Noam Chomsky: Ukraine War is the Fault of NATO Aggression

We, the EU, and the USA plotted the overthrow of the duly and democratically elected President of Ukraine back in 2014. It was to maintain Ukraine as the favored money-laundering center for the West.

The following video, 'Ukraine on Fire' is also on Youtube. It has upset some people, so they placed a bullshit warning label! But the video can still be viewed there as well.

Stop with the "democratically elected" bullshit. It was the Maiden coup, fomented by the US and run by Ukrainian Neo Nazis.

Oleh Tyahnybok

Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of Svoboda. Once said: "[You are the ones] that the Moscow-Jewish mafia ruling Ukraine fears most" and "They were not afraid and we should not be afraid. They took their automatic guns on their necks and went into the woods, and fought against the Muscovites, Germans, Jews and other scum who wanted to take away our Ukrainian state."

US Under Secretary Of State Victoria Nuland Was Recently In New Delhi: Here's What Is Said Of Her Role In 'Regime Change' In Ukraine

"Many experts believe that Victoria Nuland was the “mastermind” behind the 22 February 2014 “regime change” in Ukraine, aimed at overthrowing the democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych, who was opposed to the assimilation of Ukraine by the European Union and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation).

In her leaked telephone conversation with Ambassador Pyatt, Nuland revealed her wish for Oleh Tyahnybok (one opposition leader) to work with the new regime in Ukraine.

According to this report, Oleh Tyahnybok, the presidential candidate of the far right Svoboda Party in 2014, is an open "Nazi-sympathizer". His party, which was at the centre of the "regime change" protests, espouses an ultra-nationalist, anti-Russian agenda, and its critics say that the Svoboda Party is an anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi organization."

Stop with the "democratically elected" bullshit. It was the Maiden coup, fomented by the US and run by Ukrainian Neo Nazis.

That is what I said. We and the EU overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine.
You have to feel sympathy for poor, old, Chomsky.

He made his living for decades by idolizing The Soviet Union, global Communism, and tearing down the country of his birth, America.

When The Soviet Union fell apart and embraced capitalism, he was devastated. He tried latching onto the Palestinian cause, but no one ever really took him seriously on that.

His life-long connection with his meal ticket, Russia, can't let him throw them completely under the bus. But, war in The Ukraine puts him in a difficult position.

Now, he's come up with a way to sell his old product, anti-Americanism, with a new label. "It's not Russia's fault they invaded The Ukraine, it's America's fault!".

Well, good luck Comrade Chomsky. I don't think this will sell as well as Che T-Shirts, but you might be able a sell a couple of books before you leave this world.

How is being anti-Ukraine, anti-American?
How is being anti-Ukraine, anti-American?

I love America ... I live here.

I couldn't give a fetid dingo's kidney about The Ukraine, or Russia, or any other place I don't live.

Not my table.
I love America ... I live here.

I couldn't give a fetid dingo's kidney about The Ukraine, or Russia, or any other place I don't live.

Not my table.

OK. Just curious why the picture of Moshe Dayan?
Noam Chomsky comes to his preconceived belief and it surprises nobody familiar with that dipshit’s work.

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