Nobody Thought Of This Before?????

Trump is a liar. Not really against him or anything, but he is a liar.
Says the butthurt America hater.
So Trump has NEVER lied?

Time for context.....this President vs the former:

1. This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

3. ObamaCare will save the average family $2500

4. They did a good job in Libya

5. A video caused Benghazi?

6. Islam has been woven into the fabric of our history

7. Jobs are gone and they’re never coming back

8. Michael brown hands up don’t shoot

9. IRS not a smidgen of corruption

10. Shovel ready jobs.

11. There’s a Muslim travel ban?

12. Very little difference between capitalism and communism

13. Remember that ‘Red Line’ in Syria that we were gonna enforce?

14. “We have removed all of Syria’s poison gas reserves”

15. Will be the most transparent in history (worst at FOIA requests)

16. October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

17.I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

18. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so. … under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.

Good to see you didn't deny the point of the list.

Too bad you miss the significance, dunce.
I didn't vote for Obummer, so you FAIL EPICALLY! Again!!
"But, whether this is true depends on whom you ask. Both the U.S. and Canada say they are running trade surpluses with each other. from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."
Trump Claims the U.S. Has a Trade Deficit With Canada. That’s Not So Clear
Trump is a liar. Not really against him or anything, but he is a liar.
Says the butthurt America hater.
So Trump has NEVER lied?

Time for context.....this President vs the former:

1. This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

3. ObamaCare will save the average family $2500

4. They did a good job in Libya

5. A video caused Benghazi?

6. Islam has been woven into the fabric of our history

7. Jobs are gone and they’re never coming back

8. Michael brown hands up don’t shoot

9. IRS not a smidgen of corruption

10. Shovel ready jobs.

11. There’s a Muslim travel ban?

12. Very little difference between capitalism and communism

13. Remember that ‘Red Line’ in Syria that we were gonna enforce?

14. “We have removed all of Syria’s poison gas reserves”

15. Will be the most transparent in history (worst at FOIA requests)

16. October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

17.I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

18. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so. … under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.
Support for the traitor is a leftist trait.
Trump is a liar. Not really against him or anything, but he is a liar.
Says the butthurt America hater.
So Trump has NEVER lied?

Time for context.....this President vs the former:

1. This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

3. ObamaCare will save the average family $2500

4. They did a good job in Libya

5. A video caused Benghazi?

6. Islam has been woven into the fabric of our history

7. Jobs are gone and they’re never coming back

8. Michael brown hands up don’t shoot

9. IRS not a smidgen of corruption

10. Shovel ready jobs.

11. There’s a Muslim travel ban?

12. Very little difference between capitalism and communism

13. Remember that ‘Red Line’ in Syria that we were gonna enforce?

14. “We have removed all of Syria’s poison gas reserves”

15. Will be the most transparent in history (worst at FOIA requests)

16. October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

17.I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

18. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so. … under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.
Support for the traitor is a leftist trait.
Oh good, you've calmed down. They probably slipped an extra big blue pill in your lunch.
Says the butthurt America hater.
So Trump has NEVER lied?

Time for context.....this President vs the former:

1. This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

3. ObamaCare will save the average family $2500

4. They did a good job in Libya

5. A video caused Benghazi?

6. Islam has been woven into the fabric of our history

7. Jobs are gone and they’re never coming back

8. Michael brown hands up don’t shoot

9. IRS not a smidgen of corruption

10. Shovel ready jobs.

11. There’s a Muslim travel ban?

12. Very little difference between capitalism and communism

13. Remember that ‘Red Line’ in Syria that we were gonna enforce?

14. “We have removed all of Syria’s poison gas reserves”

15. Will be the most transparent in history (worst at FOIA requests)

16. October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

17.I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

18. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so. … under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.
Support for the traitor is a leftist trait.
Oh good, you've calmed down. They probably slipped an extra big blue pill in your lunch.
Make up some more shit liar.
As a matter of fact, the US has a trade surplus in dairy products with Canada as well.

