a lying hypocrite you are.
You are the hypocrite. You claim I cannot stop sinning, something then you claim doesn't exist. You are so full of hatred that your sins have overcome you. Such unhappy words coming from an unhappy atheist. Lives for nothing but complains about everything he cannot control. You suffer from it all. Give it all to the Lord. Life your burdens off your shoulders. Be happy again...
The bible is meant for those who believe it, not those who don't. That you don't believe it doesn't mean that others shouldn't.

"Believe" = accepting without knowing.

People can believe whatever they want. People can accept things that are clearly not true, they can bury their heads in the sand.

What gets me is people who BELIEVE and then come onto forums to try and act like their belief is actually real. If you want to bury your head in the sand, fine, but don't bury it in the sand and then try and act like you're not doing that.

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