Nominee For "Liberal of the Month" Award!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. It is a well known characteristic of our Liberal friends that 'feeling passes for knowing'...
or, put another way, 'The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.'

2. My nominee is Donna Giustizia! I am unaware of any regulation that states that the Liberal of the Month must be an, here goes:

3. "Mom Wants Oak Trees Cut Down for Kids With Allergies

4. One Canadian mom says she’s going nuts over her children’s food allergies.

5. Donna Giustizia, a mother of two, says the oak trees near her teenager’s school in Vaughan, Ontario, are a health hazard, and even though the school is nut-free, she says school administrators aren’t protecting their students.

6. “A false sense of security is putting a sign on the door that says ‘nut-free,’ and there’s nuts all over the place,” Giustizia told The Star.

7. Giustizia says the trees around St. Stephen Catholic Elementary School are a deadly threat for kids with anaphylactic food allergies — allergies that cause shock.

8. ...for the removal of the trees, saying : “The acorns are not only presenting a risk to the tree-nut-allergic students, but it is also becoming a great cause of anxiety among all students with nut allergies.” Giustizia also said, according to The Star, that “acorns can also be used to bully and torment children.”

9. Dr. Clifford Bassett, medical director of allergy and asthma care at New York University, says he’s not familiar with any reports of children having an allergic reaction by playing with acorns off the ground.

10 .“There’s no relationship between acorns and peanuts,” Bassett said."
Mom Wants Oak Trees Cut Down for Kids With Allergies - ABC News

In considering this nomination, please consider how cleverly she used the word 'bully,' as well....and be sure to ignore the apologist for nuts, Dr. Bassett.

So....acorns in now in the pantheon of perceived threats, along with second hand smoke, racism, stick figures holding guns, fossil fuels, capitalism, anorexia, and hurt feelings.

Can I get a 'seconding'?
Nothing tops that right winger that offed himself and wrote on his will "fuck Obama"
Liberal of the Month would be President Obama.

Conservative Idiot of the Month would be a shared prize,

among all the conservatives who predicted he'd lose the election. Which I'm guessing includes every conservative in this thread.
Liberal of the Month would be President Obama.

Conservative Idiot of the Month would be a shared prize,

among all the conservatives who predicted he'd lose the election. Which I'm guessing includes every conservative in this thread.

"Liberal of the Month"....and "Conservative Idiot of the Month"....

I can certainly see why you'd consider "Idiot" as a term corresponding to "Liberal."

Good addition to the thread!
Avoiding the important issues to focus on a somebody nobody's heard of and pretending it means something. How typical and demonstrative of why Republicans and conservatives are losing out. :eusa_boohoo:
Avoiding the important issues to focus on a somebody nobody's heard of and pretending it means something. How typical and demonstrative of why Republicans and conservatives are losing out. :eusa_boohoo:

Oh, nooozzzz.....

....did I step on your widdle toeies???

In the future, I'll try not to draw attention to what dunces Liberals are......I'll try really, really hard.
Avoiding the important issues to focus on a somebody nobody's heard of and pretending it means something. How typical and demonstrative of why Republicans and conservatives are losing out. :eusa_boohoo:

Oh, nooozzzz.....

....did I step on your widdle toeies???

In the future, I'll try not to draw attention to what dunces Liberals are......I'll try really, really hard.

Not at all. Just letting you know you're irrelevant.
Avoiding the important issues to focus on a somebody nobody's heard of and pretending it means something. How typical and demonstrative of why Republicans and conservatives are losing out. :eusa_boohoo:

Oh, nooozzzz.....

....did I step on your widdle toeies???

In the future, I'll try not to draw attention to what dunces Liberals are......I'll try really, really hard.

Not at all. Just letting you know you're irrelevant.

Now, see, konny....If I didn't like you, would I continue to provide for your education???

Would I?

Well...perhaps....'cause I don't like to shoot fish in a barrel....

To the point: Thomas Hobbes was famous for his political philosophy...and he wrote The Leviathan.
Never'll learn about that when you go on to high school.

But, I always enjoyed the quote about life: "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short".

Get it? If he found life to be identified in such as negative manner.....why care if it's short???


As funny as you using another term you don't understand: ir·rel·e·vant/iˈreləvənt/
Not connected with or relevant to something. write, several times, in my tell me that I'm not connected!!!!

Get it??? You connected with moi to tell me I'm not connected.

konny....if you only had the gift of irony!

...or an education.

Wait....that whistling sound I hear….is that the high winds passing directly through your head?
Oh, nooozzzz.....

....did I step on your widdle toeies???

In the future, I'll try not to draw attention to what dunces Liberals are......I'll try really, really hard.

Not at all. Just letting you know you're irrelevant.

Now, see, konny....If I didn't like you, would I continue to provide for your education???

Would I?

Well...perhaps....'cause I don't like to shoot fish in a barrel....

To the point: Thomas Hobbes was famous for his political philosophy...and he wrote The Leviathan.
Never'll learn about that when you go on to high school.

But, I always enjoyed the quote about life: "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short".

Get it? If he found life to be identified in such as negative manner.....why care if it's short???


As funny as you using another term you don't understand: ir·rel·e·vant/iˈreləvənt/
Not connected with or relevant to something. write, several times, in my tell me that I'm not connected!!!!

Get it??? You connected with moi to tell me I'm not connected.

konny....if you only had the gift of irony!

...or an education.

Wait....that whistling sound I hear….is that the high winds passing directly through your head?

This proves your relevancy, how? To me it just underscores it. At least you're consistent, the hobbesgoblin of little minds.
Not at all. Just letting you know you're irrelevant.

Now, see, konny....If I didn't like you, would I continue to provide for your education???

Would I?

Well...perhaps....'cause I don't like to shoot fish in a barrel....

To the point: Thomas Hobbes was famous for his political philosophy...and he wrote The Leviathan.
Never'll learn about that when you go on to high school.

But, I always enjoyed the quote about life: "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short".

Get it? If he found life to be identified in such as negative manner.....why care if it's short???


As funny as you using another term you don't understand: ir·rel·e·vant/iˈreləvənt/
Not connected with or relevant to something. write, several times, in my tell me that I'm not connected!!!!

Get it??? You connected with moi to tell me I'm not connected.

konny....if you only had the gift of irony!

...or an education.

Wait....that whistling sound I hear….is that the high winds passing directly through your head?

This proves your relevancy, how? To me it just underscores it. At least you're consistent, the hobbesgoblin of little minds.

pssttt.....the quote refers to 'a foolish consistency.'

I should get extra pay for this.
Yep, a typical liberal nut job.

Is she crazy enough to have voted for Romney?

Crazy is pretty much defined for the folks who voted for the fraud in the White House.

Even this guy thought so:

[ame=]Obama One Term Proposition: "I Will Be Held Accountable" - YouTube[/ame]

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