Canada imports more of our dairy products than we import of theirs.

Trump is trying to cover up his retarded and embarrassing mistake of punishing a close ally with whom we have a trade surplus.

"But, whether this is true depends on whom you ask. Both the U.S. and Canada say they are running trade surpluses with each other. from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."
Trump Claims the U.S. Has a Trade Deficit With Canada. That’s Not So Clear

I provide a link, which quotes Bloomberg, often caught lying, provide hot air.
Pretty easy choice.
Your link from Bloomberg does not support your claims, it rejects them and explains why.

It's Time Magazine, and it states this: "... data from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."

You’re lying - again. That’s not what it says at all.

You keep sitting on these one-legged stools of facts - half truths, outright lies, and disinformation. Every time you do you end up on the floor looking weak, desperate and stupid.

Of course anyone who can’t come up with a facts and evidence to support their erroneous claims can’t expect anything different.

Your orange faced clown just embarrassed himself in Singapore. Gave Kim everything he wanted and got nothing in return. Now the fool is claiming his “Agreement to negotiate an agreement” is more than anyone else has done.

No it’s not. Clinton had a real 110 page deal with verification and everything, and that didn’t hold up. W had an full on agreement negotiated and that was never signed.

Trump bent over for Kim, flattered the most violent repressive dictator in the world, and blindsided your allies.

How could anyone with half a brain vote for this idiot? Seven bankruptcies and counting. There’s your great negotiator in action.
As a matter of fact, the US has a trade surplus in dairy products with Canada as well.

Canada imports more of our dairy products than we import of theirs.

Trump is trying to cover up his retarded and embarrassing mistake of punishing a close ally with whom we have a trade surplus.

"But, whether this is true depends on whom you ask. Both the U.S. and Canada say they are running trade surpluses with each other. from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."
Trump Claims the U.S. Has a Trade Deficit With Canada. That’s Not So Clear

I provide a link, which quotes Bloomberg, often caught lying, provide hot air.
Pretty easy choice.
Your link from Bloomberg does not support your claims, it rejects them and explains why.

It's Time Magazine, and it states this: "... data from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."

You’re lying - again. That’s not what it says at all.

You keep sitting on these one-legged stools of facts - half truths, outright lies, and disinformation. Every time you do you end up on the floor looking weak, desperate and stupid.

Of course anyone who can’t come up with a facts and evidence to support their erroneous claims can’t expect anything different.

Your orange faced clown just embarrassed himself in Singapore. Gave Kim everything he wanted and got nothing in return. Now the fool is claiming his “Agreement to negotiate an agreement” is more than anyone else has done.

No it’s not. Clinton had a real 110 page deal with verification and everything, and that didn’t hold up. W had an full on agreement negotiated and that was never signed.

Trump bent over for Kim, flattered the most violent repressive dictator in the world, and blindsided your allies.

How could anyone with half a brain vote for this idiot? Seven bankruptcies and counting. There’s your great negotiator in action.
where's your quote that proves your post?
So Trump has NEVER lied?

Time for context.....this President vs the former:

1. This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

3. ObamaCare will save the average family $2500

4. They did a good job in Libya

5. A video caused Benghazi?

6. Islam has been woven into the fabric of our history

7. Jobs are gone and they’re never coming back

8. Michael brown hands up don’t shoot

9. IRS not a smidgen of corruption

10. Shovel ready jobs.

11. There’s a Muslim travel ban?

12. Very little difference between capitalism and communism

13. Remember that ‘Red Line’ in Syria that we were gonna enforce?

14. “We have removed all of Syria’s poison gas reserves”

15. Will be the most transparent in history (worst at FOIA requests)

16. October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

17.I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

18. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so. … under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.
Support for the traitor is a leftist trait.
Oh good, you've calmed down. They probably slipped an extra big blue pill in your lunch.
Make up some more shit liar.
Some shit that lies, or some lying shit?
Says the butthurt America hater.
So Trump has NEVER lied?

