Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Well... it seems that the Christians here do not even know their own myths. Wow.

Why would anyone put fish and jellyfish and sharks on a boat during a flood? Afraid they might drown in the water? Something very fishy here.
Well, that is clearly what the ancient authors thought. In reality, fish would not survive a catastrophic flood, just would not happen. Fish have VERY specific environments they need for survival. The massive size of the ocean ensures that such conditions change VERY slowly. That would not be the case if there were a global flood as such would require far more water than the Oceans themselves even contain.

But that is what happens when you write a story in an age where basic understanding of biological realities is nonexistent.

Ah another example of why literacy does no good for some people.

There are two versions of that allegory in Genesis, most people wouldn't know that, since most of the wankers who criticize it have never read it so don't have a clue; the first version has single pairs of animals in its narrative, while the second narrative in another chapter has seven pairs of animals.

Now, let's see if any of the 'realists' can explain what is meant by each version.
Not exactly. It was 2 of each unclean animal and 7 pairs for clean animals. Noah had to have some left for a blood sacrifice after all. Which he promptly did when they got off the ark. The earlier and later stories do not really disagree with each other as much as one says he will have 2 pairs with him and the second commands him to bring 2 pairs of everything and also 7 pairs of clean animals/birds.

No one ever addresses how monumentally this would fuck up genetics if all the animals were descended from such small populations but meh, they also thought Adam and Eve make sense.

Except the Bible says the flood killed all animals on the Earth that weren't in the ark.

What about the fish and other water borne animals?
Those were specifically left out. It stipulates all animals (separate from fish 'kind') and birds and things with the 'breath of life.' This has led some literalists to claim insects and the like, as they do not 'breath' in the same manner that biblical 'animals' do, were not included. It is also how they do not include anything under the water. Here is where they continently forget about whales and other things that look and act like fish but are not. They really need this as the rate of speciation after the flood is already insanely fast and the space available is laughably limited.
Yeah, that's MY POINT.

Why would the Bible say ALL ANIMALS when not all animals needed the ark?
Well, that really is not what it says, at least not in the manner that you think. 'Animals' in no way represents the current taxonomic classification of animals. It is talking about ancient animal designations which were based on what things DID rather than what things were and, again, those that had 'the breath of life.' That is why they thought whales were fish when they clearly are not.

By animals it was referring, essentially, to land animals. That did not even include birds or creeping things as god had to add that on as well.

But, lets be honest here, if you are going to take the story of Jonah and the whale as literal, the global flood is easy.
People tend to lose sight of what the Book of Genesis is all about.

It is not a history or science book. It is a book about God's relationship with Man.

The story of Noah is not about a great flood. It is about the fact that God cannot destroy the earth every time that humans get out of control. If He did then there would be constant starting over. The real lesson is at the end of the story with God's promise to let humans have free will and be responsible for their own fate.

Fits in well with the other stories in Genesis.
You are the hypocrite. You claim I cannot stop sinning, something then you claim doesn't exist. You are so full of hatred that your sins have overcome you. Such unhappy words coming from an unhappy atheist. Lives for nothing but complains about everything he cannot control. You suffer from it all. Give it all to the Lord. Life your burdens off your shoulders. Be happy again...
You were the fool who said you ask for repentance every day. Now you blaming me for your filthy lies.
I'm as happy as a pig in mud when I'm tearing strip's off you jesus junkies. When the heat increases, you all squirm, quite passages, have pity on me, ask me to shed my anger that doesn't exist and so on. The problem is you lot of frauds cannot perform for your beliefs. You have all been conned.
People tend to lose sight of what the Book of Genesis is all about.

It is not a history or science book. It is a book about God's relationship with Man.

The story of Noah is not about a great flood. It is about the fact that God cannot destroy the earth every time that humans get out of control. If He did then there would be constant starting over. The real lesson is at the end of the story with God's promise to let humans have free will and be responsible for their own fate.

Fits in well with the other stories in Genesis.

That is the EXACT opposite of the story of Noah.
You were the fool who said you ask for repentance every day. Now you blaming me for your filthy lies.
I'm as happy as a pig in mud when I'm tearing strip's off you jesus junkies. When the heat increases, you all squirm, quite passages, have pity on me, ask me to shed my anger that doesn't exist and so on. The problem is you lot of frauds cannot perform for your beliefs. You have all been conned.
You DO believe in God. I can prove it.
Question: Why do you hate something if it doesn't exist?
God must exist for you to hate Him does He not?

That is the EXACT opposite of the story of Noah.
With all the evil that has been in the world how many times have God destroyed it in say the last 3000 years?

Most of the the first part of Genesis is wrestling with the concept of the consequences of Free Will. God's greatest gift to humans that results in God having to take responsibility for those consequences. Hence the Forgiveness in the Blood of Christ.
You DO believe in God. I can prove it.
Question: Why do you hate something if it doesn't exist?
God must exist for you to hate Him does He not?
Harry Potter doesn't exist. But we can discuss our thoughts about him.

So a big faceplant by you, there.
Most atheist have to go on and on about how they hate God. Would you keep watching it if you hated it?
No, but try to keep in mind the scale, here. This is a discussion board. The one place where, hey, let's discuss.

Speaking only for this atheist: Believe in gods all you like, I won't begrudge you for that.
Not exactly. It was 2 of each unclean animal and 7 pairs for clean animals. Noah had to have some left for a blood sacrifice after all. Which he promptly did when they got off the ark. The earlier and later stories do not really disagree with each other as much as one says he will have 2 pairs with him and the second commands him to bring 2 pairs of everything and also 7 pairs of clean animals/birds.

'Not exactly' what? There is a reason for the two different numbers of animals; it isn't an accident or an error. So far nobody hit on it, though you got close re referring to 'sacrifices'.
Most atheist have to go on and on about how they hate God. Would you keep watching it if you hated it?

They're like silly little ten year olds who find out there is no Santa Claus and they think it makes them sound all grown up n stuff to run into the Religion Forum and spam every thread with about how they don't believe in religion n stuff and bash Xians, on topic or not. Its obviously a compulsive neurosis, especially with faggots and their fellow deviants and sociopaths.
No one ever addresses how monumentally this would fuck up genetics if all the animals were descended from such small populations but meh, they also thought Adam and Eve make sense.

None of that has any relevance as to what the purposes of the Pentateuch serves, and neither do the writers have any obligation to please or abide by any modern science theories.

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