Time for context.....this President vs the former:

1. This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

3. ObamaCare will save the average family $2500

4. They did a good job in Libya

5. A video caused Benghazi?

6. Islam has been woven into the fabric of our history

7. Jobs are gone and they’re never coming back

8. Michael brown hands up don’t shoot

9. IRS not a smidgen of corruption

10. Shovel ready jobs.

11. There’s a Muslim travel ban?

12. Very little difference between capitalism and communism

13. Remember that ‘Red Line’ in Syria that we were gonna enforce?

14. “We have removed all of Syria’s poison gas reserves”

15. Will be the most transparent in history (worst at FOIA requests)

16. October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

17.I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

18. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so. … under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.

Good to see you didn't deny the point of the list.

Too bad you miss the significance, dunce.
I didn't vote for Obummer, so you FAIL EPICALLY! Again!!

Sooo....why so hesitant to answer the question....whose lies are the significant ones?
As a matter of fact, the US has a trade surplus in dairy products with Canada as well.

Canada imports more of our dairy products than we import of theirs.

Trump is trying to cover up his retarded and embarrassing mistake of punishing a close ally with whom we have a trade surplus.

"But, whether this is true depends on whom you ask. Both the U.S. and Canada say they are running trade surpluses with each other. from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."
Trump Claims the U.S. Has a Trade Deficit With Canada. That’s Not So Clear

I provide a link, which quotes Bloomberg, often caught lying, provide hot air.
Pretty easy choice.
Your link from Bloomberg does not support your claims, it rejects them and explains why.

It's Time Magazine, and it states this: "... data from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."

You’re lying - again. That’s not what it says at all.

You keep sitting on these one-legged stools of facts - half truths, outright lies, and disinformation. Every time you do you end up on the floor looking weak, desperate and stupid.

Of course anyone who can’t come up with a facts and evidence to support their erroneous claims can’t expect anything different.

Your orange faced clown just embarrassed himself in Singapore. Gave Kim everything he wanted and got nothing in return. Now the fool is claiming his “Agreement to negotiate an agreement” is more than anyone else has done.

No it’s not. Clinton had a real 110 page deal with verification and everything, and that didn’t hold up. W had an full on agreement negotiated and that was never signed.

Trump bent over for Kim, flattered the most violent repressive dictator in the world, and blindsided your allies.

How could anyone with half a brain vote for this idiot? Seven bankruptcies and counting. There’s your great negotiator in action.

Simple enough to see who is lying.....I proved the exact quote.....between the quotation marks.

It's Time Magazine, and it states this: "... data from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."

I sure hope your pants are on fire.
As a matter of fact, the US has a trade surplus in dairy products with Canada as well.

Canada imports more of our dairy products than we import of theirs.

Trump is trying to cover up his retarded and embarrassing mistake of punishing a close ally with whom we have a trade surplus.

"But, whether this is true depends on whom you ask. Both the U.S. and Canada say they are running trade surpluses with each other. from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."
Trump Claims the U.S. Has a Trade Deficit With Canada. That’s Not So Clear

I provide a link, which quotes Bloomberg, often caught lying, provide hot air.
Pretty easy choice.
Your link from Bloomberg does not support your claims, it rejects them and explains why.

It's Time Magazine, and it states this: "... data from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."

You’re lying - again. That’s not what it says at all.

You keep sitting on these one-legged stools of facts - half truths, outright lies, and disinformation. Every time you do you end up on the floor looking weak, desperate and stupid.

Of course anyone who can’t come up with a facts and evidence to support their erroneous claims can’t expect anything different.

Your orange faced clown just embarrassed himself in Singapore. Gave Kim everything he wanted and got nothing in return. Now the fool is claiming his “Agreement to negotiate an agreement” is more than anyone else has done.

No it’s not. Clinton had a real 110 page deal with verification and everything, and that didn’t hold up. W had an full on agreement negotiated and that was never signed.

Trump bent over for Kim, flattered the most violent repressive dictator in the world, and blindsided your allies.

How could anyone with half a brain vote for this idiot? Seven bankruptcies and counting. There’s your great negotiator in action.

Simple enough to see who is lying.....I proved the exact quote.....between the quotation marks.

It's Time Magazine, and it states this: "... data from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."

I sure hope your pants are on fire.

Yes, you took a quote out of context, which seems to prove your point but just like yesterday, you cut the quote off when it continued on to refute what it just said. The quote goes on to say a whole lot more, like US government statistics say otherwise, and there is no evidence to back up the idea that the US doesn’t have a trade deficit with Canada.

It is a tribute to the level of your total intellectual dishonesty in this, or any other discussion, that you cherry pick these half truths and ignore the full quotes and the facts.

Your position is so indefensible and false that you can’t even make an honest argument around your own ideas without game playing and half truths. And that’s on top of the endlessly repeated quotes.

You’re the perfect Trump defender. Not very bright, incapable of critical thinking or thoughtful analysis, but willing to endlessly repeat the lies Dumb Donald tells you.

So Trump has NEVER lied?

Time for context.....this President vs the former:

1. This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

3. ObamaCare will save the average family $2500

4. They did a good job in Libya

5. A video caused Benghazi?

6. Islam has been woven into the fabric of our history

7. Jobs are gone and they’re never coming back

8. Michael brown hands up don’t shoot

9. IRS not a smidgen of corruption

10. Shovel ready jobs.

11. There’s a Muslim travel ban?

12. Very little difference between capitalism and communism

13. Remember that ‘Red Line’ in Syria that we were gonna enforce?

14. “We have removed all of Syria’s poison gas reserves”

15. Will be the most transparent in history (worst at FOIA requests)

16. October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

17.I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

18. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so. … under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.

Good to see you didn't deny the point of the list.

Too bad you miss the significance, dunce.
I didn't vote for Obummer, so you FAIL EPICALLY! Again!!

Sooo....why so hesitant to answer the question....whose lies are the significant ones? admit that Trump is a liar. Good for you.
"But, whether this is true depends on whom you ask. Both the U.S. and Canada say they are running trade surpluses with each other. from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."
Trump Claims the U.S. Has a Trade Deficit With Canada. That’s Not So Clear

I provide a link, which quotes Bloomberg, often caught lying, provide hot air.
Pretty easy choice.
Your link from Bloomberg does not support your claims, it rejects them and explains why.

It's Time Magazine, and it states this: "... data from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."

You’re lying - again. That’s not what it says at all.

You keep sitting on these one-legged stools of facts - half truths, outright lies, and disinformation. Every time you do you end up on the floor looking weak, desperate and stupid.

Of course anyone who can’t come up with a facts and evidence to support their erroneous claims can’t expect anything different.

Your orange faced clown just embarrassed himself in Singapore. Gave Kim everything he wanted and got nothing in return. Now the fool is claiming his “Agreement to negotiate an agreement” is more than anyone else has done.

No it’s not. Clinton had a real 110 page deal with verification and everything, and that didn’t hold up. W had an full on agreement negotiated and that was never signed.

Trump bent over for Kim, flattered the most violent repressive dictator in the world, and blindsided your allies.

How could anyone with half a brain vote for this idiot? Seven bankruptcies and counting. There’s your great negotiator in action.

Simple enough to see who is lying.....I proved the exact quote.....between the quotation marks.

It's Time Magazine, and it states this: "... data from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."

I sure hope your pants are on fire.

Yes, you took a quote out of context, which seems to prove your point but just like yesterday, you cut the quote off when it continued on to refute what it just said. The quote goes on to say a whole lot more, like US government statistics say otherwise, and there is no evidence to back up the idea that the US doesn’t have a trade deficit with Canada.

It is a tribute to the level of your total intellectual dishonesty in this, or any other discussion, that you cherry pick these half truths and ignore the full quotes and the facts.

Your position is so indefensible and false that you can’t even make an honest argument around your own ideas without game playing and half truths. And that’s on top of the endlessly repeated quotes.

You’re the perfect Trump defender. Not very bright, incapable of critical thinking or thoughtful analysis, but willing to endlessly repeat the lies Dumb Donald tells you.


Wow....forcing your retreat was that simple....either because of how simple you are, or how easily it is to trap a liar.
That post was you stepping on the rake, and having it hit you in the kisser.

You claimed this: "You’re lying - again. That’s not what it says at all."

Of course, I never proven by the exact quote that I provided.

Dolts like you are the reason I blur the line between confidence and arrogance....and love every minute of it!

Time for context.....this President vs the former:

1. This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

3. ObamaCare will save the average family $2500

4. They did a good job in Libya

5. A video caused Benghazi?

6. Islam has been woven into the fabric of our history

7. Jobs are gone and they’re never coming back

8. Michael brown hands up don’t shoot

9. IRS not a smidgen of corruption

10. Shovel ready jobs.

11. There’s a Muslim travel ban?

12. Very little difference between capitalism and communism

13. Remember that ‘Red Line’ in Syria that we were gonna enforce?

14. “We have removed all of Syria’s poison gas reserves”

15. Will be the most transparent in history (worst at FOIA requests)

16. October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

17.I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

18. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so. … under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.

Good to see you didn't deny the point of the list.

Too bad you miss the significance, dunce.
I didn't vote for Obummer, so you FAIL EPICALLY! Again!!

Sooo....why so hesitant to answer the question....whose lies are the significant ones? admit that Trump is a liar. Good for you.

You're afraid to answer the question?

This is like dealing with a young child who can't grasp a simple concept. Maybe we could turn up a green symbol when you can speak, and a red one when you have to sit quietly and try to digest what you have just read.
Says the butthurt America hater.
So Trump has NEVER lied?

Time for context.....this President vs the former:

1. This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

3. ObamaCare will save the average family $2500

4. They did a good job in Libya

5. A video caused Benghazi?

6. Islam has been woven into the fabric of our history

7. Jobs are gone and they’re never coming back

8. Michael brown hands up don’t shoot

9. IRS not a smidgen of corruption

10. Shovel ready jobs.

11. There’s a Muslim travel ban?

12. Very little difference between capitalism and communism

13. Remember that ‘Red Line’ in Syria that we were gonna enforce?

14. “We have removed all of Syria’s poison gas reserves”

15. Will be the most transparent in history (worst at FOIA requests)

16. October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

17.I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

18. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so. … under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.

Good to see you didn't deny the point of the list.

Too bad you miss the significance, dunce.
I didn't vote for Obummer, so you FAIL EPICALLY! Again!!
-Then you voted for clinton.
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.

Good to see you didn't deny the point of the list.

Too bad you miss the significance, dunce.
I didn't vote for Obummer, so you FAIL EPICALLY! Again!!

Sooo....why so hesitant to answer the question....whose lies are the significant ones? admit that Trump is a liar. Good for you.

You're afraid to answer the question?

This is like dealing with a young child who can't grasp a simple concept. Maybe we could turn up a green symbol when you can speak, and a red one when you have to sit quietly and try to digest what you have just read.
You already failed EPICALLY. Take it like a beotch.
Your link from Bloomberg does not support your claims, it rejects them and explains why.

It's Time Magazine, and it states this: "... data from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."

You’re lying - again. That’s not what it says at all.

You keep sitting on these one-legged stools of facts - half truths, outright lies, and disinformation. Every time you do you end up on the floor looking weak, desperate and stupid.

Of course anyone who can’t come up with a facts and evidence to support their erroneous claims can’t expect anything different.

Your orange faced clown just embarrassed himself in Singapore. Gave Kim everything he wanted and got nothing in return. Now the fool is claiming his “Agreement to negotiate an agreement” is more than anyone else has done.

No it’s not. Clinton had a real 110 page deal with verification and everything, and that didn’t hold up. W had an full on agreement negotiated and that was never signed.

Trump bent over for Kim, flattered the most violent repressive dictator in the world, and blindsided your allies.

How could anyone with half a brain vote for this idiot? Seven bankruptcies and counting. There’s your great negotiator in action.

Simple enough to see who is lying.....I proved the exact quote.....between the quotation marks.

It's Time Magazine, and it states this: "... data from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."

I sure hope your pants are on fire.

Yes, you took a quote out of context, which seems to prove your point but just like yesterday, you cut the quote off when it continued on to refute what it just said. The quote goes on to say a whole lot more, like US government statistics say otherwise, and there is no evidence to back up the idea that the US doesn’t have a trade deficit with Canada.

It is a tribute to the level of your total intellectual dishonesty in this, or any other discussion, that you cherry pick these half truths and ignore the full quotes and the facts.

Your position is so indefensible and false that you can’t even make an honest argument around your own ideas without game playing and half truths. And that’s on top of the endlessly repeated quotes.

You’re the perfect Trump defender. Not very bright, incapable of critical thinking or thoughtful analysis, but willing to endlessly repeat the lies Dumb Donald tells you.


Wow....forcing your retreat was that simple....either because of how simple you are, or how easily it is to trap a liar.
That post was you stepping on the rake, and having it hit you in the kisser.

You claimed this: "You’re lying - again. That’s not what it says at all."

Of course, I never proven by the exact quote that I provided.

Dolts like you are the reason I blur the line between confidence and arrogance....and love every minute of it!

Your insults and abuse are so typical of your limited intellect in responding.

Your intellectual dishonesty is using half the quote and half the article to support your half baked notions:

U.S. claims on trade deficit with Canada inflated by misleading numbers | CBC News

Canada | United States Trade Representative

It’s what I’ve come to expect from you.
So Trump has NEVER lied?

Time for context.....this President vs the former:

1. This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

3. ObamaCare will save the average family $2500

4. They did a good job in Libya

5. A video caused Benghazi?

6. Islam has been woven into the fabric of our history

7. Jobs are gone and they’re never coming back

8. Michael brown hands up don’t shoot

9. IRS not a smidgen of corruption

10. Shovel ready jobs.

11. There’s a Muslim travel ban?

12. Very little difference between capitalism and communism

13. Remember that ‘Red Line’ in Syria that we were gonna enforce?

14. “We have removed all of Syria’s poison gas reserves”

15. Will be the most transparent in history (worst at FOIA requests)

16. October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

17.I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

18. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so. … under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
Ya, I saw that copy&paste the first time. Got anything new? And with it, it looks like you're conceding that Trump has lied. Good for you.

Good to see you didn't deny the point of the list.

Too bad you miss the significance, dunce.
I didn't vote for Obummer, so you FAIL EPICALLY! Again!!
-Then you voted for clinton.
Johnston. Libertarian.
Good to see you didn't deny the point of the list.

Too bad you miss the significance, dunce.
I didn't vote for Obummer, so you FAIL EPICALLY! Again!!

Sooo....why so hesitant to answer the question....whose lies are the significant ones? admit that Trump is a liar. Good for you.

You're afraid to answer the question?

This is like dealing with a young child who can't grasp a simple concept. Maybe we could turn up a green symbol when you can speak, and a red one when you have to sit quietly and try to digest what you have just read.
You already failed EPICALLY. Take it like a beotch.

I never fail......that's why you're back.

Your post is simply the simpleton's verbal equivalent of squeezing your eyes shut real tight, and covering your ears.

You'll be back proving my point.
When we stop printing money, you can tell us about economics and liberty.

Until then, you sound like you're just reciting some pablum you heard on The Five.
Socialist entitlement programs are the reason for unnecessarily printing money